"Hiding" records with delete status

In my project we use logical deletion from the DB, meaning that records have an is_deleted column.
Whenever I want to logically delete a record I just need to set the is_deleted field to 1.
The problem is as follows:
I have two objects A,B and to tables T_A and T_B that relates to these objects respectively.
Both objects have is_deleted field, and A contains a list of B objects.
When getting from A the list of Bs it returns also the ones with is_deleted=1.
What is your recommendation to solve this problem?
Is there a way of telling toplink not to load these records at all?

You can either filter the deleted objects for the specific mapping or for all queries for the class.
To filter all queries for a class you can use a descriptor additionalJoinExpression. This is an expression that can be set in a descriptor's query manager, this feature is only available through the code API, so you need to use a descriptor amendment method to define it from the Mapping Workbench.
ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
This will cause all queries for the A class to filter out deleted objects.
If you only wanted the filter on the A->B relationship mapping you could use a mapping selectionCriteria that filters on the is_deleted flag. Refer to the follow thread for an example of a mapping selectionCriteria filter.
Filtering results on the child vector

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    Dear Friends,
    We are using ECC6.00 (EHP4) for one of our QM requirement, i have created a query in SQ01 with the tables QMEL,AUFK,AFKO,QMFE etc., to get the details of production order and notification.
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    Experts help required.

    Dear Raymond Giuseppi,
    Thank you for your reply. The code syntax had been corrected based on your information. Unfortunately the code doesn't filter the records. On further investigation , it was observed that the field KZLOESCH doesn't get updated and hence a field had been created in the infoset wherein the following  coding is written
    clear : w_dlfl.
    data : w_inact type char1.
    select single inact into w_inact from jest
    where objnr = qmel-objnr
       and stat = 'I0076'
       and inact ne 'X'.
    if sy-subrc = 0 .
      w_dlfl = 'X'.
      w_dlfl = ''.
    The field name is W_dlfl.
    In the above condition how and where should i include the code given by you. Since the field KZLOESCH is not updated how should we get the data from the field w_dlfl be exempted from selection?
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  • Deleting Records based on status in another table

    Dear All,
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    Cols: year_st_dt, year_end_dt, year_status
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    Regards, Imran

    957 posts, but still while posting a question, you have not
    1) Posted the table structure of all the tables involved. (create statement)
    2) Posted the sample input (insert statement)
    3) Posted the sample output.
    4) More importantanly posted on the correct forum.
    Anurag Tibrewal.

  • Displaying ALV agan with deleted record not shown....

    Hello Gurus,
    I am working on ALV. The ALV deipalys data froma custom table. Now I have created a Button in application toollbar saying 'Delete'. I have wrirren logic  in 'ALV_UC (i_callback_user_command) so that when user pushes 'Delete' button, the data record gets deleted from custom table.
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program       = lv_progname
                i_callback_pf_status_set = 'ALV_STAT'
                i_callback_user_command  = 'ALV_UC'
    *            i_callback_top_of_page   = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
                is_layout                = is_layout
                it_fieldcat              = field_lst
    *            is_variant               = g_variant
                it_event_exit            = gt_event_exit
                i_save                   = 'A'
                it_sort                  = it_sort
                i_screen_start_column    = i_start_col
                i_screen_start_line      = i_start_ln
                i_screen_end_column      = i_end_col
                i_screen_end_line        = i_end_ln
                t_outtab                 = p_outtab
                program_error            = 1
                others                   = 2.
    Now, I want the ALV to be dsiplayed with that deleted record not shown. How can I do this ? Is there a Refresh function or something  ?

    Hello Rajesh
    A quick view into the documentation of IMPORTING parameter I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND would have answered your question:
    Within the USER_COMMAND callback routine set
    REFRESH = 'X'.  " That's all
    EXIT routine for command handling
         Passing an EXIT routine indicates to the ALV that the application wants
         to respond to certain function codes.
         Generally, these are function codes that are unknown to the ALV (that
         is, are not standard ALV functions) and that were defined and set by a
         user status.
         See also the documentation on parameter  I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET.
         The interface of the form routine specified must be defined as follows:
                 FORM user_command  USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                                          rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
         Parameter R_UCOMM contains the function code triggered.
         Structure RS_SELFIELD contains the following information:
         o   tabname  : Name of the internal output table
         o   tabindex : Index of the internal output table
         o   fieldname: Field name
         o   endsum   : Cursor is located on the totals line
         o   sumindex : If >0, the cursor is located on a subtotals line
         o   value    : Value of the field on the list
         o   refresh  : (Exporting) List should be set up again
         o   col_stable:(Exporting) Keep column position when list is set up
         o   row_stable:(Exporting) Keep row position when list is set up again
         o   exit      :(Exporting) Exit list (and ALV)
         o   before_action: Call before standard action execution
         o   after_action : Call after standard action execution, before list
         o   ignore_multi : Internal use
         o   sel_tab_field: Internal use
         The EXIT routine is called whenever a function unknown to the ALV is
         triggered or if the routine call before/after the execution of a
         standard function code has been defined by interface parameter
         See also the documentation on parameter IT_EVENT_EXIT.
         The function code and the current cursor position are then passed on to
         the calling program through the EXIT routine.
         If the user has selected multiple rows by selecting checkboxes, the
         output table field designated as the checkbox contains the current state
         of the checkbox in the list.

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    Create a maintenance view , link both tables and generate a table maintenance for the maintenance view . it will work.

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    Thanks in advance!

    Delete is not supported in delta mechanism of generic delta extractor. You will need to add a workaround for that.
    - Capture the deleted records somewhere (maybe enhance the txn deleting the record so the key is written to a Z table). Take these records to BW and manipulate the recordmode to affect deletion of corresponding record from ODS.
    - If your generic delta is based on FM, and if the 'delete' is captured in change document tables, add the logic to check change document tables whether any records are deleted, and if yes, send those to BW with appropriate recordmode to achieve deletion.

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    Edited by: Ganesh Sunkara on Aug 1, 2009 3:45 AM

    Hi all,
    I solved this issue by myself. There is an error in the user exit code.

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    Please refer to the following note:
    Note: 105647.1 - WIP and COST Frequently Used Troubleshooting Scripts

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    Creator Team,
    In my opinio there is a bug issue with update and delete a record with a complex sql query. I�m using oracleXE and ojdbc14.ar with tomcat
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    * Number of conflicts while synchronizing: 1 SyncResolver.DELETE_ROW_CONFLICT row 2 won't delete as values in database have changed: 2006-11-29
    * Cannot commit changes: Number of conflicts while synchronizing: 1 SyncResolver.UPDATE_ROW_CONFLICT row 0 values changed in database
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    My query is bellow:
    Why this problem is happing? Did you had some solution for that? Is the problem because the query is too long?!
    please help me!
    Gustavo Callou

    Hello people,
    I�m doing this to try to solution that bug:
    This code is working fine... but I do not understand why I�m receiving the nullpointer exception!??!!?
    // create a new rowset
    CachedRowSetXImpl pkRowSet = new CachedRowSetXImpl();
    try {
    RowKey rk = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
    if (rk != null) {
    // set the rowset to use the Patrimonio database
    String query = "DELETE FROM TB_BEM WHERE INCODIGOBEM = "+tb_bemDataProvider.getValue("INCODIGOBEM", rk).toString();
    // execute the rowset -- which will contain a single row and single column
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    log("ErrorDescription", ex);
    } finally {
    Please someone help me!!!
    Gustavo Callou

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    Data Flow in BW
    ECC(ZZ EXTractor)-->DSO1(Full)->DSO2(Delta)----.Cube(Delta)
    Lets say today i loaded Records A,B,C,D to Cube
    In ECC C & D Records are deleted
    How can i replicate those deletions in CUBE

    if you do a complete full load from r/3 to your dso1 (assuming it's not W-O), then with the activation of the dso request, the generated delta will contain the deletion of the two records (ie all KF put to 0). your next delta will be correct. if you actually want to delete the line from cube, i think you have no other option then to do full delete of the cube data and only do full loads from T/3 to cube

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    somebody  knows  why  is  can  be  caused this  message:
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    Thanks and  best  regards

    Dear Luis,
    Please Check
    Status records with status 51 after status 53
    Best Regards,

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    Not sure of the question. Are you looking to get the sql "select count(*) from table" from using the TopLink expression framework or are you getting that SQL already and want something else?
    If you are looking just to get the count from a table/class, you can use a ReportQuery:
    ReportQuery rquery = new ReportQuery(ClassToQueryOn.class);
    rquery.addCount(); //equivalent to count(*);
    You can use a report query to return data instead of objects, and use selection criteria just like a normal read query.
    Best Regards,

  • Inventory record is deleted but quant is in 'Not counted' status within Bin

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a problem which is related to Inventory count in warehouse. The Bins are showing certain Inventory number is as not counted ( against the quant in Inventory tab of Bin) . But when I go to the Inventory record, I find it's deleted. For an ideal situation when an Inventory record is deleted, the bin should update the quant as Cancelled aginst the Inventory number, in the Invent. tab on Bin. But instead this is updated as 'Not counted'.
    This is causing me a problem regarding any transfer transfer of those stocks since in the LQUA table the Inventory Active is checked.
    Can you please help me.
    Thanks in advance

    hi pavan,
    whats happening is just to give u an idea about my tables, i have
    SELECT prod_code, prod_name, prod_qty_in_hand from product_MASTER
    PROD_C PROD_NAME                      PROD_QTY_IN_HAND
    2002   PROD2                                 10.000
    2003   PROD3                         20.000
    2004   PROD4                            30.000i have a master-detail Form for PURCHASE_ORDER_HEADER & PURCHASE_ORDER_DETAIL
    (with Delete Record Behavior property set as Cascading),
    for example lets say if i have record like
    POH_CO        POH_NO POH_PA
    PUR            1.000 1001
    PUR            1.000 2002          5.000
    PUR            1.000 2003          8.000
    PUR            1.000 2004          10.000whats happening is, on form when i am querying record, lets say i want to delete the PO_header record no.1,
    it should obviously delete the 3 records of PO_Detail (due to cascade property), and also, reduce the prod_qty_in_hand field for the 3 items 2002,2003 & 2004 (deleted from the PO_detail above), from the PRODUCT_MASTER Table, to 5,12 & 20 respectively.
    i am able to update the prod_qty_in_hand , if after query, i go in the detail section & delete a particular record, but can't do it at header level with given the pre-delete code that i posted in my first post.
    hope i am

  • Record center - submit file soap call throwing The request failed with http status 401: Unauthorized" exception

    Hi, I am trying to implement custom hold order / send to in sharepoint 2010 to send files in to holds / record center.
    I am at the last step where I am trying submit the metadata using soap call- submit file
    [SoapDocumentMethod("http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/recordsrepository/SubmitFile", RequestNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/recordsrepository/", ResponseNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/recordsrepository/", Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
    public string SubmitFile([XmlElement(DataType = "base64Binary")] byte[] fileToSubmit, [XmlArrayItem(IsNullable = false)] Microsoft.SharePoint.RecordsRepositoryProperty[] properties, string recordRouting, string sourceUrl, string userName)
    return (string)base.Invoke("SubmitFile", new object[] { fileToSubmit, properties, recordRouting, sourceUrl, userName })[0];
    I am getting an error "The request failed with http status 401: Unauthorized".
    Actual file was transferred successfully but while transferring the properties (metadata) I am getting this exception.

    Hi ganesh,
    Please try to disable the loop back check, compare the result:
    In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
    Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
    Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER.
    Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
    In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
    Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer.
    In addition, please check if these links are useful:
    I hope this helps.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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