Help with method for reading coeffecients.

I am fairly new to Java programming and I was asked by my instructor to wright a program that calculates the quadratic formula via a loop. So far i have the following code:
   // Constructor obtains the number of equations as a parameter
   Quadratic2(int limit) throws IOException {  // Constructor
      // All computations are performed in a loop
      for (int count=0; count<limit; count++) { // setting count to 0, if count is less than limit , then count is incremented by 1
         // Reading the coefficients
         System.out.print("Please enter coefficient a: ");
         double coeffA = Double.parseDouble(inp.readLine());
         System.out.print("Please enter coefficient b: ");
         double coeffB = Double.parseDouble(inp.readLine());
         System.out.print("Please enter coefficient c: ");
         double coeffC = Double.parseDouble(inp.readLine());
         double Disc = discr(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC);  // Compute discriminant
         if (Disc >= 0.0) {  // Solution exists
            // Solving the equation
            double root1 = roots(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, true);
            double root2 = roots(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, false);
            // Outputting results
            System.out.println("Quadratic equation with the following coefficients:");
            System.out.println("A: " + coeffA + "; B: " + coeffB + "; C: " + coeffC);
            System.out.println("has the following solution:");
            System.out.println("Root1: " + root1 + "; Root2: " + root2);
         else {  // Solution does not exist
            System.out.println("Quadratic equation with the following coefficients:");
            System.out.println("A: " + coeffA + "; B: " + coeffB + "; C: " + coeffC);
            System.out.println("has no solution in the real domain.");
   // A method to compute the discriminant
   double discr(double a, double b, double c) {
      return b*b - 4*a*c;
   // A method to calculate roots
   double roots(double a, double b, double c, boolean which) {
      double Disc = discr(a, b, c);
      if (which) {
         return (-b - Math.sqrt(Disc))/(2*a);
      else {
         return (-b + Math.sqrt(Disc))/(2*a);
   public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { //Must throw an IO execption
      int noEqs = 1;  // Number of equations
      noEqs = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);  // Passed from command line
      Quadratic2 obj = new Quadratic2(noEqs);
}I was told to read the coefficients with a method named readCoeffs() but evey time I try to do that I get several errors and as mentioned previously I am new to Java and therefore not able to interpret these errors. As you can see in the above code i read the coeffecients as they are entered but not via a method. I tryed using using the following but to no avail:
  double coeffA = readCoeffs(in);
      double coeffB = readCoeffs(in);
      double coeffC = readCoeffs(in);I was wondering if any of you more experienced programmers are able to show me how or help me write a method to read the coefficients? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry I should have been more specific in my question and provided more detail. Anyways i have revised my code to the following:
//Java Program that Calculates the Quadratic Formula using a loop written by Kris Andrews
// 10/08/07
// Intro to Programming/COP 2006
import*;//import java library
class Quadratic2 { //Naming Class
   Quadratic2(int limit) throws IOException {  // Constructor that takes variable as parameter and computes as many times as the value entered
      // All computations are performed in a loop
      for (int i=0; i<limit; i++) { // setting i to 0, if i is less than limit , then i is incremented by 1
   // Declarations necessary to use kbd input //Declaring variable locally
   InputStreamReader inStream = new InputStreamReader(;
   BufferedReader inp = new BufferedReader(inStream);
// Method to read coefficients
   double readCoeffs() throws IOException {
         System.out.print("Please enter coefficient a: ");
         A = Double.parseDouble(inp.readLine());
         System.out.print("Please enter coefficient b: ");
         B = Double.parseDouble(inp.readLine());
         System.out.print("Please enter coefficient c: ");
         C = Double.parseDouble(inp.readLine());
         return true;
   double Disc = discr(A, B, C);  // Compute discriminant
         if (Disc >= 0.0) {  // Solution exists
            // Solving the equation
            double root1 = roots(A, B, C, true);
            double root2 = roots(A, B, C, false);
            // Outputting results
            System.out.println("Quadratic equation with the following coefficients:");
            System.out.println("A: " + A + "; B: " + B + "; C: " + C);
            System.out.println("has the following solution:");
            System.out.println("Root1: " + root1 + "; Root2: " + root2);
         else {  // Solution does not exist
            System.out.println("Quadratic equation with the following coefficients:");
            System.out.println("A: " + A + "; B: " + B + "; C: " + C);
            System.out.println("has no solution in the real domain.");
   // A method to compute the discriminant
   double discr(double a, double b, double c) {
      return b*b - 4*a*c;
   // A method to calculate roots
   double roots(double a, double b, double c, boolean which) {
      double Disc = discr(a, b, c);
      if (which) {
         return (-b - Math.sqrt(Disc))/(2*a);
      else {
         return (-b + Math.sqrt(Disc))/(2*a);
   public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { //Must throw an IO execption
      int Equations = 1;  // Number of equations
      Equations = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);  // Passed from command line
      Quadratic2 obj = new Quadratic2(Equations);
}But I get the following error: ';' expected
double readCoeffs() throws IOException {
^ not a statement
double readCoeffs() throws IOException {
^ ';' expected
double readCoeffs() throws IOException {
I did not receive this error prior to trying to read the coefficients via a method and what do i need to to correct these errors? Again any help would be appreciated!

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             return LDays;
            return Days;
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            int [] TopLeft = new int [12];
            int t = 0;
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         TopLeft[t] = 1- k[t];
           return TopLeft;
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         int DIM = 0; // int to take the total days in each month
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         int l= 0;
              k = TopLeft(y)[l]; // Believe problem lies at these two lines
              DIM = DaysIn(y)[l];  //
                while (k != 42)
                 if (k < 1){MonthD = MonthD + " "+" "+" ";}
                                      else if (k >=1 && k <=9){MonthD = MonthD + " "+ k +" ";}
                    else if (k >= 10 && k <= DIM){MonthD = MonthD + k + " ";}
                    else if(k > DIM){MonthD = MonthD +" ";}
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              MonthDay[1] = MonthD.substring(21,41);
              MonthDay[2] = MonthD.substring(42,62);
              MonthDay[3] = MonthD.substring(63,83);
              MonthDay[4] = MonthD.substring(84,104);
              MonthDay[5] = MonthD.substring(105,106);
         return MonthDay;
    static void PrintCal(int y) // function to hand off year and print cal
         int upstep=0;
        int count=0;
        while (count !=12)
              while (upstep!=6)
    }Any help greatly appreciated

    Given the previous valid comment here is my code again.
    I'm running the code on the console
       // Months of year          
                    static final String [] MNames  = {"January ", "February ", "March ", 
                        "April ",   "May ",      "June ",
                        "July ",    "August ",   "September ",
                         "October ", "November ", "December "};
         static int [] daysIn (int y) // see if y is a leap year and return correct day in month
               int [] LDays = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; // leap year.
               int [] Days = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 31, 30, 31};
              if (y%4==0 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==0)) // test if y is a leap year. y is gotten from printCal.
              return LDays;
              return Days;
                    static int [] startDay(int y) // Find First Day of a month
              int [] z = daysIn(y);
              int firstDay =((y-1900)*365 +(y-1901)/4)%7;
              int x = 0;
             int [] startDay = new int [12];
             while (x!=12)
              if (x==0)
                 {startDay[0] = firstDay; firstDay = (firstDay+z[0])%7;}
                 {startDay[x] = firstDay; firstDay = (firstDay+z[x])%7;}
              return startDay;
           static int [] topLeft (int y) // find the starting position of the days in a month for printing
              int [] k = startDay(y);
              int [] topLeft = new int [12];
              int t = 0;
                                         while (t!=12)
                       topLeft[t] = 1- k[t];
              return topLeft;
           static String [] dispMonthDays(int y) // Method to supply the days of a month in grid form needs work.
                 int k = 0; // int to take the topleft value for each month
                 int dim = 0; // int to take the total days in each month               
                            String monthD=""; // empty string
                 String [] monthDay = new String [6]; // String Array to take the results of MonthD  and be returned 12 tmes
              int loopThrough= 0; // int variable to progress through the topLeft and daysIn arrays
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                     k = topLeft(y)[loopThrought]; // Not being moved through as far as I can see
                    dim = daysIn(y)[loopThrough];
                          while (k != 42)
                     if (k < 1){monthD = monthD + " "+" "+" ";}
                        else if (k >=1 && k <=9){monthD = monthD + " "+ k +" ";}
                       else if (k >= 10 && k <= dim){monthD = monthD + k + " ";}
                       else if(k > dim){monthD = monthD +" ";}
                     monthDay[0] = monthD.substring(0,20);
                     monthDay[1] = monthD.substring(21,41);
                     monthDay[2] = monthD.substring(42,62);
                     monthDay[3] = monthD.substring(63,83);
                     monthDay[4] = monthD.substring(84,104);
                     monthDay[5] = monthD.substring(105,106);
              return monthDay;
       static void printCal(int y) // function to hand off year and print cal amended for testing to see if dispMonthDays is working
         int count=0;
         int upstep=0; // int variable to return the monthDay
                          while (count !=12)
              while (upstep!=6)
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         System.out.print("Enter a year: "); int year = input.nextInt();
                  I still think the problem is with the first loop in dispMonthDays

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    Jim R.
    Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 14:50:27 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help with opening Adobe Reader and downloading updates
    Under the help menu, there is an option to repair the installation of reader. Did you try that?

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    Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 12:21:45 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Help with updates for CS6
    Re: Help with updates for CS6 created by Jeff A Wright in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    Crunkle1 you are welcome to work directly with our support team for guided assistance.  If you go to and select Help and Contact Us you should be given the option to contact our support team via telephone.  Which country/region are you in?
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                   info = fileReader.readLine();
                   while(school != null)     {                    
                        return info;
                        info = fileReader.readLine();

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    [email protected] writes:
    Re: i  need help with adobe iv reader.
    created by Pat Willener (  in 
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    If not, then you can probably get better performance using a HashMap, properly configured. The TreeMap has O(n) performance for get/put. while HashMap has constant-time performance. If you properly configure the initialCapacity and loadFactor for the HashMap you can get very efficient puts by reducing the number of re-hashes that are needed during map-growth. Note that if you retrieve the data from the Map using an iterator (rather than just calling get()) then you have to be more careful with these settings because they affect the total number of buckets - which can affect the speed of iteration.
    You should also run your code through a profiler. Are you sure that the put() operation is the slow step when reading from the file? It may be that your file access is really the slow step, and so modifying the data structure would have little or no effect. You might consider different methods for accessing the file data, perhaps something from thew NIO package would help speed things up (I am not particularly sure though - I am not very familiar with NIO).

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    Ok well, I can't get my code to work. Also, please remember that this is just my draft so it isnt pretty. I will fix it up later so please look at it. The thing I want to do is look into the array for a time that matches what the user entered and return the toString() of that one. I know there is something wrong with my for loop but I cant figure how to fix it. please help. here is what i have so far:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Runner
        public static void main (String[] args)
            String timeStr;
            int time, again, optiStr;
            Inbound[] in = new Inbound[25];
             in[0]=new Inbound ("",0,"On Time num0");
             in[1]=new Inbound ("",2,"On Time num1");
             in[2]=new Inbound ("",3,"Delayed num2");
             in[3]=new Inbound ("",4,"On Time");
             in[4]=new Inbound ("",5,"On Time");
             in[5]=new Inbound ("",6,"Canceled");
             in[6]=new Inbound ("",1,"Canceled num6");
             in[7]=new Inbound ("",8,"On Time");
             in[8]=new Inbound ("",9,"Delayed");
             in[9]=new Inbound ("",10,"On Time");
             in[10]=new Inbound ("",11,"Delayed");
             in[11]=new Inbound ("",12,"On Time");
             in[12]=new Inbound ("",13,"Delayed");
             in[13]=new Inbound ("",14,"On Time");
             in[14]=new Inbound ("",15,"On Time");
             in[15]=new Inbound ("",16,"On Time");
             in[16]=new Inbound ("",17,"Canceled");
             in[17]=new Inbound ("",18,"On Time");
             in[18]=new Inbound ("",19,"On Time");
             in[19]=new Inbound ("",20,"Canceled");
             in[20]=new Inbound ("",21,"On Time");
             in[21]=new Inbound ("",22,"Delayed");
             in[22]=new Inbound ("",23,"On Time");
             in[23]=new Inbound ("",24,"Cancled");
             in[24]=new Inbound ("",7,"On Time num24");
                timeStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("In military time, what hour do you want?");
                time = Integer.parseInt(timeStr);
                if (time<=0 || time>24)
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Error");
                 optiStr = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, "If you want Incoming flights click Yes, but if not click No");
                if (optiStr==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
    //(ok this is the for loop i am talking about )
                    for (int index = 0; index < in.length; index++)
                      if ( time == Inbound.getTime())
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Inbound.tostring());  //return the time asked for
    //               else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "else");
                }//temp return else if failed to find time asked for
    //             else
    //               if (optiStr==JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)
    //                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Canceled");
    //              else
    //                {;
    //                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "outbound");}//temp
                  again=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Try again?");
            while (again==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
    }any help would be greatly appriciated.

    rumble14 wrote:
    Ok well, I can't get my code to work. Also, please remember that this is just my draft so it isnt pretty. I will fix it up later so please look at it. The thing I want to do is look into the array for a time that matches what the user entered and return the toString() of that one. I know there is something wrong with my for loop but I cant figure how to fix it. please help. here is what i have so far:
    >//(ok this is the for loop i am talking about )
    for (int index = 0; index < in.length; index++)
    if ( time == Inbound.getTime())
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Inbound.tostring());  //return the time asked for
    Inbound.getTime() is a static method of your Inbound class, that always returns the same value, I presume? As opposed to each of the 25 members of your array in, which have individual values?
    Edited by: darb on Mar 26, 2008 11:12 AM

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    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 and up to date.
    iTunes version
    Quicktime version
    I Unibstalled both products, using the guide provided from Apple. I, then downloaded and installed iTunes first, then I downloaded Quicktime and installed it. I had the same issue. Next, I went to Control Panel/ "programs and Features, used the "change" option and clicked "repair". I did this for both iTunes and Quicktime. They ran fine. No error messages, nothing in event logs, no trace of an install log to try to diagnose this myself. Does anyone have this problem, or can anyone help me to start the diagnosis necessary to solve this?
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    Thanks for reading and I would like some help.
    Doug Shreve

    I found the problem and the solution. In Internet Explorer ver 11 / manage plugin's, make sure that the Apple plugin's are enabled. My setings were incorrect, the plugin ws siabled. Enabled it and all is well!


    Hi guys, been reading your forums, blogposts, etc and am getting more confused.  I'm just a video girl trying to produce meaningful content through web videos for small to mid sized businesses and want to come over from the dark side. 
    Good news,, I dont need a super giant system,  I do simple editing for web videos, minimal graphics, no motion graphics, no animation etc. currently using CS4, will probably end up with 5.5.
    I want to get imac 21.5 or 27 if i have to..  So here's the question we all have,,, what do I really need besides an Apple fairy godmother to figure this crazy stuff out?????
    I want to be able to have firewire add on, but the rest is what I need help with.   So i've been looking at cs6 specs, even though im not there yet, eventually will be,, so just need to run cs4 now and build from there.  I also want to eventually move to final cut down the road so I want imac able to upgrade to final cut.
    Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
    Mac OS X v10.6.8, v10.7, or v10.8**
    4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
    4GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
    Additional disk space required for preview files and other working files (10GB recommended)
    1280x900 display
    7200 RPM hard drive (multiple fast disk drives, preferably RAID 0 configured, recommended)
    OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (SuperDrive for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)
    QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features
    Optional: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance
    Any responses would be great.  I know you guys are busy answering the really high end tech questions

    All the current iMac models (both 21.5" and 27" with OS X Mt. Lion 10.8) will run CS4, 5.5 and 6 just fine.  They will also run Final Cut Pro X just fine.  Ditto for most any application you may want to use.
    Below are some notes (specific to your apparent requirements) that may help you with your purchase decision:
    Notes on purchasing a 21.5" iMac
    All 21.5" iMacs come with 8GB RAM but you cannot add more later.  I strongly suggest getting the maximum RAM (16GB) when you order the iMac.
    The basic hard drive is a 1TB 5400rpm drive.  It will work fine with Adobe CS but you will probably want the added speed of the optional 1TB Fusion drive for better performance. Some people will recommend/argue for one of the optional SSD drives instead, but they are very expensive and still only come in relatively small capacities - I don't recommend the SSD drives.  Get the Fusion drive and spend any extra money on a good external hard drive for backup and/or extra storage instead of an SSD.
    Notes on purchasing a 27" iMac
    All 27" iMacs come with 8GB RAM and you can add more later, up to 32GB
    The basic hard drive is a 1TB 7200rpm drive - it will be fine with Adobe CS.  There are upgrade options to a 3TB 7200rpm drive or a 1TB or 3TB fusion drive - these will be fine also.  There are also SSD drive options, but I do not recommend them. (Same comments as above.)
    Notes on all the current iMacs
    iMacs no longer come with built-in CD/DVD drives.  If you need one, you will need to purchase the Apple Superdrive accessory drive ($79)
    All of the iMac graphic processors (GPU's) are compatible with Adobe CS 4, 5.5, 6
    It is very difficult to impossible to change or upgrade the hard drive later on, so don't buy low-end thinking you can add a better internal hard drive later.
    Be aware that Macs always come with the latest (most recent) version of OS X.  And OS X Mavericks (10.9) is due to be released soon (in the next month or two).  There is no guarantee that the older Adobe CS 4 or 5.5 versions will run on OS X Mavericks.  If you cannot upgrade to CS 6 in the near future, you may want to purchase now rather than after OS X Mavericks is released.
    For what it's worth, I'd recommend the 27" iMac if your budget can afford it.  You will appreciate the larger screen size and added capabilities over the years you will use the computer.

  • Need Help with Javascript for Acrobat Pro 9

    I am creating a PDF form in Adobe Acrobat Profession 9.  Not having a lot of experience with Javascript, I have found this forum very helpful and have used many of the script examples for other issues I have had.  I was hoping someone could help with the following script, I have tried many variations, cannot get it to work.
    var ratio = this.getField("ratio").value
    var concentration = this.getField("concentration").value
    var result = this.getField("result").value
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==61) && (ratio.value >= 49.25))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==61) && (ratio.value >= 39.25))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==62) && (ratio.value >= 48.50))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==62) && (ratio.value >= 38.50))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    {result.value = 'FAIL';}
    This is just a piece of the code  The concentration values run from 61 through 99 and the ratio value varies for each concentration value, there is a high ratio and a low ratio.  The result of this field with populate the results field with a PASS or FAIL.  This is not working......any help is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks George.  I updated the script to:
    // Get a reference to the result field
    var ratio = this.getField("ratio");
    // Get a reference to the result field
    var concentration = this.getField("concentration");
    // Get a reference to the result field
    var result = this.getField("result");
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if(ratio.value >=40.00)
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==61) && (ratio.value >= 49.25))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==61) && (ratio.value >= 39.25))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==62) && (ratio.value >= 48.50))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    if((concentration.value ==62) && (ratio.value >= 38.50))
    {result.value ='PASS';}
    {result.value = 'FAIL';}
    However, I am still getting a FAIL result even when the ratio is 50.00 or equal to the passable ratio.

  • Need help with coding for HTML5 Video with Flash fallback

    Hello, need help with my coding in Dreamweaver CS5.5 for HTML5 video with Flash fallback. Not sure if the coding is correct. Do I need anything else Javascipt etc?

    The reason you see a blank page is because it's trying to load the file that is pretty humungous and there is no preloader. So, you see a white screen till it complets loading.
    Also, the reason why its loading a SWF file and not any of HTML5 type video is because your doctype declaration is XHTML1.0 and not HTML5.
    Change the 1st line in your .html file from:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    Then see if your HTML5 video types load with <video> tag.

  • Need help with as3 for popup window

    I am nearing the end of the semester in my Flash Animation class. I have learned very simple AS3 things, code snippets etc. I am trying to find the actionscript for coding a very simple popup window, but have not found a clue.
    Here's what I want to do...I have a white box with some type on the stage. When a person clicks on the white box, I want a popup to open that is larger, that will contain the same type but larger. That box will have an x so it can be dismissed. I don't want to do this in html, only in Flash CS5. I don't want a browser window, I just want a bigger version of the smaller box. I know how to build both boxes, just don't know how to write the code. I know there will be an on-click mouse event listener, and then I am lost.
    Can anyone help with the code I might use? It would be most appreciated.

    It would be something along the lines of... (using instance names relative to your description)...
    popup.visible = false;
    whiteBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPopup);
    function showPopup(evt:MouseEvent):void {
         popup.visible = true;
    popup.popupX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hidePopup);
    function hidePopup(evt:MouseEvent):void {
         popup.visible = false;

  • I need help with searching for an image inside another image

    I need to write a program that checks for a specific image (a jpg) inside another, larger, image (a jpg). If so, it returns a value of true. Can anyone help me?
    Winner takes all. First person to solve this gets 10 dukes.
    Please help.

    I would use a full screen image Sequence made with png for transparency and put your article behind. no auto play, stop at first and last image. and information for swipe to display article.

Maybe you are looking for

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