Help....need protection for outside of iBook....suggestions

hello. i just received my iBook like 4 days and i was wondering if any of you have like a protective cover on the outside of your iBook...not a bag, but something where it just protects the outside and i'll still be able to type. if you have one or have seen one, do they have ones w/ the apple cutout? thanks
iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4)  

Brasso is a mild abrasive polish intended for metal, I've used it repeatedly on my iPod screen and once on an iBook case. Any other very mild abrasive should work too. I've used Scratch X auto polish before too. Test in an inconspicuous area first of course. I hear iKlear is okay but so mild it doesn't do much unless you polish for hours on end.
Personally I wouldn't bother, I've used many iBooks since they were first introduced and when my first white one (dual usb) started to scratch a bit I fretted, and even covered it with clear contact paper (I actually used a checkerboard clear pattern that looked pretty cool, but hard to stick on without bubbles, peeled off easy too, you can try that).
These things are made to use, trying to keep it in a prestine condition will only make you nervous. Use it! That original dual usb is now my wife's and it shows it's a age a bit (you can see the little hairline scratches if you try hard) but despite being dragged around for years and years (and rebuilt), it actually still looks good.

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    View Solution.

    This should be what you need
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    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Thank you both for the excellent bedtime reading material!
    This problem if far more widespread than I first thought. I can only think of all the folks who don't know about this Apple discussion group and have had this problem. Great PR Apple! In the past, I've sold many of my friends and cohorts on the virtues of Mac for many years, but am hesitant to do so from now on.
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    Thanks again for all your help!

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    Your key is the "suitcase fusion for a font manager" line.
    There is a bug where you won't be able to create a button if you have a bad font, or a duplicate font, installed.
    First try shutting off all of the fonts you have open with Suitcase, and see if that helps. If so, open one suitcase at a time until you figure out which font is the culprit.
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    my mail id is [email protected]
    Thanks in advance
    Have a nice day

    Hello Sam,
    You can create function module in ABAP using tcode SE37.
    For more informations on ABAP:
    and also use <b>ABAPDOCU</b> transaction.
    Check these links also...
    <b>Online PDFs:</b>
    <b>ABAP HELP</b>
    If you check these links, you can find many example programs.
    FAQs in ABAP
    Smart forms
    Table control in BDC
    SAP Scripts:
    Some useful ABAP Links for learning:
    For FAQ
    BAPI-step by step
    Web log for receive email and processing it through ABAP
    For Logical database
    Useful link to websites
    Useful for background
    Table control in BDC
    For posting web log,
    Dynamic Internal table -web log in sdn
    BOM Explosion
    ALVGRID with refresh
    For language setting and decimal separator
    Oracle queries
    To format SQL
    SCOT settings
    Status Icon [ALV,Table Control,Tab Strip]
    ALV Group Heading
    For multiMedia
    Uploading LOGO in SAP
    Best Regards,

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    Hi Kh,
    Thank you for your post and welcome to the forum. If you would like a BT Engineer to go out and take a look at your line this can bee arranged when you place an order to activate the service. With the line being damaged by the builder, there will be a charge of around £127.99 to activate the service.
    If you need any help placing your order to activate the service, please drop me an email with any BT account details, along with the address details for you new property. My email address is [email protected]
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

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    a_sdi_num           IN   NUMBER,
            -- Declare the variables
            queryCtx          DBMS_XMLquery.ctxType;
            v_xml             CLOB;
            v_xmlString       VARCHAR2(32767);
    v_xmlString:=' Select SYS_XMLAGG(XMLElement("SDIEXTRACT",
                                     S.capacity_ind )))
                    FROM sdi S where S.sdi_num = ' || a_sdi_num;
    queryCtx :=DBMS_XMLQuery.newContext(v_xmlString);
    v_xml    :=DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML(queryCtx);
    RETURN v_xml;
    END create_sdixml;On running this I get the ERROR:
    <ERROR>:Character ')' IS NOT ALLOWED AS AN XML Tag Name </ERROR>PLEASE Can anyone help regd the XMLELEMENT statements above??

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    1  Select SYS_XMLAGG(XMLElement("SDIEXTRACT",
      2                               XMLELEMENT("SDI",
      3                                          active_flag)))
      4  From sdi
      5* where sdi_num = 22261
    SQL> /
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    SQL>Any suggestions? Shall I pass some alias to this?

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    <html:cancel onclick="bCancel=true;" >
    <bean:message key="cancel.operation"/>
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    Would you, please post the javascript code that is needed to accomplish this - just alert and if yes - cancel, no - leave alone?
    I'll really appreciate this.

    Thank you for your response.
    I also manage to write this. Is this correct?
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function ensure() {
    return confirm("Are you sure that you want to cancel this operation?");
    <td colspan="3" align="center">
    <html:cancel onclick="bCancel=ensure();" >
    <bean:message key="cancel.operation"/>

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    Pages, or any simple layout app.

  • Rebuilding help- need tips for Capital One Accounts

    Hi- Thank you all for all the wonderful information, you make rebuilding seem so easy and attainable! I never realized all the different versions of scoring, how to do debt validation, get errors removed from my report and where to focus my attention. Just 2 months ago my scores ranged between 556-580, today they range from 600-611 so little improvement over the last couple months. Here is the situation I am in. I have 3 capital one cards, 2 of which are platinums with $500 limits and 1 is the old Orchard Bank card w/$300 limit. These cards are 6-8 years old.  I also have a Fingerhut account w/a $1650 limit, totalling $2950 in credit of which $640 is in use so utilization should be about 22% (making a little more headway on this util each month). I have been 100% ontime w/Fingerhut for the last 2 years. 100% on time w/my auto loan for the last 36 months and almost always on time w/Capital one except for 3 months Sept-Nov in 2014 where I went over my balances and accrued over limit charges that brought my minimum payments up. Technically I was still on time but the $50 a month per card I was giving them wasn't enough for the min payment. I was in a tight situation at the time, they reported those 3 months as late for all 3 cards.   I went years before this  paying 100% on time every month but always carrying a high balance so they never increased my limits earlier even though payment history was good. Now that my utilization is down and its been 8 months since the Capital one dings,  I applied for CLI's on these cards and received letters denying the increases as they said tehse late payments are too recent. I read that a lot of people have success w/CLI's after about 6 months. I've called twice to see if they would good will any of those late payments, I was shot down immediately the first time, the 2nd time I had a  nice woman but she wouldn't budge either, she politely told me she went back and looked at those statements and I was indeed not meeting the minimum payments & the only thing she could do was to mail me hard copies of those statements. I really only have 1 major collection on file thats affecting my score for a little over $1000 w/a CA that I've never heard from via phone or mail yet they are accruing charges each month. It showed up in my file late in 2014 for a card that went delinquent on about 2.5 yrs ago. I haven't decided how to handle this collection just yet, PIF right now is not an option for me so before I figure out how I want to approach this I thought I'd try to make some headway w/Capital one first on my limits andutilization. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've lowered my utilization while still using the cards frequently, just paying down more and paying on time but am getting nowhere on goodwills or CLI's and persistence is not my strong suit. Do you recoomend I wait until I have a full 12 months of on time payments before I try again?  I did prequal for the QS card but am afraid if I submit, I'll only get rejected for the same "recent late payments" that they rejected my CLI requests for even though they are going on 9 months old.... Does anyone have luck w/a new Cap 1 card while not having luck w/CLI's? Should I try for another card, Anybody get accepted for Barclays card w/low 600's score? I only have 4 inquiries on my file right now. 1 is old, should drop off next month, the other 3 were recent  apps for a rental property, no inquiries from credit cards in 2 yrs. Thanks in advance for any advice!!!

    Cam0215 wrote:
    Hi- Thank you all for all the wonderful information, you make rebuilding seem so easy and attainable! I never realized all the different versions of scoring, how to do debt validation, get errors removed from my report and where to focus my attention. Just 2 months ago my scores ranged between 556-580, today they range from 600-611 so little improvement over the last couple months. Here is the situation I am in. I have 3 capital one cards, 2 of which are platinums with $500 limits and 1 is the old Orchard Bank card w/$300 limit. These cards are 6-8 years old.  I also have a Fingerhut account w/a $1650 limit, totalling $2950 in credit of which $640 is in use so utilization should be about 22% (making a little more headway on this util each month). I have been 100% ontime w/Fingerhut for the last 2 years. 100% on time w/my auto loan for the last 36 months and almost always on time w/Capital one except for 3 months Sept-Nov in 2014 where I went over my balances and accrued over limit charges that brought my minimum payments up. Technically I was still on time but the $50 a month per card I was giving them wasn't enough for the min payment. I was in a tight situation at the time, they reported those 3 months as late for all 3 cards.   I went years before this  paying 100% on time every month but always carrying a high balance so they never increased my limits earlier even though payment history was good. Now that my utilization is down and its been 8 months since the Capital one dings,  I applied for CLI's on these cards and received letters denying the increases as they said tehse late payments are too recent. Once you get nine months out from the last late payment on the account (not just a reported 30, but service charge late) they will allow a CLI if your scores are high enough. I read that a lot of people have success w/CLI's after about 6 months. I've called twice to see if they would good will any of those late payments, I was shot down immediately the first time, the 2nd time I had a  nice woman but she wouldn't budge either, she politely told me she went back and looked at those statements and I was indeed not meeting the minimum payments & the only thing she could do was to mail me hard copies of those statements. Yeah, Cap One is pretty strict with their reporting. I really only have 1 major collection on file thats affecting my score for a little over $1000 w/a CA that I've never heard from via phone or mail yet they are accruing charges each month. It showed up in my file late in 2014 for a card that went delinquent on about 2.5 yrs ago. I haven't decided how to handle this collection just yet, PIF right now is not an option for me so before I figure out how I want to approach this I thought I'd try to make some headway w/Capital one first on my limits andutilization. Does anyone have any recommendations? Is the OC also reporting that delinquency? If so are they showing an unpaid balance? With Cap One, they like to see heavy usage, and low reported balances. Keep requesting CLI's online until you get some joy - you just need to get far enough away from those lates. I've lowered my utilization while still using the cards frequently, just paying down more and paying on time but am getting nowhere on goodwills or CLI's and persistence is not my strong suit. Do you recoomend I wait until I have a full 12 months of on time payments before I try again?  I did prequal for the QS card but am afraid if I submit, I'll only get rejected for the same "recent late payments" that they rejected my CLI requests for even though they are going on 9 months old.... Keep trying every month - use the online link for it, don't call them. Don't worry about CLI denials, they won't be held against you in any way. JUst keep plugging away and check the denial reasons. I was getting the same thing all last year until Jan when I sarted getting "score reasons", then they tripled my limits in Feb. Does anyone have luck w/a new Cap 1 card while not having luck w/CLI's? Should I try for another card, Anybody get accepted for Barclays card w/low 600's score? I only have 4 inquiries on my file right now. 1 is old, should drop off next month, the other 3 were recent  apps for a rental property, no inquiries from credit cards in 2 yrs. Thanks in advance for any advice!!! Right now you would only qualify for the "average credit" level Cap One cards, and they are an auto-deny for having two or more cap one accounts already. (its stated in the disclosures), so do not app for any more Cap One cards until scores are in the high 600's - then app for the "excellent credit" cards. Since you have a long history with the cards, you might try Barclays (I was approved for Barclays with 618 TU score), but wait until your last 30 day late is over 12 months old.You're actually doing fine, just need to move out a bit from those lates that occurred last year. You might also call and get them converted to QS/QS1 reward cards.

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    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
    Can anyone please help me fix this? I was really anxious to learn programming but all of these setbacks are really frustrating. I have basic books to help when I am up and running but nothing helps you with problems with installations.
    Please help!!!

    Enigmafae wrote:
    Thank you so much. Worked like a charm! I also installed from Explorer instead of Firefox. Maybe the Firefox installations were incompatible with my XP Environment????Worked fine for me... but I downloaded and then installed... I did NOT "run" the install over the network.
    I don't care I'm just so thrilled it worked. Now I can get to learning the actual programming that I have been trying to get to.
    Thx again for your help!I love it when a plan comes together.
    ~~ Hannibal.

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    Thanks so much!

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    hi all
    i recently recoded some fottage on my mobile phone and the resulting file is a mp4
    now when i put the mp4 into adobe it only recognises it as a audio file
    i want to be able to use the file in adobe for editing and the like
    so how do i get adobe to play it properlly
    now if i have to convert it then can someone tell me in laymans terms how to go about doing it with mediacoder please
    or an easy way around this problem
    thanks in advance daniel

    FAQ: How do I import xyz format files?
    FAQ:How do I convert my files?
    PremiereProPedia   (
    RSS feed)
    - Over 300 frequently answered questions
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    Forum FAQ

  • Help needed badly for selection sort

    I posted this on the other forum but haven't gotten a reply. I have a class that compares the zip codes of a file that is read into the code and store as objects. Now I have to sort the information by the zip codes this is what I have so far and I do not know what I am doing wrong with the selection sort. This is the first time I am doing selection sort.
    Here is my .txt
    Dillin Jake York PA 17409
    Valdir John Chicago IL 98098
    Morphy Bob Harrisburg PA 73829
    Spears Johnathan Chicago IL 09182
    Simpson Bloo Los Angeles CA 94840
    Griffin Taylor York IL 49283
    Cartmen Eric Philadelphia PA 28192
    Connaly Teds Springfield IL 12930
    Marsh Stan Miami FL 48392
    William Thomas Reno NV 39029
    and this is the code:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Scanner.*;
    public class TestCustomer6 {
      public static void main (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        Scanner scan = new Scanner (new File ("customerData.txt"));
        int numLines = scan.nextInt();
           Customer2[] customer;
         customer = new Customer2[40];
        for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
          String fName =;
          String lName =;
          String city =;
          String state =;
          int zip= scan.nextInt();
         Customer2 newObj = new Customer2(fName,lName,city,state,zip);
    public static void selectionSort(int[] array)
    {int count;
       for (count = 0; count < array.length; count++)
          int indexOfMin = findMinimum (array, count);
           swap (array, count, indexOfMin );
         public static int findMinimum (int[] array, int startIndex)
    {int mycount;
         int indexOfMin = startIndex;
           for(mycount = startIndex + 1; mycount < array.length; mycount++)
              if (array[mycount] < array[indexOfMin]
    indexOfMin = mycount;
    return indexOfMin;
         public static void swap (int[] array, int preIndex, int nexIndex)
    double temp = array[preIndex];
    array[nexIndex] = array[preIndex];
    array[nexIndex] = temp;
    the class:
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Customer2{
        public static final int FNAME = 0;
        public static final int ZIP = 1;
        private static final int LESS = -1;
        private static final int EQUAL = 0;
        private static final int MORE  = 1;
        private static int compareAttribute;
         private String firstName;
         private String lastName;
         private String city;
         private String state;
         private int zip;
        static {
           compareAttribute = FNAME;
         public Customer2(){
         firstName = " ";
         lastName = " ";
         city = " ";
         state = " ";
         zip = 0;
         public Customer2(String f, String l, String c, String s, int z){
              this.firstName = f;
              this.lastName = l;
     = c;
              this.state = s;
     = z;
        public static void setCompareAttribute( int attribute ) {
            compareAttribute = attribute;
        public int compareTo( Customer customer, int attribute ) {
            int comparisonResult;
            if ( attribute == ZIP ) {
                int p2zip = customer.getZip( );
                if ( < p2zip) {
                    comparisonResult = LESS;
                } else if ( == p2zip) {
                    comparisonResult = EQUAL;
                } else {
                    assert > p2zip;
                    comparisonResult = MORE;
            } else { //compare the name using the String class�s
                    //compareTo method
                String    p2fname = customer.getFirst( );
                comparisonResult = this.firstName.compareTo(p2fname);
            return comparisonResult;
        public int compareTo( Customer customer ) {
            return compareTo(customer, compareAttribute);
         public String getFirst(){
              return firstName;
         public String getLast(){
              return lastName;
         public String getCity(){
              return city;
         public String getState(){
              return state;
         public int getZip(){
              return zip;
         public String toString(){
              return  getFirst() + ",  " + getLast() + "     " + getCity() + "     "
              + getState() + "     " + getZip();

    1) Your code doesn't compile;
    2) You don't call your selection sort method anywhere;
    3) Your selection sort attempts to sort an int array which doesn't make sense;
    4) You don't use the comparison methods defined in your Customer2 class;
    5) I think that you've just copied/pasted several code fragments;
    6) Your indentation style is highly inconsistent (also see 5).
    kind regards,

Maybe you are looking for