HomeFusion Broadband for a semi-mobile "HD streaming video" user?

I currently signed up for 20GBs/month plan for my 890L wifihotspot.  For an ipad/PC user, that's not really enough for watching streaming HD videos (even when limiting yourself to only 5 TV shows or so a week).  It looks like Verizon offers a HomeFusion Broadband device; which might be more appropriate for an ipad or a PC.  However, I dont see any prices for it; and, it appears to be advertised for people's residence.
I was hoping someone has tried using the HomeFusion Broadband for their Internet service; and, knows the limitations Verizon has placed on this device.  Maybe it can be used for travel?  Or, exceptions can be made so it's not restricted in one place?  Maybe there's a better plan for mobile users who watch HD videos?

Thanks for the quick reply!  Actually, 30GB's per month is just about right for what I need; certainly better than 20GBs.  Yes, I also saw that it said something about attaching an antenna to the side of the house.  However, I'm curious if that's meant for people that live in the boonies that don't have good signal.  I have minimum 3bars of signal on my 890L hotspot without needing any antenna at all.  It would be good to know if anyone has tried using this device while mobile.  I dont see how it would differ from any other 4G LTE networked device.
I would like to know if there's any limitations other than that requires someone to keep this device at any specific street address.  I saw also something about needing access to 911; which, I have access to no matter where I am.
EDIT:  I just saw a picture of what the antenna looks like.  Holy cow.  LOL.  Is that used to contact a satellite on mars or something?  I dont need an antenna like that to use my 890L hotspot; and, have a very stable signal; even while driving.  I wonder if that's just part of VZW's wireless "in home broadband" marketing package.

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    Move the playhead slider to start of snippet
    Type "i" to get slider for start of snippet
    Move the playhead slider to end of snippet
    Type "o" to get slider for end of snippet
    Adjust the "i" and "o" sliders if needed.
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    Go to Edit -> Paste (command V)
    Go to File -> Save (command S) and save as self-contained movie
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    "A day after the name change became official my built in skydrive app stopped working"
    Did you point that SkyDrive changed to OneDrive?
    Did you move your OneDrive to another location or change its name?
    Please login OneDrive with web-based to check if you could access it successfully.
    Please refer to the following article to try the troubleshooter and check the service status:
    SkyDrive: FAQ
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

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