Help with executing queries in code

First here is the code for the servlet so far, basically, what it does, is connect to a database which is already populated with pageContent from websites. The user goes to a html page which contains a text field for typing in words to search for, selecting any of the words, all, or exact, selecting the number of results to return, once they click submit, they would receive a page showing the number of results or they would receive a page saying no results found if that were the case. I'm not sure how to setup the correct queries based on the logic they use suh as any, all, or exact and how to find out how many rows were returned by the search. I really appreciate the help, thanks alot Here is the code:
import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;
public class WelcomeServlet extends HttpServlet {
      public void init()
        }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
          System.out.println("No Driver");
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test",
        "root", "");
       }catch(SQLException sqe)
protected void doGet( HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response )
         throws ServletException, IOException
      String keywords = request.getParameter( "keywords" );
      String logic = request.getParameter("logic");
      String number = request.getParameter("number");
      response.setContentType( "text/html" );
      PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
      out.println("<html><head><title>Search Engine</title></head>");
      public void search(String keywords, String logic, String number)
        Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        int num = Integer.parseInt(number);
        String[] tokenList = new String[20];
        int i = 0;
        int max = 0;
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(keywords);
          tokenList[i++] = st.nextToken();
          max = i;

I know this is a VERY old topic i'm replying to, but i'm new and couldn't figure out how to contact you directly, and i felt that this wassn't important enough to create a new topic..
okay duffymo.... would you consider this a search for Lucene or SQL.
database contains breif description of company's services (max 200 characters),
Users can search the database by a form field; the servlet searches the name of hte company as well as the description of the company, and returns all results (10 results per page).
I think i kinda answered my own question... i think SQL is adequate, but your comment as well as others would be welcome.

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    SELECT max(oh.ohipp) as mesano_ultfatura
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    and oh.ohipp = (select max(yy.ohipp)
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    where yy.customer_id = oh.customer_id
    and oh.ohinvtype = 5);
    What I want to know is, why the execution time of the second query is greater than the first, if the only difference between it is a variable instead of hard code?

    I assume column custcode is also varchar2. Then it looks like a problem with bind values and not evenly distributed data.
    When you first run the query with the parameter = '5%' you may get many values and another execution plan as with '5.93218%' on a second run. However the execution plan is saved between the first and second run and not adopted to the new values.
    There are ways out of this "bind" problem. But all have to do with providing us a good execution plan first.
    However you can start by yourself with forcing the use of the index on the column custcode.

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    Hi Sarah...
    Try This
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    WHERE T1.WhsCode not in ( 'WHS1')

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    code below:
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    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO code application logic here
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\cert.p12"));
    StringBuilder fullText = new StringBuilder();
    String line = reader.readLine();
    while (line != null) {
    line = reader.readLine();
    KeyStore p12 = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs12");
    p12.load(new FileInputStream("c:\\cert.p12"), "Hfrtnf$5".toCharArray());
    //????????? ????????? ????, ??? ????? ????? ???????????? alias ? ??????
    //Key key = p12.getKey("my kkb key", "ryba-mech".toCharArray());
    Key key = (Key) p12.getKey("my kkb key", "Hfrtnf$5".toCharArray());
    Certificate userCert = (Certificate) p12.getCertificate("my kkb key");
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    signer.initSign((PrivateKey) key);
    byte[] digitalSignature = signer.sign();
    String base64sign = new String(Base64.encode(digitalSignature));
    String base64Xml = new String(Base64.encode(fullText.toString().getBytes()));
    System.out.println("<certificate>" + base64Cert+"</certificate>");
    System.out.println("<xmlBody>" + base64Xml+"</xmlBody>");
    System.out.println("<signature>" + base64sign+"</signature>");
    Edited by: user13622283 on 22.01.2013 22:08

    My first search is to see if there is an Apache commons project that provides it. Lo and behold:

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    Thanks for your time and I'll help with anyone else who is stuck.

    if JSP or servlet use Session...
    if you are using frame you have to consider... which frame is a top parent. that top frame will have the set and get method.. for you to set and retrieve the user name.. bear in mind that different object will have different user...
    so you have to play fair game ...hehehehe :-)

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    public class Pascal {
      /** Return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's
       *  triangle.
      public static int[][] makeRows(int nRows) {
            int[][] mpr  = new int[nRows+1][];
            int l=0; int r=0;
            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
              mpr[row] = new int[row+1];  //index starts at 0
              if (row==0) {
                mpr[0][0]= 1;
                    if (row==1) {
                mpr[1][0]= 1;
                mpr[1][1]= 1;
              if (row>=2) {
                 for (int j = 0; j <= row; j++) {
                    if (j==0)               {l=0;} else {l=mpr[row-1][j-1];}
                    if (j==mpr[row].length-1) {r=0;} else{r=mpr[row-1][j];}
                    mpr[row][j] = l + r;
            return mpr;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
             if (args.length != 1) {
               System.out.println("usage: java " + Pascal.class.getName() + " N_ROWS");
             int nRows = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
             if (nRows > 0) {
               int[][] pascal = makeRows(nRows);
               for (int[] row : pascal) {
              for (int v : row) System.out.print(v + " ");
         }this makeRows function should return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's triangle
    Edited by: magic101 on May 9, 2008 4:03 PM

    i think corlettk meant that some people might not know what pascal's triangle is.
    also, you didnt say what was wrong with your code, just that it was wrong.
    asking smart questions is about giving as much information you can to get the
    best answer. i would throw a System.out.print between every line of your
    algorithm. i would also supply us with the values you are getting for each row.
    also, this question is asked all the time here. do a forum search.


    I am trying to figure out how to convert a code from an older version into JDK1.3.1_01.
    Please HELP!
    Here is my code............
    mport java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class Race extends Applet {
    private Button myButton; //use a button to start the race.
    int race_square; //record the race square 70.
    int t_square; //record the tortoise's position.
    int h_square; //record the hare's position.
    int clock; //record clock ticks.
    public void init()
    myButton=new Button("Start Clock") ; //add button to the top of panel.
    public void reset_v()
    race_square=70; // total squares is 70
    t_square=1; //start point =1
    h_square=1; //start point=1
    clock=0; //reset the clock to zero.
    public void race() {
    int i=0; //set some integer varibles.
    int t_random=0; //random number for tortoise.
    int h_random=0; //random number for hare.
    Graphics g=getGraphics(); //define graphics.
    Rectangle r = bounds(); //define painting boundary.
    g.drawString("BANG !!!!!",100,r.height/2-80);
    g.drawString("AND THEY'RE OFF !!!!!",100,r.height/2-70);
    g.drawString(Integer.toString(clock),r.width/2,50); //show the zero clock time.
    try { Thread.sleep(1000);} //clock ticks 1 second.
    catch (InterruptedException e){}
    g.setColor(Color.lightGray); //clear all the old drawings
    g.drawString(Integer.toString(clock),r.width/2,50); //show the clock time.
    t_random=getrandom(); // FOR TORTOISE
    if (t_random<=5) t_square+=3; // 50% fast plod: 3 squares to the right.
    else if (t_random>5 && t_random<=7)t_square-=6; // 20% slip: 6 squares to the left.
    else t_square+=1; // 30% slow plod: 1 square to the right.
    h_random=getrandom(); //FOR HARE
    if (h_random<=2) {} // 20% sleep: not move at all.
    else if (h_random>2 && h_random<=4)h_square+=9;// 20% big hop: 9 squares to the right.
    else if (h_random==5) h_square-=12; // 10% big slip: 12 squares to the left.
    else if (h_random>5 && h_random<=8)h_square+=1;// 30% slow hop: 1 square to the right.
    else h_square-=2; // 20% small slip: 2 aquares to the left.
    if(t_square<=0) t_square=1; //always start from 1.
    if(h_square<=0) h_square=1; //always start from 1.
    g.setColor(; //draw the tortoise's path: use red color.
    g.setColor(; //draw the hare path: use blue color.
    g.setColor(; //draw the race squares.
    if (t_square==h_square &&t_square!=race_square) // tortoise bites the hare.
    }while ( t_square=race_square && h_square=race_square && t_square<=5+5*race_square;i+=5)
    g.drawString("T",5,r.height/2-7); //mark tortoise
    g.drawString("H",5,r.height/2+17); //mark hare
    public int getrandom()
    return( 1+(int)(Math.random()*10)); // generating the random number 1 to 10.
    public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
    if ( instanceof Button)
    reset_v(); //reset the initial variables.
    race(); //use the button the start the race.
    return true;

    You posted this yesterday, at
    The code you've posted doesn't seem to include Ilikejava's suggested changes - which are, as far as I can tell, the major changes required to bring your applet in line with Java 1.3.
    It will be easier to help if you show what is wrong with your code, if it's generating a compiler error message or throwing an exception.

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    public class SetPriority extends Object
         private static Runnable makeRunnable()
              Runnable r = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                             Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
                             System.out.println("in run() - priority=" + t.getPriority() +
                                          ", name=" + t.getName());
                             }catch(InterruptedException x){
              return r;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Thread threadA = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadA");
              Thread threadB = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadB");
              Runnable r = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        Thread threadC = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadC");
              Thread threadD = new Thread(r, "threadD");
              }catch(InterruptedException x){
              System.out.println("in main() - threadA.getPriority()=" + threadA.getPriority());
    }My greatest challenge is understanding how the makeRunnable() method works. I don't understand how this inner class can be declared static and then multiple "instances" created from it. I know that I have no idea what is going on, please help!!!
    Thanks for your time.
    P.S.: If you know of any really good references on inner classes, particularly URL resources, please let me know. Thanks again.

    Yikes!! The good news is that you're unlikely to see such convoluted code in real life. But here we go.
    "private static Runnable makeRunnable()" declares a method that returns objects of type Runnable. The fact that the method is declared "static" is pretty irrelevant - I'll describe what that means later.
    The body of the method creates and returns an object of type Runnable. Not much special about it, except that you can give such an object to the constructor of class Thread and as a result the run() method of this Runnable object will be called on a new thread of execution (think - in parallel).
    Now the way it creates this Runnable object is by using the "anonymous inner class" syntax. In effect the method is doing the same as
    public class MyNewClass implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            // All the same code inside run()
    public class SetPriority {
        private static Runnable makeRunnable() {
            Runnable r = new MyNewClass();
            return r;
        // The rest of the original code
    }Except you don't bother declaring MyNewClass. You're not interested in defining any new method signatures. You just want to create an object that implements Runnable and has certain instructions that you want inside the run() method. Think of the whole approach as shorthand.
    Think about this for a while. In the mean time I'll write up the "static".

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    because I have to make a flash menu with elasticity effect I
    came upon this tutorial:
    All OK but the code there works only with Flash 5. I somehow
    managed to concoct code that works for Flash 6 but still I didn't
    come even close to a code working in Flash 8. I'm using
    Actionscript only from version 7, I do not know anything about
    Flash 5 and 6. So please, the more experienced guys, help me!!
    The code I concocted is:
    MovieClip.prototype.move = function (centerx, centery,
    inertia, k) {
    this.x = -this._x+centerx;
    this.y = -this._y+centery;
    this.xp = this.xp*inertia+this.x*k;
    this.yp = this.yp*inertia+this.y*k;
    this._x += this.xp;
    this._y += this.yp;
    onEnterFrame=function() {
    this.move (_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,0.9,0.1) ;
    This whole code is on the timeline of the MC being moved.
    So now the only thing I need is to make this code work for
    Flash 8
    Please, help

    Just managed to do it !

  • Need help in executing the plsql code

    hi guys,
    below is the structure of the procedure i have created.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_R_TrgComparisonReport
         DataDate IN      DATE DEFAULT NULL,
         Business IN OUT      VARCHAR2,
         Sector IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
         SubSector IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
         CUSIP IN OUT      VARCHAR2,
         sFloatInd IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
         RCT1 IN OUT      GLOBALPKG.RCT1
         tmpBusCount INT;
         tmpStartCount INT;
         tmpEndCount INT;
         tmpBusName VARCHAR2(30);
         tmpAlterTable VARCHAR2(500);
         tmpUpdateStr VARCHAR2(2000);
         tmpFinalStr1 VARCHAR2(1000);
         tmpFinalStr2 VARCHAR2(1000);
         Days INT;
         tmpFinalStrCMBS VARCHAR2(2000);
         tmpCusip VARCHAR2(100);
         tmpColName VARCHAR2(30);
         tmpFinalStr4 VARCHAR2(1000);
         tmpCMBSTable VARCHAR2(500);
         tmpEndCount_CMBS INT;
         tmpRating3str VARCHAR2(1000);
         Deletestr VARCHAR2(1000);
         ipos INT;
         strSector VARCHAR2(2000);
         strSubSector VARCHAR2(2000);
         G1_ROWID ROWID;
         G2_ROWID ROWID;
         G3_ROWID ROWID;
         G4_ROWID ROWID;
         G5_ROWID ROWID;
         G6_ROWID ROWID;
         G7_ROWID ROWID;
         G8_ROWID ROWID;
         G9_ROWID ROWID;
         G10_ROWID ROWID;
         G11_ROWID ROWID;
         G12_ROWID ROWID;
         G13_ROWID ROWID;
         G14_ROWID ROWID;
         G15_ROWID ROWID;
         G16_ROWID ROWID;
         G17_ROWID ROWID;
         G18_ROWID ROWID;
         G19_ROWID ROWID;
         G20_ROWID ROWID;
         G21_ROWID ROWID;
         G22_ROWID ROWID;
    the procedure got compiled successfully.
    and i am trying to execute this procedure in this way.
    1 declare x refcursor;
    2 exec sp_R_TrgComparisonReport ('31-DEC-2003','','ABS','ALL','ALL','','ALL');
    3* print x
    L> /
    i am facing errors.
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-06550: line 3, column 7:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following:
    := . ( @ % ; not null range default character
    basically i am appsdba so dont have much exposure on this
    can some one please help me out
    thanks in advance.
    let me know if you need the complete code

    and i am trying to execute this procedure in this way.
    declare x refcursor;
    2 exec sp_R_TrgComparisonReport ('31-DEC-2003','','ABS','ALL','ALL','','ALL');
    3* print xIn SQL*plus you would run it like this:
    SQL> var x refcursor
    SQL> exec exec sp_R_TrgComparisonReport ('31-DEC-2003','','ABS','ALL','ALL','','ALL')
    SQL> print xOf course that last command is going to hurl an invalid handle exception because you don't appear to have a ref cursor as an argument in your procedure's signature.
    Unless that is what is meant by RCT1 IN OUT GLOBALPKG.RCT1. In which case you need to reference your variable there:
    SQL> exec exec sp_R_TrgComparisonReport ('31-DEC-2003','','ABS','ALL','ALL','',:x) If that last argument is not the ref cursor then your call is going to fail because we can't use literals as OUT parameters.
    Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • Need help with crazy custom calculations code in Acrobat XI pro

    Im trying to calculate some text feilds together and just cant figure it out.  I have two text feild boxes that I would input certain numbers to calculate in, Textfeild D5 and D6,  once the user supplies the numbers in the D5 and D6   I need a text feild (D9) to calculate and produce a number thats used in another calculation. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Im good at HTML and CSS but only begining with javascript. Im using acrobat XI pro and I put this code in the custom javascript area within the text feld "D9" properties.
    var Dsix = +getField("D6").value;
    var Dfive = +getFeild("D5").value;
    var B2 = 0.37;
    var B3 = 0.45;
    var B4 = 0.53;
    if (Dsix = 15){
    D9.value = B2*Dfive;
    if (Dsix = 30){
    D9.value = B3*Dfive;
    if (Dsix = 45){
    D9.value = B4*Dfive;

    Well thats makes since but unfortunitly it didnt work. The green text feild D9 is where im placing code at. they will be hiiden feilds. the red outlined text feilds are all input feilds. seconds is D6 and nozzels is D5.

  • Need help with report quering store procedure

    I posted earlier today with my code, but I thought I should start a new thread and explain my scenario properly. Sorry for that.
    have to find if a person visited a particular type of store, lets say pets mart in last six months. Every time a member of us go to store, the transction is saved into a database, which means that there are 100s of records for each member. I have few condition to apply (like flags). For example, if a member visited pets mart in last 6 months, we can send him cuopan for that store.
    In my last code, I was using count(*) which takes for ever as everytime function is been called, it checks everything and then return more then one row. And my scenario requires only a flag kind of stuff, like either that member visited a particular store or not.
    I am not sure what approach would be the best and optimised, obviously not the count one. I tried the case statment and it also returns more then one record (for each visit of the member) and I am looking for something like if it occured then Y else N.
    My old code was something like that
    function fnc (memberno, startdate, endate) return number as abc number;
    select count(*) into abc
    from table a, table b
    where a.zz =
    and a.shop_date between startdate and endate)
    and a.store_shoped in ('st01' , 'sto02' , 'sto3')
    and a.store_location in ('loc1' , 'loc2');
    return (abc);
    end fnc;
    I really appreciate if you can suggest me a better way to handle my situation.
    Could someome please help me?

    Something involving WHERE EXISTS or add a ROWNUM = 1 filter:
    function fnc (p_memberno in number, p_startdate in date, p_enddate in date)
      return number
      abc number;
      select count(*)
        into abc
        from dual
       where exists (select null
                       from table a, table b
                      where a.zz =
                        and ?? = p_memberno
                        and a.shop_date between p_startdate and p_enddate
                        and a.store_shoped in ('st01' , 'sto02' , 'sto3')
                        and a.store_location in ('loc1' , 'loc2'));
      return (abc);
    end fnc;With either approach, the count will return only 0 or 1 and will stop at the first match it finds.


    Hi all,
    we are trying to create a procedure to do the following:
    * We have in the database some tables named like C$_XXXXXXXXX
    * We want to drop some of these tables that have a common prefix (f.e C$_1203101)
    v_sql VARCHAR2(300);
    But we get this error:
    Error report:
    ORA-00911: invalid character
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    00911. 00000 - "invalid character"
    *Cause:    identifiers may not start with any ASCII character other than
    letters and numbers. $#_ are also allowed after the first
    character. Identifiers enclosed by doublequotes may contain
    any character other than a doublequote. Alternative quotes
    (q'#...#') cannot use spaces, tabs, or carriage returns as
    delimiters. For all other contexts, consult the SQL Language
    Reference Manual.
    Any help on that please?

    This will not work if you fetch more than one row..instead you can do this..
         v_sql VARCHAR2(30000);
         for c2 in (
                        SELECT 'DROP TABLE ODISTAG.'|| TABLE_NAME drp
                        FROM USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE 'C$_1203101%'
              v_Sql := c2.drp;
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
         end loop;

  • Help with executing windows command in java

    hi, i am trying to execute dos command in java. currently i am trying simply to create a folder in the current directory.
    here is the code snippet:
    try {
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("md myFolder");
    } catch (IOException io) {
    i have also tried using "mkdir" instead of "md". but my code just throws an exception that says: CreateProcess: md myFolder error=2
    what have I done wrong? thanks in advance

    try {
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c
    mkdir myFolder");
    catch (IOException io) {
    io.printStackTrace();hey! that code worked out perfectly. so "cmd" is needed to run dos commands? i searched through the net, but most of the examples that i were able to find did not include "cmd".
    if it wouldn't be too much trouble, what is the option "/c" for?
    i would also like to add that "mkdir" also works. The problem was the missing "cmd /c". Thanks guys for your help! I really appreciate it.

  • Can someone help with a mac error code -22

    I have a error code -22 message when emptying my trash. Can anyone help me solve this? Thanks!

    10.5.8 is as high as you can go for a download at this point. If you want a more recent OS you will need to purchase a disk with Snow Leopard (10.6) on it. Once that is installed you can go to Lion (10.7) or Mountain Lion (10.8) if your MacBook supports it, by a (paid) download.
    Best of luck.

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