Help!!!Vocabulary function of 6300

Hello all,
I just bought a 6300 last week. And just today I tried to use the dictionary function ( the english-chinese translation one) but it couldn't work. So i tried to download it from the website but it all didn't work does anyone know y? will be grateful if anyone could help

Hi adibfahrudin,
Welcome to the Nokia Support Discussions!
Do you have the same concern as the original author? If yes, may we know the exact error message you are receiving? Are you referring to the pre-installed or a third party app?  If you are trying to use the pre-installed app, please be advised that it is only intended for English-Chinese translation. Have you tried to download it from the Nokia Store?
In order to any app from the Nokia Store, you'll need to have a valid Nokia account. Once you're signed in to your account, you need to specify your phone model. In this way, you'll be assured that apps from the results of your search are compatible with your phone model. Let us know the outcome.

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    what phone model are u using?
    the vocabulary set update that i found at is only available for the 5300 xpress music and the 6300
    the download links are there as well
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    Search Help
    With this function you can search for objects, thereby defining and linking different selection conditions for the search help.
    You can call this function by:
    · Selecting Object ® Search... () in the main menu bar of the Integration Builder
    · Placing the cursor on a software component version and selecting Search... () in the context menu (only in the Integration Repository)
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    Defining the Object Type
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    hi Anjaneyulu,
    open the t-code --> and go to menu system->status-->select the program and open the program-->
    selct the tree structure----in the left side the includes screen and function module everthing will show..
    open the t-code --> and go to menu system->status-->select the program and open the program-->
    go to attributes and select the Package..
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    Please check first below link
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    Also check below googling which exists for step by step guide -examples.html
    Also see:

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    Please provide your valuable inputs to implement the above requirement. Your input will be rewareded.
    Thanks in advance,

    i can see your requirement in below way..
    as it just reads: you need to assign the standard cost center help to a z cost center field in component /SAPSRM/WDC_UI_DO_ACC.. which actually is fetched though the component /SAPSRM/WDC_UI_BACKEND_SH
    so, if you see the component controller of SAPSRM/WDC_UI_DO_ACC you will see the component
    USAGE_SH_F4     /SAPSRM/WDC_UI_BACKEND_SH                        
    so you can replicate the same functionality for your z field.
    but can you clarify one thing.. why are you going for this z field in place of standard field ?

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    Please search on SCN before posting...
    Refer this demo code to get a for BELNR based on user input for BUKRS:-
    PARAMETERS : p_belnr TYPE belnr,
                 p_bukrs TYPE bukrs.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
             belnr TYPE belnr,
           END OF itab.
      PERFORM f4_belnr_help USING p_belnr.
    *&      Form  f4_belnr_help
    *       text
    *      -->P_BELNR text
    FORM f4_belnr_help USING p_belnr.
             tb_dynpfields LIKE dynpread OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
             v_bukrs TYPE bukrs.
      CLEAR:   tb_dynpfields.
      REFRESH: tb_dynpfields.
      MOVE 'P_BUKRS' TO tb_dynpfields-fieldname.
      APPEND tb_dynpfields.
          dyname                               = 'Z_F4' "program name
          dynumb                               = '1000' "screen number
          dynpfields                           = tb_dynpfields
          INVALID_ABAPWORKAREA                 = 1
          INVALID_DYNPROFIELD                  = 2
          INVALID_DYNPRONAME                   = 3
          INVALID_DYNPRONUMMER                 = 4
          INVALID_REQUEST                      = 5
          NO_FIELDDESCRIPTION                  = 6
          INVALID_PARAMETER                    = 7
          UNDEFIND_ERROR                       = 8
          DOUBLE_CONVERSION                    = 9
          STEPL_NOT_FOUND                      = 10
          OTHERS                               = 11.
      IF sy-subrc  0.
               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      READ TABLE tb_dynpfields INDEX 1.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        v_bukrs = tb_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      SELECT belnr from <db_table> INTO TABLE itab WHERE bukrs = v_bukrs.
          retfield               = 'BELNR' "internal table field
          dynpprog               = 'Z_F4' "program name
          dynpnr                 = '1000' "screen number
          dynprofield            = 'P_BELNR' "screen field name
          value_org              = 'S'
          value_tab              = itab "internal table
          PARAMETER_ERROR        = 1
          NO_VALUES_FOUND        = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
      IF sy-subrc  0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    " f4_belnr_help
    Hope this helps you.
    Edited by: Tarun Gambhir on Mar 26, 2009 11:29 AM


    Hello there. I've been trying to design a GUI providing the users with help function as well. I create the html file, map file(in .jhm format) and HelpSet (in .hs format) and run the help menu via hsviewer. The first problem is that when the hsviewer runs the application a blank help window appears on the screen. The second one is that when I try to make a link between the help menu and the GUI I have written by using the sample code given in javahelp's pdf file I see a few error messages on NETBEANS' screen. Could anyone help me solve the problems I have faced so far? In addition, aint there any other method, like a template help menu, that I could use to compose my own one?

    * stop multi-posting
    * stop SHOUTING
    * whenever you see error messages and have some problem, those two are probably related
    * whenever you ask for help and have error messages post the error messages!

  • Help menu function plz help:)))

    Hello there. I've been trying to design a GUI providing the users with help function as well. I create the html file, map file(in .jhm format) and HelpSet (in .hs format) and run the help menu via hsviewer. The first problem is that when the hsviewer runs the application a blank help window appears on the screen. The second one is that when I try to make a link between the help menu and the GUI I have written by using the sample code given in javahelp's pdf file I see a few error messages on NETBEANS' screen. Could anyone help me solve the problems I have faced so far? In addition, aint there any other method, like a template help menu, that I could use to compose my own one?

    Quit multi-posting questions:

  • [8i] Help with function with parameters (for workday calculation)

    Let me start by saying, I've never written a function before, and I don't have access to create a function in my database (i.e. I can't test this function). I'm trying to come up with a function that I can ask my IT department to add for me. I'm hoping someone can take a look at what I've written and tell me if it should work or not, and if this is the right way to go about solving my problem.
    I am trying to create a function to do a very simple workday calculation (adding/subtracting a particular number of workdays from a calendar date).
    The database I'm working with has a table with the workday calendar in it. Here is a sample table and sample data, representative of what's in my workday calendar table:
    (     clndr_dt     DATE,
         shop_days     NUMBER(5)
         CONSTRAINT caln_pk PRIMARY KEY (clndr_dt)
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/01/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),0);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/02/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),1);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/03/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),2);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/04/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),3);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/05/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),3);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/06/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),3);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/07/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),4);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/08/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),5);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/09/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),6);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/10/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),7);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/11/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),8);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/12/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),8);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/13/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),8);
    INSERT INTO     caln
    VALUES (To_Date('01/14/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'),9);The actual table includes from 1/1/1980 though 12/31/2015.
    I've written (and validated) this parameter query which does my workday (mday) calculation:
    SELECT     cal.clndr_dt
    FROM     CALN cal
         SELECT     cal.shop_days+:mdays     AS new_shop_days
         FROM     CALN cal
         WHERE     cal.clndr_dt     =:start_date
         ) a
    WHERE     cal.shop_days     = a.new_shop_days
    AND     ROWNUM          =1
    ORDER BY     cal.clndr_dt;Based on this query, I've created the following function (and I have no clue if it works or if the syntax is right, etc.):
         (start_date     IN DATE,
         mdays          IN NUMBER(5))
         new_date DATE;
         SELECT     cal.clndr_dt
         FROM     CALN cal
              SELECT     cal.shop_days+mdays     AS new_shop_days
              FROM     CALN cal
              WHERE     cal.clndr_dt     =start_date
              ) a
         WHERE     cal.shop_days     = a.new_shop_days
         AND     ROWNUM          =1
         ORDER BY     cal.clndr_dt;
         RETURN     new_date;
    END add_mdays;  //edit 9:31 AM - noticed I left off this bitI'm also not sure how to have the function handle results that would return a date outside of the date range that is in the table (Before 1/1/1980 or after 12/31/2015--or, another way to look at it is, before the MIN value of caln.clndr_dt or after the MAX value of caln.clndr_dt).
    My goal is to be able to use the function in a situation like the following:
    First, here's a sample table and data:
    CREATE TABLE orders
    (     ord_no          NUMBER(5),
         plan_start_dt     DATE,
         CONSTRAINT orders_pk PRIMARY KEY (ord_no)
    INSERT INTO orders
    VALUES (1,To_Date('01/08/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'));
    INSERT INTO orders
    VALUES (2,To_Date('01/09/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'));
    INSERT INTO orders
    VALUES (3,To_Date('01/10/1980','mm/dd/yyyy'));And here is how I would like to use my function:
    SELECT     orders.ord_no
    ,     orders.plan_start_dt
    ,     add_mdays(orders.plan_start_dt, -3) AS prep_date
    FROM     ordersThus, the function would allow me to return, for every order in my orders table, the date that is 3 workdays (mdays) prior to the plan start date of each order.
    Am I going about this the right way? Do I need to create a function to do this, or is there a way for me to incorporate my query (that does my mday calculation) into the sample query above (eliminating the need to create a function)?
    Thanks much in advance!
    Edited by: user11033437 on Feb 2, 2010 8:55 AM
    Fixed a couple typos in the last insert statements
    Edited by: user11033437 on Feb 2, 2010 9:31 AM (fixed some syntax in the function)

    Ah, mentioning Oracle 8 and not being able to test your own code makes me nostalgic for the good old days, when you typed your cards, and brought them to a window at the computer center, and waited an hour for the job to run, and then saw the printout to find that you had made a typo.
    If you're going to write functions, you really need to test them yourself. Like all code, functions whould be written in baby steps: write a line or two (or sometimes just part of what will later become one line), test, make sure it's running correctly, and repeat.
    Ideally, your employer should create a developement schema in a development database for you to use.
    You can legally download your own instance of Oracle Express Edition for free; just be careful not to use features that aren't available in the database where the code will be deployed.
    You don't need a function to get the results you want:
    SELECT       o.ord_no
    ,       o.plan_start_dt
    ,       MIN (e.clndr_dt)     AS prep_date
    FROM       orders     o
    ,       caln          l
    ,       caln          e
    WHERE       l.clndr_dt     = o.plan_start_dt
    AND       e.shop_days     = l.shop_days - 3
    GROUP BY  o.ord_no
    ,            o.plan_start_dt
    ;This would be more efficient (and a little simpler) if you added a column (let's call it work_day) that identified if each row represented a work_day or not.
    For each value of shop_days, exactly 1 row will be marked as a work day.
    Then the query might be something like:
    SELECT       o.ord_no
    ,       o.plan_start_dt
    ,       e.clndr_dt          AS prep_date
    FROM       orders     o
    ,       caln          l
    ,       caln          e
    WHERE       l.clndr_dt     = o.plan_start_dt
    AND       e.shop_days     = l.shop_days - 3
    AND       e.work_day     = 1
    ;You could use the analytic LAG function to populate the work_day column.
    A function would certainly be handy, though perhaps slower.
    The function you posted has a few mistakes:
    (a) An argument can't be declared as NUMBER (5); just NUMBER.
    (b) When you SELECT in PL/SQL, like you're doing, you have to SELECT INTO some variable to hold the results.
    (c) ROWNUM is arbitrary (which makes it useless in this problem) unless you are drawing from an ordered sub-query. I don't think you can use ORDER BY in sub-queries in Oracle 8. Use the analytic ROW_NUMBER function instead.
    (d) The function must end with an END statement.
    Given your current caln table, here's how I would write the function:
         ( start_date     IN           DATE          DEFAULT     SYSDATE,
           mdays          IN           NUMBER          DEFAULT     1
         --     add_mdays returns the DATE that is mdays working days
         --     after start_date.  (If mdays < 0, the DATE returned
         --     will be before start_date).
         --     Work days do not include Saturdays, Sundays or holidays
         --     as indicated in the caln table.
         new_date     DATE;          -- to be returned
         SELECT     MIN (t.clndr_dt)
         INTO     new_date
         FROM     caln     f     -- f stands for "from"
         ,     caln     t     -- t stands for "to"
         WHERE     f.clndr_dt     = TRUNC (start_date)
         AND     t.shop_days     = f.shop_days + TRUNC (mdays)
         RETURN     new_date;
    END     add_mdays;
    SHOW ERRORSProduction code whould be robust (that includes "idiot-proofing").
    Try to foresee what errors people might make in calling your function, and correct for them when possible.
    For example, if it only makes sense for start_date to be midnight, or mdays to be an integer, then use TRUNC in the function in case soembody passes a bad value.
    Allow for default arguments.
    Comment your function. Put all comments within the function (that is, after CREATE and before the final END) so that they will be kept in the data dictionary.
    If, given the same arguments, the function always returns the same value, mark it as DETERMINISTIC, for efficiency. This means the system may remember values passed back rather than call the function every time it is told to.
    I wish I could mark questions as "Correct" or "Helpful"; you'd get 10 points for sure.
    You posted CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements (without even being begged).
    You gave a clear description of the problem, including desired results.
    The code is nicely formatted and easy to read.
    All around, one of the most thoughtful, well-written questions I've seen.
    Well done! Keep up the good work!
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Feb 2, 2010 1:10 PM
    Added my own version of the function.

  • Please i need help in my mobile 6300

    i use a program called mobyexplorer when i try to make hide ,password or any other sitting he showed this message
    "access to the file system is denied please make sure that you set the access permissions on mobyexplorer to allow read and write access please consult your phone manual for how to do this
    disconnection file system "
    and i didnt find anything in the manual please help me

    Have you looked at ? There may be other wisdom on the site. They seem to offer support - have you tried that?
    6120c (3uk) and 6300 (Orange), LD-3W

  • Help with functions please

    im new to actionscript and im still trying to work out the basics
    i have functions like this
    private function sinus( phase: Number ): Number
    return Math.sin( phase * Math.PI );
    private function sawtooth( phase: Number ): Number
    return ( phase - int( phase ) ) - 1;
    inside another function it uses sinus like this
    amplitude = sinus(_phase)
    say i have 2 radio buttons called saw_btn and sin_btn
    how could i chose between sinus and sawtooth at runtime?
    somebody mentioned i could use a Function object reference
    what is this?
    how would i write that?
    thanks in advance for your help

    what kg means here is that you can 'target' a method by name using a string and the access operator.  if you are doing so from within the Class Note, then you can use: amplitude = this[theStringGoesHere](_phase);
    the string will be 'set' by your Radio button instances, then by changing the string (eg. clicking a radio button) the next time the method is called, it will fire the one that relates to the string 'by name' (the exact name of the method, case sensitive)  - the keyword 'this' is referring to the scope of the Class you are in, (eg. Note)
    you could do this directly like so: amplitude = this['sinus'](_phase);
    but the purpose of using a variable within the accessor, is to allow you the ability to change it at will and effect the next operation of the method, and/or the value of 'amplitude'
    - hope that helps shed some light on things

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