Horizontal Scrolls on the  main Stage

I am putting 11 movies containing 11 flv files on my main
stage. All those movies have onMouse over and click events attached
with them. As those movies are not going to fit on the main stage
so when i am running the flash file, it is just displaying 5 of the
11 movies and rest are being cut. Is there any way that I can code
so that I will get the horizontal scrolls automatically if the
movies are not going to fit on the screen? I am new to the 'stage'
and AS3 concepts . Please help me out.
All I need is to put 11 movies on the main stage with the
horizontal scrolls.
Thanks in advance for your help

you can check a similar thread involving a scrolling
http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=15&catid=665&threadid =1324923&enterthread=y

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    Thanks in advance for any help. I'm a newby, but i would like to learn.

    Look into using the Loader class to load the swf files.  If you want to have it happen in different frames then you can put the code into the different frames.

  • Switching touch events from symbols/classes to the main stage?

    For previous threads:
    Bug ID #2940816
    I have an app that wasn't compiling correctly. I sent the bug to Adobe who responded with a workaround. However, I can't figure out how to make their stated workaround work in my code.
    I have puzzle pieces on the stage. Each is assigned to a separate class. Inside the class I have touch events defining multiple touch events for each piece.
    I have another spot on the stage where, when it is touched, a puzzle piece appears. These are also each linked to a separate class. Inside this class I also have touch events defining multiple touch events for each piece.
    Though it works fine on my computer, it wasn't working on an iPad. Adobe said that I needed to switch the touch events so that they were assigned to the main stage instead of to each individual object.
    However, the code they gave me didn't really make sense in context and I'm confused how to implement it.
    This is the code in the class for each piece that is created when you touch the stage:
            public function GeoPiece(): void {
                if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Name") {
                else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Abbrev") {
                else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Shape") {
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, geoPieceBegin);
            public function geoPieceBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
                PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = true;
                e.target.startTouchDrag(e.touchPointID, false);
                e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
                PuzzleGlobals.currentPiece = e.target.abbrev;
            public function geoPieceEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
                PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = false;
                if (currentObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
                else {
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Out");
                if (this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) {
                    if (GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).abbrev == e.target.abbrev) {
                        GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).isLocked = true;
                    else {
                        //play BOOP sound indicated wrong drop;
                if (PuzzleGlobals.statesCompletedUSA == PuzzleGlobals.TOTAL_NUMBER_USA) {
                    //play fireworks game
                else {
                    //do nothing
                e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
            public function interactionBegin () {
                if (this.dropTarget != null && this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) { //check to make sure it's over a puzzle piece
                    currentObjOver = GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent);
                if (lastObjOver != currentObjOver) {
                    if (lastObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                    else {
                    lastObjOver = currentObjOver;
    This is the code in the class for each piece that's already on the stage:
            public function GeoPuzzle(): void {
                if (this.isLocked == true) {
                    this.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
                if (PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive == true) {
                    this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoPuzzleBegin);
            public function geoPuzzleBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
                e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
            public function geoPuzzleEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
                if (e.target.isLocked == false) {
                else if (e.target.isLocked == true) {
                e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
    You can see that each piece (whether it's already locked on the stage or movable) reacts differently to different touch events. However, this is the code that Adobe gave me as a workaround:
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchEvent);
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, onTouchEvent);
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, onTouchEvent);
    var beginCount:uint=0;
    var moveCount:uint=0;
    var endCount:uint=0;
    function onTouchEvent(event:TouchEvent):void{
         switch (event.type){
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN:
                             square.x = event.stageX;
                             square.y = event.stageY;
                             square.startTouchDrag(event.touchPointID, false);
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE:
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_END:
         trace("begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount);
    //     countText.text = "begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount;
    This doesn't make any sense to me because it seems that it would only work if touching the stage had to react in just a single way. I have multiple pieces that need to each react differently.
    1. The pieces that are locked to the stage need to highlight when touched and display their name.
    2. These pieces also need to keep themselves highlighted and their names displayed when the touch is dragged off of them instead of just removed.
    3. Each piece needs to be created when touching the Puzzle Piece button the stage. As these pieces are dragged, they need to highlight the pieces underneath them and unhighlight them when they are dragged off. They also need to display their own names, and lock into place when they are dragged over the correct piece.
    My questions are:
    1. Why don't touch events work in the compiler?
    2. How can I translate my current working code's touch events to all be directly linked to the stage instead of their objects?
    Thanks so much!

    I am going to copy and paste this answer into all of the forums I've asked this question in case some noob like me comes along and needs the answer.
    I found the problem! After 3 months I finally figured out what was wrong and why my app was working in Device Central when exported as Flash 10.1 and not on my iPad when exported as AIR for iOS.
    The problem is that in the Flash runtime, if a line of code returns a bug, the flash runtime says "Error, shmerror, try again next time." So I had one if, else statement that was executing when it wasn't supposed to be - only once, at the very beginning of the program. It was throwing an error. When I exported as Flash, flash didn't care, and still executed the code later when it was supposed to. But Apple won't let their programs crash. So instead of just trying that code again, Apple decided, after the first error was thrown, that it would then COMPLETELY IGNORE that line of code. So the error was in the line where the states would unhighlight themselves. Apple just shut down that line of code, that's why it wouldn't execute properly.
    I ended up changing this line of code
    if (lastObjOver != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == true)
    which threw an error when the piece was FIRST dragged over the puzzle, to to this
    if (lastObjOver.parent != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == true)
    which wouldn't throw the error.
    Problem solved!
    If anyone else is having this problem, I suggest you do what I did. Change all your touch events to mouse events so you can run the program in the adc debugger. That's when I discovered the error being thrown.

  • Access a nested symbol timeline from the main stage

    Hi all,
    Would love some help on accessing a nested symbol from the main stage please.
    To set the scene.....
    "Its an autumn day..
    no sorry...just joking...
    So i have a symbol called "NormalAnatomy" - its not on the main stage, but when a button is clicked it appears in the 'content' box which is just a rectangle on the main stage.
    Inside "NormalAnatomy" symbol is another symbol called "Scrub_all" which is an animation
    For users to view the animation they use a scrub bar like this lovely lady has invented:
    Create Click and Touch Draggable Scrubbers with Edge Animate CC | sarahjustine.com
    So for Sarah Justines scrubber to work - the main stage has a lot of actions added to it. Also the "timelinePlay" symbol is on the main stage
    Its starts:
    var symDur = sym.getSymbol("timelinePlay").getDuration();
    var mySymbol = sym.getSymbol("timelinePlay");
    var scrubber = sym.$("scrubber");
    var bar = sym.$("bar");
    var dragme = false;
    So I put my "NormalAnatomy" symbol on my main stage to see if the code would work and changed all the relevant details.. and indeed it worked!
    var symDur = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").getSymbol("Scrub_all").getDuration();
    var mySymbol = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").getSymbol("Scrub_all");
    var scrubber = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").$("scrubber");
    var bar = sym.getSymbol("NormalAnatomy").$("bar");
    var dragme = false;
    But i don't want the "NormalAnatomy" symbol to be on the main stage as I want it to appear in the 'content' box only when i hit a btn
    So as soon as I took this symbol off the main stage, the scrubber doesn't work. So I click a btn, and the symbol appears in the content box but the scrubber doesn't work.
    so I tried in front of the "NormalAnatomy"
    but nothing works
    The main problem must be the fact that the NormalAnatomy symbol appears inside a content box so the MainStage actions doesn't know how to find it??
    So my question is... what should I put in the main stage actions to make it access the "NormalAnatomy" symbol?
    Thanks for your help in advance!

    On click handler for the symbol use
    replace the italics with the literal name of the symbol as it appears in the Elements panel.
    Some API details found here (http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/edgeanimate/api/current/index.html) in the Work With Symbols section.

  • Problem with access into the main stage

    hi, how are you guys ,, i hope you fine
    here is my problem
    i have file fla called "game.fla" and there are alot of frames in the main stage  i wanna move it from
    class called "admin" in the library but how??
    i tried to this
    but it doesn.t work i dont know why
    and this is the error message
    C:\Users\win7\Desktop\game1\admin1.as, Line 902 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.

    ahh sorry "
    I could be more help if I had some code to look at"
    here this is all the admin code
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.media.Sound;
    import flash.media.SoundChannel;
    public class admin1 extends MovieClip
    var moves:Boolean;
    var points:Number;
    var SCREAMING:screaming
    var SOUNDCHANNEL:SoundChannel
    var vx:Number;
    var EATING:eating;
    var CHIDORI:chidori
    var WIND:wind;
    public function admin1(){
      public function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void
       if (currentFrame ==20)
       WIND = new wind;
       SOUNDCHANNEL = WIND.play(0,1000)
       CHIDORI = new chidori
       EATING = new eating
       SCREAMING = new screaming
        SOUNDCHANNEL = new SoundChannel
       score.restrict = "0-9";
       burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .5;
       fireball1.alpha = .5;
       addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
       fireball1..addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onfireball1);
       burger1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onburger1);
       b1.visible = false
       b2.visible = false
       b3.visible = false
       c1.visible = false
       c2.visible = false
       c3.visible = false
       d1.visible = false
       d2.visible = false
       d3.visible = false
       e1.visible = false
       e2.visible = false
       e3.visible = false
       f1.visible = false
       f2.visible = false
       f3.visible = false
       a1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicka1);
       a2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicka2);
       a3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicka3);
       b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickb1);
       b2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickb2);
       b3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickb3);
       c1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickc1);
           c2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickc2);
           c3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickc3);
           d1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickd1);
           d2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickd2);
           d3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickd3);
           e1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicke1);
           e2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicke2);
           e3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclicke3);
           f1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickf1);
       f2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickf2);
       f3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onmouseclickf3);
       addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
      public function onRemovedFromStage(event:Event):void
       //Remove the onEnterFrame event if
       //this object is removed from the stage
       removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
       removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
       removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
       trace("Dungeon removed");
      public function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void
       if (points == 0   ){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    burger1.alpha = .3;
    burger1.enabled = false;
    if (points == 1   ){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    burger1.enabled = true;
    if (herobar.width == 80){
    if (herobar.width == 60){
       else if (herobar.width == 40){
       else if (herobar.width == 20){
       else if (herobar.width == 0){
       if(evilbar.width == 40)
       evil1.gotoAndStop (2)
       else if (evilbar.width == 0){
    public function onmouseclicka1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    removeEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,onmouseclicka1)
    b1.visible = true
       b2.visible = true
       b3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicka2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    removeEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,onmouseclicka2)
    b1.visible = true
       b2.visible = true
       b3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicka3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    removeEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,onmouseclicka3)
    b1.visible = true
       b2.visible = true
       b3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickb1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    c1.visible = true
       c2.visible = true
       c3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickb2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    c1.visible = true
       c2.visible = true
       c3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickb3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    c1.visible = true
       c2.visible = true
       c3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    }public function onmouseclickc1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    d1.visible = true
       d2.visible = true
       d3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickc2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    d1.visible = true
       d2.visible = true
       d3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickc3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    d1.visible = true
       d2.visible = true
       d3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    }public function onmouseclickd1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    e1.visible = true
       e2.visible = true
       e3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickd2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    e1.visible = true
       e2.visible = true
       e3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickd3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    e1.visible = true
       e2.visible = true
       e3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    }public function onmouseclicke1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    f1.visible = true
       f2.visible = true
       f3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicke2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    f1.visible = true
       f2.visible = true
       f3.visible = true
       herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclicke3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickf1 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    else if (points==1){
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickf2 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";}
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onmouseclickf3 (event:MouseEvent):void
    if (points == 1 ){
      burger1.enabled = true;
    burger1.alpha = 1;
    if ( points == 2 || points == 3 || points == 4 || points == 5 || points == 6){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    herobar.width -= 20;
    public function onfireball1(event:MouseEvent):void{
    if ( points >= 2 ){
    points -= 2
    evilbar.width -=40
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;
    public function onburger1(event:MouseEvent):void{
    if (points == 1 ){
    burger1.alpha = .3;
    fireball1.alpha = .3;
    burger1.enabled = false;
    fireball1.enabled = false;
    herobar.width +=20
    if ( points >=  2 ){
    burger1.enabled = true;
       fireball1.enabled = true;
       burger1.alpha = 1;
       fireball1.alpha = 1;
       herobar.width +=20
    else if (points==0){
    burger1.enabled = false;
       fireball1.enabled = false;
       burger1.alpha = .3;
       fireball1.alpha = .3;
    if (herobar.width >= 80){
    herobar.width = 80}
    score.text = String(points);
    if (score.text < "0" ){
    score.text = "0";
    if (points< 0){
    points = 0;

  • Targeting A MovieClip on the main Stage....Scope Issue

    main stage------>MC1------>MC2
    on MC2's timeline I want to target objects on the main stage. Not sure on how to write that without using root. I've been trying deviations of

    Why can't you just use root?
    And you can just put your code in the main timeline as suggested - just dispatch an event when you want your code to run and listen for it.
    So, in your clip, on whatever frame do something like:
    dispatchEvent(new Event("runMyAnim"));
    And in the main timeline:
    someClip.someClip.addEventListener("runMyAnim", runIt, false, 0, true);
    function runIt(e:Event){
         //your code goes here

  • Making the main stage timeline play in reverse.

    Hey all thanks for looking. I figured out how to do this with movie clips but I can't seem to get it right with the main stage. Can anyone tell me a simple methood of telling the stage to continue playing in reverse, after a button is clicked, until it reaches a keyframe that will tell it to stop? I'm trying to make it so buttons will tell the stage to play a transition from beginning to end and then have it play in reverse when the "back" button is pressed. I'm currently searching online to find an answer but I haven't had any luck yet. Thanks for the help!

    KgIad -- tried to use this code but I am getting
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter listener must be non-null.
    Which appears to be caused by the changeTimelineF not being recognized. If I create it as
    private function changeTimelineF(e:Event) {
            } else {
    Then it is recognized--but the variables (e.g. startFrame and endFrame) are no longer valid.
    What am I missing?

  • Bug fix requires switching touch events from symbols/classes to the main stage?

    Also posted in Mobile Development, I'm still not sure which forum I should be in.
    For previous threads:
    Bug ID #2940816
    I  have an app that wasn't compiling correctly. I sent the bug to Adobe  who responded with a workaround. However, I can't figure out how to make  their stated workaround work in my code.
    I have puzzle  pieces on the stage. Each is assigned to a separate class. Inside the  class I have touch events defining multiple touch events for each piece.
    I  have another spot on the stage where, when it is touched, a puzzle  piece appears. These are also each linked to a separate class. Inside  this class I also have touch events defining multiple touch events for  each piece.
    Though it works fine on my computer, it wasn't  working on an iPad. Adobe said that I needed to switch the touch events  so that they were assigned to the main stage instead of to each  individual object.
    However, the code they gave me didn't really make sense in context and I'm confused how to implement it.
    This is the code in the class for each piece that is created when you touch the stage:
            public function GeoPiece(): void {
                if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Name") {
                else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Abbrev") {
                else if (PuzzleGlobals.currentLevel == "Shape") {
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, geoPieceBegin);
            public function geoPieceBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
                PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = true;
                e.target.startTouchDrag(e.touchPointID, false);
                e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
                MovieClip(this.parent.parent).nameDisplay.gotoAndStop(e.target.abbrev );
                PuzzleGlobals.currentPiece = e.target.abbrev;
            public function geoPieceEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
                PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive = false;
                if (currentObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
                else {
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Out");
                MovieClip(this.parent.parent).nameDisplay.gotoAndStop(PuzzleGlobals.c hosenPuzzle);
                if (this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) {
                    if (GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).abbrev == e.target.abbrev) {
                        GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent).isLocked = true;
                    else {
                        //play BOOP sound indicated wrong drop;
                if (PuzzleGlobals.statesCompletedUSA == PuzzleGlobals.TOTAL_NUMBER_USA) {
                    //play fireworks game
                else {
                    //do nothing
                e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPieceEnd);
            public function interactionBegin () {
                 if (this.dropTarget != null && this.dropTarget.parent is  GeoPuzzle) { //check to make sure it's over a puzzle piece
                    currentObjOver = GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent);
                if (lastObjOver != currentObjOver) {
                    if (lastObjOver.isLocked == true) {
                    else {
                    lastObjOver = currentObjOver;
    This is the code in the class for each piece that's already on the stage:
            public function GeoPuzzle(): void {
                if (this.isLocked == true) {
                    this.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
                if (PuzzleGlobals.pieceActive == true) {
                    this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, geoPuzzleBegin);
            public function geoPuzzleBegin (e:TouchEvent): void {
                e.target.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
            public function geoPuzzleEnd (e:TouchEvent): void {
                if (e.target.isLocked == false) {
                else if (e.target.isLocked == true) {
                MovieClip(this.parent).nameDisplay.gotoAndStop(PuzzleGlobals.chosenPu zzle);
                e.target.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, geoPuzzleEnd);
    You  can see that each piece (whether it's already locked on the stage or  movable) reacts differently to different touch events. However, this is  the code that Adobe gave me as a workaround:
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchEvent);
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, onTouchEvent);
    this.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, onTouchEvent);
    var beginCount:uint=0;
    var moveCount:uint=0;
    var endCount:uint=0;
    function onTouchEvent(event:TouchEvent):void{
         switch (event.type){
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN:
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; trace("BEGIN")
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; beginCount++;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.x = event.stageX;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.y = event.stageY;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.startTouchDrag(event.touchPointID, false);
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; break;
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE:
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; trace("MOVE")
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; moveCount++;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; break;
              case TouchEvent.TOUCH_END:
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; trace("END")
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; endCount++;
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; square.stopTouchDrag(event.touchPointID);
               &nbs p;           &n bsp; break;
         trace("begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount);
    //     countText.text = "begin: "+beginCount+" move: "+moveCount+" end: "+endCount;
    This  doesn't make any sense to me because it seems that it would only work  if touching the stage had to react in just a single way. I have multiple  pieces that need to each react differently.
    1. The pieces that are locked to the stage need to highlight when touched and display their name.
    2.  These pieces also need to keep themselves highlighted and their names  displayed when the touch is dragged off of them instead of just removed.
    3.  Each piece needs to be created when touching the Puzzle Piece button  the stage. As these pieces are dragged, they need to highlight the  pieces underneath them and unhighlight them when they are dragged off.  They also need to display their own names, and lock into place when they  are dragged over the correct piece.
    My questions are:
    1. Why don't touch events work in the compiler?
    2. How can I translate my current working code's touch events to all be directly linked to the stage instead of their objects?
    Thanks so much!

    I haven't changed much. I've been playing around and I think I know where the problem is coming from now. I just can't figure out how to fix it.
    This it the only code I've modified:
            public function interactionBegin () {
                trace ("Current: " + currentObjOver);
                trace ("Last: " + lastObjOver);
                if (this.dropTarget != null && this.dropTarget.parent is GeoPuzzle) { //check to make sure it's over a puzzle piece
                    currentObjOver = GeoPuzzle(this.dropTarget.parent); //make "currentObjOver" assigned to the puzzle piece the finger is currently touching
                    currentObjOver.gotoAndStop("Over"); //highlight the current piece
                    if (currentObjOver != lastObjOver) { //if your finger moves and you're now touching a different state
                        if (lastObjOver != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == true) { //if the previous state you were touching has been solved
                            lastObjOver.gotoAndStop("Lock"); //lock this state into place
                        else if (lastObjOver != null && lastObjOver.isLocked == false) { //if the previous state you were touching wasn't solved
                            lastObjOver.gotoAndStop("Off"); //unhighlight that state
                        lastObjOver = currentObjOver; //assign the current state to be the last state you were touching
    lastObjOver and currentObjOver are always assigned the same object. I can't figure out why, I've run it line by line but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

  • How do I return playback to the main stage timeline from a symbol?

    In trying to learn Edge, is there a way to return playback (play from) once an animation is complete within a symbol?
    For instance, I have the main timeline that shows a symbol animation on creationcomplete, but when the animation is finished in the symbol and I hide the symbol, the main timeline is no longer playing. What would I need to do to return playback control to resume playback of the main timeline? I have a label I would like to play from on the main timeline, but I have not found a way to call the main timeline from within the symbol.
    This was something common in Flash.
    Thanks for your help!

    Hi escargo,
    Say we use two symbols object1 and object2.
    The main timeline has an interpolation on object2 from label “mainAnim“. Its autoplay property is set to false : the playhead stops at 0 ms.
    A third symbol nested contains the interpolation on object1. Its autoplay property is set to true, so it plays directly.
    At the end of this transition, there is a trigger (pseudo-track just below the timeline)
    sym = the current symbol nested
    sym.getComposition().getStage() = the main timeline (in Edge the stage is a symbol)
    sym.getComposition().getStage().play(‘mainAnim’); = play the main timeline from the given label.
    You can download the example here : https://app.box.com/s/6svvskydh952dfxbr3xb
    PS : threads with examples for neigboring problems

  • Start a horizontal scroll in the middle of a table?

    My demanding users are at it again. Although I am learning alot but lest I digress;-) Lets say I have a tableview with 72 columns that is one month for each year spanning over 6 years. No biggie but instead of the horizontal scroll starting at the left most point I would like start the scroll in the middle (say at column 36 or something) of the tableview. So if my tableview starts at 03/2002 in column 1 and goes to 03/2008 in column 72 I want the horizontal scroll to start at 03/2005(current month)in column 36 each time the table is rendered. I am using MVC and the tableview iterator(which I love).
    I was hopeing that I could find something similar to a dropdown i.e. pre-populate a selected value and the dropdown starts at that selection not the top most one. Any one have any ideas where I could begin? I have searched this forum for 'horizontal' and 'scrolling' but no hits.

    I gave the example from Thomas Ritter to the JS person here and he got it working. I can't take credit but I wanted to share it with the forum. Basically what happens is that the horizontal scroll will scroll to the right till the date column that is close to the current date. I say close to because some of the columns are in months so if the current date is 21-MAR-05 then the horizontal scroll will scroll right until MAR-05. Either way here is the code. As I said before I take no credit for it. I do have another question though. Anyone have any ideas how to change it so that I can pass it a date and have it scroll there instead of the current date?
    <code>function lockCol(tblID) {
         var table = document.getElementById(tblID);     
         var cTR = table.getElementsByTagName('tr');  //collection of rows
         var coords = { x: 0, y: 0 };
         var now = new Date();
         var strMonthArray = new Array(12);
         strMonthArray[0] = "Jan";
         strMonthArray[1] = "Feb";
         strMonthArray[2] = "Mar";
         strMonthArray[3] = "Apr";
         strMonthArray[4] = "May";
         strMonthArray[5] = "Jun";
         strMonthArray[6] = "Jul";
         strMonthArray[7] = "Aug";
         strMonthArray[8] = "Sep";
         strMonthArray[9] = "Oct";
         strMonthArray[10] = "Nov";
         strMonthArray[11] = "Dec";
         strMonth = strMonthArray[now.getMonth()];
         year = new String(now.getYear());
         var today = now.getDate() + "-" + strMonth + "-" + year.substr(2,2);
         if (table.rows[0].cells[0].className == '') {
              for (i = 1; i < cTR.length; i++) {
                   var tr = cTR.item(i);
                   if(i == 1){
                        tr.cells[0].className = 'firstLocked';
                        for (j = 2; j < 100 ; j++) {
                             if(compareDate(today, tr.cells[j].innerText)) {                         
                                  elt = tr.cells[j];
                                  while (elt) {
                                       coords.x += elt.offsetLeft;
                                       elt = elt.offsetParent;
                             break innerloop;
                   else{tr.cells[0].className = 'locked'}
         else {
              for (i = 1; i < cTR.length; i++){
              var tr = cTR.item(i);
              tr.cells[0].className = '';
         document.getElementById('tbl-container').scrollLeft = coords.x - 69;
    function compareDate(date1, date2){
         a = date1.split("-");
         b = date2.split("-");
         day1 = parseInt(a[0]);
         month1 = a[1];
         year1 = a[2];
         day2 = parseInt(b[0]);
         month2 = b[1];
         year2 = b[2];
         if(year1 == year2) {
              if(month1 == month2) {
                   if((day2 >= day1)) {return true;}
                   else {return false;}
              else {return false;}     
         else {return false;}

  • Managing multiple movies on the main stage

    i just started using actionscript. i don't understand how to
    write or organize the coding for this:
    first, i have 3 movie clips on the main timeline. the first
    movie clip is a series of buttons (the main navigation) within a
    movie clip that when rolled over, will jump to specific frame
    labels to change its look. no down or hit states. i got this to
    secondly, i'd like for this rollover function to display the
    2nd movie clip, which contains 8 different movie clips
    thirdly, i'd i'm trying to make the movie clip thumbnails act
    as buttons that when the onRelease occurs, it activates the final
    movie clip, (a Container movie clip), which will show about 15
    different movie clips, each containing about 3 frames to display
    once clicked.
    i know this is kind of drawn out, but if anyone can get me
    started it would be a big help. the only actions i currenly have
    are stop(); actions. Other than that i'm lost.

    you can check a similar thread involving a scrolling
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=15&catid=665&threadid =1324923&enterthread=y

  • Changing a boolean inside a movieclip via the main stage.

    I have a movieclip and within it is a bit of actionscript and a couple of different movieclips to make it function like the button on a ball point pen (you click it and it stays clicked until you click it again).
    var booleanClick:Boolean = false;
    var colorTransform:ColorTransform = optBox.transform.colorTransform;
    optHitState.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler);
    function onClickHandler(myEvent:MouseEvent){
         if (booleanClick == false ) {
              colorTransform.color = 0xB5CDE6;
              optBox.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
              booleanClick = true;
         } else {
              colorTransform.color = 0xFFFFFF;
              optBox.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
              booleanClick = false;
    I have thirty-some-odd of these ball point pen movieclips on my main stage.
    I want to be able to "clear" all the movieclips so that the optbox color is white and the booleanClick is false with a button that is on my main stage. Currently I've got it working for the optbox color, but when i try to trace out my boolean - it gives me nothing (not even an error).
    var cClear:ColorTransform;
    var optionArray = new Array ( mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5, mc6 ); // all my ball point pen movieclips are in this array.
    clearButtons.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goClear);
    function goClear(e:MouseEvent):void {
         for (var i:int = 0; i < optionArray.length; i++) {
              cClear = optionArray[i].optBox.transform.colorTransform;
              cClear.color = 0xFFFFFF;
              optionArray[i].optBox.transform.colorTransform = cClear;
              trace(optionArray[i].booleanClick + i);
              optionArray[i].booleanClick = false;
              trace(optionArray[i].booleanClick + i);
    I don't want to get deeper into this monster of a project without making sure this is working first. Is my boolean working and just my trace statements aren't worded right or is my method to change the boolean wrong?

    I'm not sure what you are trying to trace (boolean + number?), but try changing it to...
    trace(optionArray[i].booleanClick, i);
    and see if that's more like what you are expecting

  • How to structure several scenes (in symbols) on the main stage timeline

    I'm new to edge animate but have a Flash background and I'm working in Edge Animate on a game which is structured in several scenes. Each scene I did put in a symbol. Now I wonder how to build the main timeline or the "story - controller" so to speak. I have all the scenes but I do not know how to connect them.
    In Flash it was possible to add keyframes of scenes one after another (like stairs) and jump forward or backward if needed to load the movie clips. In Edge Animate all scenes (or symbols) are in place from the beginning of the timeline and I cannot move the symbol to a later keyframe. Of course I can move animations in the timeline. The only way I think is to hide the symbols first and make them visible if needed. But this does not seem to be the right way and I don't understand the concept of structuring complex animations yet.
    I would like to know how to structure several scenes in Edge Animate properly. Something like a scene loader or unloader would be useful. Highly appriciate any hints to a solution.
    Thank you,

    resdesign wrote:
    You can also use edgecommons to load edge composition into another edge composition.
    Thank you to your tipp so I try to organize my scenes into compositions. I can successfully load a composition (scene2) into the main container :
    EC.loadComposition("scene2.html", sym.getSymbol("mainContainer"));
    Now I'm facing another situation. At the end of the loaded composition scene2 is a "Next Scene" button suppose to load scene3.html composition into the main container. "Next Scene" is a nested button inside the loaded composition screen2 symbol. How do I load the next compostion from the current one? This code for On Click of course does not work:
    EC.loadComposition("scene3.html", sym.getSymbol("mainContainer"));
    I think the refer to the mainContainer is wrong. Is it just a targeting issue or is it the wrong approach in general?

  • Trouble scrolling on the main menu using my dvd player.

    I can't seem to move to the scenes button when I'm on the main menu using my DVD player. This function seems to work fine on my computer. Before I burn another (very long) disc and try again, does anyone have any suggestions?

    If I have two buttons, one for Subtitles on and one for Subtitles off, how do I make it so that the one that is chosen is highlighted?
    You set it by changing the menu's property for the default button. This is one of the reasons a separate menu is generally used. If you have a single menu with 3 buttons ("play movie," "subtitle on," and "subtitle off"), and you set the default to "Active Subtitle Track," then your "play movie" button won't ever be the default.
    To play with this and to decide how you want your disk to work, create a test EN project with 2 menus. Rename one of them "Main Menu" with 2 buttons "Play Movie" and "Subtitle Setup." Rename the second menu "Subtitle Setup" with 3 buttons, "Subtitle On," "Subtitle Off," and "Main Menu." As noted, the "Default Button" property for the menu "Subtitle Setup" will be "Active Subtitle Track." The button "Subtitle On," using specify link, will link to its own menu, default button, but will specify Subtitle 1. Same for the button "Subtitle Off," except that it will specify Subtitle Off. The Main Menu button simply links to the main menu.
    Note that in Encore preview, do not use your computer mouse to hover over the buttons. It will trick you into thinking that you have or have not set the behavior correctly. Use the little remote function in the bottom of the preview window.

  • How to structure several scenes (in symbols) on the main stage

    I have this main scene with four buttons, each will call a different composition.
    These compositions will be loaded  with Edge Commons's composition Loader inside Symbols ( I call it content) created with createChildSymbols.
    That works. But I seem to be missing the right size relationship in between the Symbols size and the compostions it will received. It seems somehow smaller.
    The wrapper Main Composition adaptes itself to the size of the display. But the compostition loades does not adapt, or worst. It does... sometimes....
    I just don't understand...
    any help ?

    resdesign wrote:
    You can also use edgecommons to load edge composition into another edge composition.
    Thank you to your tipp so I try to organize my scenes into compositions. I can successfully load a composition (scene2) into the main container :
    EC.loadComposition("scene2.html", sym.getSymbol("mainContainer"));
    Now I'm facing another situation. At the end of the loaded composition scene2 is a "Next Scene" button suppose to load scene3.html composition into the main container. "Next Scene" is a nested button inside the loaded composition screen2 symbol. How do I load the next compostion from the current one? This code for On Click of course does not work:
    EC.loadComposition("scene3.html", sym.getSymbol("mainContainer"));
    I think the refer to the mainContainer is wrong. Is it just a targeting issue or is it the wrong approach in general?

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