Help with uploading files through form

I have a website for a sign business and I'm trying to make
it so people can upload custom artwork. I am using an ASP Formmail
script from I think it's If I understood
correctly from the directions, I can't upload files through that
script and I tried it once and it did not work. If anyone has any
ideas then please help. Thanks

For security reasons many shared hosts don't permit file
Try this in the interim
"dayencom" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:epo2ql$dsb$[email protected]..
> I just tried contacting my hosting provider: and the
> was not helpful at all. He said that their hosting does
not support
> files. So I am drawing a blank now. Is there any way to
use maybe another
> to upload?

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  • Help with Upload file to Server Examples

    I have been working with the examples for how to upload a file to the server. Though i got the example to work. there is one more thing i need to do. i need to allow the user to be able to select multiple files.  In the example when you click on Upload, it opens a MS window to allow you to select a file. This example does not allow you to select more then one file though. I found another example for selecting multiple files but this one differs very much in that the person who make it "Ryan Favro" created a whole new GUI window to select multiple files. those his example works great, i dont want a special window to select files, i want the MS window to do it.
    Is there a way to make the original example that uses the MS window to allow the user to select multiple files ?
    I have attached the example that uses the MS window.

    Use this code. May be it helps u.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:com="test.*" layout="absolute"
        creationComplete="initApp()" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private const _strDomain:String = new String("http://localhost:8400/");
                private const _strUploadScript:String = new String(_strDomain + "ProcessFileUp/UploadFile");
                // Initalize
                private function initApp():void {
        <mx:Canvas width="400" height="300" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                width="100%" height="100%"
                uploadComplete="'File(s) have been uploaded.', 'Upload successful')"
                uploadIOError="'IO Error in uploading file.', 'Error')"
                uploadSecurityError="'Security Error in uploading file.', 'Error')"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="" xmlns:com="*"
        layout="vertical" width="100%" minWidth="400" height="100%" minHeight="200"
        title="Upload Files" creationComplete="initCom()">
            [Event(name="uploadComplete", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadProgress", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadCancel", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadIOError", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadSecurityError", type="")]
                import mx.controls.*;
                import mx.managers.*;
                private var _strUploadUrl:String;
                private var _refAddFiles:FileReferenceList;   
                private var _refUploadFile:FileReference;
                private var _arrUploadFiles:Array;
                private var _numCurrentUpload:Number = 0;           
                // Set uploadUrl
                public function set uploadUrl(strUploadUrl:String):void {
                    _strUploadUrl = strUploadUrl;
                // Initalize
                private function initCom():void {
                    _arrUploadFiles = new Array();               
                // Called to add file(s) for upload
                private function addFiles():void {
                    _refAddFiles = new FileReferenceList();
                    _refAddFiles.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelectFile);
                // Called when a file is selected
                private function onSelectFile(event:Event):void {
                    var arrFoundList:Array = new Array();
                    // Get list of files from fileList, make list of files already on upload list
                    for (var i:Number = 0; i < _arrUploadFiles.length; i++) {
                        for (var j:Number = 0; j < _refAddFiles.fileList.length; j++) {
                            if (_arrUploadFiles[i].name == _refAddFiles.fileList[j].name) {
                                _refAddFiles.fileList.splice(j, 1);
                    if (_refAddFiles.fileList.length >= 1) {               
                        for (var k:Number = 0; k < _refAddFiles.fileList.length; k++) {
                        listFiles.dataProvider = _arrUploadFiles;
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = _arrUploadFiles.length - 1;
                    if (arrFoundList.length >= 1) {
              "The file(s): \n\n• " + arrFoundList.join("\n• ") + "\n\n...are already on the upload list. Please change the filename(s) or pick a different file.", "File(s) already on list");
                // Called to format number to file size
                private function formatFileSize(numSize:Number):String {
                    var strReturn:String;
                    numSize = Number(numSize / 1000);
                    strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " KB");
                    if (numSize > 1000) {
                        numSize = numSize / 1000;
                        strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " MB");
                        if (numSize > 1000) {
                            numSize = numSize / 1000;
                            strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " GB");
                    return strReturn;
                // Called to remove selected file(s) for upload
                private function removeFiles():void {
                    var arrSelected:Array = listFiles.selectedIndices;
                    if (arrSelected.length >= 1) {
                        for (var i:Number = 0; i < arrSelected.length; i++) {
                            _arrUploadFiles[Number(arrSelected[i])] = null;
                        for (var j:Number = 0; j < _arrUploadFiles.length; j++) {
                            if (_arrUploadFiles[j] == null) {
                                _arrUploadFiles.splice(j, 1);
                        listFiles.dataProvider = _arrUploadFiles;
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = 0;                   
                // Called to check if there is at least one file to upload
                private function uploadCheck():void {
                    if (_arrUploadFiles.length == 0) {
                        btnUpload.enabled = false;
                        listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                    } else {
                        btnUpload.enabled = true;
                        listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                // Disable UI control
                private function disableUI():void {
                    btnAdd.enabled = false;
                    btnRemove.enabled = false;
                    btnUpload.enabled = false;
                    btnCancel.enabled = true;
                    listFiles.enabled = false;
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                // Enable UI control
                private function enableUI():void {
                    btnAdd.enabled = true;
                    btnRemove.enabled = true;
                    btnUpload.enabled = true;
                    btnCancel.enabled = false;
                    listFiles.enabled = true;
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                // Scroll listFiles to selected row
                private function scrollFiles():void {
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPosition = listFiles.selectedIndex;
                // Called to upload file based on current upload number
                private function startUpload():void {
                    if (_arrUploadFiles.length > 0) {
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = _numCurrentUpload;
                        // Variables to send along with upload
                        var sendVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                        sendVars.action = "upload";
                        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
               = sendVars;
                        request.url = _strUploadUrl;
                        request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                        _refUploadFile = new FileReference();
                        _refUploadFile = listFiles.selectedItem.file;
                        _refUploadFile.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);
                           _refUploadFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
                        _refUploadFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onUploadIoError);
                          _refUploadFile.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onUploadSecurityError);
                        _refUploadFile.upload(request, "file", false);
                // Cancel and clear eventlisteners on last upload
                private function clearUpload():void {
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onUploadIoError);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onUploadSecurityError);
                    _numCurrentUpload = 0;
                // Called on upload cancel
                private function onUploadCanceled():void {
                    dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadCancel"));
                // Get upload progress
                private function onUploadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                    var numPerc:Number = Math.round((event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal) * 100);
                    var evt:ProgressEvent = new ProgressEvent("uploadProgress", false, false, event.bytesLoaded, event.bytesTotal);
                // Update progBar
                private function updateProgBar(numPerc:Number = 0):void {
                    var strLabel:String = (_numCurrentUpload + 1) + "/" + _arrUploadFiles.length;
                    strLabel = (_numCurrentUpload + 1 <= _arrUploadFiles.length && numPerc > 0 && numPerc < 100) ? numPerc + "% - " + strLabel : strLabel;
                    strLabel = (_numCurrentUpload + 1 == _arrUploadFiles.length && numPerc == 100) ? "Upload Complete - " + strLabel : strLabel;
                    strLabel = (_arrUploadFiles.length == 0) ? "" : strLabel;
                    progBar.label = strLabel;
                    progBar.setProgress(numPerc, 100);
                // Called on upload complete
                private function onUploadComplete(event:Event):void {
                    if (_numCurrentUpload < _arrUploadFiles.length) {
                    } else {
                        dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadComplete"));
                // Called on upload io error
                private function onUploadIoError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                    var evt:IOErrorEvent = new IOErrorEvent("uploadIoError", false, false, event.text);
                // Called on upload security error
                private function onUploadSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                    var evt:SecurityErrorEvent = new SecurityErrorEvent("uploadSecurityError", false, false, event.text);
                // Change view state
                private function changeView():void {
                    currentState = (currentState == "mini") ? "" : "mini";
            <mx:State name="mini">
                <mx:SetProperty name="height" value="60"/>
                <mx:SetProperty name="minHeight" value="60"/>
                <mx:SetStyle target="{btnView}" name="icon" value="@Embed('assets/application_put.png')"/>
            <mx:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
                <mx:Resize target="{this}" duration="1000"/>
        <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:DataGrid id="listFiles" left="0" top="0" bottom="0" right="0"
                allowMultipleSelection="true" verticalScrollPolicy="on"
                draggableColumns="false" resizableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false">
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File" dataField="name" wordWrap="true"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Size" dataField="size" width="75" textAlign="right"/>
        <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
            <mx:Button id="btnAdd" toolTip="Add file(s)" click="addFiles()" icon="@Embed('assets/add.png')" width="26"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnRemove" toolTip="Remove file(s)" click="removeFiles()" icon="@Embed('assets/delete.png')" width="26"/>
            <mx:ProgressBar id="progBar" mode="manual" label="" labelPlacement="center" width="100%"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnCancel" toolTip="Cancel upload" icon="@Embed('assets/cancel2.png')" width="26" click="onUploadCanceled()"/>
            <mx:Button label="Upload" toolTip="Upload file(s)" id="btnUpload" click="startUpload()" icon="@Embed('assets/bullet_go.png')"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnView" toolTip="Show/Hide file(s)" icon="@Embed('assets/application_get.png')" width="26" click="changeView()"/>

  • Help with uploading files to remote site

    I am trying to upload files onto a remote site, but it keeps
    timing out. Also, on my new website that i'm making for a client,
    when i Put the files onto the remote site it says Started:
    5/30/06 7:57 PM
    index.html - error occurred - An FTP error occurred - cannot
    put index.html. Access Denied. The file may not exist, or there
    could be a permission problem.
    File activity incomplete. 1 file(s) or folder(s) were not
    Files with errors: 1
    Finished: 5/30/06 7:57 PM
    What does this mean? why are the file incomplete?
    Mike S

    Have you successfully uploaded to this site before?
    Is your site definition configured to upload to the proper
    remote folder?
    The error message is simply telling you the transfer did not
    "mikesilverman22" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e5im76$r17$[email protected]..
    >I am trying to upload files onto a remote site, but it
    keeps timing out.
    > on my new website that i'm making for a client, when i
    Put the files onto
    > the
    > remote site it says Started:
    > 5/30/06 7:57 PM
    > index.html - error occurred - An FTP error occurred -
    cannot put
    > index.html.
    > Access Denied. The file may not exist, or there could be
    a permission
    > problem.
    > File activity incomplete. 1 file(s) or folder(s) were
    not completed.
    > Files with errors: 1
    > index.html
    > Finished: 5/30/06 7:57 PM
    > What does this mean? why are the file incomplete?
    > Mike S

  • Send oracle table to pdf file through forms 6i

    please dear sirs,
    I want to send oracle table to pdf file through forms 6i
    waiting help
    thanks in advance

    dear Francois
    i use this code which sarah give it to me
    and i write as the following put not give me the pdf file
         END IF;
         ADD_PARAMETER(pl_id, 'DESNAME',          TEXT_PARAMETER, 'D:\YASSER');
    pls help me and tell me where is the error which i did
    thanks in advance dear

  • I need help with a 1 Page Form with scrollable text field (5000 limit characters) and printing

    Hello, I have no training in using Adobe Acrobat Pro or Livecycle Designer so I need major help with a 1 page form that I am attempting to create. Basically the form will be used to nominate employees for a Job Well Done Award.
    The form contains the following:
    1.) The name(s) of the employees being nominated and the date of the accomplishment.
    2.) In the middle of the page I have a section for a write up, limited to 5000 characters, this is were I am needing the most help. A couple of things, about this section: The font is set at 11 and I don't want it to change. The text field has multiple-line, scroll long text enabled. The text field is a certain size and can only hold so much text, then it starts to scroll, which I am ok with, I like that feature. The issue I am having is during printing. I would like to keep the text field scrollable but when I print I would like to be able to print everything in that field. Executing this is the problem, I have no clue how to do it. I was hoping for some setting within Acrobat Pro or LiveCycle to be available, but the more I read and research this, it appears that it may require java, xml, basically some coding. I don't know for sure.
    3.) Below the text field I have another field for the person nominating to type their name and right next to that another field for a digital signature.
    4.) And finally below those two fields I have a Submit button that is setup to start email application so the form can be emailed to the proper inbox.
    Thank you in advance.

    With an Acrobat form the only thing you can do is export the text to
    another location (like a blank field on another page) or to another file
    format. With an LCD form you can expand the text box itself, but you'll
    need to ask about that over at the LCD Scripting forum.

  • Adobe Send - Problem with uploading files. When is this going to get fixed?

    When is the Adobe Send problem with uploading files going to get fixed. Similar to others - I have tried and tried to make Adobe Send work and get an error. I have tried to upload the file and it looks like it uploads and then - it is nowhere to be found.
    I then go to Adobe Send Now and it works fine.

    The problem is the same as described in other similar threads.
    I have a 57 MB PowerPoint file I am trying to send using Adobe Send. I go through the normal steps to identify the file and select recipients and then send the file. After the file completes the upload - an error saying there was a problem comes up and the file is not uploaded.
    I have tried to upload the file to the site with similar results - error and the file doesn't go.
    I can go to the old SendNow site and it works flawlessly.
    If I need to get screenshots - let me know. There are several other threads describing this same problem. It isn't something new or not heard of before.
    Sent from my iPod

  • Can some help with CR2 files ,Ican`t see CR2 files in adobe bridge

    can some help with CR2 files ,I can`t see CR2 files in adobe bridge when I open Adobe Photoshop cs5- help- about plugins- no camera raw plugins. When i go Edit- preference and click on camera raw  shows message that Adobe camera raw plugin cannot be found

    That's strage. Seems that the Camera Raw.8bi file has been moved to different location or has gone corrupt. By any chance did you try to move the camera raw plugin to a custom location?
    Go To "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS5\File Formats" and look for Camera Raw.8bi file.
    If you have that file there, try to download the updated camera raw plugin from the below location.
    In case  you ae not able to locate the Camera Raw.8bi file on the above location, then i think you need to re-install PS CS5.
    [Moving the discussion to Photoshop General Discussions Forum]

  • Help with add file name problem with Photoshop CS4

    Frustrating problem: Help with add file name problem with Photoshop CS4. What happens is this. When I am in PS CS4 or CS3 and run the following script it runs fine. When I am in Bridge and go to tools/photoshop/batch and run the same script it runs until it wants interaction with preference.rulerunits. How do I get it to quit doing this so I can run in batch mode? Any help is appreciated. HLower
    Script follows:
    // this script is another variation of the script addTimeStamp.js that is installed with PS7
    //Check if a document is open
    if ( documents.length > 0 )
    var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.INCHES;
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    // Create a text layer at the front
    var myLayerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "Filename";
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    //Set your parameters below this line
    //If you wish to show the file extension, change the n to y in the line below, if not use n.
    var ShowExtension = "n";
    // Insert any text to appear before the filename, such as your name and copyright info between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextBefore = "Lower© ";
    // Insert any text to appear after the filename between the quotes.
    //If you do not want extra text, delete between the quotes (but leave the quotes in).
    var TextAfter = " ";
    // Set font size in Points
    myTextRef.size = 10;
    //Set font - use GetFontName.jsx to get exact name
    myTextRef.font = "Arial";
    //Set text colour in RGB values
    var newColor = new SolidColor(); = 0; = 0; = 0;
    myTextRef.color = newColor;
    // Set the position of the text - percentages from left first, then from top.
    myTextRef.position = new Array( 10, 99);
    // Set the Blend Mode of the Text Layer. The name must be in CAPITALS - ie change NORMAL to DIFFERENCE.
    myLayerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
    // select opacity in percentage
    myLayerRef.opacity = 100;
    // The following code strips the extension and writes tha text layer. fname = file name only
    fname = (, di);
    //use extension if set
    if ( ShowExtension == "y" )
    fname =
    myTextRef.contents = TextBefore + " " + fname + " " + TextAfter;
    catch( e )
    // An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back
    // to the user
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    throw e;
    // Everything went Ok. Restore ruler units
    preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    alert( "You must have a document open to add the filename!" );

    you might want to try the scripting forum howard:

  • Can anyone help with uploading photos from iPad to Facebook.  Thanks

    Can anyone help with uploading photos fom iPad to Facebook?  Thanks

    What app are you to trying to use ? You can't upload photos to Facebook via Safari, but a number of the Facebook apps support it e.g. the 'official' app : (thought it's optimised for the iPhone/iPod Touch it does support uploading photos), Friendly For Facebook (

  • Can Somebody help with uploading.........

    Can Somebody help with uploading my iweb creation.
    i have made a iweb site and upload it to my .mac.
    later that day i deleted on my idisk the site manualy and i want to upload a news site but every time i tryed to upload the site iweb says that i need a .mac account. and that i have.
    i have tryed with a other account (from a friend) and that worked. Strange but now it works. I tryed again with my account but still he ask that i need a .mac account.
    Can anybody help me????

    i have solved it the solution was here
    many thanks

  • NMH410 as a external hard drive & upload files through web browser

    I had just installed a NMH410 and has some questions as follow:
    Can NMH410 be used as an external HDD without internet?
    Is there anywhere I can upload files through the web browser?

    mosidiot wrote:
    I had just installed a NMH410 and has some questions as follows:
    1. Can NMH410 be used as an external HDD without internet?
    Yes - The NMH is a local network device, and you can store/retrieve files on it using the computers on your home network using either Windows Explorer, or connecting to it in Linux/MacOS as a Samba share.
    However: The NMH requires an Internet connection to dowload firmware updates, and - If my experiences today are anything to go on - You'll need to have up to date Flash support in your web browser to be able to configure and administrate the thing.
    (See the new thread that I'll be posting in this forum shortly.)
    mosidiot wrote:
    2. Is there anywhere I can upload files through the web browser?
    Yes - The NMH does support uploading via a web browser as long as the latter has a recent Flash plugin installed. For small numbers of files, this should work fine...But for larger numbers of files, I'd suggest using either Windows Explorer, or the Media Importer program that came on the enclosed CD-ROM. :-)
    You can find full details and instructions for doing both of the above in the NMH 4xx user guide, which may be downloaded Here. :-)
    Farewell... >:-)
    +++ DieselDragon +++
    Edit: Corrected broken link to user guide.

  • Help with uploading an excel file to a table using an application

    Can anyone please help me out with this issue. I have apex application where in the end users upload an excel file to a table. For this I have followed the solution provided in this link
    Using the above solution, I was able to upload the excel data to a table "sample_tbl1" successfully with fields Id,acct_no,owner_name,process_dt. But the thing is I want accomdate a particular condition while uploading the file data, to check see if the acct_no already exists in another table say "sample_tbl2" or not. If acct_nos already exists in sample_tbl2 then give out an error displaying the list of account numbers that already exists in the database. Below is the code which I am using to upload file data to a table.
    v_blob_data       BLOB; 
    v_blob_len        NUMBER; 
    v_position        NUMBER; 
    v_raw_chunk       RAW(10000); 
    v_char            CHAR(1); 
    c_chunk_len       number       := 1; 
    v_line            VARCHAR2 (32767)        := NULL; 
    v_data_array      wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2; 
    v_rows            number; 
    v_sr_no           number         := 1; 
    l_cnt             BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
    l_stepid          NUMBER := 10;
    --Read data from wwv_flow_files</span> 
    select blob_content into v_blob_data 
    from wwv_flow_files 
    where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER) 
    and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER); 
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data); 
    v_position := 1; 
    /* Evaluate and skip first line of data
    WHILE (v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char :=  chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Clear out 
    v_line := NULL;
    END IF;
    -- Read and convert binary to char</span> 
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP 
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position); 
    v_char :=  chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk))); 
    v_line := v_line || v_char; 
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len; 
    -- When a whole line is retrieved </span> 
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span> 
    v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':'); 
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span> 
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line); 
    -- Insert data into target table
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4)'
    -- Clear out 
    v_line := NULL; 
    v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1; 
    l_cnt := l_cnt + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
    END IF; 
    delete from wwv_flow_files
    where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USER)
    and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USER);
    l_stepid  := 20;
    IF l_cnt = 0 THEN
    apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_print_success_message || '<p><span style="font-size:14;font-weight:bold">Please select a file to upload.</span></p>' ;
    apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_print_success_message || '<p><span style="font-size:14;font-weight:bold;color:green">File uploaded and processed ' || l_cnt || ' record(s) successfully.</span></p>';
    END IF;
    l_stepid  := 30;
    apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_print_success_message || '<p><span style="font-size:14;font-weight:bold;color:red">Failed to upload the file. '||REGEXP_REPLACE(SQLERRM,'[('')(<)(>)(,)(;)(:)(")('')]{1,}', '') ||'</span></p>';
    Can anyone please help me, how do i accomdate the condition within my existing code.

    From your code it appears that the account No comes in the second column of the file = > v_data_array(1)
    So You can put a conditional block around the execute immediate code that inserts the records
    For instance
      SELECT count(1) INTO ln_account_no_exists from <"sample_tbl2> where account_no = v_data_array(1);
      IF (  ln_account_no_exists > 0 ) THEN
         --Account No: already exists
        <Do what you want to do here >
      END IF:
    Inorder to handle the account no records which exists you can
      <li>Raise an exception
      <li> Write record to table or insert into collection and then use a report region in the page based on this table/collection to show error records
      <li> Append errored account No:s to the Success Message Variable programmatically(this variable is used by PLSQL process success/error message )
        IF ( record exists)
          apex_application.g_print_success_message := apex_application.g_print_success_message||','|| v_data_array(1) ; -- Comma separated list of errored account no:s
        ELSE ...
    Hope it helps                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Help me with uploading files to jobsites

    Someone help me, help me please.  It seems that from my administrative account I can not upload files to any potential job sites.  From any web site, the option that says, 'choose files' whenever I clique on that and try to upload the little multi-color turning circle comes on and everything freezes.  However I am able to upload from my other user accounts but a lot of good that does because I do not have any saved information on those accounts.  What is going with my computer, its the first time I have ever had an issue with my computer, did I catch a bug or something?

    Have you successfully uploaded to this site before?
    Is your site definition configured to upload to the proper
    remote folder?
    The error message is simply telling you the transfer did not
    "mikesilverman22" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e5im76$r17$[email protected]..
    >I am trying to upload files onto a remote site, but it
    keeps timing out.
    > on my new website that i'm making for a client, when i
    Put the files onto
    > the
    > remote site it says Started:
    > 5/30/06 7:57 PM
    > index.html - error occurred - An FTP error occurred -
    cannot put
    > index.html.
    > Access Denied. The file may not exist, or there could be
    a permission
    > problem.
    > File activity incomplete. 1 file(s) or folder(s) were
    not completed.
    > Files with errors: 1
    > index.html
    > Finished: 5/30/06 7:57 PM
    > What does this mean? why are the file incomplete?
    > Mike S

  • Problem in getting the parameters from teh form html with upload file

    I have used the jspsmartupload package:
    the html file:
    <BODY BGCOLOR="white">
    <H1>jspSmartUpload : Sample 5</H1>
    <form METHOD="POST" ACTION="sample5.jsp"
    NAME="PW" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    <table CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="3" BORDER="1" WIDTH="474">
    <!-- FILE -->
    <!-- TEXT -->
    <td width="150">
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">Text :  </font></small>
    <td width="324"><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input TYPE="TEXT" name="myText" value="">
    <!-- TEXTAREA -->
    <td width="150">
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">Text Area :  </font></small>
    <td width="324"><small><font face="Verdana">
    <textarea name="myTextArea" rows="4" value=""></textarea>
    <!-- PASSWORD -->
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">PassWord :  </font></small>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input TYPE="PASSWORD" name="myPASSWORD" value="">
    <!-- HIDDEN -->
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">Hidden :  </font></small>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input TYPE="hidden" name="myHidden" value="hidden">
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">Select a first file : 
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input type="file" name="FILE1">
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">Select a second file : </font></small></td>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input type="file" name="FILE2">
    <!-- CHECKBOX -->
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">CheckBox :  </font></small>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input TYPE="CHECKBOX" name="myCheckBox" value="Value 1">
    Value 1<br>
    <input TYPE="CHECKBOX" name="myCheckBox" value="Value 2">
    Value 2<br>
    <input TYPE="CHECKBOX" name="myCheckBox" value="Value 3">
    Value 3<br>
    <!-- RADIO -->
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">Radio :  </font></small>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <input TYPE="radio" name="radio" value="Value 1">
    Value 1<br>
    <input TYPE="radio" name="radio" value="Value 2">
    Value 2<br>
    <input TYPE="radio" name="radio" value="Value 3">
    Value 3<br>
    <!-- SELECT -->
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">Simple Select :  </font></small>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <SELECT name="mySimpleSelect" >
    <OPTION value="Value 1">Value 1</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="Value 2">Value 2</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="Value 3">Value 3</OPTION>
    <!-- SELECT MULTIPLE -->
    <div align="left">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">Multiple Select :  </font></small>
    <td><small><font face="Verdana">
    <SELECT multiple name="myMultSelect" >
    <OPTION value="Value 1">Value 1</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="Value 2">Value 2</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="Value 3">Value 3</OPTION>
    <!-- SUBMIT -->
    <td colspan="2" width="474">
    <div align="center">
    <p><small><font face="Verdana">
    the jsp file :
    <%@page language="java" import="com.jspsmart.upload.*"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.*"%>
    <jsp:useBean id="myUpload" scope="page" class="com.jspsmart.upload.SmartUpload" />
    <BODY BGCOLOR="white">
    <H1>jspSmartUpload : Sample 5</H1>
         // Initialization
         // Upload
         // Files
         out.println("<BR><STRONG>Display information about Files</STRONG><BR>");
         out.println("Number of files = " + myUpload.getFiles().getCount() + "<BR>");
         //out.println("Total size (bytes) = " + myUpload.getFiles().getSize() +"<BR>");
         for (int i=0;i<myUpload.getFiles().getCount();i++){
              if (!myUpload.getFiles().getFile(i).isMissing())
                   out.print(" = " + myUpload.getFiles().getFile(i).getFileName() + " (" + myUpload.getFiles().getFile(i).getSize() + ")");
                   myUpload.getFiles().getFile(i).saveAs("/upload/" + myUpload.getFiles().getFile(i).getFileName());
                   out.print(" = vide");          
         // Request
         out.println("<BR><BR><STRONG>Display information about Requests</STRONG><BR>");
         // Retreive Requests' names
         java.util.Enumeration e = myUpload.getRequest().getParameterNames();
         // Retreive parameters
         while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
              String key = (String)e.nextElement();
              String[] values = myUpload.getRequest().getParameterValues(key);               
              // Browse the current parameter values
              for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
              out.print(key + " = ");
              out.print(values[i] + "<BR>");
    The result shown is:
    jspSmartUpload : Sample 5
    Display information about Files
    Number of files = 2
    FILE1 = path.txt (240)
    FILE2 = WS_FTP.LOG (146)
    Display information about Requests
    radio = Value 2
    mySimpleSelect = Value 1
    myTextArea = test
    myPASSWORD =
    myMultSelect = Value 3
    myHidden = hidden
    myText = test
    myCheckBox = Value 1
    myCheckBox = Value 2
    myCheckBox = Value 3
    I would like to know if i want to get back the parameters from the form ,
    is that i must use Enumeration.
    Because i have tried request.getParameter() to get the value of radio button, textbox, checkbox and select menu, but it get the null values.
    Also, the function of Enumeration does not get the values of parameter in sequence as html form. e.g.In the html file, the first parameters should be textbox,but it displays the radio button's values first.
    How to solve the problem .

    This sounds like a bug in the smart upload code. I have used this stuff before, but it's probably an older version, so maybe they broke something. Enumerations aren't usually guaranteed to keep things in any particular order. I would say for now, make a method to take the enumeration and a param name to find the value. And write to the JSPSmart people.

  • Problem in uploading file through API

    I want to upload files in to mycontent folder through our
    application.After each steps followed, i get the status message ok
    from the server, but file is not uploaded. Is there any idea about
    this? Please help.

    what do you mean exactly with 'the file is not uploaded'?
    you checked in the content directory and the file isn't
    if so, could you please post your server side upload

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