Hi I'm loking for some help with a script??

Hi, I'm trying to write a script where by if you click on a check box 'check_1' it will populate a text box 'text_1' with the following text 'Warning: Do not Use" This is probably really easy but as I'm new to this not so easy. Any help would be really apprecaited.

Add this as the custom calculation script of the text box:
event.value = this.getField("check_1").value=="Off" ? "" : "Warning: Do not Use";
(I'm assuming here that if the box is not checked the field should be empty, and that it's not a field the user should be able to edit)

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    I am pretty positive that it is not my graphics card or any other component of my PC, by the way, because everything is brand new and working perfectly, and the graphics card specifically, I have upgraded and yet the problem remains - even on the new card. Also, the areas that are darker, are different on this screen than on the other screens I have used.
    So basically, I would like to register my disappointment at the lack of perfect uniformity on a screen which cost me £400 (over double what most 20 inch LCD screens cost), and I would like to know if anybody could possibly suggest a way to fix it?
    It is upsetting, becuase although this problem exists on other screens too, this is, as far as I know, the most expensive 20" LCD monitor available today, and uses the best technology available too.
    p.s. If anyone would like to use the program that lets you set your entire PC screen a specific colour, it is called "Dead Pixel Buddy", and it is a free piece of software, made by somebody to check for dead pixels. But I found it useful for other things too, including looking at how uniform the colour of the screen is. That's not to say I was specifically looking for this problem by the way... the problem cought my eye.
    Thanks in advance!
    Message was edited by: telelove

    I've been talking about this on another forum too, and I made some pictures in photoshop to describe the problem. Here is what I posted on the other forum:
    Yes, "brightness uniformity" definitely seems to be the best description of my issue.
    Basically it just seems like there are very faint lines down the screen, that are slightly darker than the other areas on the screen. They aren't defined lines, and they aren't in a pattern. It's just slight areas that are darker, and the areas seem like narrow bands/lines. Usually you can't see it, but in some cases, it is quite noticeable. It is mainly when I'm playing a game. The slightly darker areas are not visible, and then when the image moves (because I am turning in a car, or turning a plane, or turning in a shooter etc.) the image moves, but these slightly darker areas stay still, and that makes them really stand out.
    As for how it looks, I tried to make an example in photoshop:
    Original Image:
    Then imagine turning the car around a bend, and then it looks like this:
    It's those lines in the clouds. If you can tab between the two images, you can see the difference easily. Imagine seeing those lines appear, every single time you move in a game. (I haven't tested this in movies yet, but I am assuming it's the same).
    It isn't very clear on a static image. But when the image moves, the darker areas stay in the same place and it draws your eyes towards them. It isn't terrible, but it is annoying, especially consider how much this screen cost.
    Message was edited by: telelove

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    Thank you so very much
    Sandie P

    Same thing happened to me. My son's iPod touch suddenly started indicating that my "username or PW had changed" or was "incorrect" so I paid Apple $30 to find out that all that was required was updating the software by plugging his iPod into my computer & syncing with iTunes. My problem was then solved.

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    I'm including all this information in case it may help. my successful projects ive exported in the past were rather simple, and this one is very complex and full of edits. here is what it looks like in the timeline:
    Ive tried exporting the master file using almost all the different ways with no luck. My primary objective is to get it on youtube by any means by tommorow for a showing to a potential buyer (long story) and so I've been told using the h.264 is the best format for that. This, along with the other methods give me the same error message:
    It think it gives this error message when i reach 24% everytime during export.
    So first of all, what is that error message? Do i need to be concerned about the specifics of it, or is there something major that I'm missing? Like i said, i dont care how, but I need to get this video up on youtube tonite for an important viewing tomorrow. Conceptually, I think if i can figure this one out I shouldnt have any more trouble in the future doing something so basic, yet critical, such as exporting my 40+ hours of work for someone to see.
    anyway, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge with this software, and for my extremely long winded question which will probably have the opposite effect for me as most wont want to take the time to read all this, BUT i figured if i was as thorough as possible it might help actually getting a concrete answer, instead of a "read the manual, exporting is on page 37." or "use the share button on the right of the timeline then just click export master file and it will work everytime."
    Cheers everybody, and thank you. Like i said if someone is up, and willing to talk via skype, phone, messanger or any other method that works for you I would be totally down and will compensate you generously for your time. thanks again.

    boom! that advice was correct and worked. i was able to export the full project as a quicktime movie and it can be uploaded to youtube.
    NOTE, theres is definately quite a few noticeable audio glitches/lags/pops that werent there before doing this. I believe, and will test to make sure, that having a project such as this one needs to render before exporting. I'm not sure if the advice requires the project to be unrendered before exporting for a specific reason, because if it will export fine after rendering the project that's the way to go. like i said the edited version i have in my timeline plays back perfectly but this exported version has quite a few noticeable audio glitches (a few video glitches too). I'm going to retry doing the first few steps of your advice, but then at the end render, then export and compare the results...
    OK, so this leads to a big question, Is this something that is standard for everyone when trying to export? If its not, what causes this error?
    is there any way of preemptively avoiding it in future projects?
    thanks again, and hopefully this information will help others as exporting seem to be one of the biggest problems in fcpx. any word on a new patch or firmware update?

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    First things first, I am going to be going into engineering, likely mechanical or systems, at either WPI, Northeastern, or Tufts. Ah the experience of choosing colleged. I know Tufts uses AutoCAD, WPI uses SolidWorks, but I am not sure which Northeastern uses. Either way, I most certainly will be using a CAD program. I know that most CAD programs do not work on Macs, so I will likely be using Boot Camp. I have though seen on these boards that the AutoCAD licensing does not work with Boot Camp, or that some users have faced major problems with it. If this is so, then it is highly likely that I will be unable to get a Mac as that program is going to be an absolute necessity. Even if this is just a small percentage of the population, I do not want to find mine being of major issue. For those of you who have gotten it to work, how difficult was the installation, and have you had any issues with AutoCAD or the like? With this in mind, would you even suggest that I get a MBP?
    Another Boot Camp question. I have read many posts on these boards discussing different partitioning options, yet I still am unsure what they all mean. I expect to use the Windows side for more than just AutoCAD. I likely will install some games on it for when I am bored, and Microsoft Office, as I do not wish to spend the extra money buying Office for Mac and I need to have the versatility of Excel that I have heard is not found in the Mac version. What is the difference between these two partitioning types, which would you recommend, and how much storage should I partition if I get a 200GB hard drive?
    Yet another Boot Camp question, sorry for so many of these. My friend who has a Mac lauds it for its security, nobody makes viruses for Macs. As I will most definitively be using Windows in Boot Camp, would this compromise this security? I know it will be Windows, but I still imagine that it would be encoded somewhat differently then normal, but I could be wrong. Also, if it is possible for the Windows portion to get a virus, could that affect the Mac portion?
    Also, I don't use an iPod. I suppose I always thought they were overpriced for what they do. Instead I use an Iriver Clix 2, and I love it. The only thing is, I use Windows Media Player to sync it with my library. I know many have qualms with WMP, but I personally favor it more than iTunes, but that is just me. I do not believe that you can download it for a Mac. If I were to download it for the Windows portion, I am assuming that I would have to switch to Windows in order to listen to my music then, correct? I can also add music to it via Windows Explorer. Can I do so through the "Finder"?
    Finally, is the battery life any different when using Windows than when using Leopard? I will likely be using the Windows portion in the class room.
    Sorry for the long-winded post, but I am certainly hoping that I can get some solid answers to make an educated decision before getting my next laptop. I would like to thank you very much for any help that you are able to give me. I do hope you can help me quickly. Thank you.
    Message was edited by: Pyrojoe

    I can't answer all your questions, especially not anything having to do with CAD.
    I still imagine that [Windows] would be encoded somewhat differently then normal,
    No. Windows is Windows. You will need a good Windows antivirus, firewall and antispyware program. It is unlikely that a Windows virus will infect the Mac partition because, ordinarily, Windows doesn't know how to do anything with the HFS+ formatted Mac partition. However, the existence of products like MacDrive means that it is possible to teach Windows how to write to the Mac partition, so I see no reason why a virus could not be programmed to.
    If I were to download it for the Windows portion, I am assuming that I would have to switch to Windows in order to listen to my music then, correct? I can also add music to it via Windows Explorer. Can I do so through the "Finder"?
    Yes. Probably/yes.
    Finally, is the battery life any different when using Windows than when using Leopard?
    Yes. Windows does not have the battery management that Leopard has. The battery runs down much quicker in Windows.
    You didn't ask, but depending on what kind of engineering you want to study, you may be interested in, or even need to, use some flavour of Unix/Linux. On the one hand, you could always create a partition on a PC--or wipe Windows--and install Linux on the PC. That could even be a good learning experience. On the other hand, Mac OS is Unix, but preinstalled. So with a Mac, you would already have a platform for writing shell scripts, you would have Perl and Python built-in, you would have an IDE (XCode Tools) for C/C++/Objective C/Java as well as gcc and make tools already on the disks which come with the computer, and so on.
    Message was edited by: Mr.Lobotomy

  • Hoping for some help with submitting a page

    I'm going to explain this as simply as possible, with the hope that someone will not only understand my situation, but will be kind enough to reply. :)
    I have a page with three regions, each region has a submit button that branches back to the same page. My problem is mostly with region 3. In region 2, I have several select lists and a submit button. I have a process that (on click of the 2nd GO button) concatenates all the values from my select boxes and saves them to a text (saves state) object (we'll call it RESULTS). It then shows the third region. My problem is: If I want to change some of my select lists and click button 2 again, it doesn't change the value of RESULTS. If I change RESULTS to NOT save state, it displays correctly on changes, but then when I click my third button, it doesn't keep the value (because state isn't saved).
    I REEEALLLLY hope this makes sense to someone, as I've played with this for hours now with no idea where I'm going wrong.
    Thanks a million!

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. Sorry about the delay in replying - I've attempted to create a duplicate page with the same problem. If you (or anyone) wouldn't mind, please check out my page:
    workspace: westerndoor
    username: vikas
    password: vikas
    Pg. 28
    This is a good example of my problem. If you type in "%B%" in the text box and hit the first "GO" button, it will populate the select list of items that match that criteria. Select one of those and a "finish" and a "Texture". Hit the second "GO" button and it will populate the fields that help build my "Results". Then, change the finish and texture and hit the second "GO" button again. The Results field doesn't change. I've been able to get it to work by changing a few objects to not save state, but then my Results object isn't correct (it's empty) when I hit the final button (which is disabled in this app as it inserts data into a table on click).
    I hope this makes sense and you can help me out. I'm pulling out what little hair I have left. :)

  • Looking for some help with package design (box)

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    We already have the box dimensions and just need to get a vector file that the factory can use to print. My main question is how do I create the actual layout of the box to work on? In the pdf that was sent to us I can pull out the box, but it just sits on a white background.
    My next question is how do I fill the layout with a pattern. I have a carbon fiber look pattern in Photoshop, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to use it to fill in Illustrator.
    Thanks ahead of time for any help.

    Pardon me if I sound rude by suggesting that before you launch into an expensive printing job (which could result in disastrous consequences if you don't do it right) that you actually learn how to use the program first. You may also want to learn something about the offset printing process and how to prepare print jobs.
    Even many Illustrator novices know that there is no such thing as a background in Illustrator, in the sense that there is in Photoshop. You will need to PLACE your Photoshop background as a high resolution CMYK tiff in the provided template. That's the answer to your second question. I don't really understand your first question. Maybe someone else will. Are you simply asking, "where do I begin?" If so, then you REALLY REALLY need to read a book on how to use Illustrator. The Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book might be the place to start.
    "I'm pretty good with CPR. I'm helping a friend do his vasectomy and I already have all the equipment (scalpels, thread, etc.) I'm just having trouble figuring out where to cut."

  • Looking for some help with dbms_datapump.data_remap

    I moved this post from a diffrent forum. I think it might be a better fit.
    Hi I am trying to pass this line but keep getting ORA-39001: invalid argument value:
    dbms_datapump.data_remap(dph, 'EMP_NAME', 'EMP', 'ENAME', 'DATA_MASKER_UTIL.mask_varchar2', NULL);
    I am on Oracle and using the SCOTT schema.
    Thanks for any help.

    Chris wrote:
    dbms_datapump.data_remap(dph, 'EMP_NAME', 'EMP', 'ENAME', 'DATA_MASKER_UTIL.mask_varchar2', NULL);Are you sure values being passed are correct? Because, as the [url http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28419/d_datpmp.htm#CHDHJFCB]documentation says, value of parameter name should be 'COULMN_NAME'.
    Also have a read of [url http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=9372117]this thread and specification of SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP package.

  • Looking for some help with using Oracle stored procedures in vb2010

    First off thank you to whoever lends me a hand with my problem. A little background first I am in a software development class and we are currently building our program using VB (I have no experience in this), and Oracle(currently in a Oracle class so I know how to use Oracle itself just not with VB).
    I am using vb2010 express edition if that helps. Currently I have a stored procedure that takes a 4char "ID" that returns a position (ie, salesperson,manager ect). I want to use the position returned to determine what vb form is displayed (this is acting as a login as you dont want a salesperson accessing the accountants page for payroll ect).
    Here is the code I have currently on the login page of my VB form
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Types
    Public Class Login
    Dim conn As New OracleConnection
    Private Sub empID_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles empID.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub LoginBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoginBtn.Click
    conn.ConnectionString = "User ID = Auto" & _
    ";Password = ********" & _
    ";Data Source = XE"
    Dim sq1 As String = "Return_Position" 'name of procedure
    Dim cmd As New OracleCommand(sq1, conn)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    cmd.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter("I_EmpID", OracleDbType.Char, 4)).Value = Emp_ID.Text
    Dim dataReader As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
    Dim position As New ListBox
    position.Items.Add(dataReader.GetString(0)) 'were I am getting an error, I also tried using the dataReader.getstring(0) to store its value in a string but its a no go
    If position.FindStringExact("MANAGER") = "MANAGER" Then
    Dim CallMenu As New Menu()
    End If
    LoginBtn.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    I have read the oracle.net developer guide for using oracle in vb2010 and have successfully gotten through the document however they never use a stored procedure, since the teacher wants this program to user a layered architecture I cannot directly store sql queries like the document does, thus the reason I want to use stored procedures.
    This is getting frustrating getting stuck with this having no background in VB, I could easily do this in c++ using file i/o even through it would be a pain in the rear....

    I am calling Oracle 11g stored procedures from VB.Net 2010. Here is a code sample (based on your code) you should be able to successfully implement in your application.
    Please note that you may have to modify your stored procedure to include an OUT parameter (the employee position) if it doesn't have it yet.
    Private Sub LoginBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoginBtn.Click
    Dim sProcedureName As String = "Return_Position" 'name of stored procedure
    Dim ORConn as OracleConnection, sConn as String
    Dim sPosition as String, sDataSource as String, sSchema as String, sPWD as String
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand
    'please provide below sDataSource, sSchema and sPWD in order to connect to your Oracle DB
    sConn = "Data Source=" & sDataSource & ";User Id=" & sSchema & ";Password=" & sPWD & ";"
    ORConn = New OracleConnection(sConn)
    cmd = New OracleCommand(sProcedureName, ORConn)
    With cmd
    .CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
    'input parameter in your stored procedure is EmpId
    .Parameters.Add("EmpID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value = Emp_ID.Text
    .Parameters.Item("EmpID").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
    'output parameter in your stored procedure is Emp_Position
    .Parameters.Add("Emp_Position", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    .Parameters.Item("Emp_Position").Size = 50 'max number of characters for employee position
    Catch ex As Exception
    Exit sub
    End Try
    End With
    sPosition = cmd.Parameters.Item("Emp_Position").Value.ToString
    'close Oracle command
    If Not Cmd Is Nothing Then Cmd.Dispose()
    Cmd = Nothing
    'close Oracle connection
    If Not ORConn Is Nothing Then
    If not ORConn.State = 0 Then
    End If
    End If
    ORConn = Nothing
    If UCase(sPosition) = "MANAGER" Then
    Dim CallMenu As New Menu()
    End If
    LoginBtn.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    If you need further assistance with the code, please let me know.
    M. R.

  • Looking for some help with building insert statements...

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    spool insert.sql
    'insert into ' || table_name || ' (select * from ' || table_name || '@prod );' || chr(10) || ' commit;'
    from user_tables
    where table_name in
    (select * from refresh_tablesl)
    any help is greatly appreciated,

    See my reply to your duplicate post
    looking for help building dynamic insert statements...

  • Paid Project:  Looking for some help with the AddressBookUI Framework

    I am looking for someone with experience accessing contacts using the AddressBook related frameworks. I am able to call up the contacts modal view using the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController, but am having problems accessing the variables in the "person" "property" and/or "identifier" properties.
    I am working from within the shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:person:property:identifier method. When the user taps on a phone number or other element in the picker, I want to pass the information as a string to a variable in my program.
    If someone knows how to do this, and can help, let me know. I would love free advice, but also don't mind paying for your time. If I can get past this thing, I can move on with the rest of the program.
    Many thanks.

    Looks like I have it covered. Thanks to those that responded.

  • Hi, I am looking for some help with Lightroom.

    Hi, I am using windows and I have the latest updates for both Lightroom and Photoshop. Although everything has been working okay, now all my options are greyed out in Lightroom when I want to go - Photo, edit in, Photoshop. The only things that have changed recently are I am using a new camera (but Lightroom and Photoshop have updates for it, and I have downloaded trial versions of Snap Art 4, DXO ViewPoint2 and DXO Optics Pro. Does anyone know why my options to edit in are greyed out? And, how to fix it please? Thanks.

    I think there may be other ways but as it's holidays there are less people around.
    Pretty sure removing the Preference file won't help but you can try that first by shifting the file and if no change replacing it. Here is the way to locate them:

  • Looking for some help with the Timeline from SIMILE

    Remember this widget... An interesting widget for displaying timelines
    Well I am trying to use is and have now got it working. I what to have a hyperlink to the page in my application that is the detail of the pice of the row in the timeline.
    Any ideas.
    Edited by: Chris Wendell on Nov 17, 2008 4:41 PM

    I got a link to a 2nd Apex page working some time back. I included my link by appending something like this to the main chunk of text:
    -- 2nd page is "2"
    htf.escape_sc('<BR><A HREF="f?p='||v('APP_ID')||':2:'||v('SESSION')||'::'||v('DEBUG')||'::P2_ID:'||id||':" target="_blank">Edit</A>')
    I think you could just use the documented "link" attribute though ( htp.p('link="' ||' http://www.yahoo.co.uk"'); )
    The final step I needed was to close the pop-up edit form after submit. Solution also came from this forum. On the page #2, Optional URL Redirect > URL > URL Target "javascript:{doSubmit('SAVE');window.opener.location.reload();window.close();}"
    Also - the 2nd page has an unconditional branch back to the main timeline page, so it refreshes after submitting the detail page.
    Edited by: maceyah on Jan 8, 2009 11:23 AM

Maybe you are looking for

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