Help with supply and demand query using monthly buckets

I'm working on a query bound for Discoverer which pulls the aggregated supply and demand for an item and buckets it into months. So for any given item, I need to show the item, onhand, cost, aggregated supply (planned orders, requisitions, pos), and aggregated demand (planned order demand, jobs) - all bucketed by months.
The code below works okay to find all of the data for July, but I also need to show August and September. I'm thinking I could use a union but am reluctant because the query already runs kind of slow and I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.
Database Server
Oracle Applications : 11.5.9
      item.inventory_item_id, item.organization_code, item.item, item.description
    , item.make_buy,item.planner_code
    , planned.compile_designator, planned.order_type_text, sum(planned.quantity_rate)planned_total
    , planned.mrp_sugg_due_month
    , sum(job.required_quantity-job.quantity_issued)job_open, job.required_month
    , onhand.total_qoh
    , purchase.item_revision prev, purchase.promised_month, purchase.ship_to_organization_id 
    , sum((purchase.quantity-purchase.quantity_cancelled)-purchase.quantity_received)po_open  
    , req.item_revision rrev, req.destination_organization_id, req.org_id, req.need_by_month
    , sum((req.quantity-req.quantity_cancelled)-req.quantity_delivered)req_open
    , cost.item_cost,cost.cost
(select mtl.inventory_item_id, mtl.segment1 item,mtl.description,decode(mtl.planning_make_buy_code,1,'Make',2,'Buy') make_buy
        ,mtl.organization_id, mtp.organization_code, mtl.planner_code
       ,to_char(add_months(sysdate,+1),'YYYY_MM')month1, to_char(add_months(sysdate,+2),'YYYY_MM')month2
from    inv.mtl_system_items_b mtl, inv.mtl_parameters mtp
where    mtl.organization_id = mtp.organization_id
--planned orders - 3 months --
(select compile_designator,organization_id,inventory_item_id,order_type_text,nvl(quantity_rate,0)quantity_rate,new_due_date
from   apps.mrp_orders_sc_v
where  order_type_text in ('Planned order','Planned order demand')
and    to_char(trunc(new_due_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
and    to_char(trunc(new_due_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
--jobs - 3 months--
(select organization_id,wip_entity_name job, inventory_item_id,concatenated_segments,nvl(required_quantity,0)required_quantity
        ,nvl(quantity_issued,0)quantity_issued, date_required,to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') required_month
        ,wip_entity_id,creation_date, wip_job_status
from    apps.wip_requirement_ops_inq_v
where   primary_item_id <>inventory_item_id
and     wip_job_status not in ('Closed','Cancelled','Complete')
and     to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
and     to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >= to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
--qty onhand--
(select  inventory_item_id,organization_id,sum(nvl(transaction_quantity,0))total_qoh
from     inv.mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
group by inventory_item_id, organization_id
-- po - 3 months--
(select pol.item_id, pol.item_revision, nvl(pll.quantity,0)quantity, nvl(pll.quantity_received,0)quantity_received
      , nvl(pll.quantity_rejected,0),nvl(pll.quantity_cancelled,0)quantity_cancelled,poh.segment1 po_num
       ,pll.promised_date, to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')promised_month
from   po.po_lines_all pol, po.po_headers_all poh, po.po_line_locations_all pll
where  poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
and    pol.po_header_id = pll.po_header_id
and    pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
and    pol.cancel_flag != 'Y'
and    pol.item_id is not null
and    to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')<= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
and    to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')>=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
--reqs - 3 months--
(select prh.segment1 req_number,nvl(prl.quantity,0)quantity,nvl(prl.quantity_delivered,0)quantity_delivered
from   po.po_requisition_headers_all prh, po.po_requisition_lines_all prl
where  prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id(+)
and    nvl(prl.cancel_flag,'N') !='Y'
and    prh.authorization_status != 'CANCELLED'
and    to_char(trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
and    to_char(trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
(select msib.inventory_item_id,msib.organization_id,cqm.material_cost,cic.item_cost
,(case when cqm.material_cost=0 then cic.item_cost else cqm.material_cost end) cost, cqm.cost_group_id
from inv.mtl_system_items_b msib
     ,(select cql.cost_group_id,cql.inventory_item_id,cql.organization_id,cql.layer_quantity,cql.material_cost,mp.organization_code
         from bom.cst_quantity_layers cql, inv.mtl_parameters mp
        where mp.default_cost_group_id = cql.cost_group_id) cqm
    ,bom.cst_item_costs cic
where msib.inventory_item_id = cqm.inventory_item_id(+)
and msib.organization_id = cqm.organization_id(+)
and msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id(+)
and msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id(+)
where item.inventory_item_id = job.inventory_item_id(+)
and   item.organization_id = job.organization_id(+)
and   item.month1 = job.required_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
and   item.inventory_item_id = onhand.inventory_item_id(+)
and   item.organization_id = onhand.organization_id(+)
and   item.inventory_item_id = purchase.item_id(+)
and   item.month1 = purchase.promised_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
and   item.inventory_item_id = req.item_id(+)
and   item.month1 = req.need_by_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
and   item.inventory_item_id = cost.inventory_item_id(+)
and   item.organization_id = cost.organization_id(+)
and   item.inventory_item_id = planned.inventory_item_id(+)
and   item.organization_id = planned.organization_id(+)
and   item.month1 = planned.mrp_sugg_due_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
and   item.make_buy = 'Buy'
and   item.item in ('161309040','744L755','150-GFM') --test items --
group by item.inventory_item_id,item.organization_code,item.item,item.description,item.make_buy,item.planner_code
      ,job.required_month ,onhand.total_qoh , purchase.item_revision,  purchase.promised_month
        ,purchase.ship_to_organization_id  ,cost.item_cost,cost.cost
       ,req.item_revision, req.destination_organization_id,req.org_id,req.need_by_month
order by item.organization_code,item.item

Six things:
(1) Where are the one-to-many relationships between your tables? If a single row in mtl can match two (or more) rows in mrp, and can also match two (or more) rows in wip, then it looks like, when you join both of them them, you'll have a chasm trap, that is, you'll get all the matching rows from mrp paired with all matching rows from wip. Are you sure your existing query is producing the right results?
Are there one-to-many relationships with the other tables in your original query?
(2) Are your DATEs always at midnight? If not, avoid using BETWEEN and LAST_DAY for DATE comparisons: otherwise you'll miss everything between 00:00:01 and 23:59:59 on the last day.
That is, instead of
and     mrp.new_due_date(+) BETWEEN :Month AND LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(:Month,2))ypou should say
and       mrp.new_due_date (+)     >= :Month
and       mrp.new_due_date (+)     <  ADD_MONTHS (:Month, 3)(3) The basic way to pivot the months of mrp_due_date is:
SELECT    ...
,       NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                 WHEN  mrp.new_due_date >= :month
                 AND   mrp.new_due_date < ADD_MONTHS (:month, 1)
                 THEN  mrp.quantity_rate
           , 0
           )          AS mrp_qty_0
,       NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                 WHEN  mrp.new_due_date >= ADD_MONTHS (:month, 1)
                 AND   mrp.new_due_date <  ADD_MONTHS (:month, 2)
                 THEN  mrp.quantity_rate
           , 0
           )          AS mrp_qty_1When you do this, do not GROUP BY TRUNC (mrp.new_due_date, 'MM').
The code above does two months: I'm sure you get the idea for how to do more.
To get dynamic column headings (such as Jun_2009 or "2009-06" instead of the generic mrp_qty_o) requires dynamic SQL. The best way to do dynamic SQL depends on the tool that is producing the query (e.g. SQL*Plus). What are you using? Are you willing to change, if it helps?
(4) Displaying separate columns from one row as a single column on multiple rows is called unpivoting. How badly do you want to do that? Your query would be simpler and faster if the output had only one row per group (rather than one row for mrp_qty and another row for wip_wty). That one row could have six columns (e.q. June_mrp, June_wip, July_mrp, July_wip, August_mrp and August_wip) instead of three. Depending on your front-end tool, you might even be able to wrap the single row of output so that it always appeared as two rows, each with three columns.
(5) Sorry I told you to do
and     mrp.order_type_text(+) in (...)I never use the + outer-join notation any more, so I forgot about the ORA-01719 error. There's no problem having an outer-join condition like that using ANSI notation. (One more reason to switch.)
(6) As you noticed, this site doesn't like to print the &lt;&gt; inequality operator, even inside tags.
Use the equivalent != operator instead, when posting on this site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Also post the results you want from that data, and an explanation of how you get those results from that data, with specific examples.
    user610131 wrote:
    ... which gives me same rows with different head_counts.If they have different head_counts, then the rows are not the same.
    I am trying to combine the same rows as a total (one record). Do I use a subquery?Maybe. It's more likely that you need a different GROUP BY clause, since the GROUP BY clause determines how many rows of output there will be. I'll be able to say more after you post the sample data, results, and explanation.
    You may want both a sub-query and a different GROUP BY clause. For example:
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         SELECT  a.empl_id
         ,     CASE
                        WHEN  c.category = 'E'
                  THEN  'Headcount Exempt'
                        ELSE  'Headcount Non-Exempt'
                END          AS accounts
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                        THEN 'OH'
                        ELSE 'NA'
                END          AS market
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    ,       market
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    FROM       got_group_by_columns
    GROUP BY  accounts
    ,            market
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    At the moment, the best source for configs are those posted in the screenshots thread (for both Xdefaults and xmonad.hs), the xmonad config archive (and the available docs from the root page on that site), and our own thread.  Unfortunately you'll have to sort of scrounge for good docs on the xmonad.hs at the moment, since most of the information was written for the 0.4 version of xmonad.  The configuration has since been made MUCH simpler.
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            WHEN b.ship_dt >= SYSDATE - 90
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            WHEN b.ship_dt >= SYSDATE - 30
          END AS one_mon_c_paid_us
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         ,addr            a
         ,product         d
         ,order           o
    WHERE b.prod_id       = d.prod_id
    AND   d.affinity_1_cd = 'ADH'
    AND   b.individual_id = a.individual_id
    AND   b.Individual_ID = o.Individual_ID
    and   o.Prod_CD       = 'A'             
    and   NVL (o.last_payment_dt,TO_DATE ('05-MAY-1955') ) >= SYSDATE - 745
    and   a.Country_CD    = 'US'

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    fac30d8e-74d3-42aa-b643-e30a3780e00f wrote:
    Dear Sir/Madam
    I'm a student who is interested in Oracle Database and
    I have some problems with JOIN and Sub-query.
    I hope so many of you could help me.
    if i use JOIN without sub-query, may it be faster or not?
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    if i use JOIN with sub-query, may it be faster or not?
    SELECT field1,field2,field3 FROM tableA INNER JOIN (SELECT field1,field2 FROM tableB)
    Thanks in advance!
    As the others have said, the execution plan will give you a better idea about which is faster.
    If you're trying to see how using (or not using) a sub-query affects performance, make the rest of the queries as similar as possible.  For example, include field3 in both queries, or ignore field3 in both queries.
    In this particular case, I guess the optimizer would do the same thing either way, but that's just a guess.  I can't see your execution plans.
    In general, simpler code is faster, and better in other ways, too.  In this case
    is simpler than
    (SELECT field1, field2  FROM tableB)
    Why do you want a sub-query in this example?

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    Ken Snyder
    [email protected]

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    Please share your ideas.

    If you need a chart like this:
    And you have a data grid in excel like this:
    Here is the binding you need for the column chart component:

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    Hi Sebastian,
    I have used the query and it is working fine. but, How could i include the headers of the query also in to the Excel Sheet.
    RehaanKhan. M
    see the method discussed here
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    Hi Experts,
    I need help with writing and reading data from a database table field which has a type of "LCHR". I have given an example of the original code but don't know what to change it to in order to fix it and still read in the original data that's stored in the LCHR field.
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    Thanks in advance,
    DATA: L_WA(800).
    LOOP AT T_TAB into L_WA.
                 SEQNR type ZDBTAB-LINENUM,
                 DATA type ZDBTAB-RAWDATA,
               END OF T_TAB.
    Select the data.
    SELECT linenum rawdata from ZDBTAB into table T_DATA
         WHERE repid = w_repname
         AND rundate = w_rundate
         ORDER BY linenum.
    Populate calling Internal Table.

    Hi Anuj,
    The unicode flag is active.
    When I run our report and then to try and save the list data a dump is happening at the following point
    LOOP AT T_TAB into L_WA.
    As I say, T_TAB consists of different fields and field types whereas L_WA is CHAR 800. The dump mentions UC_OBJECTS_NOT_CONVERTIBLE
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    T_DATA-RAWDATA is type LCHR and T_TAB consists of different fields and field types.
    In both examples the dumps mention UC_OBJECTS_NOT_CONVERTIBLE

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    Scott Spendolini's AJAX Select List Demo
    Building an Ajax Memory Tree by Scott Spendolini
    Carl Backstrom ApEx-AJAX & DHTML examples;
    Do you think is it possible to create a tree with drag-and-drop functionality using ajax and apex like this sample;
    Thank you,
    Kind regards.

    Sure you can build it, I just don't think anyone has, you could also use their solution as well in an APEX page it's just a matter of integration.

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    [Athlon64] Need Help with X64 and Promise 20378

    I'm moving this the the Administration Forum.  It seems more apporpiate there.

  • Using Search Help with ALV and Dynamic context node

    The topic subject already describes my situation.
    I have to create, populate and remove context nodes at runtime, and bind them to an ALV, to let user display the data or modify the data. The nodes I create are always typed with a table name, but the table name is of course, dynamic.
    This is all working: what's not working is help for entries inside the ALV; since the table has foreign keys and domains with check tables or fixed values, I expected that search helps were detected and managed by the framework.
    Instead, no help search is displayed except the input help based on data-type of the one "Date" input fields.
    I think I have to work on the dynamic node creation, and not on the ALV itself, since the latter only takes the node/attributes information, but i could be wrong. I tried with both the two following codings:
      CALL METHOD lo_nd_info_root->add_new_child_node
          static_element_type          = vs_tabname
          name                         = 'SAMPLE_NODE_NAME'
    *    is_mandatory                 = abap_false
    *    is_mandatory_selection       = abap_false
         is_multiple                  = abap_true
         is_multiple_selection        = abap_false
    *    is_singleton                 = abap_false
          is_initialize_lead_selection = abap_false
          is_static                    = abap_false
          child_node_info              = lo_nd_info_data .
          parent_info = lo_nd_info_root
          node_name = 'SAMPLE_NODE_NAME'
          structure_name = vs_tabname
          is_multiple = abap_true ).
    The result is the there any way to let the ALV know what search helps it has to use, and doesn't force me to manually build a VALUE_SET to be bound on the single attributes? There are many tables, with many fields, and maintaining this solution would be very costly.

    I have checked with method GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUEHELP_TYPE of interface IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_INFO, on an attribute which i know to have a search help (Foreign key of a check table).
    The method returns 'N', that is the constant IF_WD_VALUE_HELP_HANDLER~CO_VH_TYPE_NO_HELP. So, the framework was not able to find a suitable search help.
    Using method GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_HELP of the same interface, on the same attribute, returns me '111', which is constant C_VALUE_HELP_MODE-AUTOMATIC.
    Therefore, the WD framework knows it has to automatically detect a value help, but fails to find one.
    Also, this means in my opinion that the ALV and the dynamic external mapping are not the culprits: since node creation, no help is detected for any attribute but the date. Honestly, I don't have a clue on what's happening.

  • A problem with LOV and my query. Help to solve, please...

    Here is a query:
    In SQL DEVELOPER it works fine. But in APEX - when I try to save my "SELECT LIST" - it falls with error - "If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query."
    How can I reassemble my query to fix this problem - I have no idea... :(

    You may create a pipelined function returning two values, display and return, to return
    the result from your query. After that, your LOV should work. See example here:
    Denes Kubicek

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