Help with swap images using rollovers

I have a website created using DW CS5. Recently purchased FW CS5 to help with web graphics and design. I am trying to create a list of numbers that will swap with images. The intial page would simply be a list of numbers and 1 static image. Each number, when hovered will change the image with another. I've attempted this by first using DW and not having much success with FW either.
If able to complete this using FW, is it possible to export the file for use in DW? Then insert into an AP Div?

You're over-complicating it.
Simply hit File>Save once you're done in photoshop.

Similar Messages

  • Need Help with swap image

    I've got this page with a Spry collapsible panel in
    it. No problems getting that to work, but I'd like to be able to
    use an image in the tab and have that image 1) change on click to
    expand text and then 2) change back again on collapse text. I've
    got #1 figured out but can't get the image to return back to its
    original state on collapse. Basically, I'm using the image as a
    "show detail" "hide detail" function. HELP! I know there must be a
    way to do it. Or maybe a different way than Spry. You can view the
    page at

    ivydesign123 wrote:
    I've got this page with a Spry collapsible panel in
    it. No problems
    > getting that to work, but I'd like to be able to use an
    image in the tab and
    > have that image 1) change on click to expand text and
    then 2) change back again
    > on collapse text. I've got #1 figured out but can't get
    the image to return
    > back to its original state on collapse. Basically, I'm
    using the image as a
    > "show detail" "hide detail" function. HELP! I know there
    must be a way to do
    > it. Or maybe a different way than Spry. You can view the
    page at
    Looks like you want to use a toggle image. Try adding this to
    the script block at the top of the page:
    function toggleShowHideImages(imgID, personName){
    var img = MM_findObj(imgID);
    if(img.src.indexOf('-hide') > -1){ // if showing the
    hidden image
    MM_swapImage(imgID,'','images/bio-'+ personName
    else{ // if showing the show image
    MM_swapImage(imgID,'','images/bio-'+ personName
    Then replace the current onmousedown with:
    onmousedown="toggleShowHideImages('tmShow', 'mccleary');"
    Also to get better/quicker responses, you should probably
    post questions that have to to with Dreamweaver and general web
    issues in the Dreamweaver group: y
    And ask questions that are specific to Spry in the Spry
    Danilo Celic
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Help with displaying image using OpenGL ES sample code - image size prb

    I am using some sample code that currently displays an image 256x256 pixels. The code states the image size must be a power of 2. I have tried an image 289x289 (17^2) and it displays a square the same size as the 256x256 with a white background. I want an image 320x320 displayed. Should be obvious for people familiar with OpenGL. Here is the code which displays the image and rotates:
    - (void)setupView
    // Sets up an array of values to use as the sprite vertices.
    const GLfloat spriteVertices[] = {
    -0.5f, -0.5f,
    0.5f, -0.5f,
    -0.5f, 0.5f,
    0.5f, 0.5f,
    // Sets up an array of values for the texture coordinates.
    const GLshort spriteTexcoords[] = {
    0, 0,
    1, 0,
    0, 1,
    1, 1,
    CGImageRef spriteImage;
    CGContextRef spriteContext;
    GLubyte *spriteData;
    size_t width, height;
    // Sets up matrices and transforms for OpenGL ES
    glViewport(0, 0, backingWidth, backingHeight);
    glOrthof(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.5f, 1.5f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    // Clears the view with black
    //glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    glClearColor(255, 255, 255, 1.0f);
    // Sets up pointers and enables states needed for using vertex arrays and textures
    glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, spriteVertices);
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_SHORT, 0, spriteTexcoords);
    // Creates a Core Graphics image from an image file
    spriteImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bottle.png"].CGImage;
    // Get the width and height of the image
    width = CGImageGetWidth(spriteImage);
    height = CGImageGetHeight(spriteImage);
    // Texture dimensions must be a power of 2. If you write an application that allows users to supply an image,
    // you'll want to add code that checks the dimensions and takes appropriate action if they are not a power of 2.
    if(spriteImage) {
    // Allocated memory needed for the bitmap context
    spriteData = (GLubyte *) malloc(width * height * 4);
    // Uses the bitmatp creation function provided by the Core Graphics framework.
    spriteContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(spriteData, width, height, 8, width * 4, CGImageGetColorSpace(spriteImage), kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
    // After you create the context, you can draw the sprite image to the context.
    CGContextDrawImage(spriteContext, CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, (CGFloat)width, (CGFloat)height), spriteImage);
    // You don't need the context at this point, so you need to release it to avoid memory leaks.
    // Use OpenGL ES to generate a name for the texture.
    glGenTextures(1, &spriteTexture);
    // Bind the texture name.
    glBindTexture(GLTEXTURE2D, spriteTexture);
    // Speidfy a 2D texture image, provideing the a pointer to the image data in memory
    glTexImage2D(GLTEXTURE2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GLUNSIGNEDBYTE, spriteData);
    // Release the image data
    // Set the texture parameters to use a minifying filter and a linear filer (weighted average)
    // Enable use of the texture
    // Set a blending function to use
    // Enable blending
    // Updates the OpenGL view when the timer fires
    - (void)drawView
    // Make sure that you are drawing to the current context
    [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
    glBindFramebufferOES(GLFRAMEBUFFEROES, viewFramebuffer);
    glRotatef(direction * 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    glDrawArrays(GLTRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 4);
    glBindRenderbufferOES(GLRENDERBUFFEROES, viewRenderbuffer);
    [context presentRenderbuffer:GLRENDERBUFFEROES];

    +I am using some sample code that currently displays an image 256x256 pixels. The code states the image size must be a power of 2. I have tried an image 289x289 (17^2)+
    The phrase "a power of 2" refers to 2^x so your choices above 256 are 512, 1024 etc.
    The texture size has nothing to do with the displayed size - OGL will stretch or shrink your texture to fit the size of the polygon you're displaying it on. I recommend you scale your image to 256x256 and work on make the polygon the size you want and work on your image quality from there.
    You can work on the size or orientation of the poly surface to make it larger but OGL doesn't support setting a model to a screen image size or anything like that. That sounds more like a Quartz or CoreGraphics kind of thing if you want to set an exact screen size to the pixel.
    PS You can display your code correctly by using { code } (without the spaces) on either side of your code block.

  • Help with adding image onclick

    Hey everyone,
    I am making a simple game in AS3 and need help with adding an image once they have click on something.
    On the left of the screen are sentences and on the right an image of a form. When they click each sentence on the left, writing appears on the form. Its very simple. With this said, what I would like to do is once the user click one of the sentences on the left, I would like a checkmark image to appear over the sentence so they know they have already clicked on it.
    How would I go about adding this to my code?
    var fields:Array = new Array();
    one_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick1a);
    one_btn.buttonMode = true;
    function onClick1a(event:MouseEvent):void
        fields.push(new one_form());
        fields[fields.length-1].x = 141;
        fields[fields.length-1].y = -85;
        one_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick1a);
        one_btn.buttonMode = false;
    two_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick2a);
    two_btn.buttonMode = true;
    function onClick2a(event:MouseEvent):void
        fields.push(new two_form());
        fields[fields.length-1].x = 343.25;
        fields[fields.length-1].y = -85;
        two_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick2a);
        two_btn.buttonMode = false;

    I don't know where you're positioning the button that should enable/disable the checkbox but for "one_btn" let's just say it's at position: x=100, y=200. Say you'd want the checkbox to be to the left of it, so the checkbox would be displayed at: x=50, y=200. Also say you have a checkbox graphic in your library, exported for actionscript with the name "CheckBoxGraphic".
    Using your code with some sprinkles:
    // I'd turn this into a sprite but we'll use the default, MovieClip
    var _checkBox:MovieClip = new CheckBoxGraphic();
    // add to display list but hide
    _checkBox.visible = false;
    // just for optimization
    _checkBox.mouseEnabled = false;
    _checkBox.cacheAsBitmap = true;
    // adding it early so make sure the forms loaded don't overlap the
    // checkbox or it will cover it, otherwise swapping of depths is needed
    // I'll use a flag (a reference for this) to know what button is currently pushed
    var _currentButton:Object;
    one_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick1a);
    one_btn.buttonMode = true;
    function onClick1a(event:MouseEvent):void
         // Check if this button is currently the pressed button
         if (_currentButton == one_btn)
              // disable checkbox, remove form
              _checkBox.visible = false;
              // form should be last added to fields array, remove
              removeChild(fields[fields.length - 1]);
              // clear any reference to this button
              _currentButton = null;
              // enable checkbox
              _checkBox.visible = true;
              _checkBox.x = 50;
              _checkBox.y = 200;
              // add form
              fields.push(new one_form());
              fields[fields.length-1].x = 141;
              fields[fields.length-1].y = -85;
              // save this button as last clicked
              _currentButton = one_btn;
         // not sure what this is
    I'd also centralize all the click handlers into a single handler and use the buttons name to branch on what to do, but that's a different discussion. Just see if this makes sense to you.
    The jist is a graphic of a checkbox that is a MovieClip symbol in your library exported to actionscript with the class name CheckBoxGraphic() is created and added to the display list.
    I made a variable that points itself to the last clicked button, when the "on" state is desired. If I detect the last clicked button was this button, I remove the form I added and the checkbox. If the last clicked button is not this button, I enable and position the checkbox as well as add the form.
    What is left to do is handle the sitation where multiple buttons are on the screen. When a new button is pushed it should remove anything the previous button added. This code simply demonstrates clicking the same button multiple times to toggle it "on and off".

  • Server goes out of memory when annotating TIFF File. Help with Tiled Images

    I am new to JAI and have a problem with the system going out of memory
    1)Load up a TIFF file (each approx 5- 8 MB when compressed with CCITT.6 compression)
    2)Annotate image (consider it as a simple drawString with the Graphics2D object of the RenderedImage)
    3)Send it to the servlet outputStream
    Server goes out of memory when 5 threads try to access it concurrently
    Runtime conditions:
    VM param set to -Xmx1024m
    Writing the files takes a lot of time when compared to reading the files
    Some more information
    1)I need to do the annotating at a pre-defined specific positions on the images(ex: in the first quadrant, or may be in the second quadrant).
    2)I know that using the TiledImage class its possible to load up a portion of the image and process it.
    Things I need help with:
    I do not know how to send the whole file back to servlet output stream after annotating a tile of the image.
    If write the tiled image back to a file, or to the outputstream, it gives me only the portion of the tile I read in and watermarked, not the whole image file
    I have attached the code I use when I load up the whole image
    Could somebody please help with the TiledImage solution?
    public void annotateFile(File file, String wText, OutputStream out, AnnotationParameter param) throws Throwable {
    ImageReader imgReader = null;
    ImageWriter imgWriter = null;
    TiledImage in_image = null, out_image = null;
    IIOMetadata metadata = null;
    ImageOutputStream ios = null;
    try {
    Iterator readIter = ImageIO.getImageReadersBySuffix("tif");
    imgReader = (ImageReader);
    metadata = imgReader.getImageMetadata(0);
    in_image = new TiledImage(JAI.create("fileload", file.getPath()), true);
    System.out.println("Image Read!");
    Annotater annotater = new Annotater(in_image);
    out_image = annotater.annotate(wText, param);
    Iterator writeIter = ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix("tif");
    if (writeIter.hasNext()) {
    imgWriter = (ImageWriter);
    ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(out);
    ImageWriteParam iwparam = imgWriter.getDefaultWriteParam();
    if (iwparam instanceof TIFFImageWriteParam) {
    TIFFDirectory dir = (TIFFDirectory) out_image.getProperty("tiff_directory");
    double compressionParam = dir.getFieldAsDouble(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_COMPRESSION);
    setTIFFCompression(iwparam, (int) compressionParam);
    else {
    System.out.println("Trying to write Image ....");
    imgWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(out_image, null, metadata), iwparam);
    System.out.println("Image written....");
    finally {
    if (imgWriter != null)
    if (imgReader != null)
    if (ios != null) {

    user8684061 wrote:
    U are right, SGA is too large for my server.
    I guess oracle set SGA automaticlly while i choose default installion , but ,why SGA would be so big? Is oracle not smart enough ?Default database configuration is going to reserve 40% of physical memory for SGA for an instance, which you as a user can always change. I don't see anything wrong with that to say Oracle is not smart.
    If i don't disincrease SGA, but increase max-shm-memory, would it work?This needs support from the CPU architecture (32 bit or 64 bit) and the kernel as well. Read more about the huge pages.

  • Help with Photo Gallery using XML file

    I am creating a photo gallery using Spry.  I used the Photo Gallery Demo (Photo Gallery Version 2) on the website.  I was successful in creating my site, and having the layout I want.  However I would like to display a caption with each photo that is in the large view.
    As this example uses XML, I updated my file to look like this:
    <photos id="images">
                <photo path="aff2010_01.jpg" width="263" height="350" thumbpath="aff2010_01.jpg" thumbwidth="56"
                   thumbheight="75" pcaption="CaptionHere01"></photo>
                <photo path="aff2010_02.jpg" width="350" height="263" thumbpath="aff2010_02.jpg" thumbwidth="75"
                   thumbheight="56" pcaption="CaptionHere02"></photo>
                <photo path="aff2010_03.jpg" width="350" height="263" thumbpath="aff2010_03.jpg" thumbwidth="75"
                   thumbheight="56" pcaption="CaptionHere03"></photo>
    The images when read into the main file (index.asp) show the images in the thumbnail area and display the correct image in the picture pain.  Since I added the pcaption field to the XML file, how do I get it to display?  The code in my index.html file looks like this:

    rest of the code here:
            <div id="previews">
                <div id="controls">
                    <ul id="transport">
                        <li><a href="#" class="previousBtn" title="Previous">Previous</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="playBtn" title="Play/Pause" id="playLabel"><span class="playLabel">Play</span><span class="pauseLabel">Pause</span></a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="nextBtn" title="Next">Next</a></li>
                <div id="thumbnails" spry:region="dsPhotos" class="SpryHiddenRegion">
                    <div class="thumbnail" spry:repeat="dsPhotos"><a href="{path}"><img alt="" src="{thumbpath}"/></a><br /></div>
                    <p class="ClearAll"></p>
            <div id="picture">
                <div id="mainImageOutline"><img id="mainImage" alt="main image" src=""/><br /> Caption:  {pcaption}</div>
            <p class="clear"></p>
    Any help with getting the caption to display would be greatly appreciated.  The Caption {pcaption} does not work,

  • Help with loading image in Air

    Hello there, hope you can help me with this situation.  Getting into FlexSDK/AirSDK development.  I am very familiar with Flex development using Flash Builder 4, however, I would like to get into development using the the two(2) SDK development tools mentioned above especially from an AIR development perspective.  Coming along pretty good, and ran into one problem that driving me nuts: I have an image in a folder called AirSamples/Air/HelloWorld/southwest.jpg.     I tried to bind the image to the image tag by issuing the following:
      <mx:Image source="@Embed('AirSamples/Air/HelloWorld/southwest.jpg')" /> in my mxml file (HelloWorld.mxml). Let assume this is the only component tag in the file.
    When I go to the command prompt and issue the command: amxmlc Helloworld.mxml,  it compiles without an error. When I issue adl HelloWorld-app.mxml   from the command line prompt, it loaded in Flash Player, however,  the graphic symbol came up indicating that a graphic was there, but no graphic. Can you offer any suggestions as to how I can make this work even if I have to use ActionScript.
    Jerry McLeod

    I already know how to do that, but I specifically stated in my post that I can't use the Loader class. The reason for that is that my program is an image manipulation program, and I need to load the data into a BitmapData object. However, since I originally made my post, I have found some more information. I used trace() to find out the length of the ByteArray I was loading the data into, and then the position after trying to create the BitmapData object, like so:
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.filesytem.*;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.errors.EOFError;
    var file:File = File.documentsDirectory;
    var myImage:BitmapData;
    var myFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("GIF Image","*.gif");
    function loadImage(e:Event):void{
         var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();,FileMode.READ);
         var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
         trace(bytes.length); //Outputs: 4631
         //By the way, this image is a special format and will always be 160 by 160 pixels.
         myImage = new BitmapData(160,160);
         bytes.position = 0;
              myImage.setPixels(new Rectangle(0,0,160,160),bytes);
         } catch(e:EOFError){
              trace(bytes.position); //Outputs: 4628
         addChild(new Bitmap(myImage));
    As the comments show, though the ByteArray is 4631 bytes, it is only read up until byte number 4628. Then it throws an error. Any idea what's going on?

  • Seeking Help with Album Image Issues in iPod Classic

    Hi folks -
    I have a new 160 iPod Classic and have two album image-related issues I'd appreciate some help with.
    In the case of several albums where I'd associated my own art with them in iTunes, the formatting appeared off in my iPod due to the vertical/horizontal proportions. So I corrected the images, replaced the images via iTunes, and re-synced. All of the old images were replaced - except for two. Is there any way to get my iPod to recognize the change to these two images, as it did for all the others?
    Secondly, my "The Allman Brothers Band Live at Fillmore East" album was appearing twice in both the Cover Flow and Album list. That was strange, except that after the latest sync it now appears six times! It's only in one place in iTunes, and not erroneously set as a compilation or anything. This is the only album displaying this behavior...
    Thanks for any suggestions or advice!
    Message was edited by: frank3si

    Yes my e-mail address is [email protected] 
    Thank you for your kind attention to my problem. I am looking for one on one brief consultation with my laptop in Cincinnati. If not then I will compose a clear question with VI.
    These manuals are well known to me NI Visions Concepts ManualIMAQ Vision for LaVIEW User ManuelNI-IMAQ for USB Cameras My problem is moving to the next step of Create an array of USB imagePerform math on array Display results Sincerely,Tom Lohre cell 513-236-1704, [email protected] Lafley, Chairman & CEO of Proctor & Gamble A.G. Lafley enjoyed hearing of Tom's painting robot and thought it played well to his new book: "The Game-Changer: How You Can Drive Revenue and Profit Growth With Innovation."
    Tom Lohre artist/scientist
    Has a operating painting robot using RoboLab/RCX
    Developing a LabView/ NXT robot that analyzes an image for aesthetic quality.

  • How can I find out what is wrong with swap image in a library

    I had a DW8 site that used  a library item on many pages with the calls to the macromedia swap image function.  Everything was fine.
    I've now converted to CS5.5 and I find that:
    a) When the library item is changed, the updated pages don't have proper local relative paths. Instead they have the exact path in the library item itself.
    b) I can't detatch the library item from a page, I get:
    An error occured while loading behavior "Swap Image" Please check this file and associated JavaScript files for errors.
    When OK'd this is followed by
    Dreamweaver encountered an improper argument.
    I went back to DW8, forced a library update and everything was fine.  I've checked and so far as I can see, the swap image funtion is identical in the DW8 and CS5.5 versions.
    I don't know if a and b are related, 

    An example page with the associated files that might be involved in this
    problem are copied into dummy files on the customer's site:
    The equivalent working files (from DW8) on the site are
    The library file is not normally on the site and, if it was, it would be in
    the library directory which could not normally be reached from the htdocs
    folder.  Going back to DW8 as a workaround has solved problem (a) - the path
    error - but downloading these files into a CS5.5 environment should still
    show problem (b), being unable to remove the attachment.
    There is a second library item on the page, the bottom navigation, and this
    can be detached without problem.
    The folder structure on my PC is:
    --- queens2.htm
    --- vwqueens.js
    --- TopNavQueens.lbi

  • Help wih swap image. I think?

    I'm trying to get images to appear in a part of the page
    when I roll over the thumbnail of the image.
    Here's the page:
    I did a swap image behavior. It worked!
    It shows the swapped image from an image file in a slice I
    BUT, when I upload the site I can't get the images to swap.
    Is it something to do with where the image file is stored?
    Can someone help?
    [email protected]

    jjamespix wrote:
    > I'm trying to get images to appear in a part of the page
    > when I roll over the thumbnail of the image.
    > Here's the page:
    > <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge
    > href="
    > I">
    > I</a> did a swap image behavior. It worked!
    There's no swap image behavior on that page. Rather, it's an
    image map.
    It appears to be changing the image on click, but it is
    actually opening
    a new HTML page.
    Linda Rathgeber [PVII] **Adobe Community Expert-Fireworks**
    Fireworks Newsgroup:
    CSS Newsgroup: news://
    Design Aid Kits:

  • Need some help with ".png" image.

    Good day everyone. Here's the run down. I need to add an
    image (image "A") ontop of another image (image"B"). Image "B" is a
    paterned background. And Image "A" a logo with a transparent
    As it stands I have image "A" as a "png" and as you know....
    they are fri**ing huge! Haveing it as a "gif" only presents me with
    the IE6 problem of it adding a colored background to the image.
    So I'm stuck! Can any one tell me or point me in the
    difection of a tutorial to tell me the best way to add an image
    with a transparent background in Dreamweaver.
    Really need some help with this!
    Thanks all!

    >Right you can see the work in progress here>
    Before going much further I'd recommend reconsidering the use
    of a textured background. They are usually included for the benefit
    of the site owner only, and likely to annoy visitors. Studies on
    the subject suggest they often lead to usability problems. I do
    like to header graphic, but at 200K it's kinda heavy and can
    probably be optimized.

  • Need help with adding images option

    I was using the add images option a few weeks ago just fine.. using my tablet and uploading the images via usb. then all of the sudden it stopped working.
    please help with this issue.

    A few questions. What result are you experiencing? Did PS Touch crash? Have you tried to force quit-and restart PS Touch? -Guido

  • Help displaying an image using the canvas!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys
    I don't know whether I am not grasping some concepts well.I have been going mad trying to get the code working
    Here is the code
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    * @author Administrator
    * @version
    public class MyMIDlet extends javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet implements CommandListener{
    private Display display;
    private MyCanvas canvas;
    private Command exitcommand = new Command("Exit",Command.SCREEN,1);
    private Image source;
    public MyMIDlet() {
    protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException{
    if (display == null){
    protected void pauseApp() {
    protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)throws MIDletStateChangeException {
    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
    if (c == exitcommand){
    protected void initMIDlet() {
    display = Display.getDisplay(this);
    canvas = new MyCanvas(this);
    System.err.println("Canvas instiated succesfully");
    public void exitMIDlet() {
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class MyCanvas extends Canvas implements Runnable {
    private MIDlet midlet;
    private Image offscreen;
    private Image currentimage;
    private Graphics g;
    //MID profile application
    /** Creates a new instance of MyCanvas */
    public MyCanvas(MIDlet midlet) {
    this.midlet = midlet;
    currentimage = Image.createImage("/bird0.png");
    }catch(IOException e){
    if (currentimage!= null){
    System.err.println("Image create successfully");
    System.err.println("Image not created");
    Thread t = new Thread(this);
    }catch(Execption e){}
    protected void paint(Graphics g){
    Graphics saved = g;
    int x = getWidth();
    int y = getHeight();
    public void run() {
    I know for a fact that the Canvas class 's paint method is called by the system and not the application. This poses a problem for me because I am not sure how to pass the image to the piant method, so that it can be painted.
    When I run the program(using J2ME wtk04), this is the outcome.
    Image created succesfully
    Canvas instiatiated successfully
    Here are my questions
    1) when is the paint method precisely called by the system?after a reference to the canvas class is created?
    2) is it wise to create the image when instiating the canvas class?( initially created the image using a separate thread)-when sould the image be created?
    3)how to let the application know when to use the image when painting the display area?
    I am just trying the logistics here. It is very crucial to me to understand the bolts of this as the core f my project fouses on the man machine interface development.(For the project, the cilent application is quering for the map using HTTP)
    I use a png file of size 161 bytes. Is that too big for testing purposes.
    I would all the help that I can get. thanks in advance

    1) when is the paint method precisely called by the system?after a reference to the canvas class is created?
    After the canvas is set as the current display, and after that, after the repaint() is called.
    2) is it wise to create the image when instiating the canvas class?( initially created the image using a separate thread)-when sould the image be created?
    It's better to create the image in the very begining of the program e.g. in the midlet initialization. You can call the created image as often as you like later on
    3)how to let the application know when to use the image when painting the display area?
    you have to tell it :))
    you can use if-then, switch, or anything else
    and you can use clipping too

  • Help with unloading images AS3

    Please can anyone help me. I am new to Action Script and flash and am having a nightmare unloading images. The code below works but I keep getting the following error messages:
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at index_fla::MainTimeline/clickSection()
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at index_fla::MainTimeline/clickSection()
    Any help with this would be much appreciated.
    var ImgReq01:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/01.jpg");
    var ImgReq02:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/02.jpg");
    var ImgReq03:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/03.jpg");
    var ImgReq04:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/04.jpg");
    var ImgReq05:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/05.jpg");
    var imgList:Array=[ImgReq01,ImgReq02,ImgReq03,ImgReq04,ImgReq05];
    var imgRandom = imgList[Math.floor(Math.random()* imgList.length)];
    var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function onComplete(event:Event):void
      var randomImage:Bitmap = Bitmap(imgLoader.content);
    //handle events for info buttons...
    information. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    home. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    galleries. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    function clickSection (evtObj:MouseEvent) {
    //Trace shows what's happening.. in the output window
    trace ("The "" button was clicked")
    //go to the section clicked on...
    gotoAndStop (
    // this line is causing errors when navigating between the gallery and information buttons
    var Image:Bitmap = Bitmap(imgLoader.content);

    you really should be adding the loader to the displaylist, not the content.
    var ImgReq01:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/01.jpg");
    var ImgReq02:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/02.jpg");
    var ImgReq03:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/03.jpg");
    var ImgReq04:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/04.jpg");
    var ImgReq05:URLRequest=new URLRequest("images/home/05.jpg");
    var imgList:Array=[ImgReq01,ImgReq02,ImgReq03,ImgReq04,ImgReq05];
    var imgRandom = imgList[Math.floor(Math.random()* imgList.length)];
    var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function onComplete(event:Event):void
    //handle events for info buttons...
    information. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    home. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    galleries. addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    function clickSection (evtObj:MouseEvent) {
    //Trace shows what's happening.. in the output window
    trace ("The "" button was clicked")
    //go to the section clicked on...
    gotoAndStop (
    // this line is causing errors when navigating between the gallery and information buttons

  • Help with partial image loss from Viewer to Canvas

    Hi--I'm brand new to FCP and would really appreciate any help with my problem. I'm creating 2 second video clips composed of four still images (15 frames...or 500ms each) laid back to back, then rendered. Very simple, I know. The individual images are tiff files that look great in the FCP Viewer. But in the Canvas, part of the image is missing. Specifically, in the center of each image there should be a + sign, about 1cm square. This + should remain constant thoughout the short movie, while the items around it vary (from image to image). (This is a psychology experiment, and the center + is a fixation cross.) The problem is that in the Viewer the + sign is intact, but in the Canvas (and the resulting rendered video), only the vertical bar of the + is present! This is true for every individual tiff, and for the resulting movie. The items around the fixation cross are fine. My question is WHY on earth does the central horizontal bar get "lost" between the Viewer and the Canvas? I've read the manuals, but obviously I've got something set wrong. Also, there is a considerable overall reduction in quality between the viewer and canvas, even though I'm trying my best to maximize video quality. Everything looks a bit blurry. Truly, all ideas are welcome. Sorry if it's obvious. Thanks.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    steve, i'm viewing on my 23" cinema screen. i read up on quality and know that this is a no-no; that i should only judge quality when viewing on an ntsc monitor or good tv. the problem is that i'll ultimately be displaying these videos on my Dell LCD, so i've got to maximize what i've got. thanks to the discussion boards i have a short list of things to try now. thanks!

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