Home Share kinda working

Okay, I've used home share to move music and movies, works great across the three computers on my home network. The issue I'm having is with apps. I have an iPhone and an iTouch on a different computer. But when I open the other library I can't find the apps at all. I know that you can share the apps, but I can't see them in the different library.
Any ideas?

my pleasure
please mark your question as answered when you get the chance !
happy computing ...
ps: check your +import settings+ on all your machines - you can set home sharing to automatically transfer newly purchased content
edited by the Jolly Green Giant (where Green stands for environmentally friendly)

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have you checked all devices are connected to the same network and tried restarting your router.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Troubleshooting Homesharing
    Troubleshooting WiFi Networks

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    If you use home sharing to transfer music to your laptop, it stays on the laptop and you can take it anywhere.
    Look at Understanding Home Sharing:  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3819  where it says "With Home Sharing, you can stream music and video from one authorized computer to another, or simply drag music between computer libraries. You can also choose to have iTunes automatically import purchases you make on any of your Home Sharing computers to your own library."

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    Did you already try to reset the phone by holding the sleep and home button for about 10sec, until the Apple logo comes back again?
    Did you already try the troubleshooting mentioned in this article?
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation

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    Thanks in advance!

    Morning bs1211,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at this article:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Cannot access my library when my computer is asleep
    Best of luck,

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  • Home share not working on itunes !!!!

    hello chaps
    i have a vista based system and my sister has a windows 7 netbook
    in the passed i have shared my libary and my sister can have her cds on her netbook as it doesnt have a cd drive.
    i have make the home share the same apple id etc as u r suppose to do and have shared my libary as you are suppose to do..
    when i go on it and enter the password the share link in left off itunes comes up the as soon as i press done it goes !!!
    its upto date itunes so help me as my sister needs her music lol
    cheers in advance

    Have you signed in at Settings > Music with same Apple ID and password as you used in iTunes and on your iPhone to enable Home Sharing?

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    I uninstalled  KB2840149 and rebooted and the functionality returned. I haven't had time to look in to this futher, but as its a new update otheres may be experiencing this. 
    I am using Windows 7 home premium 64bit,  iTunes and apple TV 2 build 5.2.1 (6025) on a gigabit Ethernet network

    ok just make sure if still is working because it seem realtek has a problem with itunes   to be specific  with the shrared folders  and try to avoid new updates for the realtek until you sure it works hope this help and good luck

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