Help require to get the XML output to design template- JDE

Hi Friends,
I am asking this question from JDE perspective.I want to design XMLP Template for R40572 Check Printing.
When I upload an blank template and after attaching RD, When ever I initiate a check from P04572 Application.RThe Write Row exit will lead to check printing which in turn will call a batch R04571 and this batch will call R04572(Which I require the XML output) since it is the second report and we cant direct it to local server I am not able to get the XML output..
Another think is since its running in server i think its not taking the RD modification we done in loacl because it always fires PDF .

I assume you're Using XMPOSA for generating the files locally. What I suggest is, you set the application to run with the report definition by default. That way, even when it is called, it will be called along with the report definition. You can take the resultant XML file from P95630
hope this helps,

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    Can anyone pls help me in this??
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    i think this is what u want
        public static String getXmlString(Document d) {
          StringWriter strResponse = null;
          try {
             OutputFormat format  = new OutputFormat(d);
             strResponse = new StringWriter();
             XMLSerializer serial = new XMLSerializer( strResponse, format );
          catch (Exception e) {
          return strResponse.toString();

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    Hi ,
    U need tto get the URL of the called application through method
    construct_wd_url and generate the popup window for the second application with the above URL .
    in ur first app , crate an event on lead selection of the table and write the following piece of code :
          w_url   type string,
          w_value type string.
             call method cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url
            application_name              = u2018 u2018 // here specify the name of the called application
            out_absolute_url              = w_url.
       * make the Value type compatible that has to be passed with the URL
      w_value = lv_ebeln.
    * Attach the parameters and its value with the URL that
    * have to be passed to the 2nd application
      call method cl_http_server=>append_field_url
          name  = ' '   // input parameter here
          value = w_value
          url   = w_url.
    * generate a popup window for the 2nd application with the above URL
      DATA lo_window_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_window_manager.
      DATA lo_api_component  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component.
      DATA lo_window         TYPE REF TO if_wd_window.
      lo_api_component  = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
      lo_window_manager = lo_api_component->get_window_manager( ).
      lo_window         = lo_window_manager->create_external_window(
                       url = w_url ).
      lo_window->open( ).
    Now in the doinit of ur called application , u can get the value for that particular input parameter
      lv_param type string.  
    lv_param = wdr_task=>client_window->get_parameter( ' u2018  ).  // paramtr name
    Now select the appropriate values in internal table for this and bind it to ur context node ..
    I hope this helps..

  • Help me to get the expected output for this procedure

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    create or replace PROCEDURE compare_data(tabname in varchar2 default 'VARE_PPP',current_version in integer default 258,previous_version in integer default 253)
    TYPE table_type IS TABLE OF varchar2(4000)
    t1 table_type ;
    SUBTYPE max_varchar2_t IS VARCHAR2 (32767);
    stmt_col_list max_varchar2_t;
    stmt_row_val max_varchar2_t;
    col_select_list max_varchar2_t := NULL;
    col_list_tab1 max_varchar2_t := NULL;
    col_list_tab2 max_varchar2_t := NULL;
    col_list max_varchar2_t := NULL;
    select_list_ver1 max_varchar2_t :=NULL;
    select_list_ver2 max_varchar2_t := NULL;
    type t_crs is ref cursor;
    c_get_diff t_crs;
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    col_name varchar2(100);
    cursor c_column_list is
    select COLUMN_NAME from all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = tabname and column_name not in('VERSION','LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP','LAST_MODIFIED_USER') order by COLUMN_ID asc;
    --stmt_col_list := 'select COLUMN_NAME from all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = '||tabname||' and column_name not like != '||temp1||' and column_name != '||temp2||' and column_name != '||temp3||' order by COLUMN_ID asc' ;
    col_select_list := 'tab1.version';
    open c_column_list ; --for stmt_col_list;
    fetch c_column_list into col_name;
    exit when c_column_list%notfound;
    if col_name not like 'LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP' or col_name not like 'LAST_MODIFIED_USER' then
    if col_list_tab1 is null then
    col_list_tab1 :='tab1.'||col_name;
    col_list_tab2 :='tab2.'||col_name;
    col_list := col_name;
    elsif col_name not like '%END%' then
    --dbms_output.put_line('deepak:'||g_columns (l_index).column_name);
    col_list_tab1 :=
    col_list_tab1 || '||' ||'tab1.'||col_name;
    col_list_tab2 :=
    col_list_tab2 || '||' ||'tab2.'||col_name;
    col_list :=
    col_list || ',' ||col_name;
    end if;
    col_select_list :=
    col_select_list || ', ' ||'tab1.'||col_name;
    end if;
    end loop;
    close c_column_list;
    end get_header;
    procedure get_difference(ver1 in integer,ver2 in integer) is
    name_column varchar2(100) ;
    select_list_ver1 := 'SELECT '||col_list||' FROM '||tabname||' WHERE VERSION = '||current_version;
    select_list_ver2 := 'SELECT '||col_list||' FROM '||tabname||' WHERE VERSION = '||previous_version;
    stmt_row_val := 'select '||col_select_list||' from '||tabname||' tab1,('||select_list_ver1||' minus '||select_list_ver2||' ) tab2 where '||col_list_tab1||'='||col_list_tab2||' and tab1.version in ('||current_version||','||previous_version||')';
    open c_get_diff for stmt_row_val;
    fetch c_get_diff bulk collect into t1;
    for cnt in t1.first..t1.last
    end loop;
    exit when c_get_diff%notfound;
    end loop;
    close c_get_diff;
    end get_difference;
    end compare_data;
    no errors are there but i am not getting the proper result mine expected result is
    253.00 TT Null 11/1/2006 12/31/2099 Y
    258.00 NBK Null 11/1/2006 12/31/2099 Y
    but i am getting
    can anyone help me out,why i am not getting the expected result.
    values which i am using in the query to execute dynamically are
    col_select_list:tab1.version, tab1.PPP_WCC_TYPE, tab1.PPP_WCC_PREFIX_TYPE, tab1.PPP_START_DATE, tab1.PPP_END_DATE, tab1.PPP_INDICATOR

    I wish I knew your application !!!

  • Need Help in Getting the below output

    Hi All,
    The below is the table data.
    col1     col2     col3     col4     col5     col6
    Aa     1     Con     100     10     -1
    Ba     2     Cam     50     2     33
    Aa     1     Con     200     20     -2
    Ca     3     val     2     5     -10
    Aa     1     Con     150     30     -3
    Ba     2     Cam     20     3     11
    Ca     3     val     3     5     -20
    Ba     2     Cam     30     5     22
    Ca     3     val     5     4     -30
    I need the output as below. Please help me in getting the output.
    col1     col2     col3     col4     col5     col6
    Aa     1     Con     100     10     -1
    Aa     1     Con     200     20     -2
    Aa     1     Con     150     30     -3
    Aa-Con Subtotal          450     60     -6
    Ba     2     Cam     20     3     11
    Ba     2     Cam     30     5     22
    Ba     2     Cam     50     2     33
    Ba-Cam Subtotal          100     10     66
    Ca     3     val     2     5     -10
    Ca     3     val     3     5     -20
    Ca     3     val     5     4     -30
    Ca-val Subtotal          10     14     -60
    I am using Oracle 10g. Let me know if other details required.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Ravi Kumar Ankarapu.

    You can try using ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS like how some of the other forum members have suggested. Another way of getting the desired output would be :
    with t as
    select 'Aa' col1, 1 col2, 'Con' col3, 100 col4, 10 col5, -1 col6 from dual
    union all
    select 'Ba', 2, 'Cam', 50, 2, 33 from dual
    union all
    select 'Aa', 1, 'Con', 200, 20, -2 from dual
    union all
    select 'Ca', 3, 'val', 2, 5, -10 from dual
    union all
    select 'Aa', 1, 'Con', 150, 30, -3 from dual
    union all
    select 'Ba', 2, 'Cam', 20, 3, 11 from dual
    union all
    select 'Ca', 3 ,'val', 3, 5, -20 from dual
    union all
    select 'Ba', 2, 'Cam', 30, 5, 22 from dual
    union all
    select 'Ca', 3, 'val', 5, 4, -30 from dual
    select * from
        select * from t
        union all
        select distinct * from
            select col1 || '-' || col3 || ' Sub-total' col1, null col2, null col3,
            sum(col4) over (partition by col1 order by col1) col4,
            sum(col5) over (partition by col1 order by col1) col5,
            sum(col6) over (partition by col1 order by col1) col6
            from t
    order by col1, col2, col3
    "COL1"     "COL2"     "COL3"     "COL4"     "COL5"     "COL6"
    "Aa"     "1"     "Con"     "150"     "30"     "-3"
    "Aa"     "1"     "Con"     "100"     "10"     "-1"
    "Aa"     "1"     "Con"     "200"     "20"     "-2"
    "Aa-Con Sub-total"     ""     ""     "450"     "60"     "-6"
    "Ba"     "2"     "Cam"     "50"     "2"     "33"
    "Ba"     "2"     "Cam"     "20"     "3"     "11"
    "Ba"     "2"     "Cam"     "30"     "5"     "22"
    "Ba-Cam Sub-total"     ""     ""     "100"     "10"     "66"
    "Ca"     "3"     "val"     "5"     "4"     "-30"
    "Ca"     "3"     "val"     "2"     "5"     "-10"
    "Ca"     "3"     "val"     "3"     "5"     "-20"
    "Ca-val Sub-total"     ""     ""     "10"     "14"     "-60"

  • JavaHelp 1.0 is required to view the JavaHelp output?????

    Hi All,
    I'm getting this dialog after I have generated the JavaHelp.
    "JavaHelp 1.0 is required to view the JavaHelp output. Please
    install the latest version of JavaHelp"
    But I have allready installed this "C:\jh1.1.3" and inserted
    these 2 System variables "JAVAHELP_HOME" - "C:\jh1.1.3" and
    "JHHOME" - "C:\jh1.1.3".
    I have allso installed "j2sdk1.4.1_01".
    What else needs to be done?

    I faintly remember a problem with Robohelp and JH1.1.3 a
    couple of years ago, I don't know if this was ever resolved.
    I have found the following that might help.
    Click Here
    Just found a link to the following Forum thread on Peter
    Grainge's site
    Hope this helps.

  • Regarding  the rowset and row tags in the XML output

    We generated an XML file using dataset of type SQL query.The output is including additional tags
    <ROWSET> and <ROW> tags.How to disable them from appearing in the XML output.

    Iam not using the Datamodel of data template type.If we use the data template we can disable the rowtags by setting the property mentioned by you.But we get the data template name and the query name included in the output.My requirement is to disable the extratags.
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    I have one requirement in my application.we are sending XML messages to the JMS Queue.How to get the XML messages from JMS Queue and how to Extract the details from XMl.
    can you please send me the code to get the XML messages from the JMS Queue.
    Thank you,

    Sure others will have some other ideas, but here's what I typically do to get the XML from a JMS queue. Inside the Global Automatic that pops the messages off the queue you'd have logic similar to this:
    artifactInfoNodes as Any[]
    xmlObject as Fuego.Xml.XMLObject = XMLObject()
    load xmlObject using xmlText = message.textValue
    . . . Once you have this, it's a matter of deciding what you want to do with the message. Most times you'll parse the XML (using XPATH statemens), set argument variables and create a work item instance.
    Hope this helps,

  • ABAP Proxy Client how to get the XML

    Hi all,
    I have created a Proxy Client by SE80 using the WSDL file, I no have any middleware as PI etc.
    Testing it I'm facing with an error occurred on the server side. So the developers asked me to send them the full XML message with whom I call the service.
    From se80 I can see only the body of the request I guess.
    So I'm tring to understend where I can get the whole XML.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thank you,

    I'm not an ABAP programmer.
    If I have to test a webservice, provided by sap system or other system, I always use soapui from
    In soapui
    * create new soap project
    * point to wsdl file
    This will automatically create a sample xml request message for the webservice.
    You can edit the request message and put in the values you want.
    If required, fill user credentials into the request properties.
    Then send the request message.
    You will get the xml response message.
    If the service works fine with soapui, then the problem is at your side (abap proxy, apap code behind the proxy).
    If you can reproduce the error with soapui, then the problem is at the side of the service provider.
    I don't have permission for SPROXY at our sap backends. Perhaps there is a "test interface" function, which shows the xml messages.

  • How to get the XML Source again from the same RDF ???

    If the one new column is added in the .rdf file, then how u create your new XML source by submitting the same cp?
    When I ran the cp for 1st time, I was able to get xml source by view output, save it, make rtf and make data defn and template creation.
    But how to get the XML source If the one new column is added in the same .rdf file?

    The simple answer is: you don't.
    Not only is it simply not possible, but the entire concept of "the active browser" doesn't exist.
    You were on the right track with your code to retrieve the page directly from the server, but as you noticed that code will only work for regular http connections.
    For https and other protocols you will need to use appropriate libraries for each protocol. Something like Apache Commons can help you with that. There are networking libraries in there for a lot of commonly used protocols.

  • How can I get the XML structure from a flat structure?

    Hi all,
    in my XI SP 12 I use a JMS adapter to read information using the WebSphereMQ transport protocol.
    The structure that I receive have this format:
    the problem is that in this structure each line is not separated by a carriage return or a comma, I have all the information in a single line:
    and the customer don't want to insert a line separator.
    Then, the question is:
    How can I get the XML structure from this structure?
    If possible, I don't want to develop new Module and add it in the JMS Module Sequence.
    PS I have already read the article "How to Use the Content Conversion Module with the XI 3 J2EE JMS Adapter.pdf" and it doesn't seem to help me.
    Best Regards,

    To get context parameters from your web.xml file you can simply get the ActionServlet object from an implementing action object class. In the perform (or execute) method make the following call.
    ServletContext context = getServlet().getServletContext();
    String tempContextVar =
    context.getInitParameter("<your context param >");

  • How to create a errortag in the XML-Output ?

    who can help me creating a error-tag in my XML-output of a PL/SQL procedure ?
    Oracle DB is 8.1.7 with installed XDK-package (in a few
    weeks perhaps Oracle 9i). I've no problems to use the dbms_xmlquery-functions and -procedures.
    I've to develop a PL/SQL procedure which is called via JDBC from a JAVA program. The procedure execute a Select-Statement. The result is transformed in XML and stored in a CLOB, which is given back to the calling JAVA-program.
    There exist 2 possible result-situations.
    -1- one or more rows are found
    -2- no row is found
    For each of these situation the XML-Output should have a different structure and my main problem is to integrate the errortag !!!
    for -1-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <error err_code="NoError"/>
    <record num="1">
    <record num="2">
    for -2-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <error err_code="NoDataFound"/>
    Hope somebody can help me ???

    Hey Rajat,
    thanks for your answer, but the errortag is needed by another department. They use it for their processing.
    Have you got any idea, how to integrate the errortag with the functions or procedures of the dbms_xmlquery package ??? I've got only a few days experience with the dbms_xmlquery-package, so some code examples or advices would be great !!!
    I've tried the following coding:
    out_xmlresult OUT CLOB; -- OUT Parameter of the PLSQL-Proc
    c1 CLOB;
    queryctx dbms_xmlquery.ctxtype;
    -- create XML-context
    -- delete the rowsettag (use 'data' later on)
    -- create new tag 'data' which enclose an empty header
    -- and the data section
    dbms_lob.createTemporary(c1, TRUE );
    -- rename rowtag
    -- set encoding tag
    -- create XML-Output
    out_xmlresult := dbms_xmlquery.getxml(queryctx);
    ...but I haven't got any success !!!

  • How to send job postings to multiple third party sites using the XML output

    Dear Friends,
    We are Implementing Irecruitment for our client, Client requirement is how can we send job postings to multiple third party sites using the XML output from i-Recruitment
    With regards

    Can you be more specific about your Requirement. In General, Please navigate to iRecruitment Recruiter Responisbility.
    Then Select, Setup > Recruiting Sites. Here, you can configure your Third Party Websites information and attach stylesheets. The default mode oracle sends the vacancy information is HR-XML Format.
    If you would like to select more sites information select "Add Another Row".
    Then, you can see this information while "New Vacancy Creation Process".
    Edited by: iRecruiter on Oct 18, 2009 7:43 AM

  • Programming help - how to get the read-only state of PDF file is windows explorer preview is ON?

    Programming help - how to get the read-only state of PDF file is windows explorer preview is ON?
    I'm developing an application where a file is need to be saved as pdf. But, if there is already a pdf file with same name in the specified directory, I wish to overwrite it. And in the overwrite case, read-only files should not be overwritten. If the duplicate(old) file is opened in windows (Win7) explorer preview, it is write protected. So, it should not be overwritten. I tried to get the '
    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY' using MS API 'GetFileAttributes', but it didn't succeed. How Adobe marks the file as read-only for preview? Do I need to check some other attribute of the file?

    Divya - I have done it in the past following these documents. Please read it and try it it will work.
    Please read it in the following order since both are a continuation documents for the same purpose (it also contains how to change colors of row dynamically but I didnt do that part I just did the read_only part as your requirement)
    Jason PV

  • Need to reference file name within the XML Output

    Not sure if this is possible, as I'm new to the livecycle/XML world. But I need to be able to reference a file within the XML output from the PDF.
    The Scenario is that a pdf form of a business card will be issued to 50 franchisees for them to type in their names and mobiles, click submit and the XML file to be sent to myself, and be imported in to InDesign populating their data ready for printing. Up to here I have it working perfectly.
    However as each franchisee have a combination of up to 5 logos to place in the bottom corner to save having to have various templates with different combinations of logos and having to ensure the correct templates are used. I intend to reference each companies combination as an EPS and make the reference within the xml out and have it import directly in with the other data. I can type the code directly within the xml but I would like to have the form reference it directly in the xml output. Is this possible or am expecting to much of livecycle? Any help/advice greatly appreciated.

    Hi MadhavaGanji,
    I have post how to validate the file name, header row against definition table which stored the file name and column definition. 
    Take a look and see if this is helpful.

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