Help Needed: Facing the error ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated

Hi Everyone,
When I run a particular PL/SQL query using Oracle 9i ODBC driver, it is working fine and fetching me the desired results.
However, when I run the same query using the Oracle 10g ODBC driver, I am getting the error: ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated.
I have checked all the fields of the table and they are well within the allowable limit.
Can you please let us know what needs to be done to resolve this issue?
Thanks and Regards,

Well it's obviously a problem with the client software. Doesn't Datastage have some way of configuring these things?
rgds, APC

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    . exporting tablespace definitions
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    ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated
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    from     shp_dtl
    where     shp_type = 'HN'
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    A buffer area in your program is too small. Try to increase it.

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    Hi Siva
    It may be that you've taken care of null value in just one place and now, the error is coming
    from somewhere further down the line.

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    Hello there!
    I try to run this script and I get the error "table or view does not exists". I can`t figure out why :( Could someone please help me?
    First of all I have the table:
    drop table A_Vanzare
    create table A_Vanzare(
    IdVanzare NUMBER(3),
    IdProdus NUMBER(3),
    IdClient NUMBER(3),
    Cantitate NUMBER(5) CHECK(Cantitate>=0),
    DataV DATE
    ...and I want to backup the data in this table by creating another table, something like a history table. Here is the script that gives me the error:
    DELETE FROM A_BackupVanzare;
         varIdCursor NUMBER; --cand e apelat OPEN_CURSOR => i se atribuie valoare
         varCreateTableString VARCHAR2(1000); --sql sir de create
         varInsertValues VARCHAR2(1000);--sql sir pt inserarea valorilor
         varNrRows INTEGER;
         CURSOR cursorVanzare IS SELECT IdVanzare,IdProdus,IdClient,Cantitate,DataV FROM A_Vanzare;
         varIdVanzare A_Vanzare.IdVanzare%TYPE;
         varIdProdus A_Vanzare.IdProdus%TYPE;
         varIdClient A_Vanzare.IdClient%TYPE;
         varCantitate A_Vanzare.Cantitate%TYPE;
         varDataV A_Vanzare.DataV%TYPE;
         varIdCursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;--ia id`ul cursorului
         varCreateTableString := 'CREATE TABLE A_BackupVanzare (
                                            bckIdVanzare NUMBER(3),
                                            bckIdProdus NUMBER(3),
                                            bckIdClient NUMBER(3),
                                            bckCantitate NUMBER(5),
                                            bckDataV DATE)';
         DBMS_SQL.PARSE(varIdCursor, varCreateTableString, DBMS_SQL.V7);
         varNrRows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(varIdCursor);
    --exec cod SQL
              IF SQLCODE!=-955 THEN --exista tabela
                   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Tabelul exista deja!');
              END IF;
    --popularea tabelei
         varInsertValues := 'INSERT INTO A_BackupVanzare(bckIdVanzare, bckIdProdus, bckIdClient, bckCantitate, bckDataV) VALUES (:IdA,:IdP,:IdC,:Cant,:Data)';
         DBMS_SQL.PARSE(varIdCursor, varInsertValues,DBMS_SQL.V7);
         OPEN cursorVanzare;
                   FETCH cursorVanzare INTO varIdVanzare, varIdProdus, varIdClient, varCantitate, varDataV;
                   EXIT WHEN cursorVanzare%notfound;
                   varNrRows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(varIdCursor);
                   --executie cod
                   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:'||varNrRows);
              END LOOP;
         CLOSE cursorVanzare;
         DELETE FROM A_Vanzari;
              WHEN OTHERS THEN
         DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(varIdCursor); --close cursor
    The error rises up at the line with "END LOOP;" and I don`t understand why.
    Thank u a whole lot!!!

    Don`t be too hard on me, it`s just a small part of my homework.I'm sorry, I didn't want to be hard... :-)
    ...but it still does not work from the first execution, even with that BEGIN-END block inserted. Nevertheless, the code given earlier should work :
    SQL> drop table A_Vanzare
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table A_Vanzare(
      2  IdVanzare NUMBER(3),
      3  IdProdus NUMBER(3),
      4  IdClient NUMBER(3),
      5  Cantitate NUMBER(5) CHECK(Cantitate>=0),
      6  DataV DATE
      7  )
      8  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into A_Vanzare
      2  select 1,1,1,1,sysdate from dual union all
      3  select 2,2,2,2,sysdate from dual union all
      4  select 3,3,3,3,sysdate from dual ;
    3 rows created.
    SQL> DROP TABLE A_BackupVanzare;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> --First execution
      2     varIdCursor NUMBER; --cand e apelat OPEN_CURSOR => i se atribuie valoare
      3     varCreateTableString VARCHAR2(1000); --sql sir de create
      4     varInsertValues VARCHAR2(1000);--sql sir pt inserarea valorilor
      5     varNrRows INTEGER;
      6     CURSOR cursorVanzare IS SELECT IdVanzare,IdProdus,IdClient,Cantitate,DataV FROM A_Vanzare;
      7     varIdVanzare A_Vanzare.IdVanzare%TYPE;
      8     varIdProdus A_Vanzare.IdProdus%TYPE;
      9     varIdClient A_Vanzare.IdClient%TYPE;
    10     varCantitate A_Vanzare.Cantitate%TYPE;
    11     varDataV A_Vanzare.DataV%TYPE;
    13  BEGIN
    14     BEGIN
    15         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('1st begin');
    16         varIdCursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;--ia id`ul cursorului
    17         varCreateTableString := 'CREATE TABLE A_BackupVanzare (
    18         bckIdVanzare NUMBER(3),
    19         bckIdProdus NUMBER(3),
    20         bckIdClient NUMBER(3),
    21         bckCantitate NUMBER(5),
    22         bckDataV DATE)';
    23         DBMS_SQL.PARSE(varIdCursor, varCreateTableString, DBMS_SQL.V7);
    24         varNrRows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(varIdCursor);
    25         --exec cod SQL
    26     EXCEPTION
    28        IF SQLCODE!=-955 THEN --exista tabela
    29           RAISE;--erors
    30        ELSE
    31           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Tabelul exista deja!');
    32        END IF;
    33     END;
    34     --popularea tabelei
    36     BEGIN
    37        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('2nd begin');
    38        varInsertValues := 'INSERT INTO A_BackupVanzare(bckIdVanzare, bckIdProdus, bckIdClient, bckCantitate, bckDataV) VALUES (:IdA,:IdP,:IdC,:Cant,:Data)';
    40        DBMS_SQL.PARSE(varIdCursor, varInsertValues,DBMS_SQL.V7);
    42        OPEN cursorVanzare;
    43        LOOP
    44           FETCH cursorVanzare INTO varIdVanzare, varIdProdus, varIdClient, varCantitate, varDataV;
    45           EXIT WHEN cursorVanzare%notfound;
    46           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':IdA',varIdVanzare);
    47           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':IdP',varIdProdus);
    48           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':IdC',varIdClient);
    49           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':Cant',varCantitate);
    50           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':Data',varDataV);
    51           varNrRows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(varIdCursor);
    52           --executie cod
    53           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:'||varNrRows);
    54        END LOOP;
    55        CLOSE cursorVanzare;
    56        DELETE FROM A_Vanzare;
    58     EXCEPTION
    60          RAISE;--erori
    61          DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(varIdCursor); --close cursor
    62          COMMIT;
    63     END;
    64  END;
    65  /
    1st begin
    2nd begin
    Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:1
    Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:1
    Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from A_BackupVanzare;
               1           1           1            1 06/01/07
               2           2           2            2 06/01/07
               3           3           3            3 06/01/07
    3 rows selected.
    SQL> insert into A_Vanzare
      2  select 4,4,4,4,sysdate from dual union all
      3  select 5,5,5,5,sysdate from dual ;
    2 rows created.
    SQL> --Second execution
      2     varIdCursor NUMBER; --cand e apelat OPEN_CURSOR => i se atribuie valoare
      3     varCreateTableString VARCHAR2(1000); --sql sir de create
      4     varInsertValues VARCHAR2(1000);--sql sir pt inserarea valorilor
      5     varNrRows INTEGER;
      6     CURSOR cursorVanzare IS SELECT IdVanzare,IdProdus,IdClient,Cantitate,DataV FROM A_Vanzare;
      7     varIdVanzare A_Vanzare.IdVanzare%TYPE;
      8     varIdProdus A_Vanzare.IdProdus%TYPE;
      9     varIdClient A_Vanzare.IdClient%TYPE;
    10     varCantitate A_Vanzare.Cantitate%TYPE;
    11     varDataV A_Vanzare.DataV%TYPE;
    13  BEGIN
    14     BEGIN
    15         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('1st begin');
    16         varIdCursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;--ia id`ul cursorului
    17         varCreateTableString := 'CREATE TABLE A_BackupVanzare (
    18         bckIdVanzare NUMBER(3),
    19         bckIdProdus NUMBER(3),
    20         bckIdClient NUMBER(3),
    21         bckCantitate NUMBER(5),
    22         bckDataV DATE)';
    23         DBMS_SQL.PARSE(varIdCursor, varCreateTableString, DBMS_SQL.V7);
    24         varNrRows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(varIdCursor);
    25         --exec cod SQL
    26     EXCEPTION
    28        IF SQLCODE!=-955 THEN --exista tabela
    29           RAISE;--erors
    30        ELSE
    31           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Tabelul exista deja!');
    32        END IF;
    33     END;
    34     --popularea tabelei
    36     BEGIN
    37        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('2nd begin');
    38        varInsertValues := 'INSERT INTO A_BackupVanzare(bckIdVanzare, bckIdProdus, bckIdClient, bckCantitate, bckDataV) VALUES (:IdA,:IdP,:IdC,:Cant,:Data)';
    40        DBMS_SQL.PARSE(varIdCursor, varInsertValues,DBMS_SQL.V7);
    42        OPEN cursorVanzare;
    43        LOOP
    44           FETCH cursorVanzare INTO varIdVanzare, varIdProdus, varIdClient, varCantitate, varDataV;
    45           EXIT WHEN cursorVanzare%notfound;
    46           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':IdA',varIdVanzare);
    47           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':IdP',varIdProdus);
    48           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':IdC',varIdClient);
    49           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':Cant',varCantitate);
    50           DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(varIdCursor,':Data',varDataV);
    51           varNrRows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(varIdCursor);
    52           --executie cod
    53           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:'||varNrRows);
    54        END LOOP;
    55        CLOSE cursorVanzare;
    56        DELETE FROM A_Vanzare;
    58     EXCEPTION
    60          RAISE;--erori
    61          DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(varIdCursor); --close cursor
    62          COMMIT;
    63     END;
    64  END;
    65  /
    1st begin
    Tabelul exista deja!
    2nd begin
    Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:1
    Numarul inregistrarilor transferate in backup este:1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from A_BackupVanzare;
               1           1           1            1 06/01/07
               2           2           2            2 06/01/07
               3           3           3            3 06/01/07
               4           4           4            4 06/01/07
               5           5           5            5 06/01/07
    5 rows selected.
    SQL> HTH,


    Hi all
    we are a MDMP code page system and we upgraded to ECC 6.0.
    We fixed all our unicode errors by checking the unicode flag in the attributes  we activated the program without any syntax errors or warnings.
    Now when we go back to UCCHECK, it still shows erros especially for bdc programs
    My question why would it show as an errors in UCCHECK when the program gets activated without any warnings or errors.
    This is the error iam getting
    The system could not perform a static convertibility check on the current
    statement, because of untyped or generic operands. It can only carry out this
    . runtime.
    Whta exactly static convertibility check.
    Can anyone suggest what i have to do regarding this
    The error is pointing this piece of code
          FORM bdc_dynpro                                               *
    -->  PROGRAM                                                       *
    -->  DYNPRO                                                        *
    form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro.
      clear i_bdcdata.
      i_bdcdata-program  = program.
      i_bdcdata-dynpro   = dynpro.
      i_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
      append i_bdcdata.
          FORM bdc_field                                                *
    -->  FNAM                                                          *
    -->  FVAL                                                          *
    form bdc_field using fnam fval.
      clear i_bdcdata.
      i_bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
      i_bdcdata-fval = fval.
      append i_bdcdata.

    This is from the standard include bdcrecx1
           Start new screen                                              *
           Insert field                                                  *
      IF FVAL <> NODATA.
    It looks the same way i wrote the code right.
    But again when i do syntax check it won't show up. It shows only in UCCHECK

  • I got the error ORA-12154 trying to connect my app but not with the SQLplus

    Hello! i need your help,
    I have a client (Win XP SP2) and i'm trying to connect to the database in the server (Windows 2003, Oracle 10G) using the SQL plus, this is ok, but i try to do it throught the application developed in Developer 6i and i cannot, i got the error: ORA-12154 TNS:could not resolve service name. I tried to solve it by setting the env. var TNS_ADMIN and i still have the same error.
    Could anyone help me?, please

    Check for following file TNSNAMES.ORA at location;
    See, if your service name is added to your file. If not then add a new entry like; =
    (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = tcp)(PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = = 1521))
    (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = gsm))
    Where: = your service through which you connect to databse.
    Host = ip address of machine where oracle server is running.
    sid = name of your database
    If you already have entry of service in TNSNAMES.ora file then paste you service here as is did , so that we can check because the error you are facing is only due to service problem. Please update........

  • ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value

    I have an application made in devlopment which is working fine and i jsut migrated it to production but when i am running one of the page in the app in production it si throwing this error "ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"... this report is ment for generating report.
    Now what i have done, i compared both dev and prod environment but i have not found and changes except this one. In the page of both the application in dev and prod under shared component under under template the region of breadcrum and report region is showing in different position. i dont think it a problem because of that i am facing problem.
    If anybody have idea how could i recitfy the prbs i will be highly thankful to you

    friends i have seen where the error is coming but i am unable to trace out how to increase the size of lov which i have made.
    when i am taking display as select list(named lov) it is throwing me the error "ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small" but if i am taking display as "popup lov(named lov)" under tablular form element under one of the column in the report, it is working properly. but not shwoing the report the way we want it to show. For that reason i want to increase the size of the love which i have made.

  • Only in my PC I get the error ORA-03113

    I have tried to run a simple QUERY (SELECT * FROM marcas;) but if the table has more than 2,000 records I get the error ORA-03113, but if I run the same query in other PC I don't have problems. If the table has less tahn 2,000 I don't have problems in my PC.
    I have SQL*Plus: Release
    Why?...I need help!!!!! tanks!!!

    could be a network problem. Check your Oracle Client installation using others tools like tnsping. Sometime firewalls or similar can interrupt a connection. Check also your pc with applications that use a persistent connection like a long file transfert.
    Hope this helps

  • Report error: ORA-20001: Error fetching column value

    I try to build a tabular form with 1 column as "Select List (Query based on LOV)". This select list should display round about 1.100 rows in the LOV ordered by name. So I got the error: report error:
    ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numerischer oder Wertefehler: character string buffer too small
    When I try tho define this column as Popup LOV (Query based LOV) only the the ID of the attribute and not the display value appeares in the row. The LOV it self displays the display number and not the the ID. I want to see the display value in the column of the particular row and the LOV and return the ID to the record by insert or update as it is normal in LOVs of form regions.
    This lot of rows in the LOV is necessary because it is a part to develop formulas like (number_of_acquisitions - number_of_old_parts)/100 or so. The most formulas will be more complex. In the database there should only be the ID as reference to the attributes.
    Please help me to display the attribute bases on LOV in every particular row.
    Thank you

    In Apex 4 there is now a column type "Popup Key LOV (named LOV)" which is exactly what you are looking for.
    Edited by: 964978 on Oct 12, 2012 4:53 AM

  • Facing the error in DSO.

    Hi Experts,
      I am getting error in standard DSO while activating the active data facing the error like below.
    please let me know if you have any one idea about this error.

    Hi ,
    Is 30,40  a valid  currency ? I don't think so !! Currency will be USD, INR, CAD something like that .
    If it is not a valid currency  then you can try correcting the data at  PSA and also inform the business to correct at the source transaction.
    If yes(valid) then try to transfer the currency from the source system as follows
    Go to the source system->right click->transfer global settings.... Select Currencies and then select Update and then execute it, and then load the Data.
    Also please be informed that the infoobject 0LOC_CURRC2 refers to 0CURRENCY infoobject .
    Hope this helps...
    Regards .

  • Report suddenly showing ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502:

    Some reports in my applications are suddenly showing:
    ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    instead iof the data they used to show.
    In my development system I can fix this by:
    1. changing the column alias in my sql
    select 'a' alias1 from dual becomes
    select 'a' alias2 from dual
    3. change column alias back to original
    select 'a' alias2 from dual becomes
    select 'a' alias1 from dual
    4. reorder columns back to original in the 'report attributes' tab
    alias1 is now at the bottom of my colum list - i just bounce it up to column 4 using the up arrows
    then everything starts working OK again.
    There seems to be nothing wrong with my sql as I can make it works on a new page or after I run the above steps, so I guess something is breaking somewhere but I cannot work out what.
    Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone know the cause? Does anyone have a fix for this that does not involve the above steps (plus redeployment to prodcution and all the work that involves)?
    I am seeing this on version 2.3 and 3.0.

    Hi Scott,
    I think this is want you want (sorry it's not easy to read):
    wp.suite_id - Database Column NUMBER - Report Column Based on LOV
    wp.project_id - Database Column NUMBER - Report Column Based on LOV
    wp.application_order wp_order - Database Column NUMBER - Report Column Standard
    lpad(wp.work_package_id,5,'0')||' - '|| wp_name - Database Column NUMBER/VARCHAR2 - Report Column Standard
    pt.application_order pt_order - Database Column NUMBER - Report Column Standard pt_name - Database Column VARCHAR2 - Report Column Standard
    substr(pt.description,1,30) description - Database Column VARCHAR2 - Report Column Standard
    pt.application_tier - Database Column VARCHAR2 - Report Column Based on LOV
    pt.application_method - Database Column VARCHAR2 - Report Column Based on LOV
    pt.TECH_LEAD_ID - Database Column NUMBER - Report Column Based on LOV
    This report has no link columns and no derived columns.

Maybe you are looking for

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