Hollywood dance scene mashup is going viral - Thank you guys :)

Some of you guys may remember me coming on here and asking questions related to my editting together a hollywood movie dance scene mashup.  I kept working on it and releasing new versions but wasn't happy so I kept working on it.  Anyway, I put the final version up a few days ago.  I put it on reddit on Sunday and it shot up to #8 the first page.  Since sunday its been the featured video(the big thumbnail) on the youtube home page off and on for the last 36 hours and has garnered 1.6 million views since Sunday afternoon.  Absolutely amazing stuff.
Thank you guy, in particur Jim Simon, for always giving me quick answers and helping me get this video ready and polished for mass consumption.
Here's a link, if you'd like to see the final version:

Was that Jim doing a cameo at 0:23?
PS - very nice, and tightly edited!

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    Assistant screenshot
    adjunto captura de pantalla
    2015-05-02 14:30 GMT-03:00 RahulTyagi4you <[email protected]>:
        when I try to install Adobe Reader, I get a legend, like I have a
    newer version and is not, I have no version installed, I'm from South
    America, if someone can answer me in Spanish, I'm going to thank  created
    by RahulTyagi4you <https://forums.adobe.com/people/RahulTyagi4you> in *Acrobat
    Reader* - View the full discussion

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