Hide "more" button in a list view, only works for first item in the list

I have the following code in a list view that outputs several dozen items in a web app.  The code only works for the first item, how can I make it loop through and execute the test for each item in the list view?  The {tag_hide more button} is a checkmark field that yields a numeric 1" if checked otherwise yields a numeric "0".
<div id="more-option">
        <p class="right"><a href="{tag_itemurl_nolink}" class="btn btn-small btn-very-subtle">More &rarr;</a></p>
      <div class="more-selection" style="display: none;">{tag_hide more button}</div>
if ($(".more-selection").text() == "1") {

What's the URL for the site where you are using this?  Offhand, it looks like it should work with your first example so you are either placing the script before those elements are loaded or you might try wrapping your current javascript inside the:
$(document).ready(function() {
--- your existing javascript here
This make sure the code runs once all the html is loaded on the page.  Without seeing a URL and debugging with the js console in Chrome I can't give you a solid answer.
But, I do know that you can probably do this with a lot less markup.  Once we figure out what the actual problem is I have a better solution mocked up for you on jsfiddle.
When looking at my HTML code on jsfiddle, please realize I setup some dummy HTML and removed your tags and added actual values which would be output by your tags.  The main thing I did was remove the whole div.more-selection and instead, added a "data-is-selected" attribute on your div.more-option element.  Then, in my javascript for each div.my-option element on the page, we loop through them, find the value of that data attribute and hide that div if it's less than 1 (or 0).
Here's the fiddle for you to look at:  http://jsfiddle.net/thetrickster/Mfmdu/
You'll see in the end result that only two divs show up, both of those divs have data-is-selected="1".
You can try pasting the javascript code near the closing </body> tag on your page and make sure to wrap my js inside a <script> tag, obviously.  My way is neater on the markup side.  If you can't get it to work it's likely a jquery conflict issue.  My version is using the $(document).ready() method to make sure all the code is loaded before it runs.

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    Aslam o Alikum (Hi)
    Dear All
    How can i show the first item in the list as selected item when user click on the list. Right now when user click the list the list shows the last item in the list as selected or highlighted. Furthermore if the list item have large no of value and a scroll bar along with it then the list scroll to last item when user click it with mouse. I want that when user click the list item with mouse list should show the first item as highlighted.
    Take Care
    Allah Hafiz

    You can set list "initial value" using When-Create-Record trigger.
    :<Block_name>.<list_item_name> := Get_List_Element_Value('<Block_name>.<list_item_name>', 1);

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    The problem is that it defaults to a blank line, I need the first item in the second dropdown to populate with the first item in the list.
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    To achieve your requirement,  creating cascading dropdown fields with InfoPath.
    Please refer to the following blogs about creating cascade drop down in InfoPath form step by step:
    For the issue that second dropdown defaults to a blank line, add a formatting rule to the first dropdown. Refer to the following articles:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    The problem is that the first iteration of the loop works, and any further ones don't. Apart from closing the client document is there anything else that should be explicitly closed? I don't retrieve any ReportSource from the Client Document so I shouldn't need to dispose of that...I don't think. In particular is there something that should be done to the databaseController retrieved from the clientDoc after each loop?
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         System.out.println("Preparing report: " + report.getAbsolutePath());
         ReportClientDocument clientDoc = CRJavaHelper.getReportClientDocument(
         CRJavaHelper.replaceDBConnection(clientDoc, props);
         System.out.println("Report " + report.getAbsolutePath() + " prepared.");
    getReportClientDocument does this:
    ReportClientDocument clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
    return clientDoc;
    replaceDBConnection does the following:
    DatabaseController dc = clientDoc.getDatabaseController();
    logonDataSource(dc, username, password);
    prepareReport(dc, schema);
    ConnectionInfos cis = dc.getConnectionInfos(null);
    for (IConnectionInfo oldci : cis) {
         IConnectionInfo newci = new ConnectionInfo();
         dc.replaceConnection(oldci, newci, null, DBOptions._useDefault
                   + DBOptions._doNotVerifyDB);
    SubreportController src = clientDoc.getSubreportController();
    IStrings strs = src.getSubreportNames();
    Iterator<?> it = strs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
            String name = (String) it.next();
         ISubreportClientDocument subreport = src.getSubreport(name);
         DatabaseController sdc = subreport.getDatabaseController();
         cis = sdc.getConnectionInfos(null);
         for (IConnectionInfo oldci : cis) {
              IConnectionInfo newci = new ConnectionInfo();
              newci.setAttributes(new PropertyBag(propBag));
              sdc.replaceConnection(oldci, newci, null, DBOptions._useDefault
                        + DBOptions._doNotVerifyDB);

    What's the URL for the site where you are using this?  Offhand, it looks like it should work with your first example so you are either placing the script before those elements are loaded or you might try wrapping your current javascript inside the:
    $(document).ready(function() {
    --- your existing javascript here
    This make sure the code runs once all the html is loaded on the page.  Without seeing a URL and debugging with the js console in Chrome I can't give you a solid answer.
    But, I do know that you can probably do this with a lot less markup.  Once we figure out what the actual problem is I have a better solution mocked up for you on jsfiddle.
    When looking at my HTML code on jsfiddle, please realize I setup some dummy HTML and removed your tags and added actual values which would be output by your tags.  The main thing I did was remove the whole div.more-selection and instead, added a "data-is-selected" attribute on your div.more-option element.  Then, in my javascript for each div.my-option element on the page, we loop through them, find the value of that data attribute and hide that div if it's less than 1 (or 0).
    Here's the fiddle for you to look at:  http://jsfiddle.net/thetrickster/Mfmdu/
    You'll see in the end result that only two divs show up, both of those divs have data-is-selected="1".
    You can try pasting the javascript code near the closing </body> tag on your page and make sure to wrap my js inside a <script> tag, obviously.  My way is neater on the markup side.  If you can't get it to work it's likely a jquery conflict issue.  My version is using the $(document).ready() method to make sure all the code is loaded before it runs.

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    Thank you in advance,

    There are a couple things you should do:
    1. Implement a debugging phase listener. This is just a simple phase listener for all phases that just prints a debug line at each phase entry/exit.
    2. Add the "messages" tag to show all messages.
    Adding these two may help you discover that you are hitting a validation error.

  • Computation only works for FIRST record in detail table

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    This is driving me nuts and i am on a deadline with this project. HELP!!!!!
    Here is the code for all the computations below. Interestingly enough, only the name computation works for every new detail record. The others work only for the first.
    -- Calulate Social Security PL/SQL Function
    p_is16to62ssrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_u16o62ssrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_dob DATE;
    p_base_date DATE := SYSDATE;
    p_age NUMBER(3);
    p_totalss NUMBER(9,2);
    SELECT is16to62ssrate, u16o62ssrate
    INTO p_is16to62ssrate, p_u16o62ssrate
    WHERE ratescheduleid = 1;
    SELECT dob
    INTO p_dob
    WHERE ssno = :P25_SSNO;
    p_age := TRUNC(MONTHS_BETWEEN(p_base_date,p_dob)/12);
    IF (p_age >= 16) OR (p_age <=62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_is16to62ssrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_age < 16) OR (p_age > 62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_u16o62ssrate/100));
    p_totalss := 0.00;
    END IF;
    RETURN p_totalss;
    -- Calculate Levy PL/SQL Function
    -- declare local variables to hold rates from rates table
    p_hsdlarate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdlbrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdlcrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdldrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdlaminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlamaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlbminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlbmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlcminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlcmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdldminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdldmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_totalwages NUMBER(8,2);
    p_totallevy NUMBER(8,2);
    -- Load rate info from table into variables
    SELECT hsdlarate, hsdlbrate, hsdlcrate, hsdldrate, hsdlaminearnings,
    hsdlamaxearnings, hsdlbminearnings, hsdlbmaxearnings,
    hsdlcminearnings, hsdlcmaxearnings, hsdldminearnings,
    INTO p_hsdlarate, p_hsdlbrate, p_hsdlcrate, p_hsdldrate,
    p_hsdlaminearnings, p_hsdlamaxearnings, p_hsdlbminearnings,
    p_hsdlbmaxearnings, p_hsdlcminearnings, p_hsdlcmaxearnings,
    p_hsdldminearnings, p_hsdldmaxearnings
    WHERE ratescheduleid = 1;
    -- Assign total wages to variable
    p_totalwages := :P25_TOTALWAGES;
    -- Determine applicable levy payment and rate
    IF (p_totalwages < p_hsdlamaxearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlarate/100));
    ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdlbminearnings) AND (p_totalwages <= p_hsdlbmaxearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlbrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdlcminearnings) AND (p_totalwages <= p_hsdlcmaxearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlcrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdldminearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdldrate/100));
    END IF;
    RETURN p_totallevy;
    -- Calculate Total Wages PL/SQL Function
    t_wages NUMBER(8,2);
    t_wages := (:P25_WEEK1_WAGE + :P25_WEEK2_WAGE + :P25_WEEK3_WAGE + :P25_WEEK4_WAGE + :P25_WEEK5_WAGE + :P25_BONUS + :P25_OTHER);
    RETURN t_wages;
    -- Calculate Employee Name PL/SQL Function
    p_firstname VARCHAR2(20);
    p_lastname VARCHAR2(20);
    p_name VARCHAR2(40);
    p_join VARCHAR2(2) := ', ';
    SELECT firstname, lastname
    INTO p_firstname, p_lastname
    WHERE ssno = :P25_SSNO;
    p_name := Initcap(p_lastname||p_join||p_firstname);
    RETURN p_name;
    Glenroy Skelton

    The first thing that strikes me is the following IF test:
    IF (p_age >= 16) OR (p_age <=62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_is16to62ssrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_age < 16) OR (p_age > 62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_u16o62ssrate/100));
    p_totalss := 0.00;
    END IF;The first test will be true for every number as all numbers are greater than 16 or less than 62. I'd suggest changing the OR to an AND or use BETWEEN

  • Country list dropdown search by first letter doesn't work for some countries in the list

    We have this issue with the country list search in Travel Request with the drop down list when user is trying to choose the country by entering the first letter say C for Canada (finds Canada in the list) it works for the countries from A to O  and  doesn't work from P to Z.
    It is NW7.31 portal
    What seems to be the problem ?

    Hi Denis
    Get them to take a look at this wiki page:
    It lists the latest notes for your basis version and the notes are usually cumulative which means if you apply the latest notes, it will bring in the pre-requisites and earlier notes too.
    Hope it helps you Denis.

  • Dropdown country list search by first letter doesn't work for some countries in the list

    We have this issue with the country list search in Travel Request with the drop down list when user is trying to choose the country by entering the first letter say C for Canada (finds Canada in the list) it works for the countries from A to O  and  doesn't work from P to Z.
    It is NW7.31 portal
    What seems to be the problem ?

    Hi Denis
    Get them to take a look at this wiki page:
    It lists the latest notes for your basis version and the notes are usually cumulative which means if you apply the latest notes, it will bring in the pre-requisites and earlier notes too.
    Hope it helps you Denis.

  • Suspend only works for first suspend; later attempts fail (Catalyst)

    Currently I am attempting to get suspend working on my desktop. I had managed to get it working, and right after cracking a bottle of Martenellis in celebration, I come to find out the if I enter suspend again, my screen stays black. Sigh.
    Now, I am nearly 100% positive this has to do with the Cataylst I am using for my Radeon 6850. I have enabled set the kernel flag
    properly. In fact, this was what originally allowed me to have the first sucessful suspend.
    What could cause the suspend to work once, then fail if attempted again? I am fairly good at problem-solving, so even if you do not know the exact answer your thoughts would be appreciated here. Thanks!!
    $ fglrxinfo
    display: :0 screen: 0
    OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
    OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
    OpenGL version string: 4.4.13374 Compatibility Profile Context 15.20.1013

    I'm having a very similar issue, but someone else said that they had also had it happen twice to them and they're using an Intel graphics card. Currently I've disabled C6/C7 power states for my CPU to see if that will help. It really shouldn't have any effect, but I've already tried so much.
    My issue is that if I leave my machine alone and it goes idle and puts the screen to sleep, often the screen won't come back up, it just remains black. I've tried disabling ACPI and that didn't seem to help.

  • How to get items from a list that has more items than the List View Threshold?

    I'm using SharePoints object model and I'm trying to get all or a subset of the items from a SharePoint 2010 list which has many more items than the list view threshold (20,000+) using the SPList.GetItems() method. However no matter what I do the SPQueryThrottledException
    always seems to be thrown and I get no items back.
    I'm sorting based on the ID field, so it is indexed. I've tried setting the RowLimit property on the SPQuery object(had no effect). I tried specifying the RowLimit in the SPQuerys ViewXml property, but that still throws a throttle exception. I tried using the
    ContentIterator as defined here:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.server.utilities.contentiterator.aspx,
    but that still throws the query throttle exception. I tried specifying the RowLimit parameter in the ProcessListItems functions, as suggested by the first comment here:http://tomvangaever.be/blogv2/2011/05/contentiterator-very-large-lists/,
    but it still throws the query throttle exception. I tried using GetDataTable instead, still throws query throttle exception. I can't run this as admin, I can't raise the threshold limit, I can't raise the threshold limit temporarily, I can't override the lists
    throttling(i.e. list.EnableThrottling = false;), and I can't override the SPQuery(query.QueryThrottleMode = SPQueryThrottleOption.Override;). Does anyone know how to get items back in this situation or has anyone succesfully beaten the query throttle exception?
    My Query:
        <FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='TRUE' />
        <Geq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>0</Value></Geq>
    My ViewXml:
            <OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='TRUE' /></OrderBy>
                <Geq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>0</Value></Geq>
    Thanks again.

    I was using code below to work with 700000+ items in the list.
    SPWeb oWebsite = SPContext.Current.Web;
    SPList oList = oWebsite.Lists["MyList"];
    SPQuery oQuery = new SPQuery();
    oQuery.RowLimit = 2000;
    int intIndex = 1;
    SPListItemCollection collListItems = oList.GetItems(oQuery);
    foreach (SPListItem oListItem in collListItems)
    //do something oListItem["Title"].ToString()
    oQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = collListItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;
    } while (oQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition != null);
    Hi Oleg, thanks for replying.
    The problem with the code you have is that your SPQuery object's QueryThrottleMode is set to default. If you run that code as a local admin no throttle limits will be applied, but if you're not admin you will still have the normal throttle limits. In my
    situation it won't be run as a local admin so the code you provided won't work. You can simulate my dilemma by setting the QuerryThrottleMode  property to SPQueryThrottleOption.Strict, and I'm sure you'll start to get SPQueryThrottledException's
    as well on that list of 700000+ items.
    Thanks anyway though

  • First item in dd list indented in IE

    On a few pages of a redesign I am doing I have a few
    <dd><li> - In FireFox its fine but in IE it is
    indenting the first item in the list.
    Any suggestions on how to fix? I looked in all my CSS and Im
    not seeing anything.. ( should I look harder?)
    Here is a page of a good example

    On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:41:03 +0000 (UTC), "NeilPeartRocks"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    > On a few pages of a redesign I am doing I have a few
    - In FireFox its
    >fine but in IE it is indenting the first item in the
    > Any suggestions on how to fix? I looked in all my CSS
    and Im not seeing
    >anything.. ( should I look harder?)
    > Here is a page of a good example
    > thanks
    > R
    Definition lists - at least as I read it don''t just have
    <dd>'s as
    you have:
    Definition lists have a <dt> to define the definition
    term and then
    the <dd) to describe the definttion description. so it
    would look like
    <dt>the term</dt
    <dd>definition description</dd>
    <dt>the term</dt
    <dd>definition description</dd>
    <dt>the term</dt
    <dd>definition description</dd>
    but to change the indent - you can change the margin with
    dd {margin-left: 5px; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:18px; }
    ~Malcolm N....

  • HT5361 how do I keep the classic look ? I go to mail preferences and click the button but when I launch mail again it is still in the list view which I hate. Anyone know ?

    how do I keep the classic look ? I go to mail preferences and click the button but when I launch mail again it is still in the list view which I hate. Anyone know ?

    The first thing to try if a setting does not "keep" is a PRAM reset.
    Change the setting to what you want, then PRAM reset on restart:
    Shut down your Mac.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  • I have two albums (RCA Sweeny Todd 2 discs set and RCA Into the Woods 1 disc) where the songs are listed as being on the same album on the list view, but do not group together on the iPod, so the songs can't play consecutively, or in the proper order.

    I have two albums (RCA Sweeny Todd 2 discs set and RCA Into the Woods 1 disc) where the songs are listed as being on the same album on the list view, but do not group together on the iPod, so the songs can't play consecutively, or in the proper order. The "Apply Sort Field" and "Same album does not work, but ti is only these two RCA albums that do this. All other albums remain intact. Need help with this minor problem. Thanks.

    UPDATE: This behavior (to an extent) still happens when "Repeat Album" is off. Instead of an infinite loop, it goes through all the tracks on the album (unsuccessfully) and kicks me out to the Album overview screen. Going back to list of Albums and tapping the Album again brings up "No Content: You can download music from the iTunes Store" but that screen immediately kicks me back to list of Albums.
    So I am just even more confused now.

  • My ipod shuffle only plays the first songs on the list.

    My ipod shuffle only plays the first songs on the list even though it has several more podcasts in it. it only plays a series of podcasts instead of all of them. My older shuffle never had this problem. How can I solve this?

    Your older shuffle, if 1st or 2nd gen, did not have the ability to play from multiple playlist.  It was essentially just ONE playlist that you loaded manually using iTunes.  A very simple device.  With the new shuffle, it works more like the "bigger" iPods and you can load more than one playlist (so it is more complex), but if you select a specific playlist (using VoiceOver), it works like the old shuffle.
    My ipod shuffle only plays the first songs on the list even though it has several more podcasts in it.
    That is probably because you are playing songs from the All Songs list, instead of choosing a specific playlist using VoiceOver.  Podcasts do not play from the All Songs list.
    it only plays a series of podcasts instead of all of them.
    If you use VoiceOver to select a podcast, it only plays episodes from that particular podcast.
    Here's what you can do, to make it work like your old shuffle.  Create a new regular playlist in iTunes, and name it something like "iPod Podcasts" or whatever you want.  Treat that new playlist like your old shuffle.  Manually add the podcast episodes you want on the shuffle, in the order you want to hear them, on that playlist.  NOTE:  You can adjust the playlist order after adding the podcast episodes.
    Select the shuffle in iTunes.  You see a row of "tabs" (buttons) starting with Summary.  Click Podcasts there.  This is the Podcasts tab, where you set up how iTunes syncs podcasts.  Check the box for Sync Podcasts.  Below that, since you have a playlist with the podcasts you want on the shuffle, you only need to go to the list under Include Episodes from Playlists and checkmark that iPod Podcasts playlist.
    When you click Apply, the episodes on that playlist sync to the shuffle.  Going forward, to update the podcasts on the shuffle, update that iPod Podcasts playlist (add and remove episodes) in iTunes.  Then, the next time you connect the shuffle, iTunes automatically updates the shuffle with the same changes.  If the shuffle is already connected, click the Sync button to update.
    When using the shuffle, set the shuffle's power switch to the play-in-order (middle) position.  Podcasts are skipped on playlists, if the power switch is set to shuffle.  Use VoiceOver to switch to that iPod Podcasts playlist.  The podcast episodes should play in playlist order.
    NOTE:  You can load songs in the same way.  Create an "iPod Songs" playlist in iTunes, with the songs you want on the shuffle.  Go to the shuffle's Music tab, and select that playlist.  And audiobooks on the Books tab.  You can load as many playlists as you want.  The big advantage of the new shuffle is that you can have different types of content and keep them organized on separate playlists.
    Here's information about VoiceOver, in case it is not already set up.

Maybe you are looking for