Help with Packages and xml files

I have a XML file that is read by the program that I want to add to my package.
The package can be check out with a different name and different location each time, so how would I set up for my file to be read in by com.compname.project.lib.xml enstead of c:/dev/com/compname/project/lib.xml

        InputStream fis = null;
        BufferedInputStream bis = null;
        DataInputStream dis = null;
        String[] original = new String[3];
        //try {
            fis = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/c.s.p.b.i.t.c.c.xml");
            xmlpath = new File(is.toString());
            bis = new BufferedInputStream(xmlpath);
            dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
        //catch (FileNotFoundException e) {}
            //parse the file
            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document doc = db.parse(fis);
            NodeList nodeLst = doc.getElementsByTagName(Tag)Edited by: mferguson13 on Jan 28, 2009 6:58 AM

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  • Help with displaying my xml file in my jtext area

    Hi i am trying to read the data from my xml file and display it once the user clicks on the list all button.
    below is the source code for my program can someone please tell me some code to this.
    package tractorgui;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.beans.XMLEncoder;
    import java.beans.XMLDecoder;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
    //import tractor.TextInputPrompt;
    import tractor.Tractor;
    * This code was edited or generated using CloudGarden's Jigloo
    * SWT/Swing GUI Builder, which is free for non-commercial
    * use. If Jigloo isbeing used commercially (ie, by a corporation,
    * company or business for any purpose whatever) then you
    * should purchase a license for each developer using Jigloo.
    * Please visit for details.
    * Use of Jigloo implies acceptance of these licensing terms.
    public class NewSwingApp extends javax.swing.JFrame {
    //          //Set Look & Feel
    //          try {
    //               javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel");
    //          } catch(Exception e) {
    //               e.printStackTrace();
              private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private JButton searchmanufacturer;
         private JButton jButton3;
         private JLabel companyname;
         private JPanel labelpannel;
         private JButton listall;
         private JPanel MenuButtons;
         private JButton archivetractor;
         private JTextArea outputscreen;
         private JButton exhibittractor;
         private JButton deletetractor;
         private JButton addtractor;
         private JButton listallexbited;
         private Tractor [ ] tractors;
         private JScrollPane jScrollPane2;
         private JScrollPane jScrollPane1;
    private int numberOfTractors;
         * Auto-generated main method to display this JFrame
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        NewSwingApp inst = new NewSwingApp();
         public NewSwingApp() {
         private void initGUI() {
              try {
                   BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout();
                   this.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(750, 700));
                        labelpannel = new JPanel();
                        BorderLayout labelpannelLayout = new BorderLayout();
                        getContentPane().add(labelpannel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
                        jButton3 = new JButton();
                        getContentPane().add(getExitsystem(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
                        jButton3.setText("Exit System");
                        jButton3.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(609, 57));
                        jButton3.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                        jButton3.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));
                        jButton3.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial",1,24));
                        jButton3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                        MenuButtons = new JPanel();
                        getContentPane().add(MenuButtons, BorderLayout.WEST);
                        GridLayout MenuButtonsLayout = new GridLayout(7, 1);
                        MenuButtons.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(223, 267));
                             listall = new JButton();
                             listall.setText("List All");
                             listall.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             listall.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));
                             listall.setBorder(new LineBorder(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0), 1, false));
                             listall.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial",2,14));
                             listall.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  /* (non-Javadoc)
                                  * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       String XMLFile = "tractor.xml-courseworkasignment/src";
                                       //** Prints the contents of my XML file
                                       try {
                                       String s;
                                       BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(XMLFile)
                                       outputscreen.setText("File successfully opened");
                                       try {
                                       while ( (s=in.readLine()) !=null)
                                       catch(Exception e) {
                                            outputscreen.append("Error reading line: " + e.getMessage());
                                       outputscreen.append("End of Document");
                                       catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
                                            outputscreen.append("Error in opening file: " + e.getMessage());
                             listallexbited = new JButton();
                             listallexbited.setText("List All Tractors On Exhibition ");
                             listallexbited.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(157, 57));
                             listallexbited.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             listallexbited.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(64,0,0));
                             listallexbited.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       String XMLFile = "C:tractor.xml";
                                  // Print contents of XML file
                                  try {
                                  String s;
                                  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(XMLFile)
                                  outputscreen.setText("File successfully opened");
                                  try {
                                  while ( (s=in.readLine()) !=null)
                                  catch(Exception e) {
                                       outputscreen.append("Error reading line: " + e.getMessage());
                                  outputscreen.append("End of Document");
                                  catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
                                       outputscreen.append("Error in opening file: " + e.getMessage());
                             addtractor = new JButton();
                             addtractor.setText("Add Tractor ");
                             addtractor.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             addtractor.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(64,0,0));
                             addtractor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       String manufacturer =JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Manufacturer of Tractor");
                                       String shp = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Horse Power of Tractor"));
                                       int hp =Integer.parseInt(shp);
                                       int sisRare =Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter If the Tractor is rare (1=Yes/2=No)"));
                                       boolean isRare;
                                       if (sisRare== 1) {
                                       isRare =true;     
                                            isRare =false;
                                       String yom= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Year of Manufacture");
                                       int yearOfManufacture =Integer.parseInt(yom);
                                       String yis =JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Number of years the Tractor has been in service");
                                       int yearsInService =Integer.parseInt(yis);
                                       String svalue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Tractor's Value (?Pounds)");
                                       double value = Double.parseDouble(svalue);
                                       String lastWorkPlace =JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Last Workplace");
                                            if(NewSwingApp.addTractor(new Tractor(manufacturer, hp, isRare, yearOfManufacture, yearsInService, value, lastWorkPlace, false)))
                                       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog((getComponent(0)), "Tractor Added");
                                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getComponent(0), "Could not Add Tractor");
                             deletetractor = new JButton();
                             deletetractor.setText("Delete Tractor ");
                             deletetractor.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             deletetractor.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(64,0,0));
                             deletetractor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       System.out.println("deletetractor.actionPerformed, event="+evt);
                                       JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Tractor ID");
                             exhibittractor = new JButton();
                             exhibittractor.setText("Exhibit Tractor");
                             exhibittractor.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             exhibittractor.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));
                             exhibittractor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       System.out.println("exhibittractor.actionPerformed, event="+evt);
                                       JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Tractor I.D");
                             archivetractor = new JButton();
                             archivetractor.setText("Archive Tractor");
                             archivetractor.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             archivetractor.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));
                             archivetractor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       System.out.println("archivetractor.actionPerformed, event="+evt);
                                       JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Tractor I.D");
                             searchmanufacturer = new JButton();
                             searchmanufacturer.setText("Search Manufacturer");
                             searchmanufacturer.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(159, 21));
                             searchmanufacturer.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255));
                             searchmanufacturer.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(64,0,0));
                             searchmanufacturer.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                                       System.out.println("searchmanufacturer.actionPerformed, event="+evt);
                                       JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getComponent(0), "Enter Manufacturer Name");
                        outputscreen = new JTextArea();
                        getContentPane().add(outputscreen, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        outputscreen.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 255, 255));
                        outputscreen.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(64, 0, 0));
                        companyname = new JLabel();
                        getContentPane().add(companyname, BorderLayout.NORTH);
                        companyname.setText(" Wolvesville Tractor Museum");
                        companyname.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(609, 85));
                        companyname.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255,255,0));
                        companyname.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial",1,28));
                        companyname.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));
                   this.setSize(750, 750);
              } catch (Exception e) {
         protected static boolean addTractor(Tractor tractor) {
                   if (tractor.getManufacturer()==null) return false; else
                   if (tractor.getHp()<50||tractor.getHp()>1100) return false; else
                   if (tractor.getIsRare()==false) return false; else
                   if (tractor.getYearsInService()<1||tractor.getYearsInService()>200) return false; else
                   if (tractor.getYearOfManufacture()<1800||tractor.getYearOfManufacture()>2008) return false; else
                   if (tractor.getValue()<100||tractor.getValue()>1500) return false; else
                   if (tractor.getLastWorkPlace()==null) return false; else
              return true;
         public JPanel getMenuButtons() {
              return MenuButtons;
         public JButton getListall() {
              return listall;
         public JLabel getCompanyname() {
              return companyname;
         public JButton getExitsystem() {
              return jButton3;
         public JButton getSearchmanufacturer() {
              return searchmanufacturer;
         public JButton getListallexbited() {
              return listallexbited;
         public JButton getAddtractor() {
              return addtractor;
         public JButton getDeletetractor() {
              return deletetractor;
         public JButton getExhibittractor() {
              return exhibittractor;
         public JButton getArchivetractor() {
              return archivetractor;
         public JTextArea getOutputscreenx() {
              return outputscreen;
    public void savetractors () {
         try {
              XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder(new FileOutputStream("tractor.xml"));
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    public void loadtractors () {
    try {
              XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder(new FileInputStream("tractor.xml"));
              tractors = (Tractor[]) decoder.readObject();
              for (int i=0; i<tractors.length;i++) {
                   if (tractors!=null)numberOfTractors =i;
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              tractors=new Tractor[25];

    here's an example:
    you need to have a class Tractor with all those properties and then use readObject.Somehow you need to tell the Encoder/Decoder what Tractor means..
    hope this helps!!

  • Help with packages and classpath

    first off, i use textpad to compile my java, i don't do it via the command line.
    my problem is faily simple, i think. i've got a main class and i'd like it to import a custom class from a subdir.
    Main class is in
    C:\Documents and Settings\David\Desktop\java\
    I would like it to import
    C:\Documents and Settings\David\Desktop\java\obj_data\
    I understand that I have to declare to be a part of a package, so i head the code with: package obj_data; as i understand it, the directory in which the package to be imported resides in will be named the same as the package.
    When i import my package into, i import obj_data as follows:
    import obj_data.*;
    this should import objects.class and any other classes in the same directory. also import obj_data.objects.*; could be used.
    Anyway, thats my understanding of how you set up the class and package; i also understand that when the java file compiles the compiler looks at the directoy(s) indicated in the class path for the classes to import. that in mind i tried to add:
    C:\Documents and Settings\David\Desktop\java\obj_data\
    to my classpath. i did this via dos, javac -classpath "C:\Documents and Settings\David\Desktop\java\obj_data\"
    i got no error messages, so i assume it worked. however when i try to compile the main java (test_gen) i get-
    package packages does not exist
    import packages.*;
    1 error
    Tool completed with exit code 1
    can anyone give me some help please?

    This is a minimal explanation of packages.
    Assume that your programs are part of a package named myapp, which is specified by this first line in each source file:
    package myapp;
    Also assume that directory (C:\java\work\) is listed in the CLASSPATH list of directories.
    Also assume that all your source files reside in this directory structure: C:\java\work\myapp\
    Then a statement to compile your source file named is:
    C:\java\work\>javac myapp\
    A class is in a package if there is a package statement at the top of the class.
    The source file needs to be in a subdirectory structure. The subdirectory structure must match the package statement. The top subdirectory must be in the classpath directory.
    So, you generate a directory structure C:\java\work\myapp\ which is the [classpath directory + the package subdirectory structure], and place in it.
    Then from the classpath directory (C:\java\work\) use the command: javac myapp\
    Compiling creates a file, aProgram.class in the myapp directory.
    (The following is where people tend to get lost.)
    The correct name now, as far as java is concerned, is the combination of package name and class name: myapp.aProgram (note I omit the .class) If you don't use this name, java will complain that it can't find the class.
    To run a class that's NOT part of a package, you use the command: java SomeFile (assuming that SomeFile.class is in a directory that's listed in the classpath)
    To run a class that IS part of a package, you use the command java myapp.aProgram (Note that this is analogous to the command for a class not in a package, you just use the fully qualified name)

  • I need some help with AVI and IDX files please.

    Hello there,
    I've just been given a hard drive with a load of media on it that I need to work with in FCP.
    There's a folder with many .AVI clips, and each clip has an accompanying directory file with the extension .IDX
    The format of the AVI files is DV, 720x576, 48kHz.
    For the life of me, I can't get FCP to accept the media. Log and Transfer won't accept them, and if i bring in the AVI files in on their own using File>Import>Files... I get a message saying:
    Media Performance Warning
    It is highly recommended that you either recapture the media or use the Media manager to create new copies of the files to improve their performance for multi-stream playback.
    I can click 'OK' for this message and the media will appear in the browser, but If I place one of these AVI files on a new conformed sequence, the audio needs rendering. (Sequence settings correspond to media settings)
    I tried just changing the wrapper from AVI to MOV, thinking I could fool FCP into accepting them, but I get the same rejection.
    I thought the audio and video signals might be muxed, so I tried MPEG Streamclip to sort that out, but even MPEG Streamclip doesn't accept the media, saying : File open error: Can't find video or audio tracks.
    Could anybody advise me on how to get the most out of these media files please?
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: James M.
    Message was edited by: James M.

    yes. I tried transcoding in QT, but they still come in with the same audio rendering required. I'm a bit loath to convert them all though, as there are 1400 clips.
    It's not a huge problem, as they do play in FCP, but I'd like to sort out the audio rendering. I don't understand why it needs rendering as the media and sequence audio settings match, and it's not some weird format or anything, it's bog standard 48kHz stereo.

  • Have itl and xml files on external hd am running home premium. can  no longer access files, am told this is because they were created with a newer version of itunes. also when i try to download 10.3 it wont, just says invalid drive j and for me to try aga

    i am running vista home premium on desktop and vista basic on laptop. have placed my itunes music with .itl and .xml files onto external drive connected to another desktop running vista and can no longer access music on first two mentioned comps only on the one connected to external drive. always am told that the library cant be read because it was created using a newer version of itunes. have tried to download 10.3 but it always tells me that i have and invalid hard drive j and to try again. any ideas?

    Older versions of iTunes cannot read libraries created with newer versions of iTunes. You need to have the same version of iTunes on all your PCs. Is that the case?
    As far as the problem installing iTunes goes, see this article from b noir on dealing with the problem:
    If you get to the point where you need the Microsoft Installer cleanup utility, you will need more help as it has been withdrawn by Microsoft. but I am hoping the virtual drive trick will work,

  • I'm so confused!! I just want to create interactive pdf files (with video and flash files), but this free trial version is confusing!! help!?!

    i'm so confused!! I just want to create interactive pdf files (with video and flash files), but this free trial version is confusing!! help!?!

    Thanks for your suggestions. I checked to see if the options you suggested were set incorrectly but they were set to sync all. This led me to think the problem was actually in the iphone. I re-initialized the iphone and did not allow the system to restore any of the previous settings. In essence, I forced the phone to reset to factory settings. Then my video podcasts started syncing. All is well now. I did notice that I had seven podcasts selected that were "HD" presentations, and as such, are not compatible with the iphone. I don't know if this had anything to do with my earlier situation, but now I'm getting the video podcasts automatically. I'm happy. It wasn't much fun forcing the iphone to forget all of my preferences and I'm still customizing the phone now several days later. I think I have everything working and back to normal except I haven't identified any of my email accounts as of yet. Thanks for your help.

  • I fouled up; erased library .itl and .xml files; need a little help

    I think I see what I did wrong (my issue relates to this reply post I submitted earlier today >> but I don't think there's any need to go back and read that post to get the gist of my problem).
    So, after knocking around and reading a whole bunch of forum posts and Apple support pubs, I now know I did something dumb.
    Simply put, last night, in the course of attempting to delete from my MacBook Pro the iTunes library file residing there (the one designed to contain actual media files, i.e., music, books, podcasts, etc.), I also deleted the iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml files.  Yes, doh! is right.
    [BTW, the idea behind deleting the media library on the MBP was because my media files are -- and have been for some time -- located on an external hard drive.  So the good news is I still have all my media.  Of course, the bad news is I lost all playlists and a host of song-specific information and I'm sure a bunch of other stuff that is organized on the iTunes Library.itl file.  (Apple's helpful info sheet on the .itl and .xml files at >>]
    So  I opened up iTunes today and there is nothing there, i.e., looks like just opened for the first time ever.  I now know that in the absence of the .itl and .xml files (which I trashed yesterday), iTunes went ahead and created new, empty versions of these files.
    HERE'S THE QUESTION: what should or can i do now to rebuild my library?  My media files still reside on my external HD and there they must stay because there isn't remotely enough room on the MBP hard drive itself.
    I'm just sort of stumped.  And skittish.  I don't want to make another dumb mistake that will make things even worse.  Any ideas?

    Hey, sorry to hear that, but good to know  that you have all your "stuff" and its just a matter of getting it all back together in the right place.  So, I have some ideas why it happened to me and maybe why this happened to you, which may be relevant later, but first I'll first explain how I got out of this jam.
    After much investigating, I finally did a search for .itl files and ended up "finding" one in the Media folder itself, specifically in the Music folder (yeah, should have done this much earlier).  Looking around, I also found the other files and folders that are supposed to be at same directory level as "iTunes Media." 
    At this point, I just moved them back to where they were supposed to be and opened iTunes and, voila, there was my stuff (albeit not quite all of it or exactly as it should be).  Then, after making sure my Media folder was properly identified in Advanced Preferences, I checked the boxes under File -> Library -> Organize Library and iTunes started doing some activity that seemed like it was reorganizing or rechecking the organization (you can see I am no expert here).
    So like I indicated, it wasn't exactly the way it was when I last used iTunes before I had the problems (e.g., various podcasts, books, etc. werent there -- so i just added them into the Library manually, i.e., File -> Add To Library, etc.).
    Anyway, I hope this helps if you haven't already fixed your problem.  If not, I might have some other ideas I came across while still searching for solution to my problem.  Best of luck.

  • Problems with reports and XML-publisher - No XML

    I'm having a problem with Apps and XML-publisher. I made a report file, which queries some views. When executing in reports, I get all the data I expect.
    Now, when I upload the reportfile to Apps and let it generate XML, my xml-file is empty (well, almost empty)
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <!-- Generated by Oracle Reports version -->
    Anyone who can shed any light upon this problem?

    OK, finally solved the problem... A good night's sleep always helps ;).
    After just trying each queried table one after an other, I found the problem:
    The difference between Oracle Apps (Dutch locale) and the reports builder (English) is the language... And our functional people have changed some names, but the Dutch ones, leaving the english names in place and one of the tables I query has language specific data, which is also appears in a where clause.

  • Popup with open and save file option

    I have created a button on my page name as "Export File" and created a process and called on "EXPORT FILE" button. I am using utl file in this procedure and i want to download this file and file will be .ics file using for calendar.
    My page process code is
    end;when i click on export file button it should raise a popup with open and save file option.
    How i can do this?
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Vedant on Jan 25, 2013 1:59 AM
    Edited by: Vedant on Jan 25, 2013 2:00 AM
    Edited by: Vedant on Jan 25, 2013 3:49 AM

    Have you installed any new Software/Spyware/Virus Scanner etc.Check it out.It might have caused the issue for last 5 days.
    This issue is fixed in Latest Support Package Versions.
    Which Version of Support Package you are using?
    If EP6 <SP19 you will face this issue.
    Just upgrade it to EP6, Support Pack-19,this will be resolved.
    Upgrade of Support Pack wont take much can get the document under
    Hope it helps
    Karthick Eswaran
    *Reward Points for helpful answers.

  • New PC-do I need to transfer Itunes library files (itl and xml files?)

    Hi gang,
    I followed the Itunes tutorial for Windows and moved my Itunes music library to a EHD as it was filling up my laptop. I left the itl and xml library files on the laptop hard drive as instructed.
    However, this laptop is a work PC and if I change jobs I will need to download a new version of Itunes to the new PC. I know how to import the files from the EHD but my question is the following:
    1. Do I need to back up the itl and xml library files to the EHD before I give back the work PC? It seems likely since they contain info about the playlists.
    2. Once I download Itunes on the new PC would I just copy the library files onto the hard drive or can they remain on the EHD?
    It sounds like (from reading some info from Chris CA) that I need to make a copy of the Itunes folder (which includes the itl and xml files) from the laptop hard drive and put it on the EHD inside the EHD Itunes folder. Then with the new PC load a new version of Itunes and hold the shift key when launching. Then I would select the library from the EHD.
    Is that correct?
    Any help would be appreciated as I cannot find anything on this in Itunes help or the forum.

    Assuming you start with a standard configuration which is:
    The iTunes folder in My music on your c: drive and all your music in the iTunes Music folder in the iTunes folder on the c: drive.
    Starting from there, with iTunes closed, you copy the iTunes folder to an external drive, this also copies the music in the iTunes Muisc folder.
    To move to a new PC, you install iTunes, then you drag your new iTunes folder to the desktop, then you replace it by copying the iTunes folder from the external drive.
    With this set up you can also run entirely on the EHD if you want to. Just start iTunes with the shift key held down, navigate to the iTunes folder on the external drive an choose iTunes Library.itl. This could be useful if you want to dake the EHD to work.
    If you are not starting from the default position I described, some adjustments would have to be made, but it would need an exact descripition of how your folders are set up at the moment.

  • Help with updating and song information

    im currently using itunes 11.1.2(i know its the newest .2) and the new update is for .4 and an error comes up.
    i see that you should do an uninstall and a reinstall but i wanted to know if this will lose all my songs and thier data (ie i have given everysong a rename and artist rename and lyrics). ive seen you need an itl and xml file but i only have an xml file
    im using windows 7 for additional info
    i just need help on what to do in this situation.

    Let's start with...
    The uninstall and reinstall process will preserve your iTunes library and any iOS device backups. You should check your preferences after reinstalling to make sure nothing has changed. Ideally you would backup the library and your other important personal documents and data on a regular basis. See the user tip Backup your iTunes for Windows library with SyncToy for a suggested strategy.
    And a comprehensive guide to the reinstall process.
    The main libray file is iTunes Library.itl though you may see it as iTunes Library. If you've managed to lose it, and have no back up
    In the unlikely event that content is missing from the library following the reinstallation of iTunes see Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash or Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.
    And a host of other troubleshooting advice....

  • Problem with Preview and PSD files - random gray square

    Hi guys, hope you can help...
    I've got a problem with Preview and PSD files.
    If I open in Preview both an original jpg straight from my reflex and the photoshop version of the same picture, the psd file presents a gray square (of what it seems unrendered image) in a random area of the photo (sometimes in the center.). The square is quite big...
    If I zoom in or zoom out it disappears...if I scroll to another photo and then back to the psd, the square it's there again...sometimes in a different position.
    I've tried the same psd on my older iMac with leopard...and got no problem at all.
    I suspect it got something to do with my Ati...
    (this is the second iMac 27...the first went back for gray banding on the lcd screen and flickering and yellow tinge........)
    Thanks for your help.

    maybe I'm onto something...
    I've just found out that opening Preview in 32bit mode (instead of default 64bit) works flawlessly with any psd files. If I switch back to 64bit mode, Preview is much faster but the gray square comes back...
    It seems like the i7 is much faster than the Ati....
    Any more realistic ideas?

  • HTML and XML files open in same window(KM Navigation iView)

    Hi All,
    I have created a KM navigation which is pointing the folder inside the documents repository. This folder contains HTML and XML files. It is rendering fine. But, when I click on the file links in KM Navigation iView, it is opening in new window.Here I need to open in same window. How can I acheive this?. Please help me.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Venkatesh R

    Hi ,
    check the below thread and try options mentioned in it
    Koti Reddy

  • How to convert a Form to a Text file and XML file?

    I want to convert a Form to a Text file and XML file,but I don't know how convert?
    Please help!
    Oracle Form Builder V10.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    Thanks in advance!

    ..or follow the steps in Mtalink note; Doc ID: Note:196924.1
    Forms XML Conversion Feature ( Converting Forms To XML)

  • Basic question, how to create rtf template with a given xml file

    Hello guys
    I am new to BI publisher and I am learning how to create rtf templates using given xml fiel definitions by following the bi publisher guide
    The steps I am following is:
    1, create template using template builders, which is downloaded into MS words.
    2, In the empty template, map the xml columns with template field using BI publisher tag
    3, upload the template to BI Publisher as a layout.
    That's all I can understand.
    My question is:
    1,in which above step do I import XML file into template builder (if not bi publisher), how to do so?
    2,After template is created, how to associate this template layout with existing reports in BI Publisher, or is it necessary at all?
    3,In the template content in MS Word template builder, what should I enter other than BI publisher tags for mapping XML field to desired template field
    Or, if my understand of this process is entirely wrong, what's the right process of creating rtf template with a given XML file definition

    If you have a BI Publisher desktop installed, have a look a the demos,.. should answer most of your basic questions.
    (Windows) Start->Programs->Oracle BI Publisher Desktop->Demos
    Invoice Demo - good one for those with E-Business Suite
    Report Demo - Sample using BI Publisher

Maybe you are looking for

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