Help on custom function...

Hi all
I'm having a problem with this custom function/report posted on TechNet while back for ConfigMgr 2007
I've made the needed changes according to this blog post:
..but when using maintenance windows that occurs for example 1st tuesday of every 1 months, the function returns the date week ahead. For example now (on 28th of Feb) next maintenance window should be on Tuesday March 3rd, but instead the report is showing
Tuesday March 10th.
Any help on modifying the function would be appreciated, I saw that there comments on the original post about the recurrence type 4 (monthly by weekday as noted here not working correctly in the function.
It seems that the function now returns the weekday of first full week of the month instead of the correct day.
The function is this:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SCCM_GetNextServiceWindow](@ScheduleToken AS CHAR(16), @RecurrenceType AS INT) RETURNS @NextServiceWindow TABLE (ScheduleToken CHAR(16), RecurrenceType INT, NextServiceWindow DATETIME, Duration INT, IsGMTTime BIT) AS BEGIN
--1 Occurs on 1/1/2012 12:00 AM 00011A8500080000
--2 Occurs every 3 day(s) effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040100018
--3 Occurs every 3 week(s) on Saturday effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A80401F6000
--3 Occurs every 1 week(s) on Saturday effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A80401F2000
--5 Occurs day 2 of every 2 month(s) effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040288800
--5 Occurs day 31 of every 1 month(s) effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A80402FC400
--5 Occurs the last day of every 3 months effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040280C00
--5 Occurs the last day of every 1 months effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040280400
--4 Occurs the Third Monday of every 1 month(s) effective 1/1/2012 4:00 AM 00811A9E08221600
--4 Occurs the Last Wednesday of every 1 month(s) effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040241000
--4 Occurs the Fourth Wednesday of every 1 month(s) effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040241800
--4 Occurs the Last Monday of every 1 month(s) effective 1/1/2012 8:00 PM 02811A8040221000
--3 Occurs every 1 week(s) on Monday effective 1/1/2012 4:00 AM 00811A9E081A2000
-- [This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window.]
DECLARE @RecurrenceType_NONE INT
, @RecurrenceType_DAILY INT
, @RecurrenceType_WEEKLY INT
SELECT @RecurrenceType_NONE = 1
, @RecurrenceType_DAILY = 2
, @RecurrenceType_WEEKLY = 3
, @RecurrenceType_MONTHLYBYWEEKDAY = 4
, @RecurrenceType_MONTHLYBYDATE = 5
-- [This link is external to TechNet Wiki. It will open in a new window.]
--DECLARE @RecurrenceType INT; SET @RecurrenceType = @RecurrenceType_WEEKLY
--DECLARE @ScheduleToken CHAR(16); SET @ScheduleToken = '00811A9E081A2000'
DECLARE @ScheduleStartTime INT; SET @ScheduleStartTime = CAST(CONVERT(BINARY(4), LEFT(@ScheduleToken, 8), 2) AS INT)
DECLARE @ScheduleDuration INT; SET @ScheduleDuration = CAST(CONVERT(BINARY(4), RIGHT(@ScheduleToken, 8), 2) AS INT)
-- Duration is in minutes
DECLARE @Duration INT; SET @Duration = @ScheduleStartTime % POWER(2, 6)
-- Calculate the start time
DECLARE @StartTime DATETIME; SET @StartTime = CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/01/1970 00:00:00')
SET @StartTime = DATEADD(YEAR, (@ScheduleStartTime / POWER(2,6)) % POWER(2, 6), @StartTime)
SET @StartTime = DATEADD(MONTH, ((@ScheduleStartTime / POWER(2,12)) % POWER(2, 4)) - 1, @StartTime)
SET @StartTime = DATEADD(DAY, ((@ScheduleStartTime / POWER(2,16)) % POWER(2, 5)) - 1, @StartTime)
SET @StartTime = DATEADD(HOUR, (@ScheduleStartTime / POWER(2,21)) % POWER(2, 5), @StartTime)
SET @StartTime = DATEADD(MINUTE, (@ScheduleStartTime / POWER(2,26)) % POWER(2, 5), @StartTime)
-- Determinte UTC and Flags
DECLARE @IsGMTTime BIT; SET @IsGMTTime = CAST(@ScheduleDuration % POWER(2, 1) AS BIT)
DECLARE @Flags INT; SET @Flags = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,19)) % POWER(2, 3)
-- Calculate the total duration in minutes
SET @Duration = @Duration + ((@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,22)) % POWER(2, 5)) * 24 * 60 -- DAYS
SET @Duration = @Duration + ((@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,27)) % POWER(2, 5)) * 60 -- HOURS
DECLARE @NextMaintenanceWindow DATETIME
IF @RecurrenceType = @RecurrenceType_NONE BEGIN
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @StartTime) > @Now BEGIN
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @StartTime
END ELSE IF @RecurrenceType = @RecurrenceType_DAILY BEGIN
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @StartTime) > @Now BEGIN
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @StartTime
-- Calculate the daily interval in minutes
DECLARE @DailyInterval INT
SET @DailyInterval = ((@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,3)) % POWER(2, 5)) * 24 * 60
SET @DailyInterval = @DailyInterval + ((@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,8)) % POWER(2, 5)) * 60
SET @DailyInterval = @DailyInterval + (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,13)) % POWER(2, 6)
-- Calculate the total number of completed intervals
DECLARE @DailyNumberOfCompletedIntervals INT; SET @DailyNumberOfCompletedIntervals = ROUND(CAST(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, @StartTime, @Now) AS DECIMAL) / @DailyInterval, 0, 0)
-- Calculate the next interval
DECLARE @DailyNextInterval DATETIME; SET @DailyNextInterval = DATEADD(MINUTE, @DailyNumberOfCompletedIntervals * @DailyInterval, @StartTime)
-- Recalc the next interval if the next interval plus the expected duration is in the past
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @DailyNextInterval) < @Now BEGIN
SET @DailyNextInterval = DATEADD(MINUTE, (@DailyNumberOfCompletedIntervals + 1) * @DailyInterval, @StartTime)
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @DailyNextInterval
END ELSE IF @RecurrenceType = @RecurrenceType_WEEKLY BEGIN
DECLARE @WeeklyInterval INT; SET @WeeklyInterval = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,13)) % POWER(2, 3)
DECLARE @WeeklyDoW INT; SET @WeeklyDoW = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,16)) % POWER(2, 3)
-- Adjust the start time to match the next day of week that matches the interval
DECLARE @WeeklyStartTime DATETIME; SET @WeeklyStartTime = DATEADD(DAY, (7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @StartTime) + @WeeklyDoW % 7), @StartTime)
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @WeeklyStartTime) > @Now BEGIN
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @WeeklyStartTime
-- Calculate the total number of completed intervals
DECLARE @WeeklyNumberOfCompletedIntervals INT; SET @WeeklyNumberOfCompletedIntervals = ROUND(CAST(DATEDIFF(WEEK, @WeeklyStartTime, @Now) AS DECIMAL) / @WeeklyInterval, 0, 0)
-- Calculate the next interval
DECLARE @WeeklyNextInterval DATETIME; SET @WeeklyNextInterval = DATEADD(WEEK, @WeeklyNumberOfCompletedIntervals * @WeeklyInterval, @WeeklyStartTime)
-- Recalc the next interval if the next interval plus the expected duration is in the past
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @WeeklyNextInterval) < @Now BEGIN
SET @WeeklyNextInterval = DATEADD(WEEK, (@WeeklyNumberOfCompletedIntervals + 1) * @WeeklyInterval, @WeeklyStartTime)
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @WeeklyNextInterval
END ELSE IF @RecurrenceType = @RecurrenceType_MONTHLYBYWEEKDAY BEGIN
DECLARE @MonthlyBWWeek INT; SET @MonthlyBWWeek = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,9)) % POWER(2, 3)
DECLARE @MontlhyBWInterval INT; SET @MontlhyBWInterval = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,12)) % POWER(2, 4)
DECLARE @MonthlyBWDoW INT; SET @MonthlyBWDoW = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,16)) % POWER(2, 3)
-- Calculate the total number of completed intervals
DECLARE @MonthlyBWNumberOfCompletedIntervals INT; SET @MonthlyBWNumberOfCompletedIntervals = ROUND(CAST(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartTime, @Now) AS DECIMAL) / @MontlhyBWInterval, 0, 0)
IF @MonthlyBWWeek = 0 BEGIN
-- Calculate the next interval
DECLARE @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval DATETIME; SET @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, @MonthlyBWNumberOfCompletedIntervals * @MontlhyBWInterval, @StartTime)
-- Calculate last day of month
SET @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval, DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(M, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval) + 1, 0))), @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval)
-- Calculate the last day of the week for the month
SET @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, -(7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval) + @MonthlyBWDoW % 7), @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval)
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval) < @Now BEGIN
-- Recalc for the next month interval
SET @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, (@MonthlyBWNumberOfCompletedIntervals + 1) * @MontlhyBWInterval, @StartTime)
-- Calculate last day of month
SET @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval, DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(M, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval) + 1, 0))), @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval)
-- Calculate the last day of the week for the month
SET @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, -(7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval) + @MonthlyBWDoW % 7), @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval)
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @MonthlyBWLDOMNextInterval
-- Calculate the next interval
DECLARE @MonthlyBWNextInterval DATETIME; SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, @MonthlyBWNumberOfCompletedIntervals * @MontlhyBWInterval, @StartTime)
-- Set the date to the first day of the month
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, -(DAY(@MonthlyBWNextInterval) - 1), @MonthlyBWNextInterval)
-- Set the date to the first day of week in the month
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, (7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @MonthlyBWNextInterval) + @MonthlyBWDoW) % 7, @MonthlyBWNextInterval)
-- Calculate date based on the week number to add
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(WEEK, @MonthlyBWWeek-1, @MonthlyBWNextInterval)
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @MonthlyBWNextInterval) < @Now BEGIN
-- Recalc for the next month interval
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, (@MonthlyBWNumberOfCompletedIntervals + 1) * @MontlhyBWInterval, @StartTime)
-- Set the date to the first day of the month
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, -(DAY(@MonthlyBWNextInterval) - 1), @MonthlyBWNextInterval)
-- Set the date to the first day of week in the month
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, (7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @MonthlyBWNextInterval) + @MonthlyBWDoW % 7), @MonthlyBWNextInterval)
-- Calculate date based on the week number to add
SET @MonthlyBWNextInterval = DATEADD(WEEK, @MonthlyBWWeek-1, @MonthlyBWNextInterval)
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @MonthlyBWNextInterval
END ELSE IF @RecurrenceType = @RecurrenceType_MONTHLYBYDATE BEGIN
DECLARE @MontlhyBDInterval INT; SET @MontlhyBDInterval = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,10)) % POWER(2, 4)
DECLARE @MonthlyBDDoM INT; SET @MonthlyBDDoM = (@ScheduleDuration / POWER(2,14)) % POWER(2, 5)
IF @MonthlyBDDoM = 0 BEGIN
/* This is the last day of month logic */
-- Calculate the total number of completed intervals
DECLARE @MonthlyBDLDOMNumberOfCompletedIntervals INT; SET @MonthlyBDLDOMNumberOfCompletedIntervals = ROUND(CAST(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartTime, @Now) AS DECIMAL) / @MontlhyBDInterval, 0, 0)
-- Calculate the next interval
DECLARE @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval DATETIME; SET @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, @MonthlyBDLDOMNumberOfCompletedIntervals * @MontlhyBDInterval, @StartTime)
-- Calculate last day of month
SET @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval, DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(M, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval) + 1, 0))), @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval)
-- Recalc the next interval if the next interval plus the expected duration is in the past
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval) < @Now BEGIN
SET @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval, DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(M, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, DATEADD(MONTH, (@MonthlyBDLDOMNumberOfCompletedIntervals + 1) * @MontlhyBDInterval, @StartTime)) + 1, 0))), @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval)
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @MonthlyBDLDOMNextInterval
-- Check to make sure we won't loop forever if more than 31 days some how ends up in the token
IF @MonthlyBDDoM > 31 SET @MonthlyBDDoM = 31
-- Adjust the start time to match the next day of month that matches the interval
DECLARE @MonthlyBDStartTime DATETIME; SET @MonthlyBDStartTime = DATEADD(DAY, (31 - DATEPART(DAY, @StartTime) + @MonthlyBDDoM % 31), @StartTime)
-- This loop is used multiple times to search for the next valid date that falls on the desired day of month
WHILE(DATEPART(DAY, @MonthlyBDStartTime) <> @MonthlyBDDoM) BEGIN
SET @MonthlyBDStartTime = DATEADD(DAY, (31 - DATEPART(DAY, @MonthlyBDStartTime) + @MonthlyBDDoM) % 31, @MonthlyBDStartTime)
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @MonthlyBDStartTime) > @Now BEGIN
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @MonthlyBDStartTime
-- Calculate the total number of completed intervals
DECLARE @MonthlyBDNumberOfCompletedIntervals INT; SET @MonthlyBDNumberOfCompletedIntervals = ROUND(CAST(DATEDIFF(MONTH, @MonthlyBDStartTime, @Now) AS DECIMAL) / @MontlhyBDInterval, 0, 0)
-- Calculate the next interval
DECLARE @MonthlyBDNextInterval DATETIME; SET @MonthlyBDNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, @MonthlyBDNumberOfCompletedIntervals * @MontlhyBDInterval, @MonthlyBDStartTime)
WHILE(DATEPART(DAY, @MonthlyBDNextInterval) <> @MonthlyBDDoM) BEGIN
SET @MonthlyBDNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, (31 - DATEPART(DAY, @MonthlyBDNextInterval) + @MonthlyBDDoM % 31), @MonthlyBDNextInterval)
-- Recalc the next interval if the next interval plus the expected duration is in the past
IF DATEADD(MINUTE, @Duration, @MonthlyBDNextInterval) < @Now BEGIN
SET @MonthlyBDNextInterval = DATEADD(MONTH, (@MonthlyBDNumberOfCompletedIntervals + 1) * @MontlhyBDInterval, @MonthlyBDNextInterval)
WHILE(DATEPART(DAY, @MonthlyBDNextInterval) <> @MonthlyBDDoM) BEGIN
SET @MonthlyBDNextInterval = DATEADD(DAY, (31 - DATEPART(DAY, @MonthlyBDNextInterval) + @MonthlyBDDoM % 31), @MonthlyBDNextInterval)
SET @NextMaintenanceWindow = @MonthlyBDNextInterval
INSERT INTO @NextServiceWindow VALUES (@ScheduleToken, @RecurrenceType, @NextMaintenanceWindow, @Duration, @IsGMTTime)
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

What an ungodly amount of the code for the task!
I tried
SELECT * FROM SCCM_GetNextServiceWindow('00811A9E08221600', 4)
Which is said mean "Occurs the Third Monday of every 1 month(s)" and it returned 2015-03-17. Which is a Tuesday. But it is the third Tuesday.
Turns out that I have British settings on that instance, DATEFIRST is 1. If do SET DATEFIRST 7, I get 2015-03-23. Which is a Monday, but the wrong one.
The current setting of DATEFIRST can be detected with @@DATEFIRST, and that would make the code even more complex.
My gut reaction would be to start over and do it all in C#, where at least I don't have to bother about SET DATEFIRST.
Or maybe first inspect that the ScheduleToken is correct. Maybe it is, but to me that is just an incomprehensible hex string.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom | Adobe Labs

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    Hi Mark,
    Sorry for the delay.
    From your description, you want to pass the dataset data to a custom code array, and return the subset of the array, right? In this case, you can use a custom function to add the data to array, and use the a custom function to sort the data base on your
    requirement and then use a function to get the subset of the array. Here are some sample custom code for your reference.
    Add to arryay
    Dim values As System.Collections.ArrayList=New System.Collections.ArrayList()
    Function SetText(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
        return value
    End Function
    Sort array
    Function Sort()
    Dim i as Integer
    Dim j as Integer
    Dim t as Integer
    Dim n as Integer=values.Count-1
    For i=n To 1 Step-1
     For j=0 To i-1
     if values(j)<values(j+1) Then
     End if
     Next j
    Next i
    End Function
    Return value.
    Function Rank(ByVal value As Integer)
       return values(value)
    End Function
    Assume that you pass [Weight] field to array, you can use the expression below on the Weight column:
    Then use the expression below to get the values.
    PatientID:=Sort() & Lookup(Code.Rank(0),Fields!Weight.Value,Fields.Patient.Value,"Dataset")
    Hope this helps.
    Charlie Liao
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
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    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    i can see your requirement in below way..
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    USAGE_SH_F4     /SAPSRM/WDC_UI_BACKEND_SH                        
    so you can replicate the same functionality for your z field.
    but can you clarify one thing.. why are you going for this z field in place of standard field ?

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    You have to include that Enhancement of that exit in the Project and Activate that project in the CMOD.
    The Enhancement for the exit EXIT_SAPMV45A_003 is V45A0003.
    Create a project in CMOD
    And inclue V45A0003 in the project.
    Activate the Project.
    Now, it will stop at break point.
    Naimesh Patel

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    Thanks and regards
    Renjith MP

    You are just going to place the custom function in the 'Func' field of schema.
    Check the counry assignment, parameters & finally you have to activate the function. Check T52A0 for correct internal number.
    N Navaneethan
    Edited by: Navaneethan on Dec 15, 2008 4:30 PM

  • Could not find Model while pointing to a custom Function Group

    Hello ,
    I am on EP7.0 ERP05 NW04s and trying to modify ESS Address application  to point to a custom function group rather than the standard one . When I tried to do that by changing the mapping for the ReadInfotype I got certain compilation errors ,I fixed those and then got the following error at runtime: Couldnt find info for class in model[scope=APPLICATION_SCOPE]
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    I wonder what's the cause of this ...
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Do below things.
    1. Re-import your Model.
    2. Restart your J2ee server
    3. Re-load & Rebuild your project.
    It should work now..
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Armin Reichert

  • Issue with calling custom function in merge command -10g

    I have ran into issue while calling a custom function in merge command.
    It throws error 'Invalid identifier'. Oracle doesnt understand that it is a function and take the function name as column name.
    Since no such collumn name exists, it throws 'Invalid identifier'.
    Interestingly, merge command works fine when it has a oracle function (replace, decode).
    The oracle version is
    It is very urgent.
    Any pointers will be helpful.

    I don't have privileges to create dblink, but this is working for me.
    So, i don't think function can be a issue here.
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    satyaki>create table hist_tab
      2     as
      3       select * from emp
      4       where sal between 2000 and 4000;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.09
    satyaki>select * from hist_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>update hist_tab
      2     set mgr = 7794;
    1 row updated.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    Commit complete.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>select * from hist_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7794 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>create table tran_tab
      2     as
      3       select * from emp
      4       where sal between 2000 and 7000;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>select * from tran_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81    5270.76                    20 ANALYST
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace function fun(c_in number)
      2     return number
      3     is
      4       c_out number(4);
      5     begin
      6       if c_in < 7900 then
      7          c_out := 0;
      8       else
      9         c_out := 1;
    10       end if;
    11       return c_out;
    12*    end;
    13  /
    Function created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.00
    satyaki>merge into hist_tab o
      2  using (
      3     select empno,
      4            ename,
      5            job,
      6            mgr,
      7            hiredate,
      8            sal,
      9            comm,
    10            deptno,
    11            job1,
    12            dob
    13     from (
    14              select k.*,
    15                     rank() over(order by fun(k.empno)) rn
    16              from tran_tab k
    17          )
    18     where rn = 1
    19     ) n
    20  on ( o.empno = n.empno)
    21  when matched then
    22    update set o.ename = n.ename,
    23               o.job = n.job,
    24               o.mgr = n.mgr,
    25               o.hiredate = n.hiredate,
    26               o.sal = n.sal,
    27               o.comm = n.comm,
    28               o.deptno = n.deptno,
    29               o.job1 = n.job1,
    30               o.dob = n.dob
    31  when not matched then
    32    insert(
    33            o.empno,
    34            o.ename,
    35            o.job,
    36            o.mgr,
    37            o.hiredate,
    38            o.sal,
    39            o.comm,
    40            o.deptno,
    41            o.job1,
    42            o.dob
    43          )
    44    values(
    45            n.empno,
    46            n.ename,
    47            n.job,
    48            n.mgr,
    49            n.hiredate,
    50            n.sal,
    51            n.comm,
    52            n.deptno,
    53            n.job1,
    54            n.dob
    55          );
    1 row merged.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    satyaki>select * from hist_tab;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO JOB1      DOB
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       2178          0         30 SALESMAN
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    satyaki>You can check the final output with old output. It is working perfectly - i guess.
    Satyaki De.

  • Search Help for Custom field in Sourcing Cockpit

    Hi SRM Experts,
    I added custom field "rush order" in the Structures as per requirement. I added code in MODIFY_SCREEN function module. Search help is working for "rush order" in Process Purchase Orders (to search PO) and Check Status (Searching Shopping Cart). But it is not working in sourcing cockpit. Please guide or suggest me is there any additional settings or programming is required to have search help for custom fields in Sourcing Cockpit.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Hi SRM Experts,
    Please let me know any suggestion on this issue.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • F4 help for custom table field - to be used when populating data thru SM30

    I have a custom table with 5 fields - say A, B, C, D and E. While populating data to the table through SM30, I need to create a F4 help for the field C. A  custom function module needs to be used.
    I have created a module for the same in the event PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST of the function group of the table.
    But the F4 for field C depends on the values put in fields A and B.
    I am not able to get the values of fields A and B from within the module PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST.
    Please help me to create the F4 help.

    This is the piece of code i have used in one of my SM30 to get f4. mopdify according to ur need and use.
    revert back for further help.
    w_dynpread-fieldname = 'ZSITEDCDATA-SITE'.
      APPEND w_dynpread TO i_dynpread.
          dyname               = 'SAPLZSITEDCDATA'
          dynumb               = sy-dynnr
          translate_to_upper   = 'X'
          dynpfields           = i_dynpread
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          invalid_parameter    = 7
          undefind_error       = 8
          double_conversion    = 9
          stepl_not_found      = 10
          OTHERS               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      READ TABLE i_dynpread INTO w_dynpread INDEX 1.
      IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
        SELECT land1 FROM t001w
          INTO TABLE i_site
          WHERE werks EQ w_dynpread-fieldvalue.
        IF i_site[] IS NOT INITIAL.
          DATA: lv_line TYPE i.
          CLEAR lv_line.
          DESCRIBE TABLE i_site LINES lv_line.
          IF lv_line GT 1.
                retfield        = 'ZSITEDCDATA-SITE_COUNTRY'
                dynpprog        = 'SAPLZSITEDCDATA'
                dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
                window_title    = 'Site Country'
                value_org       = 'S'
                value_tab       = i_site[]
                return_tab      = i_return
                parameter_error = 1
                no_values_found = 2
                OTHERS          = 3.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                      WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
              READ TABLE i_return INTO w_return INDEX 1.
              IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
                zsitedcdata-site_country = w_return-fieldval.
    Thanks ,

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