Hide columns with internal ID's in af:table using af:panelcollection

I use a af:table within a af:panelcollection based on view object.
The default menu of panelcollection "View --> Columns --> Show more columns ..." allow the end-user to add all columns of the view object.
The view object contains internal ID's (which I need to have in the VO) I never want to show to the end-user.
Is there a declerative way to avoid this (e. g.: Hide menu item "Show more columns ..." or set attribute of VO to "very hidden")

since you don't want to show the columns, what about removing them from the table (from the structure window). Is this an option or not possible ?

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    select last_extract_date,
    to_char(min(greatest(nvl(*last_update_date*,'01-Jan-10'),nvl(*program_update_date*,'01-Jan-10'))),'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') mi,
    to_char(max(greatest(nvl(*last_update_date*,'01-Jan-10'),nvl(*program_update_date*,'01-Jan-10'))),'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') ma
    from table_names
    group by last_extract_date
    order by last_extract_date desc;
    select last_extract_date,
         to_char(min(nvl(last_update_date,'01-Jan-10')),'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') mi,
         to_char(max(nvl(last_update_date,'01-Jan-10')),'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') ma
         from mispa_events
         group by last_extract_date
         order by last_extract_date desc ;
    Please find the PLSQL code that should be used:
    cursor C_1 is
    select unique table_name from user_tables; table_names varchar2(240); Begin Open C_1; Loop Fetch C_1 into table_names; EXIT WHEN C_1%NOTFOUND;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE('select last_extract_date,
    to_char(min(greatest(nvl(last_update_date,''01-Jan-10''),nvl(program_update_date,''01-Jan-10''))),''DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'') mi,
    to_char(max(greatest(nvl(last_update_date,''01-Jan-10''),nvl(program_update_date,''01-Jan-10''))),''DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS'') ma
    from ' || table_names ||'
    group by last_extract_date
    order by last_extract_date desc');
    End Loop;
    Close C_1;
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: P.Sam on Jun 14, 2010 5:00 PM

    why not use user_tab_columns
    SQL> desc user_tab_columns
    Name                                                              Null?    Type
    TABLE_NAME                                                        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    COLUMN_NAME                                                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    DATA_TYPE                                                                  VARCHAR2(106)
    DATA_TYPE_MOD                                                              VARCHAR2(3)
    DATA_TYPE_OWNER                                                            VARCHAR2(30)
    DATA_LENGTH                                                       NOT NULL NUMBER
    DATA_PRECISION                                                             NUMBER
    DATA_SCALE                                                                 NUMBER
    NULLABLE                                                                   VARCHAR2(1)
    COLUMN_ID                                                                  NUMBER
    DEFAULT_LENGTH                                                             NUMBER
    DATA_DEFAULT                                                               LONG
    NUM_DISTINCT                                                               NUMBER
    LOW_VALUE                                                                  RAW(32)
    HIGH_VALUE                                                                 RAW(32)
    DENSITY                                                                    NUMBER
    NUM_NULLS                                                                  NUMBER
    NUM_BUCKETS                                                                NUMBER
    LAST_ANALYZED                                                              DATE
    SAMPLE_SIZE                                                                NUMBER
    CHARACTER_SET_NAME                                                         VARCHAR2(44)
    CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH                                                       NUMBER
    GLOBAL_STATS                                                               VARCHAR2(3)
    USER_STATS                                                                 VARCHAR2(3)
    AVG_COL_LEN                                                                NUMBER
    CHAR_LENGTH                                                                NUMBER
    CHAR_USED                                                                  VARCHAR2(1)
    V80_FMT_IMAGE                                                              VARCHAR2(3)
    DATA_UPGRADED                                                              VARCHAR2(3)
    HISTOGRAM                                                                  VARCHAR2(15)

  • Hide columns with sql

    I am creating a table where there is a column for the particular row to be hidden. What do I do to make that particular row to stay hidden?
    ID Name Hide
    1 joe N
    2 john N
    Now after I edit the data of joe to Hide=Y I want the table to display:
    ID Name Hide
    2 john N
    anyone know what statements i need to do? thanks

    Here is one way. You could create a view for the table.
    SQL> select * from mytable1;
            ID NAME                           H
             1 joe                            N
             2 john                           N
             2 harry                          Y
    SQL>  create view myview as
      2   select * from mytable1
      3   where hide = 'N';
    View created.
    SQL> select * from myview;
            ID NAME                           H
             1 joe                            N
             2 john                           N

  • Sum of the column with the same name in diffrent tables.

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    Tables A:
    Date aaa
    1/1/2000 10
    Tables B:
    Date aaa
    1/1/2000 15
    Tables C:
    Date aaa
    1/1/2000 20
    Tables D:
    Date aaa
    1/1/2000 30
    Tables E:
    Date aaa
    1/1/2000 40
    The output should be 115 wrt to the date entered in the Date column.

    This should work............
    select dt, sum(aaa)
    from (
    select dt, aaa
    from A
    union all
    select dt, aaa
    from B
    union all
    select dt, aaa
    from C
    group by dt

  • Problem with inserting two BLOBs into a table using setBinaryStream

    DBMS, Oracle JDBC driver
    The following code insert in one INSERT two BLOBs
    into two columns using PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(). When the size of the of at least one blob exceeds
    some limit (? 2k, 4k ?), the values are swapped and
    inserted into wrong columns.
    Please, is this a problem in JDBC driver?
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    * Test - two BLOBs swapped problem.
    * If size of the blob is larger that some treshold, they are swapped in the database.
    public class BlobSwapTest {
    private static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
    throw new SQLException("ClassNotFoundException: " + cnfe.getMessage());
    return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOST:1521/DB", "USER", "PSWD");
    private static void createTable() throws SQLException {
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    try {
    stmt.execute("DROP TABLE BlobTest2");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    System.err.println("Table BlobTest2 was not deleted: " + e.getMessage());
    "CREATE TABLE BlobTest2 ("
    + " pk VARCHAR(512), "
    + " blob BLOB, "
    + " blobB BLOB, "
    + " PRIMARY KEY (pk)"
    + ")"
    } finally {
    try {
    if (stmt != null) stmt.close();
    } finally {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    try {
    pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO BlobTest2 VALUES (?,?,?)");
    final int size = 5000; // change the value to 500 and the test is OK
    byte[] buf = new byte[size];
    byte[] buf2 = new byte[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    buf = 66;
    buf2 = 88;
    pstmt.setString(1, "PK value");
    pstmt.setBinaryStream(2, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf), size);
    pstmt.setBinaryStream(3, new ByteArrayInputStream(buf2), size);
    } finally {
    if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close();

    See my response in the JVM forum.

  • How tu update a column having type 'Long raw' in oracle table with an image

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    What SQL instruction I mut use to update this column to load my new image ?
    I work in Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod.
    thanks for your helps.

    Unless I'm missing something MSFT are making it unecessarily complex by not implementing the SQL/XML standard...
    SQL> alter table emp add ( emp_xml xmltype)
      2  /
    Table altered.
    SQL> update emp set emp_xml = XMLELEMENT("EMPLOYEE",xmlattributes(EMPNO as "id"), XMLElement("Name",ENAME))
    SQL> /
    14 rows updated.
    SQL> set pages 0
    SQL> select EMPNO, EMP_XML from EMP
      2  /
    <EMPLOYEE id="7369">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7499">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7521">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7566">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7654">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7698">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7782">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7788">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7839">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7844">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7876">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7900">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7902">
    <EMPLOYEE id="7934">
    14 rows selected.

  • Implementing dependent choice list with internal columns as varchar

    While implementing dependent choice list I created two tables & their views with internal column as varchar(for example: countryName for country table & stateName for states table) instead of int. I couldn't get the DCL working: selecting a value from the dropdown of parent field won't show up only the dependent values of the child field; it will display the dropdown with all values (it will show all values of the States irrespective of the countryname selection). However when I select the internal column as int & visible column as varchar the DCL works fine.
    Our requirement is to use the internal columns as varchar instead of int. Please suggest/help.

    Hi Shashwat,
    I have done that. The problem is: dependent choice list doesn't seem work is you choose primarykey/foreign key as varchar. It works if I choose the primarykey/foreign key as int. And this key will be the internal column in the views. My requirement is to have them as varchar so that while checking-in content using RIDC API I don't have to provide the int value.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hide Matrix column With Parameter

    I,m trying to hide matrix columns with parameters. If i for example have one matrix column with for example tre metrix values  (Jan, Feb, and Mar). I have an expression with the values Jan, Feb, Mar with witch i would like to decide which
    columns to show in the matrix column. In cases when i have a real column i use code as below in the column. But now that this three columns basically exists in one matrix column i dont know how to solve it. Anybody that has a soluiton on this preferably
    some example code on the example.
    Best regards Arne
    Arne Olsson

    Why not restrict data to only show the months you passed. Matrix creates columns based on data available so what you need is a filter like this in query below
    WHERE ','+ @MonthList + ',' LIKE '%,' + MonthName + ',%'
    assuming @MonthList as parameter through which you pass Jan,Feb etc and MonthName is column of the table containing corresponding month names used as matrix column group.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • Hide column in the adress if it is null and print next line in XML publishe

    I'm converting oracle report to XML publisher report.
    I craeted template rtf with word. everything works fine.
    Except address prints null coumns if it is null.
    I used if condition in template. something like this...
    <?if:B_ADDRESS1!=''?><?B_ADDRESS1?><?end if?>
    But I see still it prints null columns.
    Any body have idea how can i fix this?

    Hi Guys,
    I have built a template for FSG reports. Currently the FSG Reports when run in XML does pull the Display Sets definition for the report. The Display Set is used to hide certain row and Column intersections from the FSG.
    So to accomplish this I have coded each column in the template to display data or hide data for a particular row by using the code
    <?if:(position()) !=1?><?fsg:RptCell[2]?><?end if?> ------ This means, show the column for all rows except row 1.
    Now there are some places I have to hide Column 1 for row 2 and row3 and display for row 1 and row 4.
    Can anyone please tell me how I can accomplish this.

  • ALV report with internal in field symbol

    Hi Shifu ABAP,
    I have ALV report.
    My problem is when I tried to do sum using the sum icon. I got a message 'desired operation cannot be performed for column 'Dignostic delay'. Is it because I used field symbol, then when I clicked on the column it didn't recorgnise the field.
    1)The internal table for my ALV report is stored in field symbol.
    2)I dont have a problem to display the report.
    3)I had to set 'do_sum' at ALV field category, still doesn't work
    My source code to define ALV category.
    loop at i_qpcd into wa_qpcd.
    CLEAR ls_fieldcat2.
    ls_fieldcat2-col_pos = pos2.
    ls_fieldcat2-fieldname = wa_qpcd-code.
    ls_fieldcat2-reptext_ddic = wa_qpcd-desc.
    ls_fieldcat2-just = 'C'.
    ls_fieldcat2-do_sum = 'X'.
    APPEND ls_fieldcat2 TO gt_fieldcat2.
    My source code call the ALV FM
         i_callback_program         = 'ZMPMR001_Q1OOT'
         i_callback_pf_status_set = 'PF_STATUS_SET'
         is_layout                        = ls_layout
         it_fieldcat                       = gt_fieldcat2[]
         is_print                          = ls_print
         t_outtab                         = <l_table>
         program_error                 = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Thanks a lot in advance for your attention.

    my situation is like this, declare the internal tble
    1) data : begin of itab occurs 0,          
                code like qpcd-code,
                desc like QPCT-KURZTEXT,
              end of itab.
    2) populate the itab like this
    code           desc
    01              desc 1
    02              desc 2
    03              desc 3
    3) take the selected record converted it into new dynamic internal table using field symbol declare as table, now the component of this new table are 01, 02 and 03.
    4) populate the new table with some data, so technically my new table structure will be like this
    01         02         03
    1           0          1
    0           0          3
    2           2          2
    5) display the new table in ALV report, in ALV I tried to sum-up each of column.
    6) Question : HOW can I convert the componet 01, 02 and 03 as an integer/numeric field.

  • Hiding Table Columns with the Spry Element Selector

    I am trying to set up a toggle button that will show/hide
    rows >1 when clicked. I've used Adobe's
    Table Columns with the Spry Element Selector" example and it
    worked fine with an HTML list, until I linked to actual XML data.
    Now it works in reverse. What gives?
    Here's the example:

    That's what I started with. Same result:

  • Purchase order history : hide column 'Amount'

    On purchase order history, i want hide column 'Amount'.
    This column must be always hide.
    Have you a solution for this ???

    Check User Role , and then remove the authorization for Activity "09" or open purchase order history and then hidden the price by using layout option anf then from manage layout ,set the layout as in "Default"
    User can able to change this layout ,then restrict all users with below mentioned authorization control.
    Object to control layout for specific user as follows
    Object-'S_ALV_LAYO' and 'ACTVT' -23.
    Hope this will resolve your query.
    Sandesh Sawant

  • Mixed bag  1.     I have a security app on my computer, Flashbrief.  I have it checked in the hide column but whenever I turn on the computer it appears in the top menu line.  2.     Whenever I turn on the computer, a new blank document window in MS Word

    mixed bag
    1.         I have a security app on my computer, Flashbrief. I have it checked in the hide column but whenever I turn on the computerit appears in the top menu line.
    2.         Whenever Iturn on the computer, a new blank document window in MS Word 2011 appears.  I do not have this listed in the login items.
    3.         I have a current model of Apple wireless mouse. It keeps getting stuck in text or e-mails and I have to somehowotherwise move the cursor to break it free.
    Help with any of these will be appreciated.

    1.         I have a security app on my computer, Flashbrief. I have it checked in the hide column but whenever I turn on the computerit appears in the top menu line.
    I've never heard of this software, and cannot find any reference to it online, which is a bit concerning.  What is it supposed to do?  There really isn't much need for security software on a Mac.
    2.         Whenever Iturn on the computer, a new blank document window in MS Word 2011 appears.  I do not have this listed in the login items.
    In Mac OS X 10.7, any applications left open when you shut down or restart are re-opened at startup, and any documents left open in an app when you quit are re-opened when you launch them again.  The former can be controlled by unchecking the box in the restart/shutdown alert:
    You will need to do this each time you shut down or restart, it won't remember that setting.
    The latter can be deactivated by unchecking the box in System Preferences -> General:
    3.         I have a current model of Apple wireless mouse. It keeps getting stuck in text or e-mails and I have to somehowotherwise move the cursor to break it free.
    That does not sound normal, but I don't use a mouse with my MBP, so I can't provide a solution, other than to try replacing the batteries in the mouse.

  • Reading particular column from internal table

    I am having one internal table with one row. I know the column number. I want to read that particular column value. What should I add with the below statement.
    Read table itab index 1.
    This will give me the whole row. I want only the particular column.
    Please help me to solve this issue

    Where n is the column number and workarea is the row of the internal table.
    Note : Please mark the helpful answers

  • Hide column in webreports (without table interface)

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    The problem is that I don't which InfoObject is selected, because I'm changing the standard template. Is there a chance to get that information by clicking to the menu?
    Hoping sb can help.

       i can forward you the documents regarding u r requirement.
       mail me at [email protected]

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