Hibernate Update

Hi everybody!
Can anyone give me a good sample of hibernate update, delete, add and view? Im a newbie in hibernate... i hope someone will reply to this post. Your response is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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  • Updating the table is taking long time

    I have one table Solution,
    in that in one java application P,
    1) i am inserting a new record by passing values to a oracle procedure A.
    2) And in the same application i am updating the same record by calling one oracle function B.
    Now in another java application Q,
    3) I am trying to update the same record using hibernate update, but i could not find the record which i updated initially.
    I am executing P first and then executing Q.
    Here insert and first update is happening (I am able to see the record with the first update after sometime), but 2nd update is not happening.
    If i wait for sometime in Q application, i am able to update the same record.
    Can anybody please help here, why it is happening?

    Can anybody please help here, why it is happening?Unless & until application P issues a COMMIT, application Q will NOT see the DML changes issued by P

  • EJB 3.0 (MDB) CMT does partial Tx commit in hibernate

    Seems like CMT (MDB) does partial commit.+
    A secnario like this: we are using EJB3.0 combination with Hibernate
    1. Some message sent to queue.
    2. MDB listner who listen the queue its onMessage method is invoked. See below for MDB configurations.
    3. Some Handler is called from MDB say ResponseHandler.
    4. We called 2 update operation from this handler.
    ResponseHandler#updateTable1() with below set of execution
    |__ em.merg(table1Entity);
    |__ em.flush()
    ResponseHandler#updateTable2() with below set of execution
    |__ em.merg(table2Entity);
    |__ em.flush()
    I can see only one table1 is get updated. Table2 is not updated with latest value though MDB class is container managed...
    Hibernate query logs: In logs i can see update operation for both the tables
    Hibernate: update table1...
    Hibernate: update table2...
    PS: We can't see this problem in case we put debug breakpoint on first line of onMessage() method of MDB
    class ResponseListner implements MessageListener
    public void onMessage(final Message message)
    Logger.info("ResponseListner.onMessage() : Entered"); //breakpoint line (breakpoint is here)
    Weblogic transaction logs+
    ####<Apr 4, 2012 4:49:09 PM IST> <Debug> <JTAXA> <inlinapplication001> <applicationServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <api.user1> <> <> <1333538349228> <BEA-000000> <BEA1-0012DE77F7FE1343F773: null: XA.prepare(rm=WLStore_application_cluster_domain2_applicationServerJDBCStore, xar=WLStore_application_cluster_domain2_applicationServerJDBCStore234212480>
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    ####<Apr 4, 2012 4:49:09 PM IST> <Debug> <JTAJDBC> <inlinapplication001> <applicationServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <api.user1> <BEA1-0012DE77F7FE1343F773> <> <1333538349234> <BEA-000000> <JDBC LLR pool='com.application.ds' xid='BEA1-0012DE77F7FE1343F773' tbl='WL_LLR_applicationSERVER': commit one-phase=false>
    ####<Apr 4, 2012 4:49:09 PM IST> <Debug> <JTAJDBC> <inlinapplication001> <applicationServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <api.user1> <BEA1-0012DE77F7FE1343F773> <> <1333538349239> <BEA-000000> <JDBC LLR pool='com.application.ds' xid='BEA1-0012DE77F7FE1343F773' tbl='WL_LLR_applicationSERVER': commit complete>
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    ####<Apr 4, 2012 4:49:26 PM IST> <Debug> <JTAXA> <inlinapplication001> <applicationServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <BEA1-0014DE77F7FE1343F773> <> <1333538366645> <BEA-000000> <ResourceDescriptor[WLStore_application_cluster_domain2__WLS_applicationServer]: getOrCreate gets rd: name = WLStore_application_cluster_domain2__WLS_applicationServer
    resourceType = 2
    registered = true
    scUrls = applicationServer+
    xar = WLStore_application_cluster_domain2__WLS_applicationServer1926833320
    healthy = true
    lastAliveTimeMillis = 1333538336966
    numActiveRequests = 0

    You have to add the property toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode to your persistence.xml file, for example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <persistence xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd"
    version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence">
    <persistence-unit name="model">
    <property name="toplink.logging.level" value="INFO"/>
    <property name="toplink.target-database" value="Oracle"/>
    <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>
    <property name="toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database"/>

  • Hibernate: how to null out foreign key references when deleting an entity?

    We use Spring/Hibernate3 in our app, and ran into kind of a bummer of a problem. We have a relationship that is many-to-one (e.g. Student -> School). This is represented by a schoolId on the Student table. When we delete the school through the Hibernate layer, we are immediately receiving foreign key constraints because Hibernate does not null out the Students' schoolId columns where applicable.
    What we'd like to see happen is something like this:
    1. SchoolDAO.delete(id)
    Hibernate: UPDATE Student set schoolId = NULL where schoolId = ?
    Hibernate: DELETE from School where id = ?
    But what we're actually seeing is:
    1. SchoolDAO.delete(id)
    Hibernate: DELETE from School where id = ?
    And hence the foreign key constraints.
    Was wondering if someone else here has run into this. Someone on the Hibernate forums suggested using an Interceptor, but the Hibernate3 interceptors don't give us access to the Session to allow us to do a bulk update to null out these references. Apparently the interceptor javadoc says that the interceptor is basically there to change properties on the object in question and should not involve the session at all.
    We then looked at implementing an Event, and that worked, but was not called for every cascade deleted event. We have a lot of cascade activity in our database, so that was a little disappointing.
    We had briefly considered manually nulling out that FK in the DAO itself, but that would not work with the large amount of Hibernate driven cascade deletion that goes on in our app (Hibernate does not call our DAO every time it cascade deletes an entity).
    Would greatly appreciate any pointers on this subject. We're hoping that others have run into this as well.

    I'm not sure why you'd expect that given that there's
    not really an equivalent object oriented operation -
    if you want to relinquish the object in the OO scheme
    of things you have to null all the references to it;
    you can't just say "make everything that points to
    this object null".I can field that question. We came from EJB 2.x where in the event that you deleted a School entity bean using ejbRemove() you would see the following queries generated:
    UPDATE Student set schoolId = NULL where schoolId = ?
    DELETE from School where id = ?
    Basically, it would manage the relationship for you. I know it's a completely different system but we were a little surprised to learn that Hibernate did not do this on its own as well.

  • Hibernate  � saveOrUpdate()  error  ! I had resolved this problem now!

    protected void saveOrUpdate(Object obj) {
    try {
    // session.flush();
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
    } finally {
    public boolean insert(ChinaCity city){
    System.out.println("ID : " city.getCityId() " City : "+city.getCityName());
    return true;
    I want to to finish a insert Action with the ChinatCityDAO.java extends AbstractADO.java
    1. the first time I submit a form. the console print out:
    ID : null City : shanghai
    Hibernate: insert into china_city (CityName, CityId) values (?, ?)
    and a record in mysql database:
    mysql>select * from china_city;
    | CityId | CityName |
    | 402881e70f8a5bc9010f8a5bcf720001 | shanghai |
    successful !!
    2 then back to record a new info again, the console print out:
    ID : 402881e70f8a5bc9010f8a5bcf720001 City : shanghai2
    Hibernate: update china_city set CityName=? where CityId=?
    ERROR! why not insert this time?but Update?
    what shall i do?
    setCityID(null) ; the run successful!
    (A n unnative english man)
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:


  • Hibernate-very strange problem, help please

    Hi, i got such a strange problem that im sure you ll think im doin crazy talk :) , i dont see why this would happen at all, i have a class called "Package", mapped to a table "package". whenever i do a query on this table using hibernate, even the simplest "find all" kinda of query, hibernate does update on the table b4 doin the query! even more weird, it does the update when the first query on this table happens, it deletes all values of a column (yes only this column); then if i do the same query again, no update at all. however if now i mannuall add those missing values, it does the update again and deletes them! sry its confusing, heres my code and more of wat i done:
    The mapping Package.hbm.xml
    <hibernate-mapping package="tuition.bo">
    <class name="Package" table="package">
    <id name="id" column="study_package_id" type="long">
    <generator class="sequence"/>
    <property name="name" column="name" not-null="true"/>
    <property name="satTiming" column="sat_timing" not-null="false"/>
    <property name="satSubjects" column="sat_subjects" not-null="false"/>
    <property name="sunTiming" column="sun_timing" not-null="false"/>
    <property name="sunSubjects" column="sun_subjects" not-null="false"/>
    <set name="classes" inverse="true" cascade="delete-orphan" lazy="true">
    <key column="package_id"/>
    <one-to-many class="Class"/>
    For example initialy i populated database using hibernate, like this:
    package_id, name, sat_timing, sat_subjects, sun_timing, sun_subjects
    1 no.1 9-12 business 9-12 law
    2 no.2 9-11 business 9-11 law
    Then after i populated this database, i did this query:
    <b>List res=getHibernateTemplate().find("FROM Package");</b>
    and you can see the log file as such: (excerpt)
    16:23:06,687 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    16:23:06,703 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    16:23:09,968 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:46 - begin
    16:23:09,968 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:50 - current autocommit status: true
    16:23:09,968 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:52 - disabling autocommit
    <b>16:23:10,640 DEBUG SQL:324 - select</b> studypacka0_.study_package_id as study1_, studypacka0_.name as name12_, studypacka0_.description as descript3_12_, ....... from _3AT_package studypacka0_
    Hibernate: select studypacka0_.study_package_id as study1_, studypacka0_.name as name12_, studypacka0_.description as descript3_12_, studypacka0_.day as day12_, studypacka0_.sat_timing as sat5_12_, studypacka0_.sat_subjects as sat6_12_, .......
    16:23:10,734 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:83 - commit
    <b>16:23:10,796 DEBUG SQL:324 - update</b> _3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    Hibernate: update _3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    <b>16:23:10,812 DEBUG SQL:324 - update </b>_3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    Hibernate: update _3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    <b>16:23:10,812 DEBUG SQL:324 - update</b> _3AT_package set name=?, description=?,
    16:23:10,953 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:173 - re-enabling autocommit
    16:23:10,953 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:96 - committed JDBC Connection
    as you can see, it does update and changed table field values to this:
    package_id, name, sat_timing, sat_subjects, sun_timing, sun_subjects
    1 no.1 business law
    2 no.2 business law
    ---------- all tiimings are gone. and now if i re-do the same query, there are NO UPDATE operations....howver if i add some values to sat_timing, sun_timing, and re-do the query, very surprisingly, i saw those update operations which delete all timing values again!
    im totally lost... i havent changed any config, this doenst happen to my other classes at all but just this one.... any ideas please! even some thought of what may caused this would be great help! thank you!

    well i got the setters wrong.... being so stupid i am... sry for creating such a long and massy thread.

  • Sleep and Hibernate does not work after BIOS update X1 Carbon 20A8

    As subject title, did a recent Lenovo "System Update" on BIOS and other drivers, and since then sleep and hibernate no longer works, when i close the lid, it turns on by itself after 2 seconds.
    When i select Sleep or Hibernate in Windows 8.1 with lid open, it just behaves like a Restart command.
    Need this fixed! Any ideas?

    Try downgrading to your older BIOS and see if it works again.
    W520: i7-2720QM, Q2000M at 1080/688/1376, 21GB RAM, 500GB + 750GB HDD, FHD screen
    X61T: L7500, 3GB RAM, 500GB HDD, XGA screen, Ultrabase
    Y3P: 5Y70, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, QHD+ screen

  • Updated T61p to new BIOS, now Hibernate no longer works

    I just updated to the newest T61 BIOS released 1/09, and now I can't hibernate.  If I try to initiate hibernation, nothing happens for about 10 minutes, then the popup window comes up, and within another 10 seconds the machine locks up completely.
    I've tried to disable hibernation, reboot, CHKDSK with bad sector search (JIC I had a bad block), reboot, defrag, chkdsk again, then reenable hibernation.  Checked to find that the hibernate file was contiguous (was), then tried again.  Same problem.
    It's broke.  Sure seems to me that it was caused by the update, since it has worked flawlessly and I typically use the function several times each day.

    BIOS updates don't typically cause issues with the hibernation file, nor hard disks to develop bad sectors.  you also didn't mention what the operating system is.
    my suggestion would be to temporarily disable hibernation, scan for & repair defective sectors, then re-enable hibernation.
    disable hibernation:
    1. backup/copy your important files first  (documents, music, etc)
    2. open a command console  (see note #2 below how to do that, if necessary)
    3. at the command prompt, Enter cd\  (change to root directory)
    4. Enter powercfg /hibernate off  (disables hibernation)
    5. Enter attrib  (lists attributes of files in root directory)
    6. if 'hiberfil.sys' does not exist, skip to step 8, otherwise proceed to step 7
    7. Enter attrib -s -h hiberfil.sys && del /f hiberfil.sys
    8. Enter chkntfs /t:10 && chkdsk /r c:  (type Y and press Enter when prompted to schedule a scan)
    9. Enter exit in the command window and restart windows
    - chkdsk will preempt the boot process when the system is restarted
    - WAIT for chkdsk to scan & remap defective sectors (this may take a LONG time)
    - the system will reboot itself when chkdsk completes
    - then log back in to windows
    re-enable hibernation:
    1. open a command console
    2. Enter powercfg /hibernate on && exit
    3. done
    1. 'Enter' means type the command shown and press the Enter key
    2. to launch a command console, type CMD in the Start Search box and press Enter when 'cmd' appears under the Programs category.  a command console (dos prompt window) should open.
    3. for best performance, you might want to do a full disk defragmentation before re-enabling the hibernation file... run defrag c: -f from the command line at least twice (two or more passes may be necessary to do a thorough defrag)

  • Hibernate sql-update calling in Java

    In Hibernate, how to call native <sql-update> in java , since there is no "name" attribute associated with it? Any examples are really appreciated.
    In Customer.hbm.xml
    <class ...>
    insert into customer
    (cust_id, firstname, lastname, age, address, city)
    values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    Please provide an opinion on this.

    Thanks Rolls, I went through the link before. But there they haven't mentioned that how the insert or update native SQL will be invoked from java side. I assume that the SQL queries will be called implicitly when we set the values for the DO (persistent instance) and save it using the session.save() , For eg,
    Customer customer = new Customer();
    But when I do that I am getting the below error in PostgreSQL 10.0:-
    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range: 4, number of columns: 3
    Please clarify.

  • Missing ttyUSB0 and cant hibernate after system update

    Hi! I'm using usb modem huawai. Before my yesterday's update everything was fine, but after it ttyUSB0 had gone missing. E.g. it (ttyUSB0) doesn't appear when i plug in my usb modem any more. Also gnome's hibernate utility doesn't work anymore. When I stop working and press System -> Shut Down -> Hibernate it looks like it suspends to my swap disk, but it doesn't resume when i start over it works like if i rebooted.
    I suppose these two issues r connected and their cause is system update. Any ideas?

    usbserial is loaded. lsusb shows:
    Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 004 Device 002: ID 09da:000a A4 Tech Co., Ltd Port Mouse
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 005: ID 12d1:1446 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 064e:c107 Suyin Corp.
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    and i made
    >pacman - Suu

  • Dell iM101z won't suspend or hibernate after recent updates.

    I've been running Arch on the following laptop since July 2012
    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6834200483
    I had it successfully hibernating on lid close via systemd up until this past weekend.  After updates on 2/24, it would hibernate, but upon resume, the screen would go blank except for a single underscore character in the upper left and freeze there.  After running updates on 2/25, the same behavior happens when attempting to hibernate in the first place.  The same behavior occurs with suspending as well.
    Many of the updates seemed to deal with mesa, could this be an Intel video driver issue?  Any help resolving the issue would be appreciated.

    Update:  Still having this issue several updates later.  I've found that my laptop will eventually hibernate, but it spits out the following text after a 30 second or so hang and just before powering off:

  • Hibernate: How to know if an object is dirty in an update

    Hi everyone:
    I've looked around and I haven't found the solution for this, even asking in a hibernate forum, so maybe you know about this.
    I want to know if an object is dirty before updating it to add a history record in every update. Hibernate does it automatically but I would like to know whether is dirty or not. I've seen in the book that we can do something like that with an interceptor but then I've seen this:
    findDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) Do I have to set all these parameters everytime I call the method? Or does hibernate give us a tool or method to know the previous state of the object, the property names and the types?
    Thank you very much in advance for your attention

    Thanks, Mohammed, For your reply. Would appreciate if you can suggest if some inbuilt package is available to retrieve the payvalue for an element for any given period..
    Thanks again for your time!!

  • T510 cannot hibernate after update ssd firmware

    Recently installed crucial m4 ssd for my T510. reinstalled windows using recovery cd and ubuntu 12.10.  The machine was working fine.
    After update the curcial firmware tfrom 00F o 010G I couldn't hibernate. The screen turns to black with all indicator on. Once move the mouse the screen turns back. I checked the power setting in Windows or lenovo power management, there is no problem. Yet I don't see other people having the same issue so I just want to check if y anyone using T510 with ssd have similar problems.
    I also installed a Mountain lion skin pack which renders windows into a mac but I guess that wouldn't matter for system function, at least not as much as the boot is now handled by linux's grub.
    Thank you guys!!

    To eject the CD, restart your mac and hold down the mouse button. If you don't have a mouse, hold down the eject button while restarting.
    Before you do that, find the original DVD that came with your MB Pro. If you can get the boot DVD in the slot in time, hold down the C key to boot from the DVD, as soon as the DVD starts to spin, hold down the option key. Then you can choose to run the disk utility or boot into the Hardware Test.
    Good Luck.
    MBP 2.33 15" 3Gb Glossy, G4 PB 1,25 15" 2Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2 G4 Towers, 1 is Web Server, the other: Quicksilver 800

  • My T400 won't stay in sleep or hibernate after some update

    Howdy.........a couple of weeks ago I applied some updates to my T400 through Thinkvantage maybe......honestly I don't remember.  But it was recommended updates for my machine to things like Power Manager and Access Connections.
    After I did that, I've run into some issues I did not have before and am very frustrated with!  
    The main one I think relates to Power Manager.  I'm at v3.6.4 now.  No idea what I was at before.  I like to have the machine set up to go into hibernate when I close the lid.  It does that.....but immediately after it resumes 99.9% of the time.  Same is true if I select 'hibernate' from the start logo.  I have idle timers to put it into sleep after so many minutes and hibernate after so many more.  But when it does, it immediately resumes.  So it's an endless cycle.  
    I've made sure that "Wake on" is off in the bios and in the network adapter settings.  
    The other issue I have is that after the 0.1% of the time that it stays in hibernate, when I come back to resume, my external monitor (I extend my desktop across the Thinkpad and an external monitor) is not recognized as what it is but instead is listed as "Generic PnP monitor" and is unusable because it just shows "Out of range" and "60Hz" on the monitor.  Only rebooting fixes that from what I can tell.
    I've since tried reinstalling the monitor's driver, downloading and reinstalling Power Manager manually......no changes.  Has anyone else had this difficulty or just know how to fix it?  I'm going crazy with it.....

    hey mplehning,
    welcome to the forums.
    try uninstalling all ThinkVantage software and drivers from your system.
    see if you're able to put your unit into sleep/ hibernate mode.
    then install each software one by one and test after each installation on whether your unit can be place into sleep/hibernate mode.
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