Help with realization of a code by "change" event

The form is developed in Live Cycle 9
There is the following code:
var str = rawValue;
var FIO = str.split (' ');
var a = FIO.length
switch (a) {
case 2:{
        FIO [0] = FIO [0].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [0].substr (1);
        FIO [1] = FIO [1].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [1].substr (1);
    rawValue = FIO.join (' ');
     case 3:{
        FIO [0] = FIO [0].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [0].substr (1);
        FIO [1] = FIO [1].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [1].substr (1);
        FIO [2] = FIO [2].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [2].substr (1);
   rawValue = FIO.join (' ');
case 4:{
        FIO [0] = FIO [0].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [0].substr (1);
        FIO [1] = FIO [1].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [1].substr (1);
        FIO [2] = FIO [2].charAt (0).toUpperCase () + FIO [2].substr (1);
        FIO [3] = FIO [3].charAt (0) + FIO [3].substr (1);
    rawValue = FIO.join (' ');
    rawValue = str;  
This code works on "exit" event (transfers the first symbols of the first three words to the top register, input of all text happens in the bottom register). How to make the given functionality on "change" event. It is necessary that at once at text input in the field the first symbols of the first those words were removed in the top register.

I need something like these:
<field name="Strachovatel" y="8.65mm" x="3.65mm" w="170mm" h="10mm">
                     <?templateDesigner StyleID aped3?>
                     <edge stroke="lowered"/>
            <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
            <margin topInset="1mm" bottomInset="1mm" leftInset="1mm" rightInset="1mm"/>
            <para vAlign="middle"/>
            <caption reserve="45.707mm">
               <para vAlign="middle"/>
            <event activity="change" name="event__change">
               <script contentType="application/x-javascript">
if (xfa.event.newText.length &gt;xfa.event.prevText.length &amp;&amp;xfa.event.change.length == 1)
xfa.event.change = xfa.form.topmostSubform.variables.Validation.VerchReg(xfa.event.change);
xfa.event.change = "";
   <?templateDesigner expand 1?></subform>
         <text name="version"></text>
      <?templateDesigner Hyphenation excludeInitialCap:1, excludeAllCaps:1, wordCharCnt:7, remainCharCnt:3, pushCharCnt:3?>
         <script contentType="application/x-javascript" name="Validation">
var first=true;
function VerchReg(newsymbol)
var re = /[А-Яа-я-" "]/;
if (re.test(newsymbol))
if (newsymbol==" ")
  return newsymbol;
if (first)
return newsymbol.toUpperCase();
return newsymbol;
return "";
         <?templateDesigner expand 1?></variables>
      <?templateDesigner expand 1?></subform>
Here only the first character of all words are written in upper case, and we need only the first three words.

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    g.setColor(; //draw the hare path: use blue color.
    g.setColor(; //draw the race squares.
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    g.drawString("T",5,r.height/2-7); //mark tortoise
    g.drawString("H",5,r.height/2+17); //mark hare
    public int getrandom()
    return( 1+(int)(Math.random()*10)); // generating the random number 1 to 10.
    public boolean action(Event e, Object arg)
    if ( instanceof Button)
    reset_v(); //reset the initial variables.
    race(); //use the button the start the race.
    return true;

    You posted this yesterday, at
    The code you've posted doesn't seem to include Ilikejava's suggested changes - which are, as far as I can tell, the major changes required to bring your applet in line with Java 1.3.
    It will be easier to help if you show what is wrong with your code, if it's generating a compiler error message or throwing an exception.

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    public class Pascal {
      /** Return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's
       *  triangle.
      public static int[][] makeRows(int nRows) {
            int[][] mpr  = new int[nRows+1][];
            int l=0; int r=0;
            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
              mpr[row] = new int[row+1];  //index starts at 0
              if (row==0) {
                mpr[0][0]= 1;
                    if (row==1) {
                mpr[1][0]= 1;
                mpr[1][1]= 1;
              if (row>=2) {
                 for (int j = 0; j <= row; j++) {
                    if (j==0)               {l=0;} else {l=mpr[row-1][j-1];}
                    if (j==mpr[row].length-1) {r=0;} else{r=mpr[row-1][j];}
                    mpr[row][j] = l + r;
            return mpr;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
             if (args.length != 1) {
               System.out.println("usage: java " + Pascal.class.getName() + " N_ROWS");
             int nRows = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
             if (nRows > 0) {
               int[][] pascal = makeRows(nRows);
               for (int[] row : pascal) {
              for (int v : row) System.out.print(v + " ");
         }this makeRows function should return ragged array containing the first nRows rows of Pascal's triangle
    Edited by: magic101 on May 9, 2008 4:03 PM

    i think corlettk meant that some people might not know what pascal's triangle is.
    also, you didnt say what was wrong with your code, just that it was wrong.
    asking smart questions is about giving as much information you can to get the
    best answer. i would throw a System.out.print between every line of your
    algorithm. i would also supply us with the values you are getting for each row.
    also, this question is asked all the time here. do a forum search.

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         private static Runnable makeRunnable()
              Runnable r = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                             Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
                             System.out.println("in run() - priority=" + t.getPriority() +
                                          ", name=" + t.getName());
                             }catch(InterruptedException x){
              return r;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Thread threadA = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadA");
              Thread threadB = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadB");
              Runnable r = new Runnable()
                   public void run()
                        Thread threadC = new Thread(makeRunnable(), "threadC");
              Thread threadD = new Thread(r, "threadD");
              }catch(InterruptedException x){
              System.out.println("in main() - threadA.getPriority()=" + threadA.getPriority());
    }My greatest challenge is understanding how the makeRunnable() method works. I don't understand how this inner class can be declared static and then multiple "instances" created from it. I know that I have no idea what is going on, please help!!!
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    Yikes!! The good news is that you're unlikely to see such convoluted code in real life. But here we go.
    "private static Runnable makeRunnable()" declares a method that returns objects of type Runnable. The fact that the method is declared "static" is pretty irrelevant - I'll describe what that means later.
    The body of the method creates and returns an object of type Runnable. Not much special about it, except that you can give such an object to the constructor of class Thread and as a result the run() method of this Runnable object will be called on a new thread of execution (think - in parallel).
    Now the way it creates this Runnable object is by using the "anonymous inner class" syntax. In effect the method is doing the same as
    public class MyNewClass implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            // All the same code inside run()
    public class SetPriority {
        private static Runnable makeRunnable() {
            Runnable r = new MyNewClass();
            return r;
        // The rest of the original code
    }Except you don't bother declaring MyNewClass. You're not interested in defining any new method signatures. You just want to create an object that implements Runnable and has certain instructions that you want inside the run() method. Think of the whole approach as shorthand.
    Think about this for a while. In the mean time I'll write up the "static".

  • Elasticity: help with converting Flash 5 code to Flash 8

    because I have to make a flash menu with elasticity effect I
    came upon this tutorial:
    All OK but the code there works only with Flash 5. I somehow
    managed to concoct code that works for Flash 6 but still I didn't
    come even close to a code working in Flash 8. I'm using
    Actionscript only from version 7, I do not know anything about
    Flash 5 and 6. So please, the more experienced guys, help me!!
    The code I concocted is:
    MovieClip.prototype.move = function (centerx, centery,
    inertia, k) {
    this.x = -this._x+centerx;
    this.y = -this._y+centery;
    this.xp = this.xp*inertia+this.x*k;
    this.yp = this.yp*inertia+this.y*k;
    this._x += this.xp;
    this._y += this.yp;
    onEnterFrame=function() {
    this.move (_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,0.9,0.1) ;
    This whole code is on the timeline of the MC being moved.
    So now the only thing I need is to make this code work for
    Flash 8
    Please, help

    Just managed to do it !

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    Could anyone help me with a solution?
    Should I change the display or is it a minor damage??
    Thanks for your support

    sounds like you broke the display when you dropped it.  There's nothing we users here can do for you.
    Since the iPhone warranty does not cover accidental damage, you will have to pay to have your phone repaired or replaced.  You can bring it into Apple for an out of warranty exchange in the country of purchase, or you can find a 3rd party iPhone repair store in your area.

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    Invalid Directory
    The account path /Users/kristen/Library/Mail/[email protected] is already being used by the account "Silver"
    Did I somehow corrupt something? I'm not sure why making this small change to the full name would cause such an error. Please help.

    stop() forcibly kills a thread. You shouldn't use this method because if the thread is in a critical section of code, you can cause data corruption or deadlock.
    Instead, if you need to stop execution from another thread, invoke the interrupt() method.
    Good luck.

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    //Debut imports
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    //Fin imports
    //  Class: soudure
    public class soudure extends JApplet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ChangeListener
        //Debut Declarations
        boolean dessinConfig = false; //Savoir quand on utilise paint pour config
        Image img; //Image a dessiner
        int x = -1; //Sert pour savoir le point x de la souris
        int y = -1; //Sert pour savoir le point y de la souris
        int ovalHeight = 10; //Set la hauteur de l'oval
        int ovalWidth = 10; //Set la largeur de l'oval
        JLabel xCoord, //Coordonner de la souris X
               yCoord, //Coordonner de la souris Y
               lVoltage, //Identifie le voltage
               lAmperage; //Indeitifie l'amperage
        JPanel config, //Panel de configuration
               dessin, //Panel de dessin
               info; //Panel d'info
        JSlider voltage, //Set le voltage
                amperage; //Set l'amperage
        Vector sauvOvalXY; //Sauvegarde les points x et y des ovals
        Vector sauvOvalWH;  //Sauvegarde les largeur et hauteur des ovals
        //Fin Declarations
        //  Fonction: init()
        public void init()
            //Debut Initialisations
            config = new JPanel();   
            dessin = new JPanel();
            info = new JPanel();
            xCoord = new JLabel("X Coord.: ");
            yCoord = new JLabel("Y Coord.: ");
            voltage = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 15,30,15);
            lVoltage = new JLabel("Voltage  15 :");
            amperage = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, 100,400,100);
            lAmperage = new JLabel("Amperage  100 :");
    //      img = new Image();
          sauvOvalXY = new Vector();
          sauvOvalWH = new Vector();
            //Fin Initialisations
            //Debut set Background
            //Fin set Background
            //Debut set layout
            //Fin Set Layout
            //Add les listener
            //Fin Add listener
            //Divers settings
            dessin.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1,1,1,1,;
            config.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1,1,1,1,;
            info.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1,1,1,1,;
            //Set Size
            //Fin set Size
            //Debut ajout Panel
            //Fin ajout Panel       
        //Fin Fonction init()
        //  Fonction: mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            //Prend l'objet sur lequel l'event est fait
            Object obj = e.getSource();
            x = e.getX();
            y = e.getY();
            //JPanel Dessin
            if(obj == dessin)
            //Fin JPanel dessin
        //Fin Fonction mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseExited(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
            //Met les coords de la souris a 0
            xCoord.setText("X Coord.: 0");
            yCoord.setText("Y Coord.: 0");
        //Fin Fonction mouseExited(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mousePressed(MouseEvent)
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mousePressed(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
        //Fin Fonction mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: paint(Graphics)
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            g = dessin.getGraphics();
            //Verifie si rien n'a encore ete dragger
            if(x != -1)
                //Sauvegarde les infos
                sauvOvalXY.add(new Point(x,y));
                sauvOvalWH.add(new Point(ovalWidth,ovalHeight));
                //Dessine les sauvegarde
                int size = sauvOvalXY.size();
                for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
                    Point tmpXY = (Point)sauvOvalXY.get(i);
                    Point tmpWH = (Point)sauvOvalWH.get(i);
    /*        //Si dessine pour panel config
                g = config.getGraphics();
               // dessinConfig = false;
        //Fin Fonction paint(Graphics)
        //  Fonction: positionSouris(MouseEvent)
        public void positionSouris(MouseEvent e)
            int tmpX = e.getX();
            int tmpY = e.getY();
            xCoord.setText("X Coord.: " + Integer.toString(tmpX));
            yCoord.setText("Y Coord.: " + Integer.toString(tmpY));
        //Fin Fonction positionSouris(MouseEvent)
        //  Fonction: stateChanged(ChangeEvent)
        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
            //Verifie lobject actuel
            Object obj = e.getSource();
            if(obj == voltage)
                int tmpVoltage = voltage.getValue();
                lVoltage.setText("Voltage  " + Integer.toString(tmpVoltage) + " :");
            //Fin voltage
                if(obj == amperage)
                    int tmpAmperage = amperage.getValue();
                    lAmperage.setText("Amperage  " + Integer.toString(tmpAmperage) + " :");
                //Fin voltage       
        //Fin Fonction stateChanged(ChangeEvent)

    For Swing components you need to override the paintComponent method instead of paint. In your case you can't do that with the approach you have taken. Here is how you can do it:
    1. Remove your paint method
    2. Change your creation of the dessin JPanel and override its' paintComponent method using an anonymous class.
        dessin = new JPanel()
                    public void paintComponent( Graphics g )   
                      //Verifie si rien n'a encore ete dragger 
                      if(x != -1)       
                        //Sauvegarde les infos
                        sauvOvalXY.add(new Point(x,y));
                        sauvOvalWH.add(new Point(ovalWidth,ovalHeight));
                        //Dessine les sauvegarde          
                        int size = sauvOvalXY.size(); 
                        for(int i=0;i<size;i++)         
                          Point tmpXY = (Point)sauvOvalXY.get(i);
                          Point tmpWH = (Point)sauvOvalWH.get(i);
                 };This will allow you to override the correct method and still use all of your applet class variables. Notice that I have removed the line getting the graphics of dessin because it is now being passed into the paintComponent method.
    The two steps above should remove any flashing that you may have had.

  • Help with dvd drive - region code error

    Hi, I really need to change the drive region code on my Ibook G4 (OS X 10.4.10) back to Region 2. I'm allowed to change it one last time.
    But the trouble is, when I try and change it and click 'set drive region' it just comes up with an error message -70001, 'There was a problem changing the drive region code.'
    I've reset the PMU and PRAM/NVRAM but it still does it.
    Can anybody help me at all? It's driving me mad, I was banking on being able to change it back to my Region one last time...

    Insert a DVD which is set to play in only one region; if you try using up your last change with a DVD that can play in some but not all regions, that error message will appear. Many DVDs which are set to play in region 2 will also play in region 4.

  • Can anyone help with my mail chimp code?

    Hi there,
    Ive just embedded a mail chimp sign up form into the footer of my website. In dreamweaver i changed the font and positioning with css to style it how i wanted.
    It shows up fine in the dreamweaver design window but not upon upload. What have i done wrong?!
    Heres the link -

    Well the creating a css rule without the specific code given on the mail chimp website didnt seem possible. I was only able to edit the text and not the data entry field or submit button. Following the instructions on teh mail chimp website did get me so far but ive hot a brick wall now!
    Heres my source code -
    <!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css">
              #mc_embed_signup{background:#7B6E61; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;  width:250px; height: 150px;}
              /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block.
                 We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. */
    <div id="mc_embed_signup">
    <form action=" 46" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>
              <label for="mce-EMAIL">Subscribe to our mailing list</label>
              <input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="email address" required>
              <div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="go" name="Subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div>
    <!--End mc_embed_signup-->
    And heres my CSS -
    #mc_embed_signup {
              margin-right: 45px;
              margin-left: 65px; label { input { select {
    #mc-embedded-subscribe-form {
              font-family: "Londrina Shadow";
              font-size: 24px;
              text-align: center; { input {
    input.button {
    #footerfacebook style {
              font-family: Positiv-A;

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