Hidding standard check-in

Question.. I have some custom profiles in my check-in, I want to hide the "Standard Check In" and Standard Search from the menu, how do I do this? hopefully without having to write component for it!
Ps. i found this: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/intradoc_users/message/16413 he wrote a component, i was wondering if i can just do that from Configuration Manager applet with a rule or something.

That particular error isn't ringing any bells. Both of those components have been installed many, many times...so I doubt it is a specific issue with the component. I assume you have installed other components though without error? Have you tried installing the component through component wizard instead of component manager?
If all else fails, contact me directly and I'll see if I can help. If we figure it out, we'll post back here on the resolution.
j a s o n @ c o r e c o n t e n t o n l y . c o m
(Drop the spaces, trying to keep the spam monsters away).

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       Using out-of-the-box, UCM does not give you a way to hide these menu choices.  There are no configuration flags available. It has to be done through Idoc Script to get them to disappear.  You need to have a custom component to do it. Please refer the following blog to develop the component.
    I hope this helps you.

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    If I got your question, you intend to restrict a user 'sysadmin' (or someone with similar permissions) from any check in. And I guess, it's 10g (it 11g you would probably mention 'weblogic', because 'sysadmin' is already quite restricted there).
    Well, you cannot use security model (roles, security groups and all that stuff), because you would disable admin rights together with checkins ('W' permission).
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    Kizume and Rhm Zanz it should be still there as that is what manages that specific feature.
    In the top menu bar, where is says:      Finder   File   Edit   View   Go   Windows   Help
    Click on the Go, and in the same time click the option key on your keyboard near the space bar.  In that the drop down menu list the word Library will appear.
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    When copying you can put any BSP name..normally the practice is to prefix the standard name with a Z.
    Secondly when you want to make changes to the individual classes and methods you need to right click and say enhance. Then the AZ class names etc would be generated. The view should appear in the component wherein you copied the original view from.
    I hope this helps.
    The cookbook should have details on this. Otherwise also its quite intuitive.
    Award points if it helps.

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    Z. Lamarti

    Hi Z. Lamarti,
    I can assist with two out of 3 requests. However your request are really IE / FIREFOX rather than ITS/SAP
    First read the following WIKI in relation to:
    "To prevent some wrong operation executed by users like selecting "Back" button and "forward" button of Web browser (IE or FireFox), we would like to hide "Standard buttons"
    The following has nothing to do with the Browser buttons - but helps in restricting the access of the ESS services accessed via the ITS
    [How to terminate a user session with integrated ITS when the transaction |http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=25427]
    [Article - Employ SAP GUI for HTML instead of an Internet service |http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/HOME/Article-EmploySAPGUIforHTMLinsteadofanInternet+service]
    RE URL's
    Rather than hiding the bar - could use a Reverse Proxy. The SAP WEB Dispatcher can be used for this function.
    See:[SAP Web Dispatcher |http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/SI/SAPWebDispatcher]
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    Edited by: Oisin ONidh on May 30, 2011 4:10 PM
    Initial URL's had a strikethrough in them

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    Package PAOC_MSS_PROFILES_WDA Config ID            HRMSS_EMP_OVER_PROFILE Application name is HRMSS_EMP_OVERVIEW_PROFILE and there you can delete as shown in below blog for similar case. http://scn.sap.com/community/erp/hcm/employee-self-service/blog/2012/04/25/mss-homepage-customisation http://scn.sap.com/thread/3486553 http://scn.sap.com/thread/3554348

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    Hi Anubhav,
    You can use BBP_UI_CONTROL_BADI to hide these standard fields under the basic data tab.
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                        CV_INVISIBLE = C_X.
                        CV_INPUT_READY = ' '.
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    Regards ,
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    Hi Karthik,
    RFFOUS_C - International Payment Medium - Check (with check management) is the driver program for Check printing.
    Karthik D

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