Hi friends i have problem on display of quantity for every year on each mon

i have problem in decalring the fields .i.e quantity to every month from jan to dec in row wise and in column it should be under particular year.i have written the code but i have some doubt where i am unable to offset particular month.please give me solution where i am wrong.
report zexample1.
Tables: s997.
Types: dat(2) type p,
       sal(6) type p decimals 2,
       sal1(6) type p .
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
select-options: werks for s997-werks,
                matnr for s997-matnr,
                mvgr1 for s997-mvgr1,
                mvgr2 for s997-mvgr2,
                mvgr3 for s997-mvgr3,
                vkorg for s997-vkorg,
                vtweg for s997-vtweg,
                kunag for s997-pkunag.
selection-screen end of block b1.
selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
select-options: spmon for s997-spmon obligatory.
selection-screen end of block b2.
*selection-screen begin of block b3 with frame title text-003.
*parameters: day radiobutton group rg1,
           cust radiobutton group rg1,
           mat radiobutton group rg1.
*selection-screen end of block b3.
data: begin of sales occurs 0,
      spmon type s997-spmon,
      werks type s997-werks,
      mvgr1 type s997-mvgr1,
      mvgr2 type s997-mvgr2,
      mvgr3 type s997-mvgr3,
      vkorg type s997-vkorg,
      vtweg type s997-vtweg,
      pkunag type s997-pkunag,
       UMMENGE type s997-UMMENGE,
      matnr type s997-matnr,
      end of sales.
data: begin of sales_cust occurs 0,
      pkunag type s997-pkunag,
      spmon type s997-spmon,
      werks type s997-werks,
      mvgr1 type s997-mvgr1,
      mvgr2 type s997-mvgr2,
      mvgr3 type s997-mvgr3,
      vkorg type s997-vkorg,
      vtweg type s997-vtweg,
      end of sales_cust.
data: begin of sales_mat occurs 0,
      matnr type s997-matnr,
      pkunag type s997-pkunag,
      sptag type s997-sptag,
      werks type s997-werks,
      mvgr1 type s997-mvgr1,
      mvgr2 type s997-mvgr2,
      mvgr3 type s997-mvgr3,
      vkorg type s997-vkorg,
      vtweg type s997-vtweg,
      UMMENGE type s997-UMMENGE,
      end of sales_mat.
data: begin of sales_mat1 occurs 0,
      mvgr1 type s997-mvgr1,
      matnr type s997-matnr,
      pkunag type s997-pkunag,
      maktx type makt-maktx,
      jan type sal1,
      feb type sal1,
      mar type sal1,
      apr type sal1,
      may type sal1,
      jun type sal1,
      jul type sal1,
      aug type sal1,
      sep type sal1,
      oct type sal1,
      nov type sal1,
      dec type sal1,
      end of sales_mat1.
data: begin of sales1 occurs 0,
      spmon type dat,
      jan type sal,
      feb type sal,
      mar type sal,
      apr type sal,
      may type sal,
      jun type sal,
      jul type sal,
      aug type sal,
      sep type sal,
      oct type sal,
      nov type sal,
      dec type sal,
      end of sales1.
data: begin of sales_cust1 occurs 0,
      pkunag type s997-pkunag,
      name1 type kna1-name1,
      jan type sal,
      feb type sal,
      mar type sal,
      apr type sal,
      may type sal,
      jun type sal,
      jul type sal,
      aug type sal,
      sep type sal,
      oct type sal,
      nov type sal,
      dec type sal,
      end of sales_cust1.
data: begin of sales3 occurs 0,
      sptag type dat,
      jan type sal,
      feb type sal,
      mar type sal,
      apr type sal,
      may type sal,
      jun type sal,
      jul type sal,
      aug type sal,
      sep type sal,
      oct type sal,
      nov type sal,
      dec type sal,
      end of sales3.
data: begin of sales2 occurs 0,
      spmon type dat,
      end of sales2.
data: flag type p,
      jan type sal,
      feb type sal,
      mar type sal,
      apr type sal,
      may type sal,
      jun type sal,
      jul type sal,
      aug type sal,
      sep type sal,
      oct type sal,
      nov type sal,
      dec type sal,
      jan1 type sal1,
      feb1 type sal1,
      mar1 type sal1,
      apr1 type sal1,
      may1 type sal1,
      jun1 type sal1,
      jul1 type sal1,
      aug1 type sal1,
      sep1 type sal1,
      oct1 type sal1,
      nov1 type sal1,
      dec1 type sal1,
      jan2 type sal1,
      feb2 type sal1,
      mar2 type sal1,
      apr2 type sal1,
      may2 type sal1,
      jun2 type sal1,
      jul2 type sal1,
      aug2 type sal1,
      sep2 type sal1,
      oct2 type sal1,
      nov2 type sal1,
      dec2 type sal1,
      mvgr type s997-mvgr1.
select * from s997 into corresponding fields of table sales where werks
in werks and matnr in matnr and mvgr1 in mvgr1 and mvgr2 in mvgr2 and
mvgr3 in mvgr3 and vkorg in vkorg and vtweg in vtweg and pkunag in kunag
and spmon in spmon.
sort sales by spmon+4(2).
skip  .
if spmon+5(2) = '03'.
loop at sales.
at end of spmon+4(2).
move sales-spmon+4(2) to sales2-spmon.
append sales2.
sort sales2 by spmon.
loop at sales1.
at new spmon.
move sales2-spmon to sales1-spmon.
append sales1.
sort sales1 by spmon.
loop at sales1.
loop at sales where spmon+4(2) = sales1-spmon.
case sales-spmon+4(2).
when '01'.
sales1-jan = sales1-jan + sales-ummenge.
when '02'.
sales1-feb = sales1-feb + sales-ummenge.
when '03'.
sales1-mar = sales1-mar + sales-ummenge.
when '04'.
sales1-apr = sales1-apr + sales-ummenge.
when '05'.
sales1-may = sales1-may + sales-ummenge.
when '06'.
sales1-jun = sales1-jun + sales-ummenge.
when '07'.
sales1-jul = sales1-jul + sales-ummenge.
when '08'.
sales1-aug = sales1-aug + sales-ummenge.
when '09'.
sales1-sep = sales1-sep + sales-ummenge.
when '10'.
sales1-oct = sales1-oct + sales-ummenge.
when '11'.
sales1-nov = sales1-nov + sales-ummenge.
when '12'.
sales1-dec = sales1-dec + sales-ummenge.
*sales1-jan = sales1-jan / 100000.
*sales1-feb = sales1-feb / 100000.
*sales1-mar = sales1-mar / 100000.
*sales1-apr = sales1-apr / 100000.
*sales1-may = sales1-may / 100000.
*sales1-jun = sales1-jun / 100000.
*sales1-jul = sales1-jul / 100000.
*sales1-aug = sales1-aug / 100000.
*sales1-sep = sales1-sep / 100000.
*sales1-oct = sales1-oct / 100000.
*sales1-nov = sales1-nov / 100000.
*sales1-dec = sales1-dec / 100000.
modify sales1.
clear sales1.
loop at sales1.
*sales1-jan = sales1-jan + jan.
*sales1-feb = sales1-feb +  feb.
*sales1-mar = sales1-mar +  mar.
*sales1-apr = sales1-apr +  apr.
*sales1-may = sales1-may +  may.
*sales1-jun = sales1-jun +  jun.
*sales1-jul = sales1-jul +  jul.
*sales1-aug = sales1-aug +  aug.
*sales1-sep = sales1-sep +  sep.
*sales1-oct = sales1-oct +  oct.
*sales1-nov = sales1-nov +  nov.
*sales1-dec = sales1-dec +  dec.
*at end of spmon.
jan = sales1-jan.
feb = sales1-feb.
mar = sales1-mar.
apr = sales1-apr.
may = sales1-may.
jun = sales1-jun.
jul = sales1-jul.
aug = sales1-aug.
sep = sales1-sep.
oct = sales1-oct.
nov = sales1-nov.
dec = sales1-dec.
write:/ 'From : ',spmon-low.
write: '   To : ', spmon-high.
write:/ sy-uline(162).
write: / 'Months'  COLOR 3,  16 'Quantity' COLOR 4.
format color 6 intensified off.
write:/ sy-uline, 'january',11 sy-vline,12 jan , sy-vline,
              / 'february',11 sy-vline, 12 feb,  sy-vline,
             /'march',11 sy-vline, 12 mar,sy-vline,
            / 'april',11 sy-vline, 12 apr, sy-vline,
           / 'may',11 sy-vline, 12 may, sy-vline,
          / 'june', 11 sy-vline,12 jun, sy-vline,
         / 'july' ,11 sy-vline, 12 jul,sy-vline,
        / 'august' ,11 sy-vline, 12 aug,sy-vline,
       / 'september',11 sy-vline, 12  sep,sy-vline,
      / 'october',11 sy-vline, 12   oct, sy-vline,
     /'november',11 sy-vline, 12 nov, sy-vline,
    / 'december',11 sy-vline, 12  dec, sy-vline.
format color off intensified on.
*write:/ sales1-jan , / sales1-feb,
*/ sales1-mar, / sales1-apr, / sales1-may,
/ sales1-jun, / sales1-jul,/ ,sales1-aug,
/ sales1-sep, / sales1-oct, /
sales1-nov,/ sales1-dec.
sort sales by spmon+4(2).
if spmon+5(2) = '04'.
loop at sales.
at end of spmon+4(2).
move sales-spmon+4(2) to sales2-spmon.
append sales2.
sort sales2 by spmon.
loop at sales1.
at new spmon.
move sales2-spmon to sales1-spmon.
append sales1.
sort sales1 by spmon.
loop at sales1.
loop at sales where spmon+4(2) = sales1-spmon.
case sales-spmon+4(2).
when '01'.
sales1-jan = sales1-jan + sales-ummenge.
when '02'.
sales1-feb = sales1-feb + sales-ummenge.
when '03'.
sales1-mar = sales1-mar + sales-ummenge.
when '04'.
sales1-apr = sales1-apr + sales-ummenge.
when '05'.
sales1-may = sales1-may + sales-ummenge.
when '06'.
sales1-jun = sales1-jun + sales-ummenge.
when '07'.
sales1-jul = sales1-jul + sales-ummenge.
when '08'.
sales1-aug = sales1-aug + sales-ummenge.
when '09'.
sales1-sep = sales1-sep + sales-ummenge.
when '10'.
sales1-oct = sales1-oct + sales-ummenge.
when '11'.
sales1-nov = sales1-nov + sales-ummenge.
when '12'.
sales1-dec = sales1-dec + sales-ummenge.
modify sales1.
clear sales1.
loop at sales1.
jan = sales1-jan.
feb = sales1-feb.
mar = sales1-mar.
apr = sales1-apr.
may = sales1-may.
jun = sales1-jun.
jul = sales1-jul.
aug = sales1-aug.
sep = sales1-sep.
oct = sales1-oct.
nov = sales1-nov.
dec = sales1-dec.
*append sales1.
*clear sales1.
format color 6 intensified off.
write:       / sy-uline,22 jan , sy-vline,
              /20 sy-vline, 22 feb,  sy-vline,
             /20 sy-vline, 22 mar,sy-vline,
            /20 sy-vline, 22 apr, sy-vline,
           /20 sy-vline, 22 may, sy-vline,
          /20 sy-vline,22 jun, sy-vline,
         /20 sy-vline, 22 jul,sy-vline,
        /20 sy-vline, 22 aug,sy-vline,
       /20 sy-vline, 22  sep,sy-vline,
      /20 sy-vline, 22   oct, sy-vline,
     /20 sy-vline, 22 nov, sy-vline,
    /20 sy-vline, 22  dec, sy-vline.
format color off intensified on.
*write:/ sy-uline(162).

i don't read your long coding - but i think you can improve your coding with that internal table:
data: begin of itab occurs 12,
year type bseg-gjahr,
month type bkpf-monat,
qty type bseg-menge,
end of itab.

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    Verizon Wireless"
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    I have cancelled your Export PDF subscription for the order no.AD001162465AP..
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  • For all you who have problems here is the fix for your phone.

    Most of you on here don't understand that 3.x or if you have jailbreak your pass software and set it up from back up you are going to have problems. That can be from drop calls to not having the phone working right.
    The 4.0 software has been rewritten completed for the new and old phones. So if you were on 3.x and update to 4.0 then you are bring in a bugs into 4.0. You have to set up as NEW PHONE not from back up. This clean your phone with a fresh software then you add your stuff from your computer. Then you have to go to general and go and reset your network settings. That reset your carrier account with the new 4.0. That because the new 4.0 is now looking to find the tower which has the less people on the tower not which tower is close to you. This way you get a better service and sound of it.
    If you still have problems all of you with your iPhone 4 then it a hardware problem. You have to go to the Apple store and replace the phone. Apple will be happy to replace the phone. If not you have 30 days to get your full refund from Apple.
    That is it. Nothing hard about it. It's a software problem of a hardware problem. BTW my new iPhone 4 is much better in sound and not having any drop calls than my old 3GS. If you have problems with drop calls is because you are in area which has a week tower which is so busy and can't keep up with the system. That a ATT problem which ATT is working hard to fix it but it can't get the equipment from their supplies fast enough to fix the problem with the network.
    I hope this answer your problems on here.

    I know this sounds like a bit of Voodoo, but it's worth a try. If you've upgraded to the new iPhone 4 and have restored your old software, you may see what appears to be a signal drop-off. Let's stay away from the whole iPhone 4 "death grip" controversy; that aside, no matter what you do, you're not seeing as many bars or getting reception that's as good as what you had with your older iPhone.
    Here's something to try. On your iPhone preferences, navigate to "General," and then scroll down to the bottom where it says "Reset." Tap that, and then tap "Reset Network Settings." You'll get a warning, and the phone will reset to factory defaults. You'll likely lose some Wi-Fi passwords, but you may also find that your cellular reception gets a lot better.
    I have two friends who tried this, and they went from one or two bars to four or five at the same locations. This is the same trick they are doing at the Genius Bar, and my research shows that it can help in many (but not all) cases. We've talked about this fix before, but we have a lot of new readers, and some old ones, who may have missed it. There are also some discussions about this on the Apple support board. If you have seen a drop-off in reception, it's certainly worth a try. If it doesn't work, we're sorry. If it does, well, the price is right for the fix. Let us know in the comments if it helped, or sadly, if it didn't.

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    I have a report where the user can limit the number of records shown via a couple of text fields. (do a search so to speak) In the report the user can click a link and see details for the given record. My customer would like the users to be taken dir

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    I have still images, plus some vid clips, that I am putting into a project. I have made my adjustments in Bridge/Photoshop CS3 as far as resizing and adjusting the brightness and tones. After I import them into Premiere Pro, and place them on the tim