Help with unable to recieve mail'

I Cannot recieve email. I can send but not recieve. Help!

With the one account being yahoo it may not be anyting you can fix. Yahoo regularly messes with their servers, causing random outages. If it's still not working after 24 hours then there may be something wrong. Or it may be something that resolves itself.
But there is no such thing as a merged inbox. I have 3 mail addresses on my iPad, and they are all accessible via the mail app, but are 3 separate mail boxes.

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    Hi Julis
    Thanks for your valuable inputs.
    As you said we have already done that settings in SCOT and also the other things specified by you.But we are unable to recive the mails to our CRM System.
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    I also sent all the steps what we configured to your personal id with reference to sdn.
    Pls provide your suggestions
    good points available for your suggestions

  • Unable to Recieve Mail

    Hi all,
    Hope you can help.
    I have recently got a new POP work email address and have set it up on both my Mac and iPhone.
    Usually works fine but occasionally I get an exclamation mark next to my new work email inbox (on my mac) and a warning pops up saying the following:
    Unable to Receive Mail
    The mail server denied access to the account "New Work Mail" because an administrator or other mail client was using it when Mail tried to log in. Please try again later. The server error encountered was: Can't get lock. Mailbox in use.
    Sure this is because my iPhone is also synced to the account but no idea how to make sure I can access the account with both logged in.
    Also, when I read emails on my iPhone they do not appear as 'read' on my mac. This is irritating too and thought it might have something to do with the problem.
    Any help would be gratefully appreciated, I have searched the forum before posting this topic.
    Many thanks,

    Thanks for this Eurchre, I feel like I might be making progress.
    Have done what you suggested but now if I read an unread email on my iPhone it does not appear as unread on my Mac and if left it will reappear as unread on my iPhone.
    Also, if I delete emails on my iPhone they do not delete on my Mac.
    Anything I do within my Mac seems to sync with my phone though.
    Any further suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.

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    Deleting the iTunes account is not the solution as you will very likely lose any and all purchases ever made with the account.
    If you cannot find the option on the site, contact iTunes support.

  • Need Some Brain Storming Help WIth a Long Distance Mail Problem

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    It looks like Mail has reset its preferences, including the account settings. What follows is a more thorough explanation that should allow you to determine whether that’s really what happened and what your options would be in that case. I’ll provide the full instructions I usually provide to solve this problem when having direct access to the computer, even though you may find some of them not practical or unnecessary.
    Under some circumstances (e.g. lack of available disk space, filesystem corruption, repeated crashes), Mail may discard the current ~/Library/Preferences/ preferences file and create a new one. This file is where all the account settings are stored. As a result, all the non-.Mac account settings are lost. If you have a .Mac account, however, that account would appear to have been preserved because Mail would set it up automatically using the System Preferences > .Mac settings — but may result in a different .Mac account being automatically set up if for some reason the System Preferences > .Mac settings differ from what until then were the Mail account settings...
    What’s the capacity and space available on the startup disk? Take a look at the comments about disk space in the following article, in case they apply to this case:
    Problems from insufficient RAM and free hard disk space
    Verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what’s it all about?
    After having fixed all the filesystem issues, if any, and ensuring that there’s enough space available on the startup disk (a few GB, plus the space needed to make a backup copy of the Mail folder), quit Mail if it’s running, and make a backup copy of the ~/Library/Mail folder (e.g. by dragging it to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down), just in case something else goes wrong while trying to solve the problem. This folder is where all your mail is stored.
    There are at least three ways to restore the account settings:
    (1) Restore ~/Library/Preferences/ from a backup if you have one. Mail shouldn’t be running while you do this.
    (2) Set up your mail accounts again (you may want to quit Mail and trash the new first to start over). If given the option to import existing mailboxes or something like that, don’t. Just enter the account information and Mail will automagically rediscover the data in ~/Library/Mail/ when done. You’ll also have to re-configure some of the Mail > Preferences settings. For spam-related security reasons, the first thing you should do is go to Preferences > Viewing and disable Display remote images in HTML messages if it’s enabled.
    (3) Mail may have renamed the old preferences file to If that’s the case, you may try trashing the new and renaming the old back to Again, be sure Mail isn’t running while doing this. Given the circumstances, there exists the possibility that became corrupt, but that often is not the case and the settings can usually be restored by just renaming the file back to
    As a side effect of re-creating, Mail might rename Outbox (which is where messages waiting to be sent are stored) to Delivered. The name of that mailbox is actually a misnomer, as it would contain messages (if any) that couldn’t be delivered for some reason. You can delete that mailbox if you wish.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. That is, ~/Library is the Library folder within the user’s home folder, i.e. /Users/username/Library.

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    Thank you for the help.

    iCloud Help
    Creating an iCloud account- Frequently Asked Questions
    Apple IDs and iCloud
    iCloud: What version of Windows software am I using for iCloud?

  • Need Help with Setting Up E-Mail on My BlackBerry Q-10

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    Go to Solution.

    Two or three thoughts.
    My BlackBerry handset has become my exclusive email tool. I think if you get used to the idea of accessing email from different machines, with the BlackBerry being one of them, it will begin to make sense.
    If you haven't enabled a junk email filter at the server level on your email service, do it. Filtered email will not be sync'd with the BlackBerry email client.
    Set up your email as IMAP. If you are using, setup as EAS. Create folders for email you don't want sync'd to the inbox on the BlackBerry. Setup rules to move that email to the appropriate folder as it arrives. You will be able to view those folders and their contents on the BlackBerry when you want, but they will not be sync'd automatically unless you turn that on.
    As far as your last question, what is the context? Generally speaking, the email can be automatically synchronized. If IMAP or EAS, the folders on the device and other devices and the servers are synchronized. Read an email one place and it is marked read everywhere. Ditto deletes and moves.
    - Ira

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    What would not run properly yesterday, did run fine today.
    Background: I have used DU to Repair Perms twice today. I have always seen lots of references to Java and frameworks in the DU log while doing this. Whether there is a correlation or not to my problems, I do not know.
    With regard to Xcode v325:
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    I switched back to Xcode 325 and it ran fine. I'm not ready to really point ALL of the blame on Xcode 4, because Apple doc's state clearly that user's can switch back and forth between versions without problems. I'm not so sure. I am not switching back and forth because I think it's a fun thing to do, I'm doing it because I have no other choice.
    As to the red fonted files - from my experience, that means either the file is nowhere to be found or it has not been built, which I think was my original problem. I have no idea how to correct that. Earlier today I had a sit where the app actually ran on the sim even though the executable was in red font. I have no idea how that works either.
    At the moment, I'm using Xcode v325 and doing OK. I may download the latest Xcode 4 upgrade tonight. Not sure yet.
    Thanks for checking in.

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    Does anyone know of a reliable e-mail pakage or a way to prevetn this crash?
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Verizon)

    timdon1 wrote:
    He loaded Chatter version 3.0.18 mail package and it works OK but when I switch applications from Chatter mail (home button scroll to web) the web app goes white screen and a soft reset is the only way to get the Treo back.
    What if you click the calendar or contacts button in between? Not to say you should always have to do that, but just wondering whether there is something special about going to the browser.
    timdon1 wrote:
    Does anyone know of a reliable e-mail pakage or a way to prevetn this crash?
    Verizon sold the 650 with a CD that contained Palm's VersaMail program. I think it probably lacked some of the features of Chattermail, but perhaps it won't crash.

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    I tried it through July and also had sporadic experience. I was using the "push" on the iPhone and POP on my Mac. I'm not sure if using both simultaneously had anything to do with issues. A compromise I found was to use AOL. It's free, it's IMAP (so the iPhone, your computer, and webmail stay in sync), and (unlike .Mac) you can assign your own domain to AOL and use that (remarkably still for free). If you use the webmail, you get the little AOL Free Mail ad line at the bottom of emails you send, but you don't get that from, the iPhone, or from any source if using your own domain.
    Push sounded great . . . . especially when you have to use your email for receiving MMS, but the AOL IMAP with 15 min checking has been working fine for me for about a month now.

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    The iPhone's Mail client is no different from every other email client on the planet in this regard. If there are new messages available at the incoming mail server, junk or otherwise, it will download them. You need to address your junk mail problems with your email account provider and your habits, which play a part.
    If your iPhone is causing a speaker buzz, you have cheap or improperly shielded speakers or wiring/connections, and you can turn off Bluetooth access when not being used, which also conserves battery consumption.

  • I need help with i photo e-mail

    i cannot send pictures from i photo as attachments to be downloaded to my daughters apple computer.  i don't know what I am doing wrong when I click on e-mail/forward/ she does receive the pictures but there is no means to open and download as an attachment or whatever is needed.

    When the mail came through on MY apple mail program there was a Save box..but no arrow or ability to open it and add it to my iphoto.
    That is not an iPhoto issue -post in the Mail forum
    She has a new Apple desktop but she does not use Apple Mail,
    Then you need support for the e-mail client she is using  --  this is not an iPhoto issue either
    Both issues are for the e-mail client receiving the mail - it is being sent correctly

  • Help with setting up the mailer function in lookout

    I am trying to get the mailer function working in Lookout. When i enter my SMTP information in Outlook and send a message to my cell phone it works fine.
    When i enter the same SMTP address in the mailer function i get errors saying resolving SMTP server.
    Any suggestions on what i can do to get it working?

    Have you tried both ip address and the computer name?
    Is the mail server in the same network?
    You can try a free smtp server on your local computer and see if it works, such as this one,
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

  • Need help with setting a default mail app

    My computer is defaulting to gmail even though I have set Mail as the default application in both my gmail notifier and within Mail itself. I tried installing DefaultApps to force things, but it also shows Mail as the default. But when I go to click on an email address on a webpage it still opens gmail.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Since I have never made any setting to use Gmail vs Mail, tell me where that selection was made? Have you installed anything that makes that selection available in Mail Preferences/General/Default Mail Reader?
    You might try quitting Firefox and then open Home/Library/Preferences and locate the file named org.mozilla.firefox.plist and drag it to the Desktop. Then restart Firefox and test again.

  • Help with Unable to use INSERT (MySQL, Coldfusion, FB4)

    Sort of new to this. I have a flex app that uses CFC's to connect to  a  MySQL database. I auto generated a CFC by pointing it to the "company" table in MySQL. It created the usual default functions (count(), createcompany, getAllCompany, etc). All of the "get" functions work as expected (grids fill, etc). However, I can't seem to get the Updates or Adds to work. For simplicity, this is what the code looks like:
    protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    var company:Company = new Company(); = zipTextInput.text; = phoneTextInput.text; = companyTextInput.text;
    company.state = stateTextInput.text;
    company.address1 = address1TextInput.text; = cityTextInput.text;
    createcompanyResult.token = companyService.createcompany(company);
    What's weird is that I can test the service in FB and the service works fine but when you click the button, it doesn't appear that the service is ever even called.
    Any ideas would be hugely appreciated.

    Make sure you have declare the current state at the time of the add click button like this example:
    protected function addBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    {                 currentState="EmployeeAdd";                 employee=new Employee();             }
    Please rate answers

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