Help we column chart display

I'm extending my dashboard to display printer information.
From the sample data below I want to display, each printers
job total count for each quarter.
Bottom access should show Q2-07,Q3-07-Q1-08 vertical axis
should show integers.
From the table below I want to display in each quarter a
column bar for each printer showing total jobs, and another column
in same quarter showing page total for each printer
AEc2880->JOBCOUNT:AEc2880->PAGECOUNT:CreativeFirey240->JOBCOUNT:CreativeFirey240->PAGECOUN T:
I can either get the grid to show quarters but only on
printer, or printers but only one quarter.
<ColumnChart id="colChart" width="100%" height="100%"
showDataTips="true" visible="true" >
<CategoryAxis categoryField="Quarter" />
<ColumnSeries yField="JOBCOUNT" xField="Quarter" />
<ColumnSeries yField="JOBCOUNT" xField="Quarter" />
<ColumnSeries yField="JOBCOUNT" xField="Quarter" />
| PrinterName | JOBCOUNT | PAGECOUNT | Quarter |
printStartQuarter |
| AEc2880 | 748 | 1034 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 2404 | 5454 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
| AEc2880 | 2248 | 6552 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
| AEiR5055 | 979 | 2845 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 5017 | 12321 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
| AEc2880 | 1439 | 6256 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
| AEiR5055 | 1753 | 5587 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 4731 | 9990 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
| AEc2880 | 1817 | 2707 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
| AEiR5055 | 1158 | 2817 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 3822 | 9665 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
Thanks in advance

Sorry this losses formating:
I'm posting this hoping that it will point others in a
direction right or wrong. Also hoping to get some feed back on
improvements or even 'dude what where you smoking this code is
Test Data I'm playing with from mysql.:
| PrinterName | JOBCOUNT | PAGECOUNT | Quarter |
printStartQuarter |
| AEc2880 | 748 | 1034 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 2404 | 5454 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
| AEc2880 | 2248 | 6552 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
| AEiR5055 | 979 | 2845 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 5017 | 12321 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
| AEc2880 | 1439 | 6256 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
| AEiR5055 | 1753 | 5587 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 4731 | 9990 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
| AEc2880 | 1817 | 2707 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
| AEiR5055 | 1158 | 2817 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
| CreativeFirey240 | 3822 | 9665 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
Each row is a printerName, JobCount, PageCount,Quarter,
printStartQuarter (first day of each quarter)
I need to display summaries in a column chart of Queue
(printer) usage. For each Queue summary I need to show total jobs
sent (printed) and total pages sent (printed) for a given period.
The one I'm dealing with here is quarterly view. With the
sample data above I want to show for each quarter total job, total
pages for AEc2880,CreativeFirey240 and AEIR5055
If I use the data has is, I only get one queue per quarter. I
need to have each queue its own column, twice. One for total jobs
and total pages. Then one row per quarter for it to work.
AEc2880_TJ - AEc2880_TP - CreativeFirey240_TJ -
CreativeFirey240_TP - AEIR5055_TJ - AEIR5055_TJ - Quater -
Now for the big issue, the queues are dynamic. The test data
is from 3 queues only. There could be 1 to n number of queues and
not all quarters will be the same as queues get added and deleted.
This is how I approached this in AS Flex 2, I have flex 3 but
not installed yet, I can not find much info on the new grouping
classes to see if they will help.
Most examples are with the advanced data grid. There is also
very little information on charting bar the basics around.
My data comes in from PHP middle ware as JSON.
First think we need to do is pass the de-serialized array
into a function that finds all the unique queue names.
private var groupQueueEvent:ArrayCollection;
private function setUpHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
//get the raw JSON data and cast to String
var rawData:String = String(event.result);
//decode the data to ActionScript using the JSON API
//in this case, the JSON data is a serialize Array of
var arr:Array = (JSON.decode(rawData) as Array);
//Send array for processing.
//function that takes quartly events and finds unique queues
private function
populateComboYearArray(eventsArray:Array):Array {
var queueArrayHashMap : Object = new Object(); //create hass
array, used to make sure array unique
var queueArray : Array = new Array; //create arry to hold
//now run through each row of passed data looking for queue
for (var i:int = 0; i < eventsArray.length; i++)
//check to see if this
queue is all ready in hash.
if (queueArrayHashMap[eventsArray .PrinterName] ==
//it not in hash so add it
.PrinterName] = new Object();
// now add the queue array
queueArray.push(eventsArray .PrinterName);
return queueArray; //send back final array
private function groupPrinters(data:Array):void {
//create array to hold unique names
var printerNames:Array = new Array();
//process data and get unique queue names back
printerNames = populateComboYearArray(data);
var printGroup:Array = new Array;//hold the final array
var tempRowArray:Object;//used to build each row of new data
var pgCountColumnName:String;//used to build queue names for
page count
var jobCountColumnName:String;/used to build queue names for
job count
for (var printRow:int = 0; printRow < data.length; ) {
//run through each row of data
tempRowArray = new Array; //create a new row each time
// we will always want the Quarter and printStartQaurter in
every row so add now
tempRowArray.Quarter = data[printRow].Quarter;
tempRowArray.printStartQuarter =
// now for the tricky bit, we need to process each queue
for (var i:int = 0; i < printerNames.length; i++) {
// we need to see if we have a queue name match not all
quarters will
// have the same queue names
if (printerNames
.PrinterName == data[printRow].PrinterName) {
//if match found add to our row
//make dynamic column name would like to use queue name but
may be tainted
pgCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "pgcount";
jobCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "jbcount";
now create the columns with the names and add the data to
tempRowArray[pgCountColumnName] = data[printRow].PAGECOUNT;
tempRowArray[jobCountColumnName] = data[printRow].JOBCOUNT;
// we found a match so move along in outer loop
// we didn't find a match don't advance outer loop
// we checked all the queue names advanced outer loop where
// next time trough we should be in new quarter
printGroup.push(tempRowArray);// push temporary row to our
//assign are data to an array collection
groupQueueEvent = new ArrayCollection(printGroup);
//assign data to test grid for checking
detailedPrintReport.dataProvider = groupQueueEvent;
//assign data to chart.
colChart.dataProvider = groupQueueEvent;
//now make up the dynamic series
//PLEASE NOTE this code does not work yet still playing with
// testing purpose hard coded in mxml
var dynamicColumnSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries;
colChart.series = [dynamicColumnSeries];
for ( i = 0; i < printerNames.length; i++) {
pgCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "pgcount";
jobCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "jbcount";
dynamicColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries;
dynamicColumnSeries.yField = 'jobCountColumnName;
dynamicColumnSeries.displayName =
dynamicColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries;
dynamicColumnSeries.yField = pgCountColumnName;
dynamicColumnSeries.displayName = printerNames
<ColumnChart id="colChart" width="100%" height="100%"
showDataTips="true" visible="true" >
<CategoryAxis categoryField="Quarter" title="Quartly"
<ColumnSeries yField="column0jbcount" xField="Quarter"
<ColumnSeries yField="column0pgcount" xField="Quarter"
<DataGrid id="detailedPrintReport" visible="true"
width="100%" height="100%"/>

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    CA Forum: Xcelsius and Live Office
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    ALL                                           =SUM(BELOW)          =SUM(BELOW)       =SUM(BELOW)
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    REGION 2                                  20                               (2)                          18
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    Thanks in advance,

    Post Author: debdeb
    CA Forum: Xcelsius and Live Office
    Without trying out your actual data, the first thing that comes to mind is that you aren't using all the options in VLOOKUP. I've discovered that Xcelsius requires all arguments even optional ones in many formulas but this isn't document). The last argument is TRUE (default) for the closest match, and FALSE for exact match. If the user can only enter from a set of values which are known to be in your lookup table, then either one will work but you should still specify this last argument.

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    Hi Russel,
    Use the range slider to achieve this, give 1 in beginning range and 10 to end range value.
    hope this helps!!!!

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    Thanks for the reply. No the data provider is surely not null as the same collection
    is being set as data provider for a data grid too. And data grid always displays the data.
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    private function populateColumns():void {
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         warningsSeries.yField = "WARNINGS";
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    <mx:GridLines direction="horizontal">
    <mx:Stroke color="0xCCCCCC" weight="1"/>
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    <mx:AxisRenderer fontSize="8"
    cachePolicy="off" rotation="40"/>
    <mx:LinearAxis title="Count"
    minimum="0" autoAdjust="true"/>

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    Thanks in advance.
    Ivaylo Mutafchiev
    Varna Business Services
    Project Manager BOBJ

    Ivaylo Mutafchiev,
    I understand your problem now. So your column chart data which is coming from the QAAWS query should be having a prompt which is bound to some cell in excel. and your map might be passing the values for prompt isn't it? in your case the map might be passing a region.
    All you need to do is put the prompt in the web service for region as a optional prompt. Now pull in a check box or a Push button(name it as reset or something.). while binding the data to the check box or push button (source data) bind it to a blank cell. when user clicks on it , it passes a blank vlaue to the region(this is ur input for region) which will inturn makes the prompt optional for the region web service. which should pull all the data for all the region.
    The whole idea lies in somehow passing a blank cell to your  web service whose region prompt is optional.

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    Hi R.B,
    I can reproduce the issue in my local environment. If there are more column data with adjacent values in the chart, the label will be overlapped due to the insufficient space. In this scenario, there are several properties you can use to try to get the labels
    to fit better. Click the data point to open the Properties Windows, then go to the SmartLabels node.
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    Try to enlarge the chart size and use the method below to adjust the column size, it will free up more space to contain the label.
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    Alternatively, we can use Tooltip property to instead of actually displaying. Type the same expression with Value field in the Tooltip property.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Shankar,
    Try this formula in excel : DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)-1,DAY(A1))
    A1 will be your cell which is the destination of your List box. & then drag it till 12 months.
    If you are not having day from your list box then manually enter 1 in any cell and map that cell in place of A1 for day.

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    Hi Sukumar,
           If You want to display the Y Axis Labels like Kilo(k),Million(M),Billions(B)...etc.Do the following things ,
            goto column chart properties->behaviour->scale in that Enable the Fixed Label size checkbox.

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    Month         Year            Company      Positive #          Negative #         Neutral #          Positive %       Negative %      Neutral %
    October      2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
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    Which connection you are using?
    IF quite difficult if you are working under static data.

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    Type: Column Chart
    u2022     Rows: Banking Asset Margin (%)
    u2022     Start / End Columns: PY YTD Act(Prior year year to date); CY YTD Act(Current year Year to date)
    u2022     Variance Columns: # Var (CY-PY Act) for GOLM; Volume; Rate; Non Banking NII; Banking Volatility in NII; Banking Volatility in OOI; Fees/One Offs/Other; Volatile Items; Sophie
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    u2022     Variance Labels: % Var (CY-PY Act) for Total Income and Underlying Income
    u2022     Sub-Total Labels: # Var (CY-PY Act) for Net Insurance Income; Banking Volatility; Other Operating Income
    Additional information
    u2022     Variance columns (bar) colours: Red = Adverse to Prior Year; Green = Favourable to Prior Year
    u2022     Columns to show values. Adverse values to be shown in red text in brackets. Favourable results in black text.
    u2022     All values in Black, but adverse to be shown below the bar.

    This type of question is almost impossible to answer over a forum .
    You need to work with your business to understand what these requirements mean in terms of data modelling and relationships between object entities.
    - Some of these metrics should be delegated to source, and calculated in the update routines to your datatargets (aka Cubes/Tables)
    - Others could be resolved in the semantic layer (Universe)
    - Other will be calculated in the presentation layer as local formulae or variables.
    whilst BusinessObjects is a fairly intuitive tool, it may be unreasonble to expect a new learner to deliver an advanced report with conditional formatting.

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    This is one of those things that I find really strange about Numbers 3. The control for what you want to do is not where anyone would expect to find it.
    Select the Chart
    Click on Edit Data References
    Look at the bottom left corner of the Numbers window. It should say "Plot Columns as Series" or "Plot Rows as Series"
    Click on it and change it to the other

  • How to display labels ( vertically) in a column Chart

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        I have tried with Column Charts properties like showvertically =" true" &  extendLabelToEnd="true".But i am not getting them vertically aligned .Is that something else also must be done.
    Kalavati singh
    [email protected]

    Take a look at this blog:
    Try it out by providing a default format.

  • How to add two X Axis in the Column chart?Need Help

    I have a requirement to add two X axis in the SSRS column chart.Can someone please help how to add two X axis. I tried the secondary axis for horizontal axis but current x axis is shifting to other side, second X axis is not coming.

    Hi Jon,
    According to your description, you want to add secondary X axis for one series in a column chart, right?
    The secondary axis is useful when comparing two value sets with two distinct data ranges that share a common category. In Reporting Services, it’s not supported to create two X axis for one series. We can create secondary X axis when there are two series
    in a column chart. As we tested in our local environment, we can add secondary X axis for specific series. Please refer to the screenshots below:
    So I would like to know what’s your exact needs about creating two X axis for one series. If possible please share some detail information about your data and expected looking of the chart.
    Reference: Plot Data on a Secondary Axis (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

  • Help - How do I Add a Trendline to a Stacked Column Chart??

    I have a stacked column chart (NOT a 100% stacked column chart) and need to add a line to show the year goal.  I can do this in Excel, but for some reason can't figure out how to do this in SSRS.  I read various tutorials, blogs and MSDN pages
    but nothing works.  The weird thing is that they all say that I should right-click on the chart and there should be a DATA tab...on the chart properties.  THERE IS NO DATA TAB, i'm here to tell you. I'm using SQL 2012 so not sure if that might make
    a difference.
    So how do I do this?
    Again, this can be done in Excel, don't understand why this isn't easier to do in SSRS.
    BTW, completely separate rant here, but it takes me 20 minutes every single time I want to log into MSDN forums.  It never seems to remember my password and I have to reset it, then jump through a bunch of security nonsense.  Anyone else have this

    If I understand correctly, you want to add a line chart to display the Goal values in the stacked column chart. You can try to add the secondary field to the Values area and change the chart type to "Line". Both data field in the Values area
    shares the Category group and series group. Please refer to the following screen shot:
    If I have any misunderstanding, please post your report dataset with sample data for further analysis.
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Sorry, i'm using Illustrator CS3.
    Thank you.

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