Hide a adobe form toolbar.

I found a way to hide the toolbar in interactive for in the following like in SAP help.
[SAP HELP|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp1/helpdata/en/0f/128841e8231709e10000000a155106/frameset.htm]
But i can not understand the code.
l_interactive_form ?= *_view_*->get_element( `MY_INTERACTIVE_FORM` ).
Any Body Can explaine to me that, and the view word in bold refore for what?

Hi Ali,
l_interactive_form ?= view->get_element( `MY_INTERACTIVE_FORM` ).
this means you are getting reference of your interactive ui element which is on your view.You have to write this code in WDDOMODIFYVIEW of view.There you already have view instancein the interface parameters.So just pass your interactive ui element name you will get reference of that.
Also check this

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    Hello Raja Sekhar,
    This object is not available anymore in Designer 7.1. This setting can now be achieved through a web dynpro (Java) API (interface <a href="https://media.sdn.sap.com/javadocs/NW04s/SPS7/wd/com/sap/tc/webdynpro/clientserver/adobe/pdfdocument/api/IWDPDFDocumentAppearance.html">IWDPDFDocumentAppearance</a>). In web dynpro ABAP you would need to use the method handler of the <b>InteractiveForm</b> UI element (IF_WD_IACTIVE_FORM_METHOD_HNDL, SET_HIDE_TOOLBARS).

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    Hi Subeesh,
    Are you talking about restricting the User from Saving the Adobe Form Output. 
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    Hi Liem,
    Here is some more information:
    Accessing data in Table Cell
    xfa.resolveNode("xfa.data.my_data.tableData[" + this.parent.index  + "].column1").value
    2)  Accessing data nodes in Context
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    I think you will find the WebLog below very useful for your requirements.

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    One way is have some variable which tells how many rows of data is present. Check it and then make subtotal
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    Thank you very much for the help.
    However this is not working,I think  I have not explained you myproblem clearly.
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    Hi Namsheed,
    You might need to copy the standard as customized form and you are free to hide / delete any field in the form .
    Also, you need functional to configure to use this customized form instead.
    Xiang Li

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    ...... if anything,
    this could have appeared after I did the EFI frimware update.
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    This happened to me once.  I lost the entire WebDynpro Library Group. I went into the design and right mouse clicked in the Library Area.  I then added my own Web Dynpro Group.  This should create a directory.  You can see all of these directories in you documents and settings directory under Application Data\Adobe\Designer\<lang>\objects.  For instance mine is: C:\Documents and Settings\i809764\Application Data\Adobe\Designer\en\objects
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    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Malla,
    To my knowledge, this is not possible. You can hide/show the entire toolbar. But not a specific item for security reasons.
    Check out the following link

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    Thanks in advance.
    Moderator Message: Search before you post.
    Edited by: kishan P on Jan 13, 2012 11:12 AM

    Try to add one more field for  text field for each line item and make sure use a flag .
    if the flag is true then make it visible use the below JavaScript code to hide a particular field.
    his script will hide the field in runtime if it is initial.
    hidden or presence make sure use the conditions as per the require to hide the text or to make it visible
    Enter the below JavaScript in the editor & Select the language as JavaScript. 
    if(this.rawValue == null)
      this.presence = "hidden";
    Edited by: Rajan.Dexter9 on Jan 20, 2012 12:17 PM

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    Hello Sreelatha,
    I think we cannot hide a page.  as in, page is the main container.  In a container, we can hide any field using some scripting.  Even though if we hide the field, it is present on page but not visible. 
    but if some logic is there, please let me know.
    Edited by: rakhi966 on Sep 8, 2011 8:54 PM

  • Rearrange pages when printing adobe form with multiple master pages

    Good day to you all.
    I have an issue in regards with printing my adobe form with multiple Master pages. I have 4 master pages:
    1st master page: a
    2nd master page: b
    3rd master page: c
    4th master page: d
    all with different headers and footers all having the same contents (items). I don't have issue with one page content (it just prints 4 pages with different headers and footers). The issue comes out once the items exceed 1 page.
    What happens is that the preview/print shows (example: 3-page item)
    What i need is to print these such that all 1st pages of the 4 master page to be printed first, then all the 2nd pages, then all 3rd pages. Please see below:
    This is because we will be using carbonless copy paper during printing and it's possible that it would be printed on batch jobs. Please suggest ways to do this.
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Best Regards,

    Is that requirement of multiple pages as groups only at the time of print or at print preview also...?
    Can you have a Print button on this screen or you should be using the Abobe toolbar's Print button..?
    Well if this on a click of a button in the form and the requirement is only at the time of print and not on print prieview I can have a JS script which does this...
    Let me know if this suffice, I can try with a local file and send you the script.
    @ Chris: I didn't understand what do you mean by reported, I was eager to hear and learn a solution from you may be a new approach which I am not aware of ...?

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