Home Dir on two servers

Hello All,
We have two servers on different places. The servers are connected to each other. I want to sync the network home dir from one server to the other one, so that i can use the network home dir on every place using authentication from the OD.
We can login with the login name and password but the network home dir is locked.
Have anybody an idea or suggestion ?

I just create it with the workgroupmanager on the xserve at that place. If i check with "get info" on the homefolder every permission,owner,group seems to like ok. After login the the group and owner on de clients are shown as "unknow". Should i use ditto,scp or rcp command from the xserve which is working ?

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    OK, the setup. Multiple servers in one tree, broken down by containers.
    ABCD is the tree. Picture three containers below this: 123, 456, 789.
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    (WWW) in 123 properly. WWW is serviced from its own server, while the LDAP
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    http://www.abc.com, get web pages. Using http://www.abc.com/~mkovacs, get
    what is in my public_html directory as expected. My home dir is in a 6.5
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    and we get a 404.. The log shows:
    [DATE] [error][client] could not create path context. error: 115
    (obsfucated for safety)
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    miss a step somewhere??

    Michael Kovacs wrote:
    > OK, think I have part of it worked out. It looks like you need a
    > uniqueID in the Other tab of a users account. Accounts created before
    > 6.5 don't have this; I've tried to get mod_edir to use CN without
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    > One doc mentioned setting up LDIF to import this attribute, but there
    > were no instructions on setting it up or making sure it worked for all
    > users.. Any tips?
    > MJK
    I run it OK using the cn attribute.
    It seems to me to be two issues:
    If Apache is set up to use a particular user for browsing the
    LDAP (eDir) directory it must have the rights to the home directory and
    some other attributes in the LDAP directory
    The server hosting Apache needs read rights to the home
    directories of the remote servers.
    It has been a long time since I set these up, once I did it by editing
    httpd.conf, and later using the graphical web manager from https - port
    2200 - open source - manage single apache.
    You could look at the doco for mod_edir on forge.novell.com

  • Can't match home dir path to the actual data

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    Brief history:
    unstable old world: exported user info, reinported into a clean build....this provides an old path name that was from the previous world and is now not correct
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    Home: afp://myservername.mydomain.com/school/username
    where as a faculty member (different primary GID) clicking on the SAME home dir will get:
    Home: afp://myservername.mydomain.com/school/username
    right now I have 658 user with the NONE home selected and they can at least login, onece only they can actually network share to their home but I need them mounting correctly

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  • Command line creating of users fails to correctly set afp:// based home dir

    i'm using a script to make users. they come and go quite a lot, don't want to be using a mouse all day long.
    i thought it would be simple. dscl /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/user1 NFSHomeDirectory /network/servers/some.server.here/path
    with some other part of the script creating the home directory and setting it up for use.
    this only gets me a nfs based home directory, which doesn't seem to work. when i make them in WGM, i get an afp based one. (afp://some.server.here/group1/user1)
    what's the trick? how can i create an OD entry with dscl which results in the same outcome as using WGM?

    using this script now. seems to work:
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" UserShell /bin/bash
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" RealName "$sinaFIRST $sinaSECOND"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" UniqueID "$userID"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" PrimaryGroupID "$mainG"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" NFSHomeDirectory /Network/Servers/my.server.com/Volumes/promise/"$homeF"/"$sinaUSER"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" HomeDirectory "<home_dir><url>afp://my.server.com/$homeF</url><path>$sinaUSER</path></home_di r>"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" homeDirectory /Network/Servers/my.server.com/Volumes/promise/"$homeF"/"$sinaUSER"
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" apple-user-homeurl "<home_dir><url>afp://my.server.com/$homeF/</url><path>$sinaUSER</path></home_d ir>"
    echo -n "GID2, "
    [ "$secG" != "none" ] && dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -append /Groups/"$secG" GroupMembership "$sinaUSER"
    echo -n "pass, "
    dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -passwd /Users/"$sinaUSER" "$sinaPASS"
    echo -n "quota, "
    [ "$Uquota" != "none" ] && dscl -u diradmin -P $dirpass /LDAPv3/ -create /Users/"$sinaUSER" HomeDirectoryQuota "$Uquota"
    # create home directory
    echo -n "Creating: home Dir: "
    /usr/sbin/createhomedir -n /LDAPv3/ -u "$sinaUSER"

  • How to reset Home Dir permissions?

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    Is there any way to automate the inheritance of privs? Like, I want to be able to drop a file into a user's home, and have it become owned by that user. I thought I'd at least be able to reset the owner while logged in as that user, by changing the setting in the Get Info window, but you aren't even given the option to authenticate as an admin...
    Am I missing something easy here?

    In short, there is no easy way to enable propagation of ownership to files that are dropped into a home folder.
    However, I use a bash script on or home folder servers to create/fix permissions on a user's apple home folder. The script will go through all folders in the user's home folder and reset the permissions and ownership to the correct values.
    1. Copy the script below into a file (eg. fixpermissions.sh) using emacs, nano or your favorite editor.
    2. Open a terminal on the machine hosting the home folder.
    3. Change to the top level of your home folder tree.
    Eg. If the home folder is /Users/jweston, change to the /Users folder <pre>cd /Users</pre>
    4. Run the fixpermissions.sh script with the username to fix.
    <pre>./fixpermissions.sh jweston</pre>
    5. Done! Note: If the folder does not exist it will be created. Otherwise, the script will fix permissions on the current contents.
    Here is the script...
    if [ -d ${1} ]
    #Home Dir exists, reset permissions
    chown -R ${1}.admin ${1}
    chmod -R u=rwX,go= ${1}
    chmod -R go=rX ${1}/Public ${1}/Sites
    chmod go=wX ${1}/Public/Drop\ Box
    chmod go=rX ${1}
    #Home Dir does not exist, create...
    mkdir ${1}
    mkdir ${1}/Desktop
    mkdir ${1}/Documents
    mkdir ${1}/Library
    mkdir ${1}/Movies
    mkdir ${1}/Music
    mkdir ${1}/Pictures
    mkdir ${1}/Public
    mkdir ${1}/Public/Drop\ Box
    mkdir ${1}/Sites
    chown -R ${1}.admin ${1}
    chmod -R u=rwX,go= ${1}
    chmod -R go=rX ${1}/Public ${1}/Sites
    chmod go=wX ${1}/Public/Drop\ Box
    chmod go=rX ${1}

  • Connecting two servers

    Firstly I'll state what I want to achieve and would welcome any advice.
    Currently have my business network 192.168.2.x connected to my home network 192.168.1.x via VPN run by my two respective routers. Works perfectly.
    Have recently installed new Lion Server on work network to handle, DNS, Mail, OD, Address Book, Chat, etc.
    Am considering installing Lion Server on home network to handle the same (probably not all or as much as don't have the need)
    Would it be better to use the two servers running VPN to link the two networks or leave as is via the two routers.
    I imagine setting up the DNS to be the more difficult over the tasks involved. As really like just going to any machine on our network and typing mail into a browser and getting my email via webmail. I guess I would have to setup DNS on both servers to direct requests to the right server that handles the right domain.
    Getting ahead of my self but would then like one server to back up the others services, if possible.
    Any words of wisdom appreciated.

    First you want to get static IP's and then you can setup an IPSEC tunnel or site to site VPN.  Then you will want to creat a trust between the 2 domains if they are in different forests.  Then you can add your user account to a universal group (forest functional level must be at Server 2003 level) for enterprise management.
    James Goodwin - Senior Technical Instructor & Network Infrastructure Expert
    MCT, MCP+ I, MCTS:Server 2008, MCTS: SCCM, MCTS:Vista
    CCSI(# 32018),C|EH, C|HFI, C|EI, HDSA, A+, Network+, i-Net+, Server+, Security+
    My Blog:http://thattrainerguy.blogspot.com/

  • Cron: can't stat home dir

    I've got a new 880 that we recently put into production. I'm getting an error from the cron.
    Subject: Couldn't run your "cron" job
    can't stat home dir.
    Commands wil not be executed.
    The error was "No such file or directory"
    Howeverm the cron job does run to completion. The question is how to I stop getting this error message?

    I don't boot from the raid volume.
    Here is path for the sharepoint /Volumes/Voletu/home
    Here is also the path in workgroup manager in the home
    Home URL afp://name of server. domain/home/home folder
    Full Path: /Network/Servers/name of server. domain/home/home folder
    I am running out idea for this issue.

  • Accessing Home Dir's via ASA SSL VPN

    I have an ASA 5540 and an ACS 4.0. i am configuring an SSL based VPN for users in an active directory. I want to give the users access to their Windows Home Dir and have created a CIFS link in the URL list in the tunnel group policy for those users.
    I want to give the users access to \\SERVER\Share\%username% as it is described in windows terms. how do a go about this in the ASA, as the above does not work at all? the ASA wants to use the / instead of \ in the CIFS shares. It works fine for normal shares and hidden share specified with $, but not using the %username% variable.
    The documentation on SSL VPNS on both ASA and ACS 4.0 is terrible.
    Best regards,
    Neal Lewis

    This question might be a bit outdated, yet I stumbled across it since even in times of OS 8.4(3), I've had exactly the same problem. Menawhile I've found the solution to it:
    You can work with the usual WebVPN variables which ASA offers for single sign-on (SSO) purposes. The following example works for my customer for a profile in which he applies two-factor authentication and allows his users to access their Windows home share using SSO (using the secondary WebVPN login information, which is their AD login name, accessed via LDAP):
    Bookmark URL:
    cifs:///CSCO_WEBVPN_SECONDARY_USERNAME%24 (where %24 is a code substitution for the '$' sign)
    SSO config:
    group-policy attributes
        auto-signon allow ip auth-type ntlm username CSCO_WEBVPN_SECONDARY_USERNAME password CSCO_WEBVPN_SECONDARY_PASSWORD
    There are two important things to consider, though:
    The share name *must* match the user's login name
    The folder effectively has to be configured to be a share (not just an ordinary folder). My tests have shown that it doesn't work even if that desired, ordinary destination folder is a subfolder of an accessible share.
    Hope that helps other people.

  • Home pc shares two apple accounts.  How do I back up my ipad with correct account?  It always backups my husband's account and not mine.

    We have one home pc that two of us share for itunes accounts. We each have our own apple id that is used when we download apps/music either through wi-fi or directly onto home pc.  We now have an ipad and we are wanting to transfer data from my ipod info to my  ipad. When we sync the new ipad, my husband's files/apps/music/etc. loads to the ipad instead of my data.  When I set up the ipad, I entered my Apple id username/password, and when I open itunes on my computer, I log in with my username/password; however, after syncing the ipad, it is my husband's stuff that is on my ipad.   What are we doing wrong?

    How my wife and I do this is to have 2 separate log ins to our Mac.  Each side has it's own iTunes set up and logged into out own account.  So, when I know she's going to be hoarding the Mac I log into my iTunes account on my side and toggle (Upper right of screen for users) back to her side.  So, anything I add to my iPad is wirelessly synced to my account. 
    On a Windows system I believe you should be able to do the same thing.  So, I think it sounds like your logged into your system under the main user account and logging in and out of iTunes.  I think in those cases it only keeps the primary users apps.  Anyone else care to chime in? 

  • How do I use Home Sharing with two different apple accounts?

    How do I use Home Sharing with two different apple accounts?

    Morning Saintine,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Home Sharing enables you to stream or transfer music, movies, TV shows, apps, and more among up to five authorized computers in your household. To do so, you will need to Turn on Home Sharing on each computer using the same Apple ID.
    Understanding Home Sharing
    Hope this helps,

  • Can I use home sharing with two different Apple IDs?

    Can I use home sharing for two different Apple IDs?

    I have the same sort of problem I want to share two music liberys but my wife dos not like some of the music I do and I don't like some of her's but we like to share the music we both like.
    At the moment we have home shareing on but when my wife buy's music It downloads her's and my laptop and when I buy music it downloads to my laptop and my wife's.
    We want it so we can share music (home sharing) but only my music on my laptop and my wife's music on her laptop. 
    Sorry for the spelling I am dyslex.

  • TS2972 is it possible to use home sharing between two users on the same computer?

    My wife and I have itunes accounts and want to be able to share music we have each bought on our accounts. We have tried setting up the home sharing on our PC but it doesn't show up on the screen. Can anyone please help?

    "Is it possible to use home sharing between two users on the same computer?"
    No. Home sharing is used to connect two running instances of iTunes across a network. When you switch users on the computer all applications running on the other profile are suspended.
    You can however share your respective media folders so that they are visible in either profile and then copy over any content that you want, or you could create a single joint library which you use when either user is logged in.

  • One client and two servers

    how a client can communicate to two servers by socket connection (parallel) ?
    here is my code, when i run one server at a time it works but if i run both server programs and then the client i dont get any exception and it does not get my data from servers it generates "press any key to continue..."
    server 1 --------------
    public static void main(String[] args)
    ServerOne so = new ServerOne(7500);
    public void accept(){
    Socket s;
    s = sock.accept();
    server 2 -----
    exact like server 1
    public static void main(String[] args)
    MyThread MT = new MyThread();
    Socket s = new Socket("",7500);
    InputStream is = s.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
    String str = in.readLine();
    }catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}
    mythread --------------------
    public void run()
    ? try
    Socket s = new Socket("",1234);
    InputStream is = s.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader in= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
    String str = in.readLine();
    catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e.toString());}
    Message was edited by:

    You cannot run two servers on exactly the same socket. Are you aware of this?
    At least the port number has to be different.
    // Server 1:
    try {
        serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4444);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Could not listen on port: 4444");
    Socket clientSocket = null;
    try {
        clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("Accept failed: 4444");
    // now the connection is established
    // do the same for the other server, but for another port
    // The client has to explicitly call each Server, to establish each connection.

  • Two servers (serverSocket) behind the SAME firewal !?l

    Hello !
    I dont know if this is the right forum for this qusetion,
    and maybe the question is really stupid, but ...
    I made a little client/server application, just to
    play around with sockets and serverSockets.
    It works fine, but now i ask myself:
    What happens, if there are two of my servers running on two
    different computers in the SAME LAN behind the SAME
    firewall/internetgateway, and both are listening on the SAME
    port ?
    F.e. if the extern IP of this LAN/(its gateway) is
    204.556.234.123, and a client in the internet is connecting
    to it on the port, on which the two servers behind the firewall
    are listening, WHO'S ANSWERING ?
    (If this port is set to "open and forward" in the firewall)
    The one with the shorter patch-cable ? ;)
    How is it possible for the client to differenciate
    this two servers in that LAN?
    The only logical solution i found is that this two servers
    have to listen on different ports,
    but i think there has to be another explanation and/or solution.
    Do i have to take care about situations like that in my
    server-application ?
    I have the feeling that i have to...somehow.
    OK, you see i dont know much about this...
    i would be very thankful for every hint and explanation.
    Thank you very much,

    F.e. if the extern IP of this LAN/(its gateway) is
    204.556.234.123, and a client in the internet is
    to it on the port, on which the two servers behind the
    are listening, WHO'S ANSWERING ?
    (If this port is set to "open and forward" in the
    firewall)Whichever one the firewall is told to forward it to!
    The two computers running your server have unique addresses on the internal network. The firewall will forward incoming connections to one of those addresses. Maybe it can do some simple "load balancing" by forwarding some connections to one server and some to the other, but still, any particular connection will only go to one server.

  • Cannot get Telnet to work between two servers on same subnet

    I need to test if communication is open on port 8444 between two servers.
    I installed telnet client on a Server 2008 R2 server and telnet server on a Server 2008 SP2 server.  I also manually started the Telnet service that was set to disabled on the SP2 server.  I disabled the Windows firewall on both servers.  They
    are both on the same subnet so they don't need to go through any routers and I can ping successfully.
    When I try to telnet to the remote server by typing telnet "ip address" 8444, I get an error that says "Could not open connection to host, on port 8444:  Connection failed.
    I tried other ports like port 80 and got the same error.
    What else is needed to get this to work?

    VMs have nothing to do with it, as long as there's network communication between the servers.
    As I said, there must be a service or application listening on that port for it to respond. For example, try this:
    C:\> telnet
    When the telnet prompt opens, type in:
    open mail.messaging.microsoft.com 25
    If it works, you should see this:
    220 CH1EHSMHS035.bigfish.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Thu, 7 Feb 2013 00:57:33 +0000
    That means that Microsoft's mail servers are LISTENING on port 25 and it responded. And note, telnetting to port 25 is a non-default telnet port, because port 23 is the default telnet port. When you type in a space and then a port number, you're telling
    the telnet client to use that port.
    That is the SAME THING if some sort of application or service is listening on port 8444 on that other server you're trying to telnet to. If there is no app or service listening, it will just time out.
    And no, installing the TELNET service on that sercver will NOT answer to any port other than 23. The telnet service by default, uses TCP 23, unless you specify otherwise.
    So once again, what service or app on that server is supposed to be listening on 8444?
    Ace Fekay
    MVP, MCT, MCITP/EA, MCTS Windows 2008/R2 & Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 EA, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
    Microsoft Certified Trainer
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    Technical Blogs & Videos: http://www.delawarecountycomputerconsulting.com/
    This post is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

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