High values of CPU on our router.

Hi all,
we have router Cisco 3660 and we observe
last time high values of CPU on our
router. It happens only when we do backups. Maybe once per week.
CPU rises up to 90 % and big traffic is
only on interfaces from and where are
backups transmited. From our monitoring system we see on interfaces cca 30MB load.
So is it possible to tune this load?
Or should we upgrade IOS?
Any suggestions?

hi ali,
CEF is cisco express forwarding...its provide the very high speed switching of data...it maintain the FIB and aducancy table in order to achive the fast data transfer...FIB is same as our routing table and adjucany table havig hardware address binding...in CEF first packe to the destination is forwarded by the layer 3 software base lookup and then all the subsequence packet will send by the rewrite the packet using ASIC which make it faster...its also use full when you are having more cpu usage.. .
hope this will help you
rate this post if it helps

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    2. Changing the router's security mode setting to "WPA/WPA-2...." and entering a new min. 8 char passphrase, and then entering that same passphrase into the IPOD Touch, and restarting the router, did the trick!
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    2) Take it back and get a Refund then buy an Apple Time Capsule. And or some other Network Attached Storage device (a NAS) that cane be formatted Mac Extended (Journaled) and be seen on your LAN and that the Mac's can backup up to.
    <Edited by Host>

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class WarCard extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         private Card deck[];
         private int currentCard, value, winner;
         private JPanel buttonPanel, labelPanel, textFieldPanel;
         private JButton buttons[];
         private JLabel labels[];
         private JTextField textFields[];
         public WarCard()
              super( "War! " );
              String faces[] = { "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six",
                   "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
              String suits[] = { "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades" };
              deck = new Card[ 52 ];
              currentCard = -1;
              //populate deck
              for ( int count = 0 ; count < deck.length; count++ )
                   deck[ count ] = new Card( faces[ count % 13], suits[ count / 13 ] );
              // get content pane and create layout
              Container container = getContentPane();
              // create label grid
              labels = new JLabel[3];
                   labels[ 0 ] = new JLabel( "Player 1: ");
                   labels[ 1 ] = new JLabel( "Player 2: ");
                   labels[ 2 ] = new JLabel( "Shuffle cards to begin" );
              labelPanel = new JPanel();
              labelPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 3, labels.length ) );
              for ( int count = 0; count < labels.length; count++) {
                   labelPanel.add( labels[ count ] );
              }// end for loop
              container.add( labelPanel, BorderLayout.WEST );
              // create text field grid
              textFields = new JTextField[ 3 ];
                   textFields[ 0 ] = new JTextField( 20 );
                   textFields[ 1 ] = new JTextField( 20 );
                   textFields[ 2 ] = new JTextField( 20 );
              textFieldPanel = new JPanel();
              textFieldPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 3, textFields.length ) );
              for ( int count = 0; count < textFields.length; count++) {
                   textFields[ count ].setEditable( false );
                   textFieldPanel.add( textFields[ count ] );
              }// end for loop
              container.add( textFieldPanel, BorderLayout.EAST );     
              // create button grid          
              buttons = new JButton[ 3 ];
                   buttons[ 0 ] = new JButton( "Deal" );
                   buttons[ 1 ] = new JButton( "Shuffle" );
                   buttons[ 2 ] = new JButton( "Exit" );
              buttonPanel = new JPanel();
              buttonPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, buttons.length ) );
              for ( int count = 0; count < buttons.length; count++) {
                   buttons[ count ].addActionListener( this );
                   buttons[ 0 ].setEnabled( false );
                   buttonPanel.add( buttons[ count ] );
              }// end for loop
              container.add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
              setSize( 425, 150 );
              setVisible( true );
        private void checkWinner()
            int i = 0;
            for( i=0; i < 13; i++ ){
             if ( s[ 0 ].equals("2 of Spades") & s[ 1 ]!="2 of Spades" ){
                    txtGame[ 2 ].setText( " You Win " );
                   txtGame[ 2 ].setText( " Compuer Win" );
         public static void main( String agrs[] )
              WarCard application = new WarCard();
              application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event)
              String testString = "";
              for ( int count = 0; count < buttons.length; count++) {
                   if ( event.getSource() == buttons[ 0 ] ) {
                        Card dealt1 = dealPlayer1();
                        Card dealt2 = dealPlayer1();
                        if ( dealt1 != null || dealt2 != null ) {
                             textFields[ 0 ].setText( dealt1.toString() );
                             textFields[ 1 ].setText( dealt2.toString() );
                             labels[ 2 ].setText( "# of Cards : " + currentCard);
                        else {
                             textFields[ 2 ].setText( "All Cards Dealt" );
                             labels[ 2 ].setText( "Shuffle Cards to continue" );
                   else if ( event.getSource() == buttons[ 1 ] ) {
                        textFields[ 0 ].setText( " " );
                        textFields[ 1 ].setText( " " );
                        labels[ 2 ].setText( "Shuffled!");
                   else if ( event.getSource() == buttons[ 2 ] ) {
                        System.exit( 0 );
              }// end for loop
         }// end method actionPerformed
              private void shuffle()
              currentCard = -1;
              for ( int first = 0; first < deck.length; first++ ) {
                   int second = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 52 );
                   Card temp = deck[ first ];
                   deck[ first ] = deck[ second ];
                   deck[ second ]= temp;
              buttons[ 0 ].setEnabled( true );
         private Card dealPlayer1()
              if ( ++currentCard < deck.length )
                   return deck[ currentCard ];
              else {
                   buttons[ 0 ].setEnabled( false );
                   return null;
    }// end of WarCard
    class Card{
         private String face;
         private String suit;
         public Card( String cardFace, String cardSuit )
              face = cardFace;
              suit = cardSuit;
         public String toString()
              return face + " of " + suit;
         }// end toString
    }// end class WarCard

    assign an int value to the card and use < == >

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    2. Save the variant using the SAVE button
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    5. Click on the down arrow button and select the option 'Current Date'.
    5. Save the variant.
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    I need it in TO field( High value).
    Please help.

    Hi Sheeba
        we can do it other way .. Select the same steps as you have done but after the assigning the value current date to low ..click on the selection option push button at the application bar and choose the 'less than or equal to' option to your select option value and try the same ....
    I guess this would throw you same results as that of the value in the high value button

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    It can come about without any change done by the user, and it's not just from other networks. The placement of the router can also affect performance. Also make sure router is up to date.
    Apart from that would be the reboots.

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  • Want to see constant value of CPU not the aggregated one from the cube?

    Hi All,
    When I see my layout with fiscyear ,it shows the aggregated values for Quantity,Cost Per Unit,0Amount,which is distributed across period.
    For example if one WBS and one uear(2008) -0Quantity(12),CPU(100) to four periods of one fiscyear.The distribution would be as shown below:- 
    Period       0Quantity      CPU            0Amount
    003.2008         3               100              300
    004.2008         3               100              300
    005.2008         3               100              300
    0006.2008       3               100              300
    Total               12               400            1200
    So in my layout I'll be able to see :-
    fiscyear        0Quantity           CPU         0Amount.
    2008                12                  400            1200
    So 12 * 400 <> 1200 which is logically incorrect.
    Is there any way by which we can get the constant or average value of CPU from the cube???
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Indu,
    If you are using Query designer for generating report, you can have this property...In the properties of CPU>Calculate result as...>Average value...
    This will give you the result as average of all the values.
    Assign points if this helps u...

  • Purchase high value assets by cash

    Hello Team,
    My client requirement is :
    Purchase high value assets(land) by cash but wants to show deffered payments in cash through installments but wants to show full value in balance sheet
    Can u please suggest me how to solve this problem.

    Use transaction ABZON to aquire the Asset that will post following entry...
    Asset A/c Dr. INR 50,000
    Offset A/c Cr. INR 50,000 (this account is clearing account, you can name as you like)
    Now asset is aquired with full value of INR 50,000
    Now you want to make payment in 5 installments so you will pass following entry for 5 intallments..
    Offset A/c Dr. INR 10,000
    Cash A/c Cr. INR 10,000
    So after 5 installments your offset account is zero and payment is made in full.
    Chintan Joshi

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    I know you can link your credit card to your Ipad, go to the app strore and go to the bottom and tap apple Id and sighn in then go to payment information and you can set up a credit card. Hope this helps

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    the report is showing 567,01 and in ERP it is showing 566,94.
    is there a way I can resolve this in the query.

    Hi  Bhat,
    there may be lot many factors like
    1)comparision between the Two i.e ERP and BIW.Are the Factors same.
    2)Have u  Deltas captured properly.
    3)have u missed any deltas any day.
    4)Any order that has been modified .
    5)hope u have considered ONE days Lag between BIW and ERP.
    6)To what is ur 0Recordmode mapped to.
    7)Is it because of Rounding OFF Values.

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    I've only seen this once before in a ConfigMgr 2012 RTM environment and after fighting it for a few days I ended up simply recreating the driver packages.
    -Nick O.

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    Hello Gurus,
    My Client facing a issue in  value difference while posting GRN.
    Materials Cost value picked higher value for different GRIR in same
    purchase order.
    Scenario :
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    For Your Reference Pl find the below calculation with difference posted in MIRO for a PO
    I Have Checked OBYZ- Procedures / Condition Types, What else to be check for it.
    Base Value
    ED Total
    Base Value + ED Total
    CST Value – 2%
    Actual amt to be Post in MIGO Value Inc. (Matrl Cost + CST)
    Because of this value difference i m getting price difference in MIRO of Rs.2200.1/-
    Someone give us the solution for it.
    Thanks For your Understanding...
    Suresh B

    Hi Arunachalam,
    Check these points.
    1) Check whether any condition values changed in between PO and Goods receipt.
    2) Check whether any custom development or enhancement in MIGO
    3) Check whether any routine is active for the Pricing Procedures

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    I am using Macbook Pro with Retna. Recently my macbook started to slow down while making loud fan noise. I noticed that Kernel Task was using high percentage of CPU (aroung 600). This is not the first time. Last time I took it to apple store and got fix, but this time I can not do that because my warrenty expired.
    I tried to fix it by formating the macbook, but it did not work.
    Could anyone help me with this?!?

    Do SMC reset. how u do it???????.... well connect the magsafe adapter to the mac, Shutdown the mac. Then Hold ctrl+opt+shift+power button for 6-8 sec. Leave all the keys and have a watch on the Magsafe, the amber should turn Green the moment u leave all the keys indicating a successfull Reset. Then unplug the magsafe wait fro 3 sec plug it again. Start the machine , still the issue is there then finally do a PRAM/NVRAM reset holding cmd+opt+p+r as u start the machine. Machine would chime Twicce on the 3rd chime leave all the keys. Even after this doesnot do good then battery reset is required for which u ll hav to take it to Apple service store.

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