Help with Buttons for Slideshow

I'm working on my first flash project.  I have created a simple 4 image slideshow.  I have created 4 Buttons that when clicked, jump to that image in the timeline.  I have added Rollover States to the button. Everything is working like I want it to.
My question is how can I get the buttons to have a different look when that particular image is active?
Example.  When the slideshow is on the 2nd image, I want Button 2 to have an active state (look different than the other three buttons).
Here is my project file.

you have to use movieclip buttons.

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    Can someone please help me with the buttons on this program? I cannot figure out how to get them to work.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    public class InventoryTAH implements ActionListener
        Maker[] proMaker;
        JTextField[] fields;
        NumberFormat nf;
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int index = ((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedIndex();
        public static void main(String[] args)
            catch (Exception e)
                System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
            InventoryTAH test = new InventoryTAH();
        private void initMakers() {
            proMaker = new Maker[10];
            proMaker[0] = new Maker( 1, "Pens",1.59,100,"Bic");
            proMaker[1] = new Maker( 2, "Pencils", .65, 100,"Mead");
            proMaker[2] = new Maker( 3, "Markers", 1.29, 100,"Sharpie");
            proMaker[3] = new Maker( 4, "Paperclips", 1.19, 100,"Staples");
            proMaker[4] = new Maker( 5, "Glue", .85, 100,"Elmer's");
            proMaker[5] = new Maker( 6, "Tape", .50, 100,"3m");
            proMaker[6] = new Maker( 7, "Paper", 1.85, 100,"Mead");
            proMaker[7] = new Maker( 8, "Stapler", 2.21, 100,"Swingline");
            proMaker[8] = new Maker( 9, "Folders", .50, 100,"Mead");
            proMaker[9] = new Maker( 10, "Rulers", .27, 100,"Stanley");      
          int maxNum = 10;
          int currentNum = 0;
          int currentInv = 0;
             Action firstAction = new AbstractAction("First")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = 0;
                   int populateFields;
          JButton firstButton = new JButton(firstAction);
          Action previousAction = new AbstractAction("Previous")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv < 0)
                        currentInv = maxNum - 1;
                   int populateFields;
          JButton previousButton = new JButton(previousAction);
          Action nextAction  = new AbstractAction("Next")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv >= currentNum)
                        currentInv = 0;
                  int populateFields;
          JButton nextButton = new JButton(nextAction);
          Action lastAction = new AbstractAction("Last")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = currentNum - 1;
                   int populateFields;
          JButton lastButton = new JButton(lastAction);
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel( );
        private void showGUI() {
            JLabel l;
            JButton button1;
                JButton button2;
            fields = new JTextField[8];
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Inventory");
            Container cp = f.getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
            c.gridx = 0;
            c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
            c.gridwidth = 1;
            c.gridheight = 1;
            c.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
            c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Number:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Name:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Number of Units in Stock:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Price per Unit: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total cost of Item: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total Value of Merchandise in Inventory: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Manufacturer:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Restocking Fee: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
                c.gridx = 1;
            c.gridy = 0;
            c.weightx = 1.0;
            c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
            c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
            cp.add(fields[0] = new JTextField(), c);
            c.gridx = 1;
            c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
            cp.add(fields[1] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[2] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[3] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[4] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[5] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[6] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[7] = new JTextField(), c);
            c.weightx = 0.0;
            c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
                          JComboBox combo = new JComboBox();
            for(int j = 0; j < proMaker.length; j++)
                cp.add(button1 = new JButton("   "), c);
            f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
      private void populateFields(int index) {
            Maker maker = proMaker[index];
    class Maker {
        int itemNumber;
        String name;
        int units;
        double price;
        String manufacturer;
        public Maker(int n, String name, double price, int units, String manufac) {
            itemNumber = n;
   = name;
            this.price = price;
            this.units = units;
            manufacturer = manufac;
        public int getNumberCode() { return itemNumber; }
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public int getUnits() { return units; }
        public double getPrice() { return price; }
        public double getSum() { return units*price; }
        public String getManufact() { return manufacturer; }
        public double totalAllInventory(Maker[] makers) {
            double total = 0;
            for(int j = 0; j < makers.length; j++)
                total += makers[j].getSum();
            return total;

    // I have made some modifications. Please try this.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    public class InventoryTAH implements ActionListener
    Maker[] proMaker;
    JTextField[] fields;
    NumberFormat nf;
    int currentInv = 0;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    currentInv= ((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedIndex();
    public static void main(String[] args)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
    InventoryTAH test = new InventoryTAH();
    private void initMakers() {
    proMaker = new Maker[10];
    proMaker[0] = new Maker( 1, "Pens",1.59,100,"Bic");
    proMaker[1] = new Maker( 2, "Pencils", .65, 100,"Mead");
    proMaker[2] = new Maker( 3, "Markers", 1.29, 100,"Sharpie");
    proMaker[3] = new Maker( 4, "Paperclips", 1.19, 100,"Staples");
    proMaker[4] = new Maker( 5, "Glue", .85, 100,"Elmer's");
    proMaker[5] = new Maker( 6, "Tape", .50, 100,"3m");
    proMaker[6] = new Maker( 7, "Paper", 1.85, 100,"Mead");
    proMaker[7] = new Maker( 8, "Stapler", 2.21, 100,"Swingline");
    proMaker[8] = new Maker( 9, "Folders", .50, 100,"Mead");
    proMaker[9] = new Maker( 10, "Rulers", .27, 100,"Stanley");
         int maxNum = 10;
         int currentNum = 0;
    Action firstAction = new AbstractAction("First")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = 0;
         JButton firstButton = new JButton(firstAction);
         Action previousAction = new AbstractAction("Previous")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv < 0)
                        currentInv = maxNum - 1;
         JButton previousButton = new JButton(previousAction);
         Action nextAction = new AbstractAction("Next")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv >= maxNum)
                        currentInv = 0;
         JButton nextButton = new JButton(nextAction);
         Action lastAction = new AbstractAction("Last")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = maxNum-1;
         JButton lastButton = new JButton(lastAction);
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel( );
    private void showGUI() {
    JLabel l;
    JButton button1;
              JButton button2;
    fields = new JTextField[8];
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Inventory");
    Container cp = f.getContentPane();
    cp.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
    c.gridx = 0;
    c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
    c.gridwidth = 1;
    c.gridheight = 1;
    c.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
    c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Number:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Name:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Number of Units in Stock:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Price per Unit: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total cost of Item: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total Value of Merchandise in Inventory: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Manufacturer:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Restocking Fee: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
              c.gridx = 1;
    c.gridy = 0;
    c.weightx = 1.0;
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
    cp.add(fields[0] = new JTextField(), c);
    c.gridx = 1;
    c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
    cp.add(fields[1] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[2] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[3] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[4] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[5] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[6] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[7] = new JTextField(), c);
    c.weightx = 0.0;
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
                        JComboBox combo = new JComboBox();
    for(int j = 0; j < proMaker.length; j++)
              cp.add(button1 = new JButton(" "), c);
    f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
    private void populateFields(int index) {
    Maker maker = proMaker[index];
    class Maker {
    int itemNumber;
    String name;
    int units;
    double price;
    String manufacturer;
    public Maker(int n, String name, double price, int units, String manufac) {
    itemNumber = n; = name;
    this.price = price;
    this.units = units;
    manufacturer = manufac;
    public int getNumberCode() { return itemNumber; }
    public String getName() { return name; }
    public int getUnits() { return units; }
    public double getPrice() { return price; }
    public double getSum() { return units*price; }
    public String getManufact() { return manufacturer; }
    public double totalAllInventory(Maker[] makers) {
    double total = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < makers.length; j++)
    total += makers[j].getSum();
    return total;

  • Help with buttons :S

    hi all,
    i'm new to flash but i have an idea whats going on with webpages. I need some help with buttons! i have a website and its has a stage and 9 different flv's (screens). I've been trying to read online and i can't find out how to navigate to different screens, example below
    home          |            |
    about us     |  stage   |
    contact       |            |
    you click one one button it updates the stage. also i'm using actionscript 2.0.
    thanks for any help ahead of time
    Thank you,

    Is it a wi-fi or cellular connection that isn't working?  If its wi-fi and other people/computers/phones can connect check your settings.  If its cellular, are other people's phones (on the same carrier) working in the same location? If other people can't connect then it is likely a network problem.  If others can you may need to reset/restore you iPhone.

  • Help with iPhoto '08 - Slideshow & Ken Burns

    I need help with creating a slideshow using Ken Burns effects. The basic problem is that some photos are getting cut off. I know I can modify each photo for start/end place, but each time I run the show, the effects are different (one run, slide 1 goes left to right, next run it zooms out, etc.), so I can't tell which photos need to be individually modified. The show is 100+ photos, so I'd rather not modify each one. I was at the Genius Bar yesterday and the guy told me the effect would be consistent once I made the slideshow, so that I could tell which ones to fix manually, but that's not the case. Please help!!
    Running: MacBook OS X 10.6.8, iPhoto 7.1.5

    You can adjust the start and end boxes. You can move them, and you can adjust the size by dragging the corners. However, the box will always be in the same shape as your aspect ratio, (e.g. 16:9 or 4:3)
    To do this, click on the Gear icon in your photo to open the Inspector. Go to the Rotate, Crop, Ken Burns Tab of the Inspector.
    Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

  • Help with updates for CS6

    I need help installing latest updates for CS6.  I have Win 7 and have tried updating from the Help - Updates menu.  The error is:  U43M1D207.

    Thanks for your response.  I am in the United States in So. Arizona.
    Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 12:21:45 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help with updates for CS6
    Re: Help with updates for CS6 created by Jeff A Wright in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    Crunkle1 you are welcome to work directly with our support team for guided assistance.  If you go to and select Help and Contact Us you should be given the option to contact our support team via telephone.  Which country/region are you in?
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
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    Start a new discussion in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up by email or at Adobe Community
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  • Need help with javascript for an attachment button in a pdf built in LiveCycle

    what is the javascript to add an button for an attachment to a pdf

    [discussion moved to LiveCycle Forms forum.]

  • Help with Buttons in Actionscript 2

    Help!! I am creating a Flash movie with 5 scenes. I have
    buttons for each that I have added actionscript to, but they still
    do not work. I am not getting any error messages. I am using
    actionscript 2 and have gone step by step. here is what i have :
    on (release) {
    gotoAndStop("main", 1);
    on (release) {
    gotoAndStop("blackboard", 1);
    etc for the rest of the buttons. Any help would save me much
    stress as I am trying to finish a project for school!!! thanks

    Try adding _root. before the gotoAndStop command. If you have
    the code on the buttons that is.

  • Help with buttons within buttons

    I am trying to get stop and play buttons for the background
    music of my site to work within an animated rollover state of a
    separate button. When I put the stop and play buttons into the
    rollover animation they effect the hit state of the button they are
    inside, how do I get around this? If you look at you will see the menu bar at the
    bottom. If you click on the references button (the 3d thought
    bubble) i have directed it to how I want the page to look and work
    when the music bar is 'rolled over'.

    I've look at the site but am not sure what you mean. 1st I
    don't know what the music bar is. Are you talking about the menu
    bar when it's blank and minimized? Because when I go over that it
    jumps from expanding to its full form to back to its minimized
    state over and over.
    I think what you need is something a little more involved
    than the over/out states buttons give you.
    I would say a two state movie clip with a variable that flags
    on and off for the menu. Have the "toggle" turn off when moved out
    from the menu, but not when over the music switch. For example, a 2
    second delay that tests for the toggle being off, and the music
    button turns it on on over...
    Hope that helps...

  • Help with Spry Content Slideshow

    Hi,  I like the new widget browser and how easy it makes adding widgets in dreamweaver, Top marks to the developers.
    I have been having a play around with the spry content slideshow, with the possibility of using it on a small business website I am working on.  I have managed to alter the width and height of the widget and everything looks and works great.  I was however wondering how I would go about adding say a 250w x 80h logo above the banner on each slide, which would also require that the banner and story be lowered slightly.
    Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer with this.

    I was just playing with Spry Content Slideshow earlier, and conveniently still have it open, so I'll give this one a shot, too. It looks like you've got two options embed a "logo bar" of some sort inside the the Slideshow, or (the easier method) wrap the Slideshow in another container. I just used a single banner image.
    I gave embedding a try and placed a <div class="logo"><img/></div> before the first article, but the JavaScript overrode this, and added a new article. Moving this construct inside the first article created a fairly nice banner, keeping the rounded corners at the top. The construct, however, will need to be added to each article. I didn't like that too much, but it's just a personal preference.
    The easy way (?) would be a wrapper, such as <div class="logo"><img /><div id="theSlideshow">...</div></div>, then style the ".logo" class as needed, maybe even copying portions of the style from ".WLBSlideShow" in "wanderlust-brown.css" for the rounded corners, and maybe giving ".logo" additional "padding-bottom" and ".WLBSlideShow" a negative "margin-top", to overlap the bottom of the logo area. Localized CSS modifications (placed after the linked CSS) might be something like the following?
    .logo { background-color: #491e16; width:700px; border: solid 1px #39312e; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; background-color: #491e16; -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px gray; -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px gray; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px gray; } .logo img { width:100%; height:100px; padding-bottom:40px; } .WLBSlideShow { margin-top:-60px; margin-left:-1px; } 
    If you'd like to see the first method, I can put that up, but the HTML is a bit repetitive.
    Hope this helps. If not you maybe someone!

  • Need help with full screen slideshow image quality

    I am looking to display some images with full screen slideshow. The images I add are very large, over 5000 wide. When I publish the site some images retain their quality while others lose it and look like crap. Why would this be and how can I fix it. I tried to resize them to the 2560x1707 that muse does, and then add them. This doesn't change the end result of poor quality.

    Go to Assets Panel and locate the image you want to use at original size. Right click the image and chose 'Import Larger Size'.
    See if that helps retain quality for that image, since Muse does not resize/interpolate that image for you.

  • Can Photoshop make a background with buttons for iDVD?

    Can I create a background in Photoshop (v. 7) and include buttons which work in iDVD6?
    I think so, from reading here and there, and that each button must be on a separare layer. Correct?
    Is there a tutorial or similar on how to do this?

    you may be able to purchase an apple original CD of
    DVD SP (used) like I did on ebay for pennies on the
    dollar. Works great for backgrounds and button
    creation! Doesn't have to be the latest version for
    it to work well. Good luck.
    I have never used ebay and am not comfortable letting them store my credit card details long-term (risk of hacking etc.) However, I am comfortable using the internet a lot for purchases from individual well-known companies I trust (including Amazon, most of which do not store my credit card details), compared to unknowns on ebay. Three questions please:
    1. What are people's experience of buying from "unknown" sellers on ebay? and
    2. A 1.1 version of DVD Studio Pro is available on ebay. Would that (very old) version allow me to use Photoshop to create DVD backgrounds with buttons designed within Photoshop as part of the Photoshop file? and
    3. Do you think that such an old version would work with QT 7? (Often Apple products do not like working with such "time-zone" differences.)
    Thanks for any help.
    G5/2.0 GHz Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1 GB RAM, 150 GB HD, Sony DCR-HC96 mini DV, FCE HD 3.0

  • Music Jukebox with buttons for

    Question: Can a custom Jukebox be made on iweb with a button for downloading music and a button for streaming for each song. A photo of a jukebox with titles on the labels for each song would be the background. Is this possible?
    I know there is a web hosting company with a "jukebox" type feature-it's not the look or presentation desired.
    This web site will have other content like photos and video that is capable in iweb and I really want to customize. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance-j

    Thanks a Zillion- it's just what I need- however, I downloaded "JS-Button-Player" folder but I don't know what to do with it.
    Do I drop the "Play-Button... and "Stop-Button" image in iWeb and thru Inspector Link the image to a file: "Button-Player.js" and insert the name of the song in the HTLM script???
    If so, I don't know where the script is found for iWeb or how to handle it safely.
    As you can see, I'm severely short of knowing the script end of web site design.
    I thank you for your excellent ideas and past help, additional help would be greatly appreciated,

  • Help on settings for slideshow export. Please!

    I could really use some help on this one, I’m new at this.
    My imovie project is a slideshow plus audio. There will be still photos, opening titles, transitions, jpegs with text created in PPT and closing credits. The show will be 40+ minutes long. I then need to make a master copy of the finished product and burn it to a DVD for subsequent DVD PAL printing.
    My question is: what export settings would be best to produce this master copy? I have had problems with exports in the past with other smaller slideshows using Expert settings >Movie to Quicktime.
    I feel a bit pressured in this project and want to do a test run before the real deal.
    Thank you,
    Jenifer J.

    Thanks for the response Ian.
    I have had some problems in the past with exporting Expert Settings > Movie to QuickTime Movie that produced a stuttering first title frame and jerky transitions. Have you any experience with the export you suggested using title frames and stills? I am also wondering about the maximum length of the piece using this export. I am thinking my slideshow will be about 40 minutes. Feel free to give me any information or advice that seems obvious to you, but that I may not know!
    thanks for your help,
    Jenifer J.

  • I need help with my for loop in this array

    Ok well, I can't get my code to work. Also, please remember that this is just my draft so it isnt pretty. I will fix it up later so please look at it. The thing I want to do is look into the array for a time that matches what the user entered and return the toString() of that one. I know there is something wrong with my for loop but I cant figure how to fix it. please help. here is what i have so far:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Runner
        public static void main (String[] args)
            String timeStr;
            int time, again, optiStr;
            Inbound[] in = new Inbound[25];
             in[0]=new Inbound ("",0,"On Time num0");
             in[1]=new Inbound ("",2,"On Time num1");
             in[2]=new Inbound ("",3,"Delayed num2");
             in[3]=new Inbound ("",4,"On Time");
             in[4]=new Inbound ("",5,"On Time");
             in[5]=new Inbound ("",6,"Canceled");
             in[6]=new Inbound ("",1,"Canceled num6");
             in[7]=new Inbound ("",8,"On Time");
             in[8]=new Inbound ("",9,"Delayed");
             in[9]=new Inbound ("",10,"On Time");
             in[10]=new Inbound ("",11,"Delayed");
             in[11]=new Inbound ("",12,"On Time");
             in[12]=new Inbound ("",13,"Delayed");
             in[13]=new Inbound ("",14,"On Time");
             in[14]=new Inbound ("",15,"On Time");
             in[15]=new Inbound ("",16,"On Time");
             in[16]=new Inbound ("",17,"Canceled");
             in[17]=new Inbound ("",18,"On Time");
             in[18]=new Inbound ("",19,"On Time");
             in[19]=new Inbound ("",20,"Canceled");
             in[20]=new Inbound ("",21,"On Time");
             in[21]=new Inbound ("",22,"Delayed");
             in[22]=new Inbound ("",23,"On Time");
             in[23]=new Inbound ("",24,"Cancled");
             in[24]=new Inbound ("",7,"On Time num24");
                timeStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("In military time, what hour do you want?");
                time = Integer.parseInt(timeStr);
                if (time<=0 || time>24)
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Error");
                 optiStr = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, "If you want Incoming flights click Yes, but if not click No");
                if (optiStr==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
    //(ok this is the for loop i am talking about )
                    for (int index = 0; index < in.length; index++)
                      if ( time == Inbound.getTime())
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Inbound.tostring());  //return the time asked for
    //               else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "else");
                }//temp return else if failed to find time asked for
    //             else
    //               if (optiStr==JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)
    //                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Canceled");
    //              else
    //                {;
    //                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "outbound");}//temp
                  again=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Try again?");
            while (again==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
    }any help would be greatly appriciated.

    rumble14 wrote:
    Ok well, I can't get my code to work. Also, please remember that this is just my draft so it isnt pretty. I will fix it up later so please look at it. The thing I want to do is look into the array for a time that matches what the user entered and return the toString() of that one. I know there is something wrong with my for loop but I cant figure how to fix it. please help. here is what i have so far:
    >//(ok this is the for loop i am talking about )
    for (int index = 0; index < in.length; index++)
    if ( time == Inbound.getTime())
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Inbound.tostring());  //return the time asked for
    Inbound.getTime() is a static method of your Inbound class, that always returns the same value, I presume? As opposed to each of the 25 members of your array in, which have individual values?
    Edited by: darb on Mar 26, 2008 11:12 AM

  • I need some (make that lots of) help with buttons

    I am a new designer and I am working on my first web site for free. It started out as something I was capable of doing but it has now expanded into a site that is challenging for me. Anyway, I am having a lot of confusion with with making flash navigation buttons for the site.
    This is what the person wants.  In the up state he wants the button label in text only. In the over state he wants the text with a gray line behind it that slowly expands onto the page. In the down state he wants the same thing but have the text color change and the line color to change. This line is also suppose to stay on the page until the user moves the mouse again. Ultimately the line should also stay fully extended for a sub-menu.
    This is what I have done. I have been using action script 2 so I can use the behaviors panel. I made two different movie clips, one gray and one white, using shape tweens to slowly expand the lines.
    I started out with the lable only and turned it into a button. It showed in the "up" section of the time line and I put a fram in the "hit" section (layer 1).
    Next I inserted a new layer (layer 2) and put a keyframe in the over section of the timeline and made a gray box for behind the text and attached my gray movie clip to the end of it. I put layer 1 above layer 2 so that the text would show through. I did basically the same thing for layer 3 in the "down" section
    except changed the colors to black and put a keyframe in layer 1 to change the text color.
    Now this is what I get when I play the movie in flash. I have a button that the "hand" appears in only one very small section of it below the text. It does not appear when I hover over the text. When I "hit" the line keeps repeating the movie. I know this is a behavior but when I use the behavior panel to put in play and stop it shows the event as none. As for my black line in the down section, it plays so fast that it might as well not be there. How on earth do I stop it and get it to remain on the page? I also should tell you that I know very little about action script just in case that is the direction that I need to go.

    You'll probably have to spend some time learning how to create buttons and movieclips that do what you want, which is what you are in the thick of at the moment.  For the small area you say reacts to the mouse, the Hit frame is used to define the area that you want to be reactive... so if you had a tiny dot in the normal frames, you could add a big dot in the Hit frame to make it easier to get the mouse to work with the button... the Hit frame content does not display.
    For the movieclips, you need to add stop(); commands at the end of their timeines if you don't want them to loop.
    Another approach you might consider is to create your buttons as movieclips rather than as button symbols.  Going this route gives you much more control of how things behave, but does involve some actionscript to make them behave as if they were buttons for the various states. Some people do not use button symbols and will only use movieclip versions of them.

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