Hi ....... SCardTransmit Error :(0000007A) Unknown Error

I am using ACOS CCID SDK , SMART CARD READER ACR 38 Reader, Acos3 Card .I created a user file(DD 11) with Write Command
80 D2 00 00 07 08 01 00 00 DD 11 00
it is succesful status
After that i selected that file
80 A4 00 00 02 DD 11
Succesful Status
After sucessful status i write data into that record as 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
80 D2 00 00 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
while in reading the data with the Read Command
i am getting this SCardTransmit Error :(0000007A) Unknown Error
Can one suggest me how to rectify error
and just i am working with PCSC Tool
I want to write code Which Methods are Required to Implement Simple Application in Java Card in ACOS3 sdk
Thanks for Concern

I'm not sure what's going on here so I've forwarded this along to our DRM team.  Please be aware thought that Citrix is an unsupported platform.
I'll let you know what I hear back.

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  • Help me solve this problem, Urgent. Thx

    I am new in javacard.
    I wrote a javacard applet and loaded applet into card using JCOP successfull.
    My card applet:
    package stAppletTest;
    import javacard.framework.APDU;
    import javacard.framework.Applet;
    import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
    import javacard.framework.ISOException;
    public class STAppletTest extends Applet {
         final static byte demo_cla = (byte)0x80;
         final static byte SetStr = (byte)0x10;
         final static byte GetStr = (byte)0x20;
         byte[] oldStr;
         byte[] newStr;
         private STAppletTest(byte[] bArr, short bOff, byte l)
              oldStr= new byte[100];
              newStr= new byte[100];
              if (bArr[bOff]==(byte)0)
              else register(bArr, (short)(bOff+1) ,(byte)(bArr[bOff]));
         public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
              // GP-compliant JavaCard applet registration
              new STAppletTest(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1),
         public void process(APDU apdu) {
              // Good practice: Return 9000 on SELECT
              if (selectingApplet()) {
              byte[] buf = apdu.getBuffer();
              byte cla=buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA];
              if (cla!=demo_cla) ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED);
              switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
              case (byte) 0x00:
              case SetStr:
              case GetStr:
                   // good practice: If you don't know the INStruction, say so:
         private void SetString(APDU apdu)
              byte buffer[] = apdu.getBuffer();
              byte size = (byte)(apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
              byte i;
              //  Store the length of the string and the string itself
              oldStr[0] = size;
              for (i = 0; i< size; i++)
                   oldStr[(byte)(i+1)] = buffer[(byte)(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA+i)];
         private byte[] GetString(APDU apdu)     {
              byte buffer1[] = apdu.getBuffer();
              byte numBytes = buffer1[ISO7816.OFFSET_LC];
              if (numBytes == (byte)0) {
              byte index;
              for (index = 0; index <= numBytes; index++)
                   buffer1[index] = oldStr[(byte)(index + 1)];
              return buffer1;
    }and my code to communicate with card:
    import java.util.*;
    import opencard.core.service.*;
    import opencard.core.terminal.*;
    import opencard.opt.util.*;
    public class STTerminalTest {
      private static final int IFD_TIMEOUT = 10;     // unit: seconds
      private static final int MAX_APDU_SIZE = 100;  // unit: byte 
      final byte[] CMD_SELECT_APPLET = {(byte)0x00, (byte)0xA4,
                                    (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x06,
                                    (byte)0x00, (byte)0x01, (byte)0x02, (byte)0x03, (byte)0x04, (byte)0x05 };
      final byte[] CMD_SET_STRING ={(byte)0x80, (byte)0x10,
                                       (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x02,
                                       (byte)0x00, (byte)0x01 };
      final byte[] CMD_READ_STRING ={(byte)0x80, (byte)0x20,
                                     (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x02 };
      private int n, x;
      private byte[] i;
      public STTerminalTest() {
        // create system properties object
        Properties sysProps = System.getProperties();
        // set system properties for OCF, PC/SC and PassThruCardServce
        sysProps.put ("OpenCard.terminals", "com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory");
        sysProps.put ("OpenCard.services", "opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory");
      public void runExample() {
        try {
          System.out.println("activate Smart Card");
          SmartCard.start();  // activate smart card
          CardRequest cr = new CardRequest(CardRequest.ANYCARD, null, PassThruCardService.class);
          cr.setTimeout(IFD_TIMEOUT);  // set timeout for IFD
          // wait  for a smart card inserted into the terminal
          System.out.println("wait for smart card - insert smart card in terminal");
          SmartCard sc = SmartCard.waitForCard(cr);
          if (sc != null) {  // no error occur and a smart card is in the terminal
            PassThruCardService ptcs = (PassThruCardService) sc.getCardService(PassThruCardService.class, true);
            System.out.print("Card ATR:           ");
            CardID cardID = sc.getCardID ();
            i = cardID.getATR();
            String s = new String();
            for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
              x = (int) (0x000000FF & i[n]);  // byte to int conversion
              s = Integer.toHexString(x).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            // set APDU buffer size
            CommandAPDU command = new CommandAPDU(MAX_APDU_SIZE); // create APDU buffer and set size
            //----- prepare command APDU - SELECT APPLET
            // send command and receive response
            ResponseAPDU response = ptcs.sendCommandAPDU(command);
            // show command apdu
            System.out.print("Command-APDU:  ");
            for (n = 0; n<command.getLength(); n++) {
              s = Integer.toHexString(command.getByte(n)).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            // show response apdu
            System.out.print("Response-APDU: ");
            for (n = 0; n < response.getLength(); n++) {
              s = Integer.toHexString(response.getByte(n)).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            //----- prepare command APDU - SET STRING
            // send command and receive response
            response = ptcs.sendCommandAPDU(command);
            // show command apdu
            System.out.print("Command-APDU:  ");
            for (n = 0; n < command.getLength(); n++) {
              s = Integer.toHexString(command.getByte(n)).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            // show int response apdu
            System.out.print("Response-APDU: ");
            for (n=0; n<response.getLength(); n++) {
              s = Integer.toHexString(response.getByte(n)).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            //----- prepare command APDU - READ STRING
            // send command and receive response
            response = ptcs.sendCommandAPDU(command);
            // show command apdu
            System.out.print("Command-APDU:  ");
            for (n = 0; n < command.getLength(); n++) {
              s = Integer.toHexString(command.getByte(n)).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            // show response apdu
            System.out.print("Response-APDU: ");
            for (n = 0; n < response.getLength(); n++) {
              s = Integer.toHexString(response.getByte(n)).toUpperCase();
              if (s.length() == 1) s = "0" + s;
              System.out.print(s + " ");
            } // for
            System.out.println("\ndeactivate Smart Card");
          } // if
          else System.out.println("could not create smart card object (e.g. no ICC in IFD)");
        } // try
        catch (Exception e) {
         System.err.println("Caught exception '" + e.getClass() + "' - " + e.getMessage() );
        } // catch
        finally {
        } // finally
      } // run example
      public static void main( String [] args ){
        System.out.println("---------------\nStart ST Terminal Test\n");
        STTerminalTest TerminalTest = new STTerminalTest();
      } // main
    } // classWhen I run program, it promt that
    activate Smart Card
    Uses ISOTPDU
    wait for smart card - insert smart card in terminal
    Card ATR:           3B DF 18 00 00 80 5A 45 4C 4D 2D 57 4C 33 34 4D 31 82 90 00
    Caught exception 'class opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminalException' - Pcsc10CardTerminal: PCSC Exception in method SCardTransmit: error occurred with SCardTransmit
    return code = 8010002fSo, What am I wrong.
    PS: I am using Omikey CardMan 3x21 and ST Open JC card.
    I think my applet is not installed on card because when I installed the applet, it done successfull, But when I removed the card from reader and sent commands with JCOP tool, it promt that: Cannot select Card Manager. So What should I do now?
    Edited by: lovemyself on Aug 6, 2008 1:40 AM

    Thanh you very much.
    Now I want to install my applet by using JCOP and Omnikey CardMan 3x21.I can not select the CardManager.
    /term "winscard:4|OMNIKEY CardMan 3x21 0"
    --Opening terminal
    /card -a a000000003000000 -c com.ibm.jc.CardManager--Waiting for card...
    ATR=3B DF 18 00 00 80 5A 45 4C 4D 2D 57 4C 33 34 4D    ;.....ZELM-WL34M
        31 82 90 00                                        1...
    ATR: T=0, FI=1/DI=8 (31clk/etu), N=0, Hist=805A454C4D2D574C33344D31829000
    => 00 A4 04 00 08 A0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00          ..............
    jcshell: Unable to select Card Manager or invalid FCI: Unknown Global Platform Java Card.
    Subsequent commands might fail! Inspection might not be possible!
    ??>  set-key 255/1/DES-ECB/404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f 255/2/DES-ECB/404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f 255/3/DES-ECB/404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
    ??>  init-update 255
    => 80 50 00 00 08 21 F6 00 11 AB CF 28 02 00          .P...!.....(..
    (26251 usec)
    <= 6E 00                                              n.
    Status: CLA value not supported
    jcshell: Error code: 6e00 (CLA value not supported)
    jcshell: Wrong response APDU: 6E00
    Unexpected error; aborting executionShow, how I can config the reader to install applet?
    Edited by: lovemyself on Aug 7, 2008 8:31 PM

  • Return code = 00000057 using a gem pc twin reader with OCF

    Hello, i really need help.
    I'm having the famous return code = 00000057 when i try to send an APDU command, I'm using a applet proxy, so it send an select APDU inside the OCF framework, and the result is success, so i'm able to send an select Applet, but when i try to send the following apdu:
    // Set up the command APDU and send it to the card.
    getBalanceAPDU.append(MyAPPLET_CLA); // Class
    getBalanceAPDU.append(VERIFY_INS); // Instr'n
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x00); // P1
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x00); // P2
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x00); // Lc
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x05); // Le
    // Send command APDU and check the response.
    ResponseAPDU response;
    //response = new ResponseAPDU(07);
    response = sendCommandAPDU(getCardChannel(), MY_CARD_AID,
    i got that error. I pasted, all the debug message below. I already updated the pcsc-wrapper-2.0.jar file, but i'm still having this error, as i said i'm using an gem pc twin cardreader with gemxpresso card. My opencard.properties file:
    # Card service configuration #
    OpenCard.services = com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory \
    opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory \
    #OpenCard.services = br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxyFactory
    # Card terminal configuration #
    #OpenCard.terminals = GemplusCardTerminalFactory
    OpenCard.terminals = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory|Autodetect|*|SHARED
    #OpenCard.terminals = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory
    # Trace configuration #
    OpenCard.trace = opencard:9
    ----- the debug----
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.getRegistryEntry
    --- message tag OpenCard.terminals = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory|Autodetect|*|SHARED
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminal.<init>
    --- message (Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0, PCSC10, )
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminal
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.event.EventGenerator.updateTerminals
    --- message new pollable Terminal = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.event.EventGenerator
    [DEBUG    ] com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.cardInserted
    --- message slotID 0, )
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.event.EventGenerator.updateCards
    --- message card inserted slotID = 0
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.event.EventGenerator
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.getRegistryEntry
    --- message tag OpenCard.services = com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxyFactory
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.add
    --- message com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.service.OCF11CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.service.OCF11CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.add
    --- message opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.add
    --- message [email protected]fa0f0
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.<start>
    --- message finished
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getSmartCard
    --- message CTEvent opencard.core.event.CardTerminalEvent[source=com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr ]
    ---source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    ---id 1
    card inserted in slot 0
    terminal com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.openSlotChannel
    --- message for slot #0
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    [DEBUG    ] com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.openSlotChannel
    --- message new SlotChannel is opencard.core.terminal.SlotChannel@182815a
    + state open
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.allocateCardServiceScheduler
    --- message instantiating CardServiceScheduler
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.<init>
    --- message slotChannel opencard.core.terminal.SlotChannel@182815a
    + state open
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.<init>
    --- message (opencard.core.terminal.SlotChannel@182815a
    + state open)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardChannel
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getSmartCard
    --- message using CardServiceScheduler opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.createSmartCard
    --- message creating SmartCard
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.<init>
    --- message scheduler opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive, cid opencard.core.terminal.CardID@1a5ba75 ATR: 3B 7D 94 00 00 80 31 80 65 B0 83 01 02 90 83 00
    90 00
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.getCardService
    --- message (class br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getCardServiceInstance
    --- message for class br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy from opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getCardServiceInstance
    --- message checking [email protected]c68b6f
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardService.<init>
    --- message default constructor of br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardService
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.AppletProxy.<init>
    --- message (A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02,opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive,opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa,true)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.AppletProxy
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.initialize
    --- message (opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive,opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService.<init>
    --- message (opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive,opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa,true)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.allocateCardChannel
    --- message allocating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.allocateCardChannel
    --- message applicant br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.open
    --- message opening CardChannel
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    BasicAppletCardService - allocated CardChannel()
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    ++ channel is allocated
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.close
    --- message CardChannel closed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.allocateCardChannel
    --- message allocating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.allocateCardChannel
    --- message applicant br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.open
    --- message opening CardChannel
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    ++ channel is allocated
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.close
    --- message CardChannel closed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getCardServiceInstance
    --- message factory [email protected]c68b6f produced br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.allocateCardChannel
    --- message allocating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.allocateCardChannel
    --- message applicant br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.open
    --- message opening CardChannel
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService.sendCommandAPDU(channel,...)
    --- message sending opencard.core.terminal.CommandAPDU@1d92803
    0000: 00 20 00 00 00 05 . ....
    to <A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02>
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService.selectApplet
    --- message selecting A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector.selectApplet
    --- message selecting A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.sendCommandAPDU
    --- message opencard.core.terminal.CommandAPDU@1d206f0
    0000: 00 A4 04 00 09 A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02 00 .........b.....
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.response:
    --- message opencard.core.terminal.ResponseAPDU@1f23f8b
    0000: 90 00 ..
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector.selectApplet
    --- message Selection response sw = 0x9000
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.sendCommandAPDU
    --- message opencard.core.terminal.CommandAPDU@1d92803
    0000: 00 20 00 00 00 05 . ....
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    ++ channel is allocated
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.close
    --- message CardChannel closed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminalException: Pcsc10CardTerminal: PCSC Exception in method SCardTransmit: error occurred with SCardTransmit
    return code = 00000057
    at com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.translatePcscException(Pcsc10CardTerminal.java:502)

    Hello, i really need help.
    I'm having the famous return code = 00000057 when i try to send an APDU command, I'm using a applet proxy, so it send an select APDU inside the OCF framework, and the result is success, so i'm able to send an select Applet, but when i try to send the following apdu:
    // Set up the command APDU and send it to the card.
    getBalanceAPDU.append(MyAPPLET_CLA); // Class
    getBalanceAPDU.append(VERIFY_INS); // Instr'n
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x00); // P1
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x00); // P2
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x00); // Lc
    getBalanceAPDU.append((byte) 0x05); // Le
    // Send command APDU and check the response.
    ResponseAPDU response;
    //response = new ResponseAPDU(07);
    response = sendCommandAPDU(getCardChannel(), MY_CARD_AID,
    i got that error. I pasted, all the debug message below. I already updated the pcsc-wrapper-2.0.jar file, but i'm still having this error, as i said i'm using an gem pc twin cardreader with gemxpresso card. My opencard.properties file:
    # Card service configuration #
    OpenCard.services = com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory \
    opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory \
    #OpenCard.services = br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxyFactory
    # Card terminal configuration #
    #OpenCard.terminals = GemplusCardTerminalFactory
    OpenCard.terminals = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory|Autodetect|*|SHARED
    #OpenCard.terminals = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory
    # Trace configuration #
    OpenCard.trace = opencard:9
    ----- the debug----
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.getRegistryEntry
    --- message tag OpenCard.terminals = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminalFactory|Autodetect|*|SHARED
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminal.<init>
    --- message (Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0, PCSC10, )
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminal
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.event.EventGenerator.updateTerminals
    --- message new pollable Terminal = com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.event.EventGenerator
    [DEBUG    ] com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.cardInserted
    --- message slotID 0, )
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.event.EventGenerator.updateCards
    --- message card inserted slotID = 0
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.event.EventGenerator
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.getRegistryEntry
    --- message tag OpenCard.services = com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxyFactory
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.add
    --- message com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.service.OCF11CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.service.OCF11CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.add
    --- message opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory.<init>
    --- message instantiating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceFactory
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.add
    --- message [email protected]fa0f0
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.<start>
    --- message finished
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getSmartCard
    --- message CTEvent opencard.core.event.CardTerminalEvent[source=com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr ]
    ---source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    ---id 1
    card inserted in slot 0
    terminal com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.openSlotChannel
    --- message for slot #0
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    [DEBUG    ] com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.openSlotChannel
    --- message new SlotChannel is opencard.core.terminal.SlotChannel@182815a
    + state open
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal@1e1df6e
    + name Gemplus USB Smart Card Reader 0
    + type PCSC10
    + addr
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.allocateCardServiceScheduler
    --- message instantiating CardServiceScheduler
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.<init>
    --- message slotChannel opencard.core.terminal.SlotChannel@182815a
    + state open
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.<init>
    --- message (opencard.core.terminal.SlotChannel@182815a
    + state open)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardChannel
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getSmartCard
    --- message using CardServiceScheduler opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.createSmartCard
    --- message creating SmartCard
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.<init>
    --- message scheduler opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive, cid opencard.core.terminal.CardID@1a5ba75 ATR: 3B 7D 94 00 00 80 31 80 65 B0 83 01 02 90 83 00
    90 00
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.SmartCard
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.SmartCard.getCardService
    --- message (class br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getCardServiceInstance
    --- message for class br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy from opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getCardServiceInstance
    --- message checking [email protected]c68b6f
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardService.<init>
    --- message default constructor of br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.core.service.CardService
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.AppletProxy.<init>
    --- message (A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02,opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive,opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa,true)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.AppletProxy
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.initialize
    --- message (opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive,opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService.<init>
    --- message (opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive,opencard.core.service.SmartCard@fb7efa,true)
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.allocateCardChannel
    --- message allocating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.allocateCardChannel
    --- message applicant br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.open
    --- message opening CardChannel
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    BasicAppletCardService - allocated CardChannel()
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    ++ channel is allocated
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.close
    --- message CardChannel closed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.allocateCardChannel
    --- message allocating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.allocateCardChannel
    --- message applicant br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.open
    --- message opening CardChannel
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    ++ channel is allocated
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.close
    --- message CardChannel closed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry.getCardServiceInstance
    --- message factory [email protected]c68b6f produced br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceRegistry@1f2ae62++ registered factory [email protected]c68b6f
    ++ registered factory com.ibm.opencard.factory.MFCCardServiceFactory@103368e
    ++ registered factory opencard.opt.util.PassThruCardServiceFactory@94cc7
    ++ registered factory [email protected]fa0f0
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.allocateCardChannel
    --- message allocating
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.allocateCardChannel
    --- message applicant br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.open
    --- message opening CardChannel
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService.sendCommandAPDU(channel,...)
    --- message sending opencard.core.terminal.CommandAPDU@1d92803
    0000: 00 20 00 00 00 05 . ....
    to <A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02>
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService.selectApplet
    --- message selecting A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.BasicAppletCardService
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector.selectApplet
    --- message selecting A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.sendCommandAPDU
    --- message opencard.core.terminal.CommandAPDU@1d206f0
    0000: 00 A4 04 00 09 A0 00 00 00 62 03 01 0C 02 00 .........b.....
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.response:
    --- message opencard.core.terminal.ResponseAPDU@1f23f8b
    0000: 90 00 ..
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector.selectApplet
    --- message Selection response sw = 0x9000
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source class opencard.opt.applet.ISOAppletSelector
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.sendCommandAPDU
    --- message opencard.core.terminal.CommandAPDU@1d92803
    0000: 00 20 00 00 00 05 . ....
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    [DEBUG    ] br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source br.com.neac.petrobras.medidorgas.process.NastekCardProxy@8f57a
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler.releaseCardChannel
    --- message releasing opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, is open, not jammed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardServiceScheduler@4ab8b9, is alive
    ++ channel is allocated
    [DEBUG    ] opencard.core.service.CardChannel.close
    --- message CardChannel closed
    --- thread Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main]
    --- source opencard.core.service.CardChannel@9bb457, not open, not jammed
    opencard.core.terminal.CardTerminalException: Pcsc10CardTerminal: PCSC Exception in method SCardTransmit: error occurred with SCardTransmit
    return code = 00000057
    at com.ibm.opencard.terminal.pcsc10.Pcsc10CardTerminal.translatePcscException(Pcsc10CardTerminal.java:502)

  • HT201263 my iphone 4 went into recovery mode & will not restore. Unknown error 21 comes up on iTunes. Please can someone offer any ideas for a solution?

    I have an iphone 4 nearly 2 yrs old. It has worked perfectly for that time. On Friday last (whilst away on holiday) I took the phone out of my pocket & it was lifeless. I tried switching it on, no joy, I tried the power/home button reset no joy. I plugged it into a mains charger & it came on but had a banner across the screen saying "verification required". I removed the charger & decided I would try again when I got home so I could connect to my PC & iTunes.
    At home I went through the whole above process again but when I plugged it into the mains again it just had the Apple logo going on/off repeatedly. I plugged the phone into my PC & the apple logo appeared followed by the "connect to iTunes". In iTunes I get the banner "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before it can be used with iTunes". So I click on "OK" the "Restore" then a banner asking if I'm sure I want to restopre the iPhone appears, press "Restore & Update". iTunes starts to remove the software, veryfies it with Apple & then another flag "The iPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (21) which appears to be a security issue.
    I thought the above problem was something to do with O2 because I picked up my new iPhone 4S last Tuesday but was unable to set it up until I got back from my holiday, O2 say it isn't anything they've done.
    My question is has it happened to anyone & can anybody offer a solution, is it a hardware or software issue?

    Please see the two articles below:

  • Unknown Error during Recovery - iPad no longer Recognized by iTunes

    I have a 3rd Generation iPad which I was attempting to perform a factory reset.  I received an "Unknown Error" during the process and from that point on I have been unable to get iTunes to recognize my iPad in recovery mode (or otherwise).
    I have tried every thread on the subject, but I found one interesting thing.  If I connect the iPad with the same cable, etc. to another computer it immediately recognizes it in recovery mode and offers to restore the iPad.
    It seems like my computer is not recognizing the iPad because it was in the process of restoring the device when the error occurred.  Does anyone know if there is a way to reset or fix this issue.  I would prefer not to update iTunes and download both the new iTunes and iPad software again and use another computer if it is not necessary.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hey KSHItunes,
    That was a good test to try your iPad on another computer.  It does seem to isolate the issue to something with your computer setup.
    Although you would prefer not to update iTunes, there may be steps in this article which can help.
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod not recognized in iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    Please check it out.

  • Once i updated the IOS on my ipod touch itunes can no longer connect to it and gives an unknown error

    I just updated ios to 5.1.1 and now i ccan not connect to itunes with it. It gives me an unknown error. Was not able to restore from back up due to this?

    And what is the complete wording of the error message?

  • Ipod no longer authorized (unknown error -42408)

    posted this at itunes site as well.
    out of blue, having problem i've never had syncing my 60G ipod.
    for years have been syncing this ipod with my itunes on my macbook (only). for the past few times (?month or so), i'm getting an error message when i try to sync that first says, the ipod/macbook is not authorized for this ipod (which it always has been).
    then it asks me if i want to authorize it. when i hit "authorize", it brings up an old itunes account i had and asks me for the old password, which i enter. then i get an error message that says:
    "unknown error -42408. error in itunes store. please try again later."
    how do i fix this so that i don't get this error message and can continue syncing with my most recent account, which has NEVER been a problem in the past?

    I have exactly the same problem. My iPod is a 30GB one from 2005 or 2006 (I don't know how to identify its category). When it was new, I had a PC; then a year and a half ago I switched to a Mac and got everything transferred ok, and have been synching the iPod to the Mac with no trouble since then. (Well, slight trouble, because the iPod is now very full, and I haven't figured out the best way to synch "almost everything", but so far I'm managing somehow.) But just before leaving Moscow March 10, I wanted to synch and recharge the iPod, and got the same problem, with the same sequence of messages described at the start of this thread. So I only recharged it. Now I'm in Amherst, tried again, exact same problem. So now only recharging again.
    Same computer, same iPod, why does it suddenly not recognize that this computer is authorized to synch this iPod, and why does it make this error when I tell it to authorize it? And how can I fix it?
    Grateful for any help.

  • Hello all .. i have a big problem in my ipad version 5.1.1 that is when i connect the ipad with my computer the i tunes give me this message ( itunes couldnt connect to this ipad .an unknown error occurred (0xE8000012).) how i can solve this problem pleas

    hello all .. i have a big problem in my ipad version 5.1.1 that is when i connect the ipad with my computer the i tunes give me this message ( itunes couldnt connect to this ipad .an unknown error occurred (0xE8000012).) how i can solve this problem please
    and this is an pic for the problem

    There is some troubleshooting for 0xE8 error codes on this page : http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3221 - you could see if anything on that page fixes it

  • Tried to update my iPad  OS from iTunes. Frozen and got an "unknown error msg". I tried to restore the iPad to factory settings..got the same

    I bought today a new iPad from Rideau Store. The setup guys didn't update to latest software version. I tried to do myself trough iTunes, which notify me that an upgrade is available. After a while the upgrading process froze with a msg "unknown error ..". I clicked on the More  info  button and I got a page saying "due to a scheduled upgrade of Apple's support system some feature are not available.
    The bottom line is that now the iTunes does detect the iPad being in recovering mode and asks to restore it to fabrics defaults. I tried to do this and again I got aqn "unknown error"
    Finally I run the iTunes diagnostics to check the connectivity between my iPad and my HP laptop (iTunes). For unknown reson the iTunes does not detect my iPad. See below the diagnostics log:
    Itunes Diagnostics
    MicrosoftWindows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
    Hewlett-PackardPavilion dv5000 (EP416UA#ABA)
    QuickTime 7.6.9
    AppleApplication Support 1.5.1
    iPod UpdaterLibrary 10.0d2
    CD Driver2.2.0.1
    CD Driver DLL2.1.1.1
    Apple MobileDevice
    Apple MobileDevice Driver
    Gracenote SDK1.8.2.457
    Gracenote DSP1.8.2.34
    iTunes SerialNumber 0012AD0812DA2D38
    Current user isan administrator.
    The currentlocal date and time is 2011-04-20 20:32:27.
    iTunes is notrunning in safe mode.
    WebKitaccelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is notsupported.
    Core Media issupported.
    Video DisplayInformation
    ATI MOBILITYRADEON Xpress 200 Series  
    **** ExternalPlug-ins Information ****
    No externalplug-ins installed.
    Genius ID:cb0eaa5cad8a753f64335065bc061263
    **** DeviceConnectivity Tests ****
    iPodService10.2.2.12 is currently running.
    iTunesHelper10.2.2.12 is currently running.
    Apple MobileDevice service is currently running.
    UniversalSerial Bus Controllers:
    StandardEnhanced PCI to USB Host Controller. Device is working properly.
    StandardOpenHCD USB Host Controller.  Device isworking properly.
    StandardOpenHCD USB Host Controller.  Device isworking properly.
    No FireWire(IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    Most RecentDevices Not Currently Connected:
    iPad runningfirmware version 4.3.1
    Serial Number:        DLXFK2A8DKPH
    **** DeviceSync Tests ****
    No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              
    Also, do you remember what the error message said?

  • How can you get your music synced from iTunes to your iPod when a window pop ups on the screen saying"The iPod "Edward's iPod" cannot be synced. An unknown error occured (13019))?

    I had 429 songs already on my iPod Touch. When I was in the process of syncing a song from my iTunes Library on to my iPod, a window popped up on the screen saying, ""The iPod "Edward's iPod" cannot be synced. An unknown error occured (13019)). I click "Device" on my iTunes Library to make sure the song was in my iPod. It showed the song that was recently synced now listed under "Device", but when I physically looked for the song on my iPod Touch, it does not appear on there at all. It all started when I decided to put a Playlist I created in the iTunes Library and transferred it on to my iPod. Do you know why it may affected my syncing process and is there any way where I could get the syncing function back to normal so that I can continue adding songs on my iPod? Thank you for listening.    P.S. My iPod iOS version is 4.3.5.
    Message was edited by: edwardwashere

    Try here:
    iTunes: Error 13019 during sync

  • My 10.8.3 update did not install properly citing an 'Unknown Error'. Now, my Mail and Mac App Store aren't working. What went wrong and how do i fix it ?

    My 10.8.3 update did not install properly citing an 'Unknown Error'. Now, my Mail and Mac App Store aren't working. What went wrong and how do i fix it ?

    I tried this and still have the same problems. If I open Address book or the Mac App Store I get the library rebuild popup and a hang. I created a fresh user and then things are better apart from the printing issue. Its clearly some 3rd party software issue but the crash logs are meningless to me. I used the excellent Etre check app from http://www.etresoft.com/etrecheck so I have a list of what is being loaded and can compare clean and crashed user info but as I cant work out which of the startup items, launch agents, launch daemons etc that  are causing the problem.
    I have eliminated Dropbox, Mac Keeper and Witness, and it isnt related to my exterrnal LED cinema dispay or my external thunderbolt drives, or any USB devices if thats any help to anyone else. Info from Etrecheck follows -
    Kernel Extensions:
              com.oxsemi.driver.OxsemiDeviceType00          Version: 1.28.7
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOn          Version: 6.0.2
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOnCore          Version: 6.0.2
              com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower          Version: 1.5.3
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                 [not loaded] com.bombich.ccc.plist
                 [not loaded] com.dymo.pnpd.plist
                 [not loaded] com.intego.BackupManagerPro.daemon.plist
                 [not loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist
                 [not loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
                 [not loaded] com.orbicule.witnessd.plist
                 [not loaded] com.sierrawireless.SwitchTool.plist
                 [not loaded] com.stclairsoft.AppTamerAgent.plist
                 [not loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist
                 [not loaded]          pcloudd.plist
    Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.divx.dms.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.divx.update.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.epson.epw.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.raidmonitor.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.safemanager.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist
                     [loaded] com.orbicule.WitnessUserAgent.plist
                     [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist
    User Launch Agents:
                 [not loaded]          .DS_Store
                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.202f4087f2bbde52e3ac2df389f53a4f123223c9cc56a8fd83a6f7ae.plist
                     [loaded] com.digitalrebellion.SoftwareUpdateAutoCheck.plist
                     [loaded] com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist
                     [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.propaganda.dejavu.dvmonitor.plist
                     [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
                     [loaded] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Déjà Vu
              Flash Player
              Flip4Mac WMV
              Paragon NTFS for Mac ® OS X
              TechTool Protection

  • In Google Scholar, the "Import to EndNote" now gives an error: "Download Error ... an unknown error occurred."

    In Google Scholar, the "Import to EndNote" link now generates an error
    Download Error
    <<Filepath>> could not be opened, because an unknown error occurred.
    Try saving to disk first and then opening the file.
    Screenshot here - www.imgur.com/K8kqd.jpg
    MAC OSX Version 10.7.5
    FireFox Version 17.0.1
    EndNote Version X6
    Google Chrome does not have any issues and Safari at least downloads the file to be manually opened.
    Any ideas?

    Error 1611: This error may indicate a hardware issue with your device. Follow the steps in this article. Alsoattempt to restore while connected with a known-good 30-pin Dock Connector cable, computer, and network to isolate this issue to the device. The MAC address being missing or the IMEI being the default value (00 499901 064000 0) can also confirm a hardware issue. Out-of-date or incorrectly configured proxy or security software, such as FoxyProxy, can cause error 1611. To troubleshoot third-party security software, follow these steps.
    Above from:

  • Adobe Media Encoder Unknown Error

    I'm trying to export an Adobe Premier Pro file on Adobe Media Encoder. Each time I try, it gets about halfway through, then this error message comes up:
    - Source File: /Users/A25/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/Incubus Trailer Rough Cut.prproj
    - Output File: /Users/A25/Desktop/Odyne Theatrical Trailer.mp4
    - Preset Used: HDTV 1080p 25 High Quality
    - Video: PAL, 1920x1080, 25 [fps], Progressive
    - Audio: AAC, 160 [kbps], 48 kHz, Stereo
    - Bitrate: VBR, 1 Pass, Target 32.00, Max 40.00 [Mbps]
    - Encoding Time: 00:07:07
    Mon Apr 15 12:48:21 2013 : Encoding Failed
    Error compiling movie.
    Unknown error.
    I've tried different video presets (1440x1080, 1920x1080 etc), but this message has appeard every time. Any ideas how to export it?

    Please read here:
    "Error compiling movie" when rendering or exporting with Premiere Pro CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6
    and here:
    Adobe Forums: FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?

  • Adobe Media Encoder (Error compiling movie) Unknown error when writing to Isilon OneFS

    Adobe Media Encoder (Error compiling movie) Unknown error when writing to Isilon OneFS while using Adobe Premiere Pro.
    Process:         Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014
    Path: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014
    Identifier: com.adobe.AdobePremierePro
    Version:         8.1.0 (8.1.0)
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [2538]
    Responsible:     Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014
    Date/Time: 2015-01-06 14:04:23.500 -0700
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
    Report Version:  11
    Crashed Thread: 55  Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-priority
    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
    Customer created test export with 777 permissions and set mount parameters to the following:
    mount_nfs -o vers=3,tcp,rdirplus,intr,nolocks,async,rsize=32768,wsize=32768
      -- Original mount options:
         General mount flags: 0x40 async
         NFS parameters: vers=3,tcp,nolocks,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,rdirplus
      -- Current mount parameters:
         General mount flags: 0x4000058 async,nodev,nosuid multilabel
         NFS parameters: vers=3,tcp,port=2049,nomntudp,hard,nointr,noresvport,negnamecache,callumnt,nolocks,quota, rsize=32768,wsize=32768,readahead=16,dsize=32768,rdirplus,nodumbtimr,timeo=10,maxgroups=16 ,acregmin=5,acregmax=60,acdirmin=5,acdirmax=60,nomutejukebox,nonfc,sec=sys
    The pcap shows once the movie is created a lockup call is responded from Isilon with Error: NFS3ERR_NOENT
    478         V3 CREATE Call (Reply In 479), DH: 0xea5f731c/QBRSN-0-0-1.mov Mode: UNCHECKED
    479         V3 CREATE Reply (Call In 478)
    484         V3 LOOKUP Call (Reply In 485), DH: 0xea5f731c/._QBRSN-0-0-1.mov
    485        V3 LOOKUP Reply (Call In 484) Error: NFS3ERR_NOENT
    V3 LOOKUP Reply (Call In ....) Error: NFS3ERR_NOENT  -   This is by design of OneFS, we coalesce files and then flush them out to disk which is why the commit time is accurate but the file is not immediately available. however when an async option is used within the mount options this should be avoided if writing asynchronously to the cluster.  Has anyone else seen this behavior lately? (current workaround is to store locally and transfer to the cluster via Finder)

    That error can happen for many reasons...one of the reasons that I occassionaly get it is because I try exporting a movie to an external drive that has been formated in the old FAT32 instead of the NTSF standard.  FAT32 only allows for file sizes up to 2 gigs.  And as soon as it reaches that...I would get that error.  I don't know if that is why you are getting that error...but it would be easy to check.  1) are you generating a file that is over 2 gigs?  2) is your drive that you are exporting to FAT 32 (just right click the drive in My Computer and select "properties" then just look for what it says next to "file system".

  • "Unknown Error" all the time, every time on render of project, any codec

    Trying to render a feature length documentary for a film festival (ie.. I don't have time for this). The project timeline runs 1 hour and 20 minutes. If I try and export or queue the timeline in media encoder to h.264, QuickTime or Select "Match Sequence Settings" as my output format, the media encoder fails to render with the very informative "UNKNOW ERROR" every time at random point in the render procedure. When rendering it as an mpeg once, I am able to see one place where it crashed. It is a place in the timeline where the are no transition, not cuts, no overlays, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, it crashed there this time. Next time, it will crash elsewhere.
    I am trying to render the timeline on segment at a time. So far, each smaller segment of 20 minute blocks seems to be rending just fine and goes past the points where other renders failed. Looks like Media Encoder can't handle large projects.
    Here's all the requested information for a complete diagnosis of the problem.
    Error given to me by Media Encoder : "Unknown Error" --that's it. The time rendered varies between 43 minutes and 3 hours.
    - Encoding Time: 00:54:04
    05/03/2015 05:59:03 PM : Encoding Failed
    Export Error
    Error compiling movie.
    Unknown error.
    Adobe Premiere Pro CC 8.1 Caravan
    2014.2 Release
    8.2.0 (65) Build
    OS X 10.10.3 (14D136)
    iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011)
    3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    24 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB
    I'm right handed, my favorite color is blue, the computer is on the Eastern TimeZone
    I need this timeline rendered and I'm not interested becoming a forensic-level technical authority on Premiere to get it. This problem has come and gone now for months and is intolerable. I pay for software and I expect it to work, and at least give me something more useful than "UNKNOW ERROR." There is no such thing. As a former developer, I can say with authority that simply dumping to a message that says this is lazy and sloppy programming. Buffer underruns, stack overflows..whatever. Everything is caused by something. I can't begin to diagnose this problem unless Adobe provides software error handing that gives me some idea of what happens. Where did it happen in the timeline? What routine/subroutine gave the error? Was it a codec error? Come on....these things are not unknowable.
    Adobe, PLEASE stop coming out with new features when you can't make your existing pay by the month software reliable! Maybe FCPX is worth another look.

    tried rending the entire project as Quicktime ProRes 422 (since that is what clips were recorded in originally anyway) and Media Encoder gto 89% complete....and the entire application CRASHED. WHO-HOO! Way to go, Adobe!!!!!
    Here's part of the crash report if it means anything. Maybe I'll try it again and see if anything changes! Can't get any worse.
    Process:               Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014 [864]
    Path:                  /Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014
    Identifier:            com.adobe.dynamiclinkmanager.application
    Version:      (8.2.0)
    Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:        dynamiclinkmanager [826]
    Responsible:           dynamiclinkmanager [826]
    User ID:               502
    Date/Time:             2015-05-03 20:05:05.829 -0400
    OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.10.3 (14D136)
    Report Version:        11
    Anonymous UUID:        5CCC287C-7B70-E4F9-D0E8-4180FB0681CC
    Sleep/Wake UUID:       0ED73954-6C5A-4CCE-B807-974B71171E95
    Time Awake Since Boot: 33000 seconds
    Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff94c8d4de mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff94c8c64f mach_msg + 55
    2   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff94955eb4 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212
    3   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff9495537b __CFRunLoopRun + 1371
    4   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff94954bd8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
    5   com.apple.HIToolbox           0x00007fff8ab7256f RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
    6   com.apple.HIToolbox           0x00007fff8ab722ea ReceiveNextEventCommon + 431
    7   com.apple.HIToolbox           0x00007fff8ab7212b _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
    8   com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8c8fe9bb _DPSNextEvent + 978
    9   com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8c8fdf68 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 346
    10  com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8c8f3bf3 -[NSApplication run] + 594
    11  com.adobe.exo.framework       0x00000001057f3a88 exo::app::OS_AppBase::RunEventLoop() + 56
    12  com.adobe.ame.application     0x00000001000195c1 AME::RunTheApp(exo::app::AppInitArgs&, std::vector<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, std::allocator<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > > >&) + 11809
    13  com.adobe.ame.application     0x0000000100049ba8 main + 440
    14  com.adobe.ame.application     0x0000000100003e34 start + 52

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