Help with date conversion

Hello my table contains the column sample_date which contains values in the format: 09/12/2010 00:00:00.
I want to fetch the rows older than two years, so I used the following query:
However this will not fetch the required rows.
Can you please suggest ?
Thank you in advance.

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    Class InetAddress has a method
    byte[]      getAddress() You can create an instance using the static method getByName() providing the IP address string as argument.

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    String formatString = "dd-MMM-yy";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
    String today_str = sdf.format(today);
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    int today = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int month = d.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int weekday = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
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    out.print("<td> </td>");
    do {
    int day = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    out.print("<td>" + day + "</td>");
    String formatString = "dd-MMM-yy";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString);
    //if(event exists on this day
    // Get results
    // print link for viewing
    // if (after today) print link for edit
    if(weekday == Calendar.SATURDAY)
    out.println("</tr><tr valign=top>");
    weekday = d.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    } while(d.get(Calendar.MONTH) == month);
    if(weekday != Calendar.SUNDAY)
    The part I need help on is this:
    //if(event exists on this day
    // Get results
    // print link for viewing
    // if (after today) print link for edit
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    Need Help with Dates
    Here is some information about dates:
    There are many edible palm fruits, and one of the most widespread and favored of these is the data (Phoenix dactylifera). Dates were cultivated in ancient land from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 6000 B.C. Then--as now--dates were a staple for the natives of those dry regions. Much later, Arabs spread dates around northern Africa, and dates were introduced into California by the Spaniards in 1765, around Mission San Ignacio.
    The date prefers dry, hot climates, because date fruits are injured at temperatures of 20 degrees F, and the damp climate of the California coast was not favorable for fruit production. In the mid-1800s, the date industry developed in California's hot interior valleys and in Arizona. Now the date industry in the United States is localized mostly in the Coachella Valley, where the sandy soils permit the plants to be deeply irrigated. Today the new varieties, mostly introduced in this century, produce about 40 million pounds of dates per annum, or over 60% of the dates consumed in this country. The rest are imported mainly from Persia. According to one survey, about one million people are engaged entirely in date palm cultivation worldwide.
    Hope that helps.

  • Help with date validation on input boxes.

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    to get third date try this:
    java.util.Date bDate = ...;
    Calendar yourCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    yourCalendar.roll(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -11);
    java.util.Date cDate = yourCalendar.getTime();Regards

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    Hello Frank,
    with the conversion there is a problem concering the graphics/ xrefs.
    after you have created the conversion table and structured your document you now can
    save the document as xml file.
    In the output you then will still have all graphics that are in the document, but the xrefs are missing.
    convert the document via StructureTools > Utilities > Convert Documents to Structured Format.
    In the output you then will have all the xrefs, but the graphics are missing.
    However, it's possible that I'm not up-to-date her as I haven't tried this since quite some time now.
    Point 2 and 3 from your list:
    Normally it's the other way around: You have a DTD and import that as a new EDD file in FrameMaker.
    Also I don't think that there really is a possiblity to export any element definitions from FrameMaker. But I'm happy, if you are able to disabuse me here.
    Template file:
    Any FM file. It just contains the page layout and the character formats etc.
    What you need to do is to add a Structured Application containing all the information on where to find the Template, EDD, DTD and also the read and write rules.
    With FrameMaker there are several Structured Applications delivered, e.g. DITA.
    If you do not have enough experience to create a new structured application without any model, it's best to copy and modify one of these.

  • Help with date code

    Sry about this amount of code lines.... but i realy need help...
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    if the date inserted was 12/12/2009 and the time 22:34:12
    result is.......................12/12/0922 34:12:00 <<<<< it´s getting just the two lasts number of the year and inserting the two firsts number of the time into the year, like year 0922 ....
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    and that is the procedure to insert into the table.......
    PROCEDURE set_atendimento(
    p_id_chamado_atendimento IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado_atendimento%TYPE,
    p_id_chamado IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado%TYPE,
    p_informacao IN chamado_atendimento.informacao%TYPE,
    p_datahora_inicio IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_inicio%TYPE,
    p_datahora_fim IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_fim%TYPE,
    p_hora_inicio IN VARCHAR2,
    p_hora_fim IN VARCHAR2
    v_inicio DATE;
    v_fim DATE;
    v_inicio := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_datahora_inicio || p_hora_inicio), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
    v_fim := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
    informacao = UPPER(p_informacao)
    id_chamado_atendimento = p_id_chamado_atendimento;
    (id_chamado_atendimento, id_chamado, id_operador, datahora_inicio, datahora_fim, informacao)
    (SEQ_CHAMADO_ATENDIMENTO.nextval, p_id_chamado, pkg_operador.get_id_operador, v_inicio, v_fim, UPPER(p_informacao));
    END IF;
    that is the JAVASCRIPT
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
    showOn: 'button',
    buttonImage: '/i/themes/fwsac/includes/jquery/images/calendario.gif',
    buttonImageOnly: true,
    closeText: 'Fechar',
    prevText: '<Anterior',
    nextText: 'Pr&oacute;ximo>',
    currentText: 'Hoje',
    monthNames: ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Mar&ccedil;o','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'],
    monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'],
    dayNames: ['Domingo','Segunda-feira','Ter&ccedil;a-feira','Quarta-feira','Quinta-feira','Sexta-feira','Sabado'],
    dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
    dayNamesMin: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sab'],
    dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
    firstDay: 0,
    isRTL: false,
    showAnim: 'slide'
    $('#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO , #P5004_DATAHORA_FIM').datepicker({ beforeShow: fdateRange });
    function fdateRange(input){
    return {
    minDate: ( == "P5004_DATAHORA_FIM" ? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO").datepicker("getDate") : null),
    maxDate: ( == "P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO" ? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_FIM").datepicker("getDate") : null)
    what i must change to get the 4 numbers of the year and all numbers of the time and conca " || " with the date??
    can someone help with this, pls??

    Hello brugo,
    Try this:
    v_inicio := to_nchar((to_date(p_datahora_inicio || p_hora_inicio , 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
    v_inicio := to_nchar((to_date(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim , 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');When I substitute strings: '10/12/2009' for p_datahora_inicio and '22:30:05' for p_hora_inicio, using this format string, I get: 10/12/2009 22:30:05 as a result.
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct :)

  • Issue with Date Conversion when loading XML File into Oracle 10g Database

    Hello all,
    I have the interface shown in the screenshot below. In it, amongst other actions, I'm mapping an XML file element representing a date to an Oracle table column defined as DATE. The source and target columns are highlighted in the screenshot.
    When I execute the interface, I get the following error message:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at java.sql.Date.valueOf(
    I'm assuming this refers to the date conversion!
    I've already tried replacing SRC_TRADES.DEAL_DATE with TO_DATE( SRC_TRADES.DEAL_DATE, 'DD/MM/YYYY' ) in the Implementation tab. This function was not recognised when I executed the interface, so it didn't work! The date value in the XML file is in DD/MM/YYYY format.
    I'm guessing that Oracle SQL Date functions don't work in the Implementation tab. Please could somebody let me know:
    1. Which Date Conversion function I could use instead?
    2. Where I can find a reference for the methods/functions I can use in the Implementation tab (if such a reference exists)?

    Try to change the execution area to staging area. After You change it, write in the mapping box just SRC_TRADERS.DEAL_DATE. When You use TO_DATE, the source field typu should be varchar2, not date (as it is in your source datastore)

  • Need some help with date

    Hi everyone!
    I have an application in Flex AIR and I'm having problems with dates, I could't found an example on internet until now.
    I tried this for insert (database is embeded sqlite)
    insertManager.parameters[":mydate"] = mydate.selectedDate.time; // type of this column is INTEGER (in my table) and store a number (milliseconds from 1/1/1970) ex: 1265079600000
    Then when I need read records
    mydate.selectedDate = new Date(mydateprice); //it supposed show me DD/MM/YYYY but in every case display 1/1/1970
    If I replace mydateprice for mydate.selectedDate = new Date(1265079600000); // it brings me the right date
    So I don't know what happed, and I'm not sure if it's the best idea to store a date in Flex AIR
    I'll appreciate any help, information or example to find a solution.

    Thank you so much VIKASH!!! it works!!!
    Now I'm trying to format this value 1265079600000 in my datagrid column:
    <mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter" formatString="DD/MM/YYYY"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn width="140" textAlign="left" headerText="DATE" dataField="myDateColumn" labelFunction="formatDate"  />
    public function formatDate(item:Object,column:DataGridColumn):String
    return dateFormatter.format(item.myDateColumn);
    but this column appear empty....
    Regards and thanks again!

  • Help with data load model

    I need help with a data load model. First, i'm doing delta extraction from R/3, we load data with a InfoSource to InfoCube A and InfoCube B.
    I'm doing master data validation on the load, so if a load fails for InfoCube A, it fails for InfoCube B too (this is because i can have only 1 InfoPackage for the 2 infocubes, because of the delta update).
    So i propose a new model in wich:
    - The delta load is taked first to an ODS.
    - ODS is cleaned before the delta update.
    - Then i create 2 InfoPackages for full load from ODS to  Infocube A, and from ODS to InfoCube B.
    With this solution i can have 2 infopackages from ODS because i'm not doing a delta load from here to the cubes, and with 2 infopackages i can have independent validations for each cube so if one of them fails, the other can still be loaded sucessfully.
    The solution fails because if i load delta from R/3 to the ODS i can't clean it first. The initialization and the old updates needs to be previuslly loaded on the ODS. Then i can't do full load to the cubes and neither have 2 infopackages.
    Please help me to solve this issue.
    thanks a lot

    Hi jeremy,
    what about this simple solution:
    load data by delta from R/3 in your ODS. You can also have an ODS/cube for the historical data which is more space-saving than holding all the old data in PSA. Then you load your historical data from PSA into the historical ODS/cube.
    From your ODS with the actual data you update your requests by full from ODS into the cubes with 2 different full infopackages. But because you load by full you have to use deletion selections in the infopackages to avoid duplicate data!

  • Help with Date objects

              I need to get the current date from within a JSP and insert it into an
              Oracle database.
              I need the form to be DD-MON-YY.
              What is the recommended approach for this? I have been experimenting with
              time conversions and etc.. but it gets to cludgy. There must be an easier

    See the data formatting classes in java.text ... what you need is there.
              Cameron Purdy
              Tangosol, Inc.
              Clustering Weblogic? You're either using Coherence, or you should be!
              Download a Tangosol Coherence eval today at
              "Rhugga" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > I need to get the current date from within a JSP and insert it into an
              > Oracle database.
              > I need the form to be DD-MON-YY.
              > What is the recommended approach for this? I have been experimenting with
              > time conversions and etc.. but it gets to cludgy. There must be an easier
              > way.
              > Thanks,
              > CC

  • Help With Date Manipulation

    Hi Everyone,
    I need help with oracle dates. I would like to format the following dates and keep it as a DATE datatype NOT char.
    1/10/2007 8:57:45 PM TO 1/10/2007 (only the data part of SYSDATE)
    1/10/2007 8:57:45 PM TO 1/1/2007 (first of the month)
    If I use the To_Char function, it will return a character string. The problem is that I need to retain the DATE datatype so I can join this query to tables with date fields.

    select trunc(sysdate)
    from dual;

  • Help with data migration- Balances from legacy system for Loans Management

    Hi all,
    Can someone please help with this. I need help in how to go about migrating legacy data and balances for loans to SAP FS-CML.
    Which flow types to use, and to do the migration.

    Hi Fisayo,
    good documentation you can find in the transaction KCLJ                      
    => Help => Application help.                                                                               
    You also can find some documentation in the IMG:                            
    => Loans Management                                                              
      => Tools                                                                 
        => External Data Transfer                                             
          => Transfer Categories                                             
             => Loans Master Data and Conditions                             
             => Loans Flow Data                                                                               
    You could use transaction KCLJ to upload the existing  flows. For this you need a sender file with the flows you want to  upload. This file you can create manually or by a report in the old/legacy system that writes the file in your file system.                                                                               
    The sender structure must be defined in transaction KCLL and you could use transaction KCLT to create or change a file to test the upload program.                                                                               
    You will also find some information in the online documentation.                                                                               
    Please be aware that the upload of flows must be tested very exactly. Iif you take over 'wrong' flows, this could cause serious problems in the future when you work with the contracts.   
    Best regards,

  • Help with Data base

    Hi all I am new in SUN Java Studio Creater and I having problem with
    Data base can sombody help me how Can I create a data base.
    I do not what I need to do that.
    Is not come with Sun Java Studio or no.
    if not which data base you think is the best to use with SUN java Studio
    Thanks alot

    For a start, I guess you can explore the tutorial here:
    To create database, I guess, it's better if you use the tool provided by the database. Which database? It can work with any databases provided that you can find the JDBC driver for the database.
    JSC2 is a great product. Just give it a try!

  • Help with Data Matrix (2D) barcode

    Hey everybody,
    I need a little help with creating a dynamic Data Matrix barcode. The DM Studio help files explain the barcode, regions, data code words, etc, but don't really help with implementation of one. I can create a static one using the actual Barcode widget in DM Studio, but I'm unsure how to create a dynamic one. Minimally I'd need to change the barcode's content from document to document, but if you use the barcode object in your section, it doesn't appear as though it allows variables or variable information (i.e. DAL script results). We have 3 of 9 barcodes, but we create those by simply using the 3of9 font when outputting the barcode's content. With the Data Matrix barcode, that doesn't seem like the appropriate course of action because of additional attributes like Scale or Symbol Size.

    Hi Gregg,
    I would request you to try like this.
    1. First insert a normal field (not a bar code).
    2. Change 'Type' to Barcode.
    3. Change 'Format' to Data Matrix.
    4. Change 'Length' to 11.
    5. Change Symbol size, Scale appropriately.
    6. Use Rule as usual you would do for a normal field.
    7. Use Data Matrix bar code fonts (13504, 13505, or 13506) which are included with Documaker. If you have any other specific font for Data Matrix bar code, you may try that as well.
    These steps should allow you get a dynamic bar code.
    Thank you.

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