High resolutions

We are using a Elements 21" monitor, we went to a higher resolution and it was not supported. How high can we go currently we are at 600X800. We use light-room and want to view the highest resolutions possible.

Look up the monitor for specs at the manufacturer website and then use a program such as DisplayConfigX and create a proper profile and all should be good. My monito mis-identifies itself limiting it to 1024X768 not the 1600X1200 it truly is capable of.
Only downfall is it cost money but your monitor should work fine.
Might have to check for 10.5 support as not listed on website at this time.
Message was edited by: ewetho

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    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > Help > Troubleshooting Information.
    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

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    100pat wrote:
    Thanks, I can do it fine from my Windows desktop PC, I just want to know how to do it from an iPhone4
    Like I said before ask facebook or look at their support site to see if that is even a feature.

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    I would REALLY appreciate your help on the two questions:
    1- Can you advise what I need to to do to to get the connection to the high resolution photos established again  ? As it is more than 3000 photos, I use an automated way of reestablishing that connection. Probably an answer to this question would make question 2 irrelevant.
    2- Do you know if there is a way to export and import a book project created in iPhoto from one library to another ?

    1 - Select  the thumbnail of one of the problem photos and use the File ➙ Reveal in Finder ➙ Original menu option.  This will take you to the folder containing the original file with that file selected by the Finder. 
    You can also use Find Any File to search for that file (get the file name from the Info pane in iPhoto). You will find the thumbnail version and maybe an edited version also.  Made sure what is found is the large, original version and note were it's located.  Search all of your drives with FAF just in case.
    If you don't fine the full sized version then the only recourse is to use a file recovery application like   SubrosaSoft FileSalvage on your drives to see if any of your full sized photos can be recovered.   If you find enough files to make the purchase of the software worthwhile buy it and recover the files.  However, since it may have been quite a while since you discovered the missing originals it seems unlikely you'll be able to recover any due to being overwritten.
    2 - book projects are just entries in the library databases and can't be exported to another library. 

  • Forum oddity, w.r.t high resolution screen.

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    I started this by saying that through an oddity of this forum software, my original thread had vanished from the list. Exactly the same thing happened to this one, which i had to find through searching the forum list. The previous one vanished completely. One appears to get a different list if one comes in via a direct URL or via support > Forums > windows: an .asp error, presumably, but Adobe please note.
    Someone asked why use a high res screen. If you work on a large image, you either operate at the pixel level - a plate on a table top if you are at 1020 x 768 and working with a 20 megapixel image - or you shrink the thing down to fit. In the latter case, each pixel that you see is, depending on the native image size, an average of a large number of adjacent pixels. In the case of a 24Meg image and the above screen size, each visible pixel is an average (or however Adobe calculate it) of a bit over 20 pixels from the native image. If you look at 2560 x 1600 you are still seeing a composite, but of a quarter fewer source pixels per point. If you look at the natve image as 'actual pixels', the 'dinner plate' is four time bigger in proportion to that of the SVGA image.
    That said, imagine the layers pallet in which one layer has, let's say, a football set against an group of players , P/shop users will expect to see a black blob representing its position in the layer. At high resolution, however, the blob is represented on the screen by a patch that is smaller than a full stop on a page of type, and essentially invisible from 150 cm from the screen. Thus: squint, lean forward, mutter angrily.
    Why can one not set the icons and the ephemeral facilities such as the layers pallet to be any size you want? It is really very silly.

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    The iPhone always takes photos at its highest resolution. If you share by anything other than copying to your computer via USB or sending via email the resolution will be reduced by the transfer medium. Email gives you a choice of resolutions, however, many email providers will not accept photos at the camera's highest resolution.
    It's also possible that you don't understand how resolution is measured. Image file size has very little to do with image resolution.

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    The first thing that currently needs to be done with a new iPad is to activate it by connecting it to a computer that is running iTunes - it can't currently be used 'properly' until after that is done. After iOS 5 is released and is pre-installed on iPads then I think that should change and you will no longer need to first connect to a computer.
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    Even organize your photos in albums - right on your device
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    Good idea

  • How to copy objects from Pages (5.5.1) and paste it into Photoshop as a vector smart object with high resolution?

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    Here is the problem: I like to create artwork using the shapes on Pages. Previously, on my old mac, I used Pages 4.3 to create objects, which I would copy then paste to Photoshop and it would become a vector smart object. However, in the new Pages (version 5.5.1), when I copy objects, they would appear on Photoshop as instead, a layer and it would not be in full resolution.
    Also, I know there is nothing wrong with the Pages file itself because I have converted the document to PDF form and it is high resolution when inserted into Photoshop that way.
    Does anyone know how I can copy individual objects from Pages (5.5.1) and paste it into Photoshop as a vector smart object with high resolution as I have done before?

    ghotiz wrote:
    copy the image and have it in a high-quality PNG format that does not include the background from the Pages document.
    Oh, well if you don't actually need vector objects then it looks like this is possible. As I said earlier, Pages is putting a PNG on the clipboard. I tested it and it does paste into Photoshop as a transparent layer, because I can see the transparent background of the pasted PNG graphic if I either turn off all layers behind it in Photoshop, or if I start a new Photoshop document to paste into but make sure I choose Transparent for the Background Contents in the New Document dialog.

  • Moving high resolution images from PSE6 to Premiere Elements 4

    I am trying to take a pdf map (happens to be of the San Diego Zoo) and insert it into a Premiere Elements 4 (PE4) project to show where we went in the Zoo and then show our family pictures/video in that area
    So I bring the pdf map file into PSE6 and convert it to a jpeg and/or psd file so I can import it into PE4 (which cannot import a pdf). It works fine, but if I don't increase the image size in PSE6 the image becomes super blurry in PE4 when I change the scale (zoom in).
    However, when I do increase the image size in PSE6 and save as either a jpeg or psd so it will be clear at 250% scale in PE4, I get this error message when I try to import it to PE4: "File video dimensions (width/height) too large."
    This happens even when I leave the dimensions (8.5 X 8.176 inches) the same and just change the ppi for the higher resolution I need. It starts out as a 300 ppi image and I get the error message even if I only change it to as high as 500 ppi. (And if I go much lower than that, it's not going to help the resolution enough to be worth it in PE4).
    (btw, the original pdf file is perfectly clear in PSE6 at 1000+% and the converted jpeg/psd are clear enough in PSE6 at 250%)
    So, my question is:
    How do I improve the picture quality in PSE6 so that it's not blurry when I export to PE4 and increase the scale, but maintain the right size that PE4 will accept?
    This might be somewhat of a PSE6 question, but hopefully somebody knows the answer and can help me out! Thanks!

    In an NLE, you are really only using the pixel x pixel dimensions. DPI/PPI mean nothing, except a larger file size.
    You can set the PPI to 72 and be fine for TV. You might want to bump it up slightly, if you are outputting to a progressive file for display on a computer, but even then, you'll not need much.
    PSD will be as clear a format, as you can get. I'd not bother with any JPG compression, as by the time that you lower the compression settings, i.e. compress less, to keep the quality, you will not have compressed all that much.
    For zooming in, you do not need for the image to be much larger than the preset for your Project. The FAQ's at the top of the page have some good recs. for the exact sizing. If you will be panning, while zoomed out, you'll want just enough extra to allow for that movement.
    Depending on the native resolution of your PDF's image, you should be able to get a reasonably sharp image onto the TV screen. Also, judge the final look of this image on a TV, if that is your final output, as it will appear better, than on the computer screen. I use a DVD RW for this sort of testing and just re-use the discs.
    Last, do all of your re-sizing (as much as is possible) in Photoshop. The algorithms are a bit better than in an NLE. Now, for a dynamic zoom, you have no choice but to use Motion>Scale.

  • How do I get high resolution on my jpg photo

    I have a photo in iphoto that I need to change to high resolution and email it.  HOw do I do that?

    You can not "change" an image to High Resolution - what ever resolution it was created at it the maximum resolution it can be
    the most general way to use the max is to select the photos in iPhoto and export it to the desktop using the highest resolution and quality settings (see the user tip on exporting for details on the options)  and email from there

  • Why is there no scaling for high resolution monitors in Adobe Bridge CC?

    Why is there no scaling for high resolution monitors in Adobe Bridge CC?
    Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC and Indesign CC have 200% scaling for high resolution monitors in their preferences panel but Bridge CC does not, when will this feature be added to Bridge CC Adobe???

    qsea wrote:
    Why is there no scaling for high resolution monitors in Adobe Bridge CC?
    Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC and Indesign CC have 200% scaling…
    Inconsistency between or among applications in the artificial "suites" should come as no surprise.
    The "suite" concept is a fabrication of Adobe marketing and bean-counting types.  The engineering teams are totally independent of each other, they are not only in different buildings but in different cities and states of the American Union, even in different countries.
    The fact that they have little if any communication among them is highlighted by requests occasionally made in these forums by top Adobe engineers to let the other teams know when there are problems in one application that impact our workflow in another one.

  • Photoshop CC and Audition CC is not compatible with the high resolution and small screen that my computer have.

    Hello everyone. Recently I bought the New Razer Blade (2014). It has a high resolution of 3200 x 1800 and a screen size of 14 inch. It is that I downloaded the Photoshop CC that I realize that the words are so small it is actually causing a problem for the users. I searched online for helps and learned that the only way to change this is to wait for the developers of the Photoshop CC to make and update to make it compatible. The source of this idea is from a guy have the same computer and the same problem. He updated his Lightroom and the interface ungraded into one that he can use with ease and he hopes that the Adobe company will update Photoshop CC also and fix the resolution problem too. I thought that after another update, Photoshop CC will have it visual update too. However, the last update from a few days ago didn't solve this problem. I wonder if The Adobe company knows about this problem and that's the main reason I'm starting a discussion on this topic. The same goes to the Audition CC and the Premiere Pro CC. These 3 are the most important tools for my and this computer is the only good one that I can have right now. I have tried lowering my resolution but everything else became difficult to use. If I'm using the Photoshop CC, I of course wouldn't want to use a resolution that is too low to edit my pictures.
        This is my problem and I wish someone can do something about the visual updates of Photoshop, Audition, and Premiere Pro so that they are compatible with the New Razer Blade (2014) 14 inch screen. Just like Lightroom.

    The video features for Windows 32 bit systems are no longer supported starting with Photoshop CC (14.0).

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