Hide title when maximizing window

Hi everybody,
Does anybody know how to hide the window title when maximizing a window ? (as is does in standard forms without Headstart)
I am new to Headstart so any help will be much appreciated !
Michiel Arentsen

Hi everybody,
Does anybody know how to hide the window title when maximizing a window ? (as is does in standard forms without Headstart)
I am new to Headstart so any help will be much appreciated !
Michiel Arentsen

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    I was wondering the possibility of maximize windows, and maintain visible the bar where appears the functions of Applications, timer and all that. It's possible?/How?
    Thanks a lot.
    PS: Sorry if this is already answered, I've done a quick search and didn't found it!

    I guess you are using the Full Screen button
    To maximize/restore the window size, click on the green button at the top leftmost edge of the window

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    I'm on XP Pros
    This works fine on minefield for me.
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    Thank for your help

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    Johnson Controls
    Holland Michigan

    aeastet wrote:
    Jeff Bohrer wrote:
    aeastet wrote:
    Is there some set point or registry entry that I need to switch to hide the vi load window when an exe is executed?
    several years ago Mark and I shared a cube wall.  (actually, several cube walls over the years)  He developed 1 example of a splash screen that has been available for use to hide the loading window.  I haven't looked too deep in it for several years but It worked! 
    Splash screen example code
    I actually have the splash screen vi's that you are talking about and that is what I based mine on. It is nice to have that code to see how others would do it. So thanks Mark for the push in the right direction on this.
    OK- so another method that we tossed about. was to place a simple vi AS main with a FP that "Looked" like a splash screen.  use THAT vi to dynamically load and run the real main vi for the application with a vi server ref (wait for completion F auto dispose T) and then close itself after a delay.  We debated that the method was "cheesy" and required a dynamic call to the real top level VI so it was easy to botch the build spec.  but we did try it and it hid the Loading screen effectively

  • Problems with Audio Stutter when moving minimizing/maximizing windows

    I am using an Emu 1820m (ASIO driver) with AA3.0. I'm using the same ASIO driver mode in both edit and multi-track view.
    In multi-track view, I can have several tracks going (i.e., 24 tracks as I type this) and the audio is fairly rock solid. I can go to other programs, move windows around, minimize/maximize windows, etc. and the audio is glitch free. This is while running the Emu 1820m at 48k/24-bit and 2ms latency!
    However, in the single edit view, this is another story. When I have an audio playing in the edit view, I get many audio glitches with audio events. The worst is when I minimize/maximize any window (not just AA3). I get a "brzzzzzt" while the window minimizes/maximizes. I can make this stop by disabling animations when minimizing/maximizing windows; however, why does mult-track view behave fine even with animations on?
    Also, in single edit view, moving windows around causes a lot of dropouts in audio (but again, not in multi-track view.)
    Can anyone shed any light as to what is going on here?
    A very extreme case to show the problem even further:
    In multi-track view, load up some tracks and play them. Now run dxdiag (while the multi-tracks are playing) and on the display tab, run the Direct3D tests. Even with the Direct3D tests running, the AA3.0 audio plays flawlessly while in multi-track mode. Now, play a file in Edit mode. Do the same test with dxdiag while the file is playing - GLITCH CITY!
    This doesn't happen in other audio programs I have (i.e., Sound Forge, Sonar, etc.)
    Please, someone, shed some light on this issue!
    My system is:
    + Intel Q6600 2.4 quad core G0 stepping @ 3.20
    + Arctic pro freezer 7 cooler
    + 4 gigs (2 sticks of 2 gigs) of G.Skill DDR2 1066 ram (PC2 8500)
    + Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3P Mobo
    + Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce 8600GTS 256MB PCI Express graphics
    + Rosewill RP600V2-S-SL 600W SLI Ready-ATX12V V2.01 PSU
    + Seagate Barracuda ES.2 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive (system)
    + Seagate Barracuda ES.2 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive (user/recording)
    + Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive (samples)
    + Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 750GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive (backup)
    + Emu 1820m PCI Audio
    + Sunbeam Silent Storm IC-SS-SVBK Case
    + SAMSUNG 20X DVD±R DVD Burner Model SH-S203N
    + Windows XP Pro SP2

    SteveG, I don't believe it is an 1820m issue at all. Do you have a single or multi-core processor? This behavior did not occur on my old P4 3GHz system. I only started observing it when I built this quad core system about a month ago.
    By the way, today I replaced my mobo with one of the same brand and model and the behavior still exists (to rule out a defective mobo.) I've also tried 3 different video cards (although they were all NVIDIA) and the problem remains no matter which card I use.
    As I was typing the first post, I verified that I was using the Emu 1820m ASIO driver in both Edit and Multitrack views. (As I was writing it, it crossed my mind that I might have it set to something else in one mode.) However, it is the same in both.
    One thing I forgot to mention is that there is one more app that behaves similarly (Reaper). All other apps (Sonar, FL Studio, eXT, Ableton Live, Sound Forge, Wavosaur) do not show this behavior and are rock solid.
    If you'd like to see my thread about this behavior in Reaper (and others who can reproduce it) see here: http://www.cockos.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19036
    I believe Sonar, FL Studio, eXT, Ableton Live, Sound Forge, Wavosaur, etc.. are doing something properly when playing back audio and/or initializing plugins that Adobe Audition and Reaper are failing to do properly with certain hardware configurations.

  • Keeping the components size fixed when the window is maximized

    How to keep the Labels and text boxes same size when the window is maximized to fit the screen.Thank you in advance.
    My code:package test;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ShoWnd extends JFrame{
         Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
         JMenuBar menubar;
         JMenu menu;
         JMenuItem menuitem1,menuitem2;
         JLabel label1=new JLabel("Name:");
         JLabel label2;
         JTextField txtfld1;
         JTextField txtfld2;
         JButton btn;
         public ShoWnd(){
              menubar=new JMenuBar();
              menu=new JMenu("File");
              menuitem1=new JMenuItem("open");
              menuitem2=new JMenuItem("Exit");
              label1=new JLabel("Name:");
              txtfld1=new JTextField();
              label2=new JLabel("Name:");
              txtfld2=new JTextField();
              btn=new JButton("Click");
              setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));
         public static void main(String args[]){
              new ShoWnd();

    How to keep the Labels and text boxes same size when the window is maximized to fit the screen.Either : By using a suitable LayoutManager other than GridLayout.
    Or: Enclose each label and text box (what the heck is a text box?) in a container with a suitable layout manager and arrange those containers in a GridLayout (or any other layout).
    The Java™ Tutorials: [Laying Out Components Within a Container|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/layout/index.html]

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    The work around I ended up using, was to maximize the window using ctrl++ option without using the "fullscreen" button. It is a hassle, but it works. Does anyone know why this happens?
    I use Mozilla FF 19.0.2. Btw, this doesn't happen on Chrome or IE.

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
    "Window"="0 0 0"

  • Powerpoint in maximized window, when de machine is starting up from batch

    I want to start a .pps presentation with Powerpoint Viewer in a maximized window, after the machine is powered-up.
    The slide show is saved with kiosk settings as a .pps (slideshow).
    I put a shortcut with screen maximized on in the STARTUP directory of the automatic start-up user.
    Powerpoint Viewer is starting the slide show in a default screen which is not maximized and a task-bar, where you manualy can set maximized continuously presentation.
    How can I fix this ?
    I don't want to do anything, after I power-up this PC, so does anyone has a good, simple and working solution ?

    Hi Fred,
    This forum is for developers disscussing question about VBA, VSTO and apps for Office. Since the issue is more relate to the product, I suggest you repost it to
    Microsoft Commnutity to get more effective response.
    Best regards

  • Why is the Tab Bar inconsistent when the window is maximised?

    When maximized, the '''Tab Bar''' is on its own bar and shows '''empty title bar''' above it, leaving a '''gap''' [http://www.flickr.com/photos/7837447@N06/5560372501/in/photostream/lightbox/ (See sample)] . On opening new window, the Tab Bar is on the Title Bar, getting rid of the unnecessary space [http://www.flickr.com/photos/7837447@N06/5560372635/in/photostream/lightbox/ (See sample)] . What causes the extra space in the former window?

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • Quicktime Player - how to hide the transport mini window ?

    some of my animations are titles- when I double click them the FF/Play/RW controls mini window obscures a large amount of the window
    I dont wish to have to maximize the playing animation
    Is there now way to simply hide the the controls ?
    I know it will disappear after a few seconds but I dont want it to show at the start of play....
    I can simply use the spacebar on my keyboard to stop and start ....

    this is not currently possible. the best you can do is reduce the time delay before the controls fade out. to do that quit QT player and run the following terminal command
    defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX MGUIVisibilityTimeout 1
    this will shorten the fade out delay to 1 second. also, the following command will make them never appear after you start playing the movie and they disappear the first time.
    defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX MGUIVisibilityNeverAutoshow 1

  • Maximized window

    I have design my Labview application to fit on a 1024x800 screen with a maximized
    window. The compiled application launchs with non-maximized window such that
    the user has first to maximize it for an optimal display.
    I would like this window maximization to be done automatically when the application
    is launch.
    How can I make my compiled application (.exe file) to be open automatically
    with a maximized window ?

    Remco Breen wrote:
    > David Benoit wrote in message <[email protected]>...
    > >
    > >I have design my Labview application to fit on a 1024x800 screen with a
    > maximized
    > >window. The compiled application launchs with non-maximized window such
    > that
    > >the user has first to maximize it for an optimal display.
    > >I would like this window maximization to be done automatically when the
    > application
    > >is launch.
    > >How can I make my compiled application (.exe file) to be open automatically
    > >with a maximized window ?
    > >
    > Doesn't "VI setup" -> "Window options" -> "Size to screen" do the trick ?
    > RB.
    Thanks for comment.
    Already tried this.
    It does not behave exactly as maximize.
    The effect of 'size to screen' is indeed to rescale the screen at t
    he maximum
    but you still have two-pixel-wide borders that you don't have with a true
    maximization. This seems cosmetic but these borders matter for my application,
    they hide part of control close to the border.
    Anything else ...
    Benoit DAVID
    Université Catholique de Louvain
    Centre for Systems Engineering
    and Applied Mechanics (CESAME)
    4 avenue Georges Lemaître
    B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
    Tel (direct): +32 10 478030
    Tel (secr.): +32 10 472597
    Fax: +32 10 472180
    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Taskbar hidden by maximized windows

    Has anyone come across an issue with maximizing windows and having them cover the taskbar?  I'm finding it horribly annoying that when I maximize my window, it hides the bar and I then have to minimize the window to say... switch applications or look at the time... the list goes on and on...  I've tried several different solutions, some claiming to enable a "always on top" solution, but that still wont make it stay.  Does anyone have any tips or ideas?  Im seriously about to reinstall just so I dont have to deal with the issue anymore.

    No taskbar on win-key is a sure sign of file damage. SFC will fix that. If not, you are probably seeing a resource problem with the Aero theme. Video drivers are the usual suspect there.
    How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) progr:
    Troubleshoot problems with Windows Aero:
    Rating posts helps other users
    Mark L. Ferguson MS-MVP

  • Adobe 9 always opens in a Maximized window

    When opening a link in Internet Explorer 6 that opens a pdf, the pdf file opens in a maximized window.  When clicking on a pdf file on the computer it will always open in a maximized window.
    I have gone into the properties for Adobe and made sure that it is run in a Normal Window.
    I have gone into edit > preferences and have not found any options where you can select whether to open in maximized window.
    Is there a way to specifiy whether to open the files in a maximized window or, as in this case, to open the window in normal/restore down view.
    Thank you

    I'm having the same problem using IE 8.
    Did you ever get a resolution for this?  I see no one ever responded to your post.

  • Open web page from URL iview in maximized window

    I would like to open a web page in a <b>maximized</b> browser window, using an URL iView.
    I know how to open a window in a separate window, I just can't get it maximized.
    N.B. I do <b>NOT</b> want to open in <b>fullscreen</b> mode, i.e. I want a title bar and menus.
    Does anyone know how to do it?
    I tried to play around with the "window function" property of the iView, but no luck so far. I can't specify a fixed width and height of the target window at design time, as these values may vary at runtime.

    Hi Lothar,
    Yes, That will require Java Coding, Its true. Basically what the problem here is that to maximize we are trying to fetch the Screen resolution dynamically through Portal that Portal is not allowing us. Thats why I feel that we should go for Java Programing, Create a Par, Deploy it in the server and then create iView for that.
    For Creating the Abstract Portal Component for Opening a Maximized Window You should do following steps.
    1. Open Your NWDS
    2. Create a project ie Portal Application
    3. Create Portal Object ie Abstract Portal Component.
    Now here is the piece of code that may help you
              response.write("<SCRIPT language=javascript>");
              response.write("function onOpenWindow()");
              response.write("<a href = \"javascript:onOpenWindow()\">abc.com</a>");
    Paste this code in doContent...
    I think it may help you
    Thanx & Regards

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