Supply and Demand Propagation not working in SCM5.0

Just curious if anyone is using S&OP (Supply and Demand Propagation) in APO?
I am using SCM v5.0 and Planning Area 9ASNP01 can not be initialized.
OSS 832393 states:  The SNP propagation planning (planning area SNP 9ASNP01, transaction /SAPAPO/SNPSOP) can only be used with times series live Cache. In productive systems, this functionality should be used only after consultation of SAP.
I am trying to use the standard default SAP Planning area 9ASNP01 and am curious what needs to be done to use it?
I am submitting on OSS message for this, but am curious to see if anyone is using S&OP currently in APO?
Ken Snyder
[email protected]

I have just posted a similar question to your regarding S&OP, have you in the meantime managed to obtain some information regarding anyone using propagation (S&OP), and any advantages/disdvantages?

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  • Help with supply and demand query using monthly buckets

    I'm working on a query bound for Discoverer which pulls the aggregated supply and demand for an item and buckets it into months. So for any given item, I need to show the item, onhand, cost, aggregated supply (planned orders, requisitions, pos), and aggregated demand (planned order demand, jobs) - all bucketed by months.
    The code below works okay to find all of the data for July, but I also need to show August and September. I'm thinking I could use a union but am reluctant because the query already runs kind of slow and I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.
    Database Server
    RDBMS :
    Oracle Applications : 11.5.9
          item.inventory_item_id, item.organization_code, item.item, item.description
        , item.make_buy,item.planner_code
        , planned.compile_designator, planned.order_type_text, sum(planned.quantity_rate)planned_total
        , planned.mrp_sugg_due_month
        , sum(job.required_quantity-job.quantity_issued)job_open, job.required_month
        , onhand.total_qoh
        , purchase.item_revision prev, purchase.promised_month, purchase.ship_to_organization_id 
        , sum((purchase.quantity-purchase.quantity_cancelled)-purchase.quantity_received)po_open  
        , req.item_revision rrev, req.destination_organization_id, req.org_id, req.need_by_month
        , sum((req.quantity-req.quantity_cancelled)-req.quantity_delivered)req_open
        , cost.item_cost,cost.cost
    (select mtl.inventory_item_id, mtl.segment1 item,mtl.description,decode(mtl.planning_make_buy_code,1,'Make',2,'Buy') make_buy
            ,mtl.organization_id, mtp.organization_code, mtl.planner_code
           ,to_char(add_months(sysdate,+1),'YYYY_MM')month1, to_char(add_months(sysdate,+2),'YYYY_MM')month2
    from    inv.mtl_system_items_b mtl, inv.mtl_parameters mtp
    where    mtl.organization_id = mtp.organization_id
    --planned orders - 3 months --
    (select compile_designator,organization_id,inventory_item_id,order_type_text,nvl(quantity_rate,0)quantity_rate,new_due_date
    from   apps.mrp_orders_sc_v
    where  order_type_text in ('Planned order','Planned order demand')
    and    to_char(trunc(new_due_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and    to_char(trunc(new_due_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    --jobs - 3 months--
    (select organization_id,wip_entity_name job, inventory_item_id,concatenated_segments,nvl(required_quantity,0)required_quantity
            ,nvl(quantity_issued,0)quantity_issued, date_required,to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') required_month
            ,wip_entity_id,creation_date, wip_job_status
    from    apps.wip_requirement_ops_inq_v
    where   primary_item_id <>inventory_item_id
    and     wip_job_status not in ('Closed','Cancelled','Complete')
    and     to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and     to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >= to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    --qty onhand--
    (select  inventory_item_id,organization_id,sum(nvl(transaction_quantity,0))total_qoh
    from     inv.mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
    group by inventory_item_id, organization_id
    -- po - 3 months--
    (select pol.item_id, pol.item_revision, nvl(pll.quantity,0)quantity, nvl(pll.quantity_received,0)quantity_received
          , nvl(pll.quantity_rejected,0),nvl(pll.quantity_cancelled,0)quantity_cancelled,poh.segment1 po_num
           ,pll.promised_date, to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')promised_month
    from   po.po_lines_all pol, po.po_headers_all poh, po.po_line_locations_all pll
    where  poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
    and    pol.po_header_id = pll.po_header_id
    and    pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    and    pol.cancel_flag != 'Y'
    and    pol.item_id is not null
    and    to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')<= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and    to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')>=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    --reqs - 3 months--
    (select prh.segment1 req_number,nvl(prl.quantity,0)quantity,nvl(prl.quantity_delivered,0)quantity_delivered
    from   po.po_requisition_headers_all prh, po.po_requisition_lines_all prl
    where  prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id(+)
    and    nvl(prl.cancel_flag,'N') !='Y'
    and    prh.authorization_status != 'CANCELLED'
    and    to_char(trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and    to_char(trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    (select msib.inventory_item_id,msib.organization_id,cqm.material_cost,cic.item_cost
    ,(case when cqm.material_cost=0 then cic.item_cost else cqm.material_cost end) cost, cqm.cost_group_id
    from inv.mtl_system_items_b msib
         ,(select cql.cost_group_id,cql.inventory_item_id,cql.organization_id,cql.layer_quantity,cql.material_cost,mp.organization_code
             from bom.cst_quantity_layers cql, inv.mtl_parameters mp
            where mp.default_cost_group_id = cql.cost_group_id) cqm
        ,bom.cst_item_costs cic
    where msib.inventory_item_id = cqm.inventory_item_id(+)
    and msib.organization_id = cqm.organization_id(+)
    and msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id(+)
    and msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id(+)
    where item.inventory_item_id = job.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = job.organization_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = job.required_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.inventory_item_id = onhand.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = onhand.organization_id(+)
    and   item.inventory_item_id = purchase.item_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = purchase.promised_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.inventory_item_id = req.item_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = req.need_by_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.inventory_item_id = cost.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = cost.organization_id(+)
    and   item.inventory_item_id = planned.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = planned.organization_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = planned.mrp_sugg_due_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.make_buy = 'Buy'
    and   item.item in ('161309040','744L755','150-GFM') --test items --
    group by item.inventory_item_id,item.organization_code,item.item,item.description,item.make_buy,item.planner_code
          ,job.required_month ,onhand.total_qoh , purchase.item_revision,  purchase.promised_month
            ,purchase.ship_to_organization_id  ,cost.item_cost,cost.cost
           ,req.item_revision, req.destination_organization_id,req.org_id,req.need_by_month
    order by item.organization_code,item.item

    Six things:
    (1) Where are the one-to-many relationships between your tables? If a single row in mtl can match two (or more) rows in mrp, and can also match two (or more) rows in wip, then it looks like, when you join both of them them, you'll have a chasm trap, that is, you'll get all the matching rows from mrp paired with all matching rows from wip. Are you sure your existing query is producing the right results?
    Are there one-to-many relationships with the other tables in your original query?
    (2) Are your DATEs always at midnight? If not, avoid using BETWEEN and LAST_DAY for DATE comparisons: otherwise you'll miss everything between 00:00:01 and 23:59:59 on the last day.
    That is, instead of
    and     mrp.new_due_date(+) BETWEEN :Month AND LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(:Month,2))ypou should say
    and       mrp.new_due_date (+)     >= :Month
    and       mrp.new_due_date (+)     <  ADD_MONTHS (:Month, 3)(3) The basic way to pivot the months of mrp_due_date is:
    SELECT    ...
    ,       NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                     WHEN  mrp.new_due_date >= :month
                     AND   mrp.new_due_date < ADD_MONTHS (:month, 1)
                     THEN  mrp.quantity_rate
               , 0
               )          AS mrp_qty_0
    ,       NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                     WHEN  mrp.new_due_date >= ADD_MONTHS (:month, 1)
                     AND   mrp.new_due_date <  ADD_MONTHS (:month, 2)
                     THEN  mrp.quantity_rate
               , 0
               )          AS mrp_qty_1When you do this, do not GROUP BY TRUNC (mrp.new_due_date, 'MM').
    The code above does two months: I'm sure you get the idea for how to do more.
    To get dynamic column headings (such as Jun_2009 or "2009-06" instead of the generic mrp_qty_o) requires dynamic SQL. The best way to do dynamic SQL depends on the tool that is producing the query (e.g. SQL*Plus). What are you using? Are you willing to change, if it helps?
    (4) Displaying separate columns from one row as a single column on multiple rows is called unpivoting. How badly do you want to do that? Your query would be simpler and faster if the output had only one row per group (rather than one row for mrp_qty and another row for wip_wty). That one row could have six columns (e.q. June_mrp, June_wip, July_mrp, July_wip, August_mrp and August_wip) instead of three. Depending on your front-end tool, you might even be able to wrap the single row of output so that it always appeared as two rows, each with three columns.
    (5) Sorry I told you to do
    and     mrp.order_type_text(+) in (...)I never use the + outer-join notation any more, so I forgot about the ORA-01719 error. There's no problem having an outer-join condition like that using ANSI notation. (One more reason to switch.)
    (6) As you noticed, this site doesn't like to print the &lt;&gt; inequality operator, even inside tags.
    Use the equivalent != operator instead, when posting on this site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Need Supply and Demand Query

    Hi All,
    I need Supply and Demand Query in a single SQL. I have a requirement to put the Supply and Demand in a single reporting structure for a particular org/item/product line. I have the supply and Demand Queries seperately, but iam not able to join them to look like the below
    Item Prod_line Org Demand_Type Demand_qty Supply_type supply_qty
    when I try to do it by joining msc_supplies and msc_demands table, i am getting duplicates and junk data. can some one help me out in this?

    Edited by: user12086827 on Oct 20, 2009 6:04 AM

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    i have an ipod 4 with iOS 5 and then ran an update with the 5.0.1  and  it is not working, i got an  error message 
    This device is not registered as part of the iPhone developer proraom . ##br####br## if yuo are member of the program.,please register your device in ..

    you can update over the air with strong wireless signal, or by connecting to a computer running iTunes.  Either works well.  If you do the update over the air, be sure and attach your iPhone to a wall outlet so you have a solid power supply and don't risk the battery dying during the update.
    The iTunes approach installs a much larger file because of the connection, but if you have not updated since 5.1 that might be a better approach...replace the entire operating system instead of patching. 
    Either way, backup the iPhone yourself just for your own protection in the off-chance something should go wrong...a little paranoia while updating is a good thing

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    I think when uninstalling you may also have to choose (tick) to delete the preferences and other personal data like the bookmarks, stored passwords etc. to erase completely. If you are installing afresh, please try right-clicking on the file and '''Run as administrator''' to install. And when uninstalling, please also make sure choose to delete all data and also manually delete any '''Mozilla''', '''Mozilla Firefox''' or '''Firefox''' from %appdata%, %localappdata% and %programfiles%. You can open a location by typing for eg. %appdata% in the '''Run''' box (Windows key + R). You may also have to check the '''VirtualStore''' folder in %localappdata%. Files in the VirtualStore can be problematic. I think a clean installation may help.
    [ Firefox]
    [ Installation Folder]
    [ Profile Folder]
    Please note that using system restore would usually damage the Firefox installation.

  • I've just updated my iPhone to the new iPhone OS and now it won't work and iTunes won't recognise that it's there.  I've uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled twice and it's not working.  Please help.

    I've just updated my iPhone to the new iPhone OS and now it won't work and iTunes won't recognise that it's there.  I've uninstalled iTunes and reinstalled twice and it's not working.  Please help.

    I have not had wifi since November when I upgraded to the newest IOS version.  I called the Apple help line and they told me some things to do and I tried them all and they worked for a few hours and then wifi shut off again.  I kept doing what they told me and it worked for a couple more days and then I could never turn it on again.  My blue tooth doesn't work either.  I had to actually increase my data usage with AT&T becuase of this.  When I did that in December I went to the Apple store and was told that it is a hardware issue and since my phone is out of warranty I would have to pay for a new phone because they could not fix the issue.  My upgrade isn't up until June 2014 so not only do I have to wait for the upgrade and I am not paying for a new phone but I have to pay $10 plus extra a month on my cell phone bill because I was going over on my Data!!!  I have been beyond upset about this and Apple is not doing anything about this nor did they offer up some way to resolve the issue because obviously it is not just some rare incident if several people are having this issue.  Who knows how many people out there have had this issue and have not said anything about it.  Now there is a newer update that I can't do because it requires wifi in order to download.
    June can not get here fast enough and I may not go back to Iphone after dealing with this for so long with no help from Apple.

  • Keyboard and trackpad are not working, Keyboard and trackpad are not working

    I'm using MBP 15" late 2008 with Maverick OS. A couple of days ago, the internal keyboard and trackpad are not working at all. I did all the troubleshooting. I even reformat it; installing the snow leopard and re-installing the maverick but no good result. I believe there's no problem with my keyboard because i can still do PRAM on my lappy. Everytime i'm booting up my MBP, it always looking for bluetooth trackpad and keyboard. I have not used those bluetooth peripherals from day 1 i've started using MBP. I just read on the internet about the same problem has happened on MBP 13" retina and APPLE fixed it by updating the software. I wish Apple will also do something for the old MBP to fix the intermal keyboard and trackpad problem.

    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

  • Windows error: iTunes crashes (uninstall and reinstall does not work)

    Hello all.
    I (and another user) have had a problem with iTunes crashing when trying to open it. Windows just generates the typical vague error message that explains nothing as to what the problem is. Uninstalling and reinstalling did not work, and using the "Repair" option did not work either.
    This was the solution. Hope it works for you. Cheers.
    C ;o)
    Here are the steps, some might be redundant, but still follow them to try and get iTunes to work.
    1. *Extremely important* Close the QuickTime launcher in the tray on the right side of your Windows TaskBar (right-click on the blue QuickTime "Q" logo next to where you have the time and date and select "exit".) The QuickTime logo should disappear from the tray.
    2. Go to where your iTunes library folder is, copy it and put it elsewhere on yoour hard-drive. This is where you asked your iTunes to point to and keeps the full repository of the files sync'ed to your iPod. If you don't do this, you will have to re-create the full library of all the music and files you have put into iTunes.
    3. Unistall iTunes and reboot your PC.
    4. Go to c:\Program Files\Quicktime and delete this whole folder.
    5. Go to c:\Windows\System 32 and: delete the Quicktime FOLDER there; then (ii) scroll down and delete all other QuickTime related files (there should be 5-10 of them, I didn't count, some will have a name like QuickTMvr whatever).
    6. Empty Recycle Bin.
    7. Reboot your PC.
    8. Go back to Apple Website and download: iTunes, and (ii) QuickTime installation only (without iTunes).
    9. Install QuickTime FIRST (use newly downloaded version)! Check it works OK by opening it.
    10. Close QuickTime lanucher from tray, as explained above in step 1.
    11. Install iTunes (use the newly downloaded version).
    12. Open iTunes. If it opens fine (clap your hands and say "hurray", and actually I said out loud to my PC, "Please work" and it did - I don't know if this step helped at all. ;o) ), then close iTunes FIRST BEFORE DOING THE NEXT STEP. Go to where the new iTunes (and library) folder is, rename the new iTunes folder (as you might notice when/if you open iTunes, that it is all blank), and copy the old iTunes folder (from step 2) to the same location. Re-open iTunes. It should be the way it opened the last time.

    Don't forget that, from my experience, most iTunes errors comes from malfunctioning instances of QuickTime.

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    I am using chat-r wireless and facetime is not working but when i put rogers fido or any other carrier sim in it work. Anyone know what the problem?

    I'm guessing it's a compatibility problem similar to that that T-Mobile in the US has. I'm not familiar with chat-r wireless, but I'm guessing it's not a supported carrier for the iPhone. If they can't tell you how to fix it, I'm guessing it's just plain not going to work.

  • I created an Apple ID using my ISP Email when I registered at the Store/Apple Support Communities/iTunes/Face Time and it does not work in iChat. Why Not ?

    I created an Apple ID using my ISP Email when I registered at the Store/Apple Support Communities/iTunes/Face Time or other portal and it does not work in iChat. Why Not ?
    For a Name to work in iChat it has to be an Valid AIM screen Name.
    Only Apple IDs from the ending names registered here  and the Mobileme ( ending) names are Valid with the AIM service as well as being Apple IDs
    (I am still working on info about registering with iCloud at the moment but if this does give you an email it may well be a valid AIM name as well)
    The page works by linking an external (Non Apple) email with a name.
    This External Email cannot be one linked to an Existing Apple ID (you have to use a second email or register at AIM )
    The options at AIM are to use your existing email or create new name and link the existing only for Password recovery
    MobileMe ( ending names) were valid Emails addresses, Apple IDs AND a Valid AIM Screen Name names look like emails but are only Apple IDs and iChat/AIM Valid Screen Names.
    The AIM registration page seems to be pushing you to register [email protected] This is relatively new and I have not followed through the pages to find out if it a valid AIM email (Previously you could register a name without an suffix)
    8:16 PM      Friday; June 10, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

    So I have my current [email protected] email in iChat as I thought as I had linked that to an Apple ID it was a Valid iChat Name.  It keeps coming up with a UserName or Password Invalid message.  What do I do next ?
    Open iChat
    Go to the Menu under the iChat name in the Menu Bar and then Preferences and then Accounts in the new window.
    Commonly written as iChat > Preferences > Accounts as directions/actions to take.
    If it displays with a Yellow running name in the list you have a choice.
    Either register it at AIM (I would use a different password to the ISP Login) and then change the password only in iChat  (It may take you to confirm any Confirmation email from AIM first) in iChat > Preferences > Accounts
    Or you register a new Name at AIM (Or at and enter that (details below)
    If you have a Blue Globe name  ( that will not Login the chances are that it the password that is the issue.
    Apple lets you create longer passwords than can be used with the AIM Servers.
    Change the Password at iForgot to no more than 16 characters.
    Then change the password in iChat as details above.
    Adding a new Account/Screen Name in iChat (that is valid with the AIM servers)
    Open iChat if not launched.
    Go to iChat Menu > Preferences > Accounts
    Click the Add ( + )  Button at the bottom of the list.
    Choose in the top item drop down either or AIM depending on what you registered
    Add the name (with the software will add the bit)
    Add in the password.  (If you don't add it now iChat will ask you each time you open it)
    Click Done.
    The Buddy List should open (New Window)
    The Accounts part of the Preferences should now have the new name and you should be looking at the details.
    You can add something in the Description line which will then title the Buddy List (Useful when you have two or more names) and make it show up as that in the iChat Menu > Accounts and the Window Menu of iChat when logged in.
    You can then highlight any other Account/Screen Name you don't want to use and use the Minus ( - ) Button to delete it.
    8:39 PM      Friday; June 10, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Not able to sign into Blackberry Protect. Backup and Restore function not working. "Your device isn't associated with a Blackberry ID"

    Not able to sign into Blackberry Protect.  Backup and Restore function not working. Message is: "Your device isn't associated with a Blackberry ID."  My Blackberry Messenger and Blackberry World is working fine so I am sure its not an ID issue on the phone.  I can sign into Link, and Protect.  I see my device in Protect but cannot send messages or view it on a map.  Times out with cannot reach device message.  BB Protect on Device has a swirling circle beside the on/of switch.  Cannot turn off.  
    I have deleted Link and re-installed.
    I have reset phone to default(factory) and signed in. 
    OS level is
    BB Link is
    Go to Solution.

    I managed to figure this out myself. I had to delete the device from the Blackberry Protect website.  I wiped my device again and signed in with my Blackberry ID.  I dont know if the step of wiping was necessary as I did not try my backup with the current configuration on the device following the delete.  Restore is in progress for me!

  • I have installed adobe flash player on my computer and this is not working please help

    I have installed adobe flash player on my computer and this is not working please help

    What is your operating system & version?
    What is your web browser?
    What means "not working"; what do you see instead of the expected Flash content?

  • HT1212 I just updated my Ipad 2 to IOS7, now it is asking me for a passcode. I never set a passcode on my Ipad, so how can I enter a passcode. I tried using the OIS7 passcode I use on my Iphone  and it did not work and now my Ipad is disabled

    I just updated my Ipad 2 to IOS 7, now it is asking me for a passcode. I never set a passcode on my Ipad, so how can I enter a passcode. Earlier today I upgraded my Iphone 5 to IOS 7 and it asked me to set a passcode, which now works fine on my Phone. I  tried using the OIS7 passcode I use on my Iphone 5 and it did not work and now my Ipad is disabled. Both devices are on icloud and share the same apple id. The Ipad screen says slide to set up but then there is a prompt for passcode, not for setting up passcode

    I called Apple Support and a supervisor helped resolve this for me on my iPad. I suggest calling them for help as this is obviously an issue with the iOS 7 update - she helped me without charge. I could be missing something in my upcoming description, so do not take this as complete - call them.
    I had to update iTunes on my Mac Air to the latest version, and I had an iCloud backup from the day I updated to iOS7. Have iTunes open but do NOT connect your iPad yet. Shut down the iPad. Then press/hold the Home key on the iPad while you connect the USB from the iPad to the computer (an image of the USB cable appeared on the iPad). Follow the prompts in iTunes to restore and then backup using iCloud. When the iPad rebooted again to do the backup install, I got the same pass code issue and iTunes would not recognize the iPad without entering a pass code. I disconnected the iPad, turned it off, pressed the Home key while connecting the USB cable. When I did the restore and backup from iCloud the second time, it worked without the pass code issue occurring.

  • MAC Mouse and Keyboard Do Not Work, when I am trying to re-install the OS using "Command R" option

    I am trying to re-install MAC OS 10.8.2, but when I hold "command R" I am asked for the firmware password, but the keyboard and mouse do not work.
    If I only select "option" during the boot up process it will ask me for the firmware password, keyboard and mouse work, but I can only select the HD option.
    Can someone advise what is the problem here, and your resolution.
    I have tried different commands "option + command + R' with no luck.

    I tried what was provided on the link, but it is not working.
    I hold it down, before the gray screen and the chime, but it only prompts but the firmware password.
    I tried based on the specific order in the support document and at a random press and hold.
    No go any other thoughts?

  • I turned of iMessage and now I want it back on and it's not working, I have changed my password and now I don't know what to do. Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?

    I turned of iMessage and now I want it back on and it's not working, I have changed my password and now I don't know what to do. Is there something obvious I am doing wrong? I have done this on both of my iPads and it hasn't let me go back on to iMessage on either of them.

    iCloud System Status
    iCloud: iMessage - Users Affected: Some
    11/18/2012 13:34 PSTUsers are unable to use iMessage. Normal service will be restored ASAP.
    iCloud: FaceTime - Users Affected: Some
    11/18/2012 13:33 PSTUsers may be unable to place FaceTime calls. Normal service will be restored ASAP.

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