Here's a scripting VI for LVClass default menu

I was asked this morning for a bit of functionality that has been in LV for years but not exposed as a standalone function: how to set or clear the default menu associated with a LabVIEW class. So I did a "create subVI", cleaned up the code a bit, and put an icon on it. Figured it might be useful to other folks, so I'm posting it here. It is saved for LV 2009 and there is no password on the VI.
Go to Solution.
Set or Clear LVClass Default ‏33 KB

Darin.K wrote:
The real goal was to see how long a label would have to become before you resorted to a caption, free label, control description or VI description. 
Oh, that's short for me. Ask anyone on LV R&D... as length of variable name/function name increases, the probability of it being written by me rises, hitting certainty somewhere around I think 40 characters. And that's in the text languages. In G, where I'm not typing the names? Oh, I've been known to put paragraphs in labels in my own personal code. I don't ship stuff like that out to you folks because I know it isn't kosher. :-)

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  • Looking for ACE Probe TCL script specific for LDAPS

    Hello Everyone,
    I have searched the forum, and i am having difficulty finding an example of how to modify the LDAP TCL probe from port 389 to secure LDAP port 636.
    Could someone kindly point me or provide me the modified TCL script if you happen to have it.
    During my search I also found a config that someone had provided, which contained the following probe:
    probe tcp LDAPS_Probe
      port 636
    probe tcp LDAP_Probe
      port 389
    I was trying to figure out if this a modified TCL script for LDAP or modifed TCP TCL script specific for port 636.
    This is how I applied the script for LDAP port 389.
    script file 1 LDAP_PROBE
    probe scripted LDAP_PROBE_389
    interval 5
    passdetect interval 30
    receive 5
    script LDAP_PROBE
    serverfarm host SF-LDAP-389
    description SF LDAP Port 389
    predictor leastconns
    probe LDAP_PROBE_389
    rserver LDAP-RS1-389
    I will be more than glad to provide you any additional information that you need.
    As always thanks for your input.
    Raman Azizian
    SAIC/NISN Network services

    normally you would engage a TCL developer or ciso advanced services to develop a custom script for anything other than what Cisco provides in canned scripts. If you are comfortable with tcl you can do it yourself. Here is an example of the LDAP script modified to include initiation via ssl.  default port is 389 when you implement you would specify 636.
    #!name = LDAP_PROBE
    # Description:
    #    LDAP_PROBE opens a TCP connection to an LDAP server, sends a bind request. and
    #    determines whether the bind request succeeds.  LDAP_PROBE then closes the
    #    connection with a TCP RST.
    #    If a port is specified in the "probe scripted" configuration, the script probes
    #     each suspect on that port. If no port is specified, the default LDAP port 389
    #     is used.
    # Success:
    #   The script succeeds if the server returns a bind response indicating success
    #    (status code 0x0a0100) to the bind request.
    #   The script closes the TCP connection with a RST following a successful attempt.
    # Failure:
    #   The script fails due to timeout if the response is not returned.  This
    #    includes a failure to receive ARP resolution, a failure to create a TCP connection
    #    to the port, or a failure to return a response to the LDAP bind request.
    #   The script also fails if the server bind response does not indicate success.
    #    This specific error returns the 30002 error code.
    #   The script closes any attempted TCP connection, successful or not, with a RST.
    #  PLEASE NOTE:  This script expects the server LDAP bind response to specify length
    #   in ASN.1 short definite form.  Responses using other length forms (e.g., long
    #   definite length form) will require script modification to achieve success.
    # SCRIPT version: 1.0       April 1, 2008
    # Parameters:
    #   [DEBUG]
    #      username - user login name
    #      password - password
    #      DEBUG        - optional key word 'DEBUG'. default is off
    #         Do not enable this flag while multiple probe suspects are configured for this
    #         script.
    # Example config :
    #   probe scripted USE_LDAP_PROBE
    #         script LDAP_PROBE
    #   Values configured in the "probe scripted" configuration populate the
    #   scriptprobe_env array.  These may be accessed or manipulated if desired.
    # Documentation:
    #    A detailed discussion of the use of scripts on the ACE is included in
    #       "Using Toolkit Command Language (TCL) Scripts with the ACE"
    #    in the "Load-Balancing Configuration Guide" section of the ACE documentation set.
    # Copyright (c) 2005-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    # debug procedure
    # set the EXIT_MSG environment variable to help debug
    # also print the debug message when debug flag is on
    proc ace_debug { msg } {
        global debug ip port EXIT_MSG
        set EXIT_MSG $msg
        if { [ info exists ip ] && [ info exists port ] } {
         set EXIT_MSG "[ info script ]:$ip:$port: $EXIT_MSG "
        if { [ info exists debug ] && $debug } {
         puts $EXIT_MSG
    # main
    # parse cmd line args and initialize variables
    ## set debug value
    set debug 0
    if { [ regsub -nocase "DEBUG" $argv "" argv] } {
        set debug 1
    ace_debug "initializing variable"
    set EXIT_MSG "Error config:  script LDAP_PROBE \[DEBUG\]"
    set ip $scriptprobe_env(realIP)
    set port $scriptprobe_env(realPort)
    # if port is zero the use well known ldap port 389
    if { $port == 0 } {
        set port 389
    # open connection
    ace_debug "opening socket"
    set sock [  socket -sslversion all -sslcipher RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 $ip $port ]
    fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation binary
    # send a standard anonymous bind request
    ace_debug "sending ldap bind request"
    puts -nonewline $sock [ binary format "H*" 300c020101600702010304008000 ]
    flush $sock
    #  read string back from server
    ace_debug "receiving ldap bind result"
    set line [read $sock 14]
    binary scan $line H* res
    binary scan $line @7H6 code
    ace_debug "received $res with code $code"
    #  close connection
    ace_debug "closing socket"
    close $sock
    #  make probe fail by exit with 30002 if ldap reply code != success code  0x0a0100
    if {  $code != "0a0100" } {
        ace_debug " probe failed : expect response code \'0a0100\' but received \'$code\'"
        exit 30002
    ## make probe success by exit with 30001
    ace_debug "probe success"
    exit 30001

  • Michel Boissoneault--Apple Script Warning for FCP 6

    I am trying to get ahold of Michel Boissoneault. He wrote a very handy Apple Script to warn FCE users about reseting their scratch disks at the start of their sessions.
    I have since upgraded all of my editing suites to FCP 6 and was wondering if Michel had an Apple Script that could work with them?
    Marc Griffin

    Here's the original post for FCE warning.
    This script can be created to work with final Cut Pro too with cosmetic adaptations.
    Michel Boissonneault
    I wrote a script that can give a such warning before FCE is lauched.
    Open the script editor in your Application-->Applescript folder.
    Create a new script, copy and paste the folowing script, save under "FCE WARNING" name in Application File format, with "Run Only" option checked ON (leave others unchecked).
    In finder, select FCE HD file, get infos, copy icon, and select your FCE WARNING file, get info, paste FCE icon.
    Place the resulting "application" in each home directory of users.
    Remove the FCE icon from the dock, and put an alias of your FCE WARNING application. You evenn rename before dragging to "Final Cut Express HD", so students never know that they lauched FCE from a finder applescript...
    Et voilà.
    Michel Boissonneault
    set carriage_return to return as text
    set message_A to "Welcome in your Final Cut Express session." & ¬
    display dialog message_A buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon note
    tell application "Final Cut Express HD"
    end tell

  • Bash script workaround for intel backlight problems

    Hi all,
    I have LXDE with kernel 2.6.30, xf86-video-intel-newest (2.8 rc) on my Samsung NC10, and like many people I have been unable to change the backlight settings in X with kms turned on.
    I have tried the various solutions on the forum and none of them work for me, so here are two little bash scripts that use the setpci command to change the backlight.
    Note 1: I have a little file .backlight in my home dir that I store the backlight setting because I don't know how to read the value back from the pci address. So if you use this script you need to do this first:
    echo FF > ~/.backlight
    Note 2: These scripts also requre bc from extra to do the hex conversion & maths.
    sudo pacman -Sy bc
    It's only 240 K in size, but if you are trying to keep the number of installed packages low, then you won't like this
    Here is the package details from pacman:
    Name : bc
    Version : 1.06-5
    URL : None
    Licenses : GPL
    Groups : None
    Provides : None
    Depends On : readline
    Optional Deps : None
    Required By : None
    Conflicts With : bc-readline
    Replaces : bc-readline
    Installed Size : 240.00 K
    Packager : Allan McRae <[email protected]>
    Architecture : i686
    Build Date : Sat 02 Aug 2008 14:18:04 IST
    Install Date : Thu 25 Jun 2009 16:06:53 IST
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : No
    Description : An arbitrary precision calculator language
    bc /usr/
    bc /usr/bin/
    bc /usr/bin/bc
    bc /usr/bin/dc
    bc /usr/share/
    bc /usr/share/info/
    bc /usr/share/info/
    bc /usr/share/info/
    bc /usr/share/man/
    bc /usr/share/man/man1/
    bc /usr/share/man/man1/bc.1.gz
    bc /usr/share/man/man1/dc.1.gz
    You also need to know the address of you graphics card:
    lspci | grep Display
    For me this returns:
    00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
    This is needed for this command in the scripts:
    sudo setpci -s 00:02.1 F4.B=$var3
    Note the 00:02.1 is the address for my laptop screen, 00:02.0 is the address for the vga out controller for me.
    Increase backlight:
    var1=`cat ~/.backlight`
    var2=`echo "16 i $var1 F + p"|dc`
    if (( ( "$var2" \> "-1") && ( "$var2" \< "256" ) ));
    var3=`echo "10 i 16 o $var2 p"|dc`
    echo $var3 > ~/.backlight
    sudo setpci -s 00:02.1 F4.B=$var3
    Decrease backlight:
    var1=`cat ~/.backlight`
    var2=`echo "16 i $var1 F - p"|dc`
    if (( ( "$var2" \> "-1") && ( "$var2" \< "256" ) ));
    var3=`echo "10 i 16 o $var2 p"|dc`
    echo $var3 > ~/.backlight
    sudo setpci -s 00:02.1 F4.B=$var3
    Obviously someone else can write a much smarter/better set of scripts than me, but I hope is can be of use for someone!
    Edit:Here are my openbox bindings for the scripts:
    <keybind key="XF86MonBrightnessUp">
    <action name="Execute">
    <keybind key="XF86MonBrightnessDown">
    <action name="Execute">
    Last edited by makimaki (2009-07-11 14:26:08)

    FYI: The new xf86-video-intel (2.9) has just been released: … xorg/40733
    According to the release announcement, the new driver fixes the backlight issue with KMS:
    * Add support for BACKLIGHT property when using kernel modesetting
      (KMS). This allows backlight adjustment with programs such as
      "xbacklight -set <percentage>" or "xrandr --set BACKLIGHT <value>".

  • Startup shell script help for newbie?

    New to UNIX (linux)... need the bash shell script commands for my r.c local file to start my services when server boots.
    I got my ds, dps and admin server in their respective /opt directories. I need the shell commands to have these start. Of course I can start them manually but when I try a line like this in a script, it doesnt work:
    Some path problem or dot thing?

    There are a few other things you may want to consider, such as what the default browser is, are tabs being used, is the page loaded yet, etc, but Safari has a do javascript command in it's scripting dictionary. The following script will open a new document and run your specified javascript, or you can go to their NPR Program Stream Page and download a playlist that will run directly from iTunes.
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px; height: 335px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFDDFF;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    set my_script to "NPR.Player.openPlayer(2, 0, '03-21-2008', NPR.Player.Action.PLAY_NOW, NPR.Player.Type.PROGRAM, NPR.Player.Mode.LIVE)"
    tell application "Safari"
    set the URL of the front document to ""
    if my page_loaded(20) is false then error numner - 128 -- page not loaded in time
    do JavaScript my_script in document 1
    end tell
    on page_loaded(timeout_value) -- from
    delay 2
    repeat with i from 1 to the timeout_value
    tell application "Safari"
    if (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1) is "complete" then
    return true
    else if i is the timeout_value then
    return false
    delay 1
    end if
    end tell
    end repeat
    return false
    end page_loaded

  • SAP script form for WM

           I want to know the standard script form for putaway in transaction LT31 .Is there any standard smart form for putaway in WM .And one thing you suggest that is it feasible to develop the smart form in WM?
    Kindly reply to all my queries .

    Hi Preet,
    Tracking number can be found in Delivery order
    Goto --> Header --> Shipment tab . Here the Bill of Lading number or Shipref number is the tracking number. You can get this number from LIKP-BOLNR.
    Hope this helps...

  • Requesting guidance on how best to deal with removal of CreateElementSteps for tables when option to 'script validation for new constraints' is enabled during schema compare

    I have a DeploymentPlanModifer subclass that is responsible for removing certain tables from a deployment plan under specific conditions. It is relatively trivial to find the
    CreateElementSteps I need and subsequently remove them via
    DeploymentPlanModifier.Remove(), but...
    ... if in my comparison I have enabled the 'Script validation for new constraints' option, the deployment plan will contain a
    DeploymentScriptDomStep with a Batch containing AlterTableConstraintModificationStatements for tables with foreign key constraints. My problem starts here - there will be an orphaned
    AlterTableConstraintModificationStatement for each of the tables that I removed. Obviously, execution of the generated script comes to a grinding halt when asking SQL Server to to alter a table that is never created.
    I'm able to get around this by digging around in the aforementioned batches and removing the orphaned alter statements, but this seems really hacky, which makes me think I'm missing the proper way of dealing with this.
    So... if anyone is aware of a more correct way of avoiding this problem, I would really appreciate finding out more about it.
    Thanks in advance for any help. :-)

    Hi Greg. Unfortunately there is not an easy solution here. Walking the deployment model, spotting potential issues and excluding them really is what you have as an option here. The alternative is to pre-process the dacpac to have it in the form you want,
    but I'm not sure if this is an option in your case and it also has limitations.

  • Error ERR-9131 Error in PLSQL function body for item default code, item=P24

    Hi All,
    Am getting the below error in my page 24
    ORA-01403: no data found
    Error ERR-9131 Error in PLSQL function body for item default code, item=P24_REQ_BY_ID
    I dont know what to do?:(
    Suddenly am getting this error in the page.
    Can anyone help me to understand why this error is coming?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: 901942 on Jan 29, 2012 10:16 PM

    Data stored in these tables is different. If Oracle says that there's no record that satisfies the WHERE condition, why do you think that it lies? It is too stupid to do that.
    Therefore, you need to handle the exception. There are several ways to do it. Here are some of them.
    The first one is the most obvious - EXCEPTION handling section.
      default_value VARCHAR2(100);
      SELECT ISID INTO default_value
      RETURN default_value;
        RETURN (null);  -- or whatever you find appropriate
    END;Another one is to use aggregate function (MAX is a good choice) as it won't return NO-DATA-FOUND, but NULL:
      default_value VARCHAR2(100);
      SELECT MAX(ISID) INTO default_value
      RETURN default_value;

  • BRF+ For User Defaults

    Hi everyone,
    I followed the guide on setting up user defaults but I'm having some trouble with it. Basically, I followed this guide.
    User Defaults - GRC 10.0
    Now in that guide, it shows that a loop must be created as well as a ruleset, but it doesn't show what should go into the ruleset. 
    When I create the loop,  here's what happens.
    Do you have more information on getting this application for user defaults setup?

    Hi Madhu,
    Thanks for that input.  I went through it all once again and I got it to work but I have an issue.
    Basically, in my decision table, if I remove the CONNECTOR (System), then I am able to get the application to return a value - but that's not going to work for me.
    I need the decision table to return a value based on the CONNECTOR input.
    However, despite my providing a valid value for CONNECTOR (System), the decision table seems to not match correctly.
    Here's a screenshot of a simulation.
    Clearly, my REQTYPE is being matched towards the bottom of the screenshot.  But the CONNECTOR variables is a blank, despite my having entered a value for it.  I'm not clear whether I missed a step, but it would seem that the loop and the ruleset are working as this will return a valid match if the CONNECTOR were to have a value.
    Any ideas?

  • Test Script/case for checking Securities in SAP BW-7.3

    Hi All,
    Please  test script/case for testing securities/authorizations in BW-7.3 after upgrade.
    Basically we have upgraded from BW-3.5 to BW-7.3 and as securities concepts got changes we need to test for the same.

    one more thing i will like to add here is in BW 7.3 you get a new security admin feature that allows you to make mass changes to authorizations instead of one-by-one. This can be done by cut-and-paste in a worklist, hierarchy nodes, and you can also add users to multiple analysis authorizations.
    The u2018newu2019 authorizations has both the data value and hierarchy restrictions. You can still build using the u201CRSECADMINu201D transaction
    Also make sure that all objects are in the TLIBG library and they will be 'shielded' during the upgrade.

  • CC startup script to set Preference "Default Composer"?

    I have a startup script that I wrote for CS3 that controls about 20 preferences.
    One of the preferences was for Composer, which was by: app.textDefaults.composer = "Adobe Single-line Composer"
    This script has worked for CS 3, 5, 5.5, and 6 (we skipped 4)
    We're moving to CC and my script still works, but I see a new preference at Preferences > Advanced Type for "Default Composer"
    I get lost in ExtendScript's Object Model Viewer, so would someone be kind enough to tell me what to add to my startup script to set the Default Composer to Adobe Single-line Composer
    Thanks for your time

    It seems to be related to app.textDefaults, but it seems to me that it's broken...

  • Failed to load script class for script ...

    We are trying to run a script in Thin Client mode, recorded in Oracle Functional Testing,
    But get: "Failed to load script class for script ...".
    Anyone has any tips for what we should check to solve this problem?

    There was no option for "java client", and it was set to "thin client" by default.
    Anyway, changing the setting back and forth between "thick client" and "thin client" solved the problem.

  • A keyword for marking default protection

    Today java is missing a keywork for marking default (package) protection. This is marked just by not using private, protected or public.
    To me code with a explicit defined protection is easier to read than code where protection is defined by not using any keyword.
    I think java should have a keyword for explicitly declaring the protection level.
    I have searched for an issue about this, but didn't find any.
    Does anybody here has any thoughts about this topic?
    -Kaj :)
    Edited by: kajh on Apr 19, 2008 12:50 PM

    DrClap wrote:
    An optional package-private keyword would be just another source of confusionThen don't tell anyone about it :). Those who wanted it will find out, one way or another.
    I agree that I wish package-private had its own keyword, as I think it would make code more readable (a compiler preprocessor instruction forcing yourself to specify access level might be nice too). Personally, because there was no keyword for package-private, I spent the majority of my Java life thinking that the default (no keyword) was the same as "protected", because I assumed it had to be one of the three (public, protected or private). So from my experience anyway, not having a keyword is introducing a lot more confusion than adding one late in the game.
    The biggest problem I'd see with the addition would be that they haven't reserved a suitable keyword, and introducing a new keyword will either 1. run the risk of breaking existing code (identifiers using keywords added late) or 2. increase parser complexity.
    Could always use the default keyword in a separate context though:
    public class Clazz  {
       default int myData;
    }Or change the grammar rules for declarations:
    public class Clazz {
       package private int myData;

  • - Looking for Drop Down menu script w/ semi-transparent backgrounds...

    Looking for a dropdown menu script that will allow
    backgrounds (so we can partly see what the list is displaying
    I've Googled this to death using all the obvious keywords,
    but have yet to
    find what I'm looking for.

    Yes. I understand and agree. Good point.
    Al Sparber - PVII
    Extending Dreamweaver - Nav Systems | Galleries | Widgets
    Authors: "42nd Street: Mastering the Art of CSS Design"
    "T.Pastrana - 4Level" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I posted mainly for the benefit of Reese, I know you know
    > --
    > Best Regards,
    > ..Trent Pastrana
    > "Al Sparber- PVII" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Actually, it's not an error. But we do happen to
    have it in a CC on
    >> that page because the last time I posted that page
    on this forum it
    >> was criticized for "failing" the W3C CSS validator.
    >> The Firefox console simply would report it as a
    warning - not an
    >> error. It would have no affect on the page. But
    thanks for pointing
    >> that out.
    >> --
    >> Al Sparber - PVII
    >> Extending Dreamweaver - Nav Systems | Galleries |
    >> Authors: "42nd Street: Mastering the Art of CSS
    >> "T.Pastrana - 4Level" <[email protected]> wrote in
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> If you want your page to validate you might want
    to separate the
    >>> properties. Some modern browsers like Firefox
    will throw an error
    >>> with the filter property.
    >>> #menu li {
    >>> opacity: 0.85;
    >>> }
    >>> <!--[if IE]><style
    type="text/css">#menu li {filter:
    >>> --
    >>> Best Regards,
    >>> ..Trent Pastrana
    >>> "Al Sparber- PVII"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> If, for example, you are using an unordered
    list for your menu, set
    >>>> opacity on the LI, like so:
    >>>> #menu li {
    >>>> opacity: 0.85;
    >>>> filter: alpha(opacity=85);
    >>>> }
    >>>> As far as I know, there are no
    "off-the-shelf" menu tools of worth
    >>>> that offer this as an automatic option. You
    should pick yourself a
    >>>> good menu system then set opacity on the
    relevant element. The
    >>>> menu "script" or "system" really has nothing
    to do with it.
    >>>> If you need a good base menu system, you can
    find free ones and
    >>>> commercial ones on our site. Here is an
    example of one with
    >>>> transparency:
    >>>> --
    >>>> Al Sparber - PVII
    >>>> Extending Dreamweaver - Nav Systems |
    Galleries | Widgets
    >>>> Authors: "42nd Street: Mastering the Art of
    CSS Design"
    >>>> "Reese" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>>> Looking for a dropdown menu script that
    will allow
    >>>>> semi-transparent backgrounds (so we can
    partly see what the list
    >>>>> is displaying over).
    >>>>> I've Googled this to death using all the
    obvious keywords, but
    >>>>> have yet to find what I'm looking for.
    >>>>> Thanks.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 8909: * Fix to allow Script blocks interspersed with default property

    Revision: 8909
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-07-29 13:19:07 -0700 (Wed, 29 Jul 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix to allow Script blocks interspersed with default property
    QE notes:
    Doc notes:
    Bugs: SDK-22249
    Reviewer: Pete F.
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Add this to the end of your nav p CSS selector at Line 209 of your HTML file, after 'background-repeat...':
    margin-bottom: -2px;
    Your nav p will then look like this:
    nav p {
              font-size: 90%;
              font-weight: bold;
              color: #FFC;
              background-color: #090;
              text-align: right;
              padding-top: 5px;
              padding-right: 20px;
              padding-bottom: 5px;
              border-bottom-width: 2px;
              border-bottom-style: solid;
              border-bottom-color: #060;
              background-image: url(images/background.png);
              background-repeat: repeat-x;
              margin-bottom: -2px;

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