Computation only works for FIRST record in detail table

I am having a weird problem. I have a master/detail form with page computations that work only for the very first record inserted into the detail table. If i try to enter a second or a third record the fields DO NOT get updated with the return values.
This is driving me nuts and i am on a deadline with this project. HELP!!!!!
Here is the code for all the computations below. Interestingly enough, only the name computation works for every new detail record. The others work only for the first.
-- Calulate Social Security PL/SQL Function
p_is16to62ssrate NUMBER(6,2);
p_u16o62ssrate NUMBER(6,2);
p_dob DATE;
p_base_date DATE := SYSDATE;
p_age NUMBER(3);
p_totalss NUMBER(9,2);
SELECT is16to62ssrate, u16o62ssrate
INTO p_is16to62ssrate, p_u16o62ssrate
WHERE ratescheduleid = 1;
INTO p_dob
WHERE ssno = :P25_SSNO;
p_age := TRUNC(MONTHS_BETWEEN(p_base_date,p_dob)/12);
IF (p_age >= 16) OR (p_age <=62) THEN
p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_is16to62ssrate/100));
ELSIF (p_age < 16) OR (p_age > 62) THEN
p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_u16o62ssrate/100));
p_totalss := 0.00;
RETURN p_totalss;
-- Calculate Levy PL/SQL Function
-- declare local variables to hold rates from rates table
p_hsdlarate NUMBER(6,2);
p_hsdlbrate NUMBER(6,2);
p_hsdlcrate NUMBER(6,2);
p_hsdldrate NUMBER(6,2);
p_hsdlaminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdlamaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdlbminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdlbmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdlcminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdlcmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdldminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_hsdldmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
p_totalwages NUMBER(8,2);
p_totallevy NUMBER(8,2);
-- Load rate info from table into variables
SELECT hsdlarate, hsdlbrate, hsdlcrate, hsdldrate, hsdlaminearnings,
hsdlamaxearnings, hsdlbminearnings, hsdlbmaxearnings,
hsdlcminearnings, hsdlcmaxearnings, hsdldminearnings,
INTO p_hsdlarate, p_hsdlbrate, p_hsdlcrate, p_hsdldrate,
p_hsdlaminearnings, p_hsdlamaxearnings, p_hsdlbminearnings,
p_hsdlbmaxearnings, p_hsdlcminearnings, p_hsdlcmaxearnings,
p_hsdldminearnings, p_hsdldmaxearnings
WHERE ratescheduleid = 1;
-- Assign total wages to variable
p_totalwages := :P25_TOTALWAGES;
-- Determine applicable levy payment and rate
IF (p_totalwages < p_hsdlamaxearnings) THEN
p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlarate/100));
ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdlbminearnings) AND (p_totalwages <= p_hsdlbmaxearnings) THEN
p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlbrate/100));
ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdlcminearnings) AND (p_totalwages <= p_hsdlcmaxearnings) THEN
p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlcrate/100));
ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdldminearnings) THEN
p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdldrate/100));
RETURN p_totallevy;
-- Calculate Total Wages PL/SQL Function
t_wages NUMBER(8,2);
t_wages := (:P25_WEEK1_WAGE + :P25_WEEK2_WAGE + :P25_WEEK3_WAGE + :P25_WEEK4_WAGE + :P25_WEEK5_WAGE + :P25_BONUS + :P25_OTHER);
RETURN t_wages;
-- Calculate Employee Name PL/SQL Function
p_firstname VARCHAR2(20);
p_lastname VARCHAR2(20);
p_name VARCHAR2(40);
p_join VARCHAR2(2) := ', ';
SELECT firstname, lastname
INTO p_firstname, p_lastname
WHERE ssno = :P25_SSNO;
p_name := Initcap(p_lastname||p_join||p_firstname);
RETURN p_name;
Glenroy Skelton

The first thing that strikes me is the following IF test:
IF (p_age >= 16) OR (p_age <=62) THEN
p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_is16to62ssrate/100));
ELSIF (p_age < 16) OR (p_age > 62) THEN
p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_u16o62ssrate/100));
p_totalss := 0.00;
END IF;The first test will be true for every number as all numbers are greater than 16 or less than 62. I'd suggest changing the OR to an AND or use BETWEEN

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    What's the URL for the site where you are using this?  Offhand, it looks like it should work with your first example so you are either placing the script before those elements are loaded or you might try wrapping your current javascript inside the:
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    When looking at my HTML code on jsfiddle, please realize I setup some dummy HTML and removed your tags and added actual values which would be output by your tags.  The main thing I did was remove the whole div.more-selection and instead, added a "data-is-selected" attribute on your div.more-option element.  Then, in my javascript for each element on the page, we loop through them, find the value of that data attribute and hide that div if it's less than 1 (or 0).
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         ReportClientDocument clientDoc = CRJavaHelper.getReportClientDocument(
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         System.out.println("Report " + report.getAbsolutePath() + " prepared.");
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            String name = (String);
         ISubreportClientDocument subreport = src.getSubreport(name);
         DatabaseController sdc = subreport.getDatabaseController();
         cis = sdc.getConnectionInfos(null);
         for (IConnectionInfo oldci : cis) {
              IConnectionInfo newci = new ConnectionInfo();
              newci.setAttributes(new PropertyBag(propBag));
              sdc.replaceConnection(oldci, newci, null, DBOptions._useDefault
                        + DBOptions._doNotVerifyDB);;

    What's the URL for the site where you are using this?  Offhand, it looks like it should work with your first example so you are either placing the script before those elements are loaded or you might try wrapping your current javascript inside the:
    $(document).ready(function() {
    --- your existing javascript here
    This make sure the code runs once all the html is loaded on the page.  Without seeing a URL and debugging with the js console in Chrome I can't give you a solid answer.
    But, I do know that you can probably do this with a lot less markup.  Once we figure out what the actual problem is I have a better solution mocked up for you on jsfiddle.
    When looking at my HTML code on jsfiddle, please realize I setup some dummy HTML and removed your tags and added actual values which would be output by your tags.  The main thing I did was remove the whole div.more-selection and instead, added a "data-is-selected" attribute on your div.more-option element.  Then, in my javascript for each element on the page, we loop through them, find the value of that data attribute and hide that div if it's less than 1 (or 0).
    Here's the fiddle for you to look at:
    You'll see in the end result that only two divs show up, both of those divs have data-is-selected="1".
    You can try pasting the javascript code near the closing </body> tag on your page and make sure to wrap my js inside a <script> tag, obviously.  My way is neater on the markup side.  If you can't get it to work it's likely a jquery conflict issue.  My version is using the $(document).ready() method to make sure all the code is loaded before it runs.

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    There are a couple things you should do:
    1. Implement a debugging phase listener. This is just a simple phase listener for all phases that just prints a debug line at each phase entry/exit.
    2. Add the "messages" tag to show all messages.
    Adding these two may help you discover that you are hitting a validation error.

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    first time after I plug in my graphics card into my motherboard and it works pretty flawlessly (including gaming for hours)
    So should I RMA the graphics card?
    Or are there other settings I should check?
    My config includes i5-4670k, Asus Z87I-Pro, Silverstone ST70F-ES, Crucial Ballistix DDR3 4GBx2.
    could be anything, BIOS/mainboard issue, PSU issue, ram issue
    some kind of mainboard shorting issue
    to check the video card: test it in another PC

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    <invokeAction Binds="ExecuteWithParams" id="invokeExecuteWithParams"
    What am I missing? I am using verion Any help would be much appreciated.

    Yes, it works when I drag the data control as a master detail without filtering any data. I want the user to be able to set search criteria to filter the data in the master table (For example, only pull back data with a transaction date between :startdate and :enddate). I can get it to work if I execute from an executewithparams button on the page, but not if I want to invoke the executewithparams upon page load with the parameter set by pageflowscope variables.
    Thank you for responding.

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    ejwoodall wrote:
    It's not a router problem as I explained in my post. If it was a router problem then I wouldn't have the problem everywhere I go. It is an issue with the software.
    Then I guess the millions of people running 10.5.7 with no issues are just hallucinating that their machines are working fine?
    I'm not trying to belittle your issues; you're certainly having them and I know first hand how annoying an intermittent AirPort issue can be. (In fact, mine was due to an AirPort driver bug that no one else seemed to suffer from.)
    The single best diagnostic you could do is take your system running 10.5.7 to an Apple Store, and try using their in-store network.
    If your machine performs flawlessly, it may be a router issue.
    If your machine has connectivity issues there, it may be a hardware problem with your machine.
    There have been numerous people in multiple threads over the years who swore that an update was buggy because things used to work, but returned later to sheepishly admit that they took their machine in, a problem was found and fixed, and now their Mac works flawlessly with the newer software.
    But simply reinstalling 10.5.5 in no way means the explanation of how firmware bugs may be at play here is incorrect.
    In the context of that explanation, all you've done is possibly reinstall software that asks to add "2 + 3."


    iTunes stopped working about a month ago, but then I fixed it using the msconfig solution. It worked for a while now I have the same problem, i can fix it, but then iTunes only works for about five minutes before closing. This is the only way I can fix it; first, by re-installing iTunes, then, doing the msconfig solution and restarting the computer. Then after about 5 minutes it closes. To open it again I have to go through the whole proccess. I cannot figure out how to permanently fix it.

    Sounds like you have some malware that is interfering with iTunes.
    What do you have to turn off in msconfig to get iTunes working?
    It's pretty involved to remove it. If you have purchased security software like Norton or McAfee, I suggest contacting them for help.
    Otherwise try this

  • Flash only works for one user

    Using IE7. I have three users on my computer. All
    have Administrator level access. Flash only works for one of them.
    When attempting to play a video on YouTube for example it says "You
    either have JavaScrip turned off or an old version of Adobe Flash
    JS is turned on and the current version of Flash Player is
    So does anyone know what is going on here?

    I was able to fix my problem of Flash only working on user
    account. I did the following two steps to correct the problem:
    1. First uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX
    control by following the instructions stated in
    2. Second Download SubInACL from Microsoft to fix permission
    issues that prevent the Flash Player installation by following the
    instructions stated in
    Following the above two steps, fixed my problem of only
    having Flash run on only one user account. Now it runs on all four
    user accounts.
    As a side note: The Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control
    would not run in user accounts with Limited access. But when I set
    the permission of the user account to administrative, then Flash
    would work.

  • Time Capsule only works for one device at a time, how to make it capable to be used for multiple devices at times

    Time Capsule only works for one device at a time, how to make it capable to be used for multiple devices at times.
    Please help to set it up, thanks in advance

    You need to give more info..
    Firstly only works for what.. networking.. backup.. wireless. You need more nouns.. more adjectives... describe what you want and what fails.. then we can figure out why.
    Most likely you have bridged it when it should be in router mode..
    Most likely you are using Lion or ML which has the airport utility bridge the TC by default.
    Change it to working as a router. That might help.
    If you press reset button it will default back to router btw.
    If you are on Lion.. use a real utility.

  • Creative Zen Nano Plus Media Explorer only works for administra

    Creative Zen Nano Plus Media Explorer only works for the administrator account; for other users the message "The Zen Nano Plus is not connected. Please connect your Zen Nano Plus to the computer." is displayed, but it *is* connected and works under other programs.
    Version is .0.03.
    Thanks for any assistance.
    Edit: System is XPMessage Edited by zigkill on 0--2006 06:23 AM

    RMskater wrote:I think you need to change the permissions to "Everyone".
    How exactly do you do this? I checked this out tonight - when I logged onto my PC using my son's Limited User account (XP Home, BTW) I could connect his N200 and see it in Device Manager and Windows Explorer but both Creative pieces of software (CMS and N200 Media Explorer) did not see that it was there!
    I tried setting the Run As... properties for the CTMS.exe file to run as one of the Admin user accounts but kept getting an error about being unable to find a specific file (which is in the Media Explorer folder!). When I went back to using the current user the error stopped. Perhaps I need to set the Run As.. options on that file as well?
    As we don't use DRM'd music this isn't going to be a problem but it would be good to find out the cause of this once and for all.
    I'm going to see if WMP0 has problems as well or if it's just the Creative ap

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    YAY!!! Saved it in my Mac's Firefox Bookmarks for easy future access!
    Hope you are having a lovely afternoon today! I'm about ready to go bobo....I have an early meeting, and I don't want to oversleep! The nice part is that I work remotely, so I only have to wake up 15 minutes or so before the meeting.... I don't even use an alarm clock anymore (really, my iPhone alarm, which is much more pleasant), unless I have to get up at 6:30 or something....

  • Flash Player only works for the account that downloaded it

    I downloaded flash player and did not specify any special preferences, however, it doesn't work for the 2 other accounts on the computer.  It only runs for the Administrator account from which i downloaded it. I'm running XP professional. Can someone tell me how to fix this?

    hi, i had already deleted cookies, temp internet files, etc;
    i only have the IE pop up blocker and blocking level set at Medium;
    it's the latest version of FP
    I installed this version a couple of weeks ago and it worked ok for all accounts (the other 2 accounts are not admin) for a week. Then, it stopped working for all accounts, i reinstalled it (some trial and error involved), then when it finally reinstalled, only works for the one account. i just tried to reinstall from one of the other accounts and error mssg said  "failed to register"
    Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2010 11:20:59 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Flash Player only works for the account that downloaded it
    Hi ol, I would go to Tools, click on Internet Options and clear the Temp files. Delete Cookies, Delete Files, including the off line content. I would do this using all accounts. Also check the history files while you are there and delete those also unless you have done so recently.
    What version of Flash Player do you have Installed?
    Do you use any adblock or pop up blocker software?

Maybe you are looking for