Hotmail folders on iphone

Looking for advice. I have hotpail pop3. Within my regular hotmail account, I have many personalised folders such as work...bills..etc. These do not show up when I set up my hotmail on my iphone, only the standard ones.
Is there any way to add my personalised folders??
Many thanks.

Is there any way to add my personalised folders??
No, Hotmail is a POP account & you need an IMAP account do what you want. About the closest you're gonna get is to use a third party app that turns Hotmail into a "pseudo" IMAP account. This will do what you want & works quite well:

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    That's right - it works on iOS devices.  The hotmail/exchange active sync feature is only available on certain model phones (iOS, Windows Phone 7, webOS palm pre, etc) at this point.  It is not available for use with email clients on OS X or even Windows at this point.
    If you have a Mac or a Windows pc, at this point you can only to POP3 email through hotmail.  Under POP3 only messages in the inbox can be downloaded to your Mac or Windows pc, regardless of the email client app you are using.
    mBox Mail for Mac can give you IMAP-like features with the hotmail email service.  It's an add-on to your existing email client.

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    It sounds like you have your Hotmail setup as POP in Mail. You will need to add a new account as IMAP. Note, when you delete the POP account in Mail it will also delete the messages in the Inbox. You need to archive or move the Inbox messages to a folder before deleting the account.
    The iPhone is connecting through ActiveSync (which is exclusively for mobile devices).
    Since you are using [email protected], you might need to log into your account in Safari and add aliases for your email as [email protected] before creating the IMAP account.
    Incoming IMAP mail server:
    Incoming IMAP mail server port: 993
    Encryption: SSL
    Outgoing SMTP mail server:
    Outgoing SMTP mail server port: 587
    Encryption: TLS

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    Thank you.
    I found the answer. It was operator failure, my fault. In the settings on my iPhone and iPad there is a setting called Mail Days to Sync. I had this set to a short duration. When I changed it to No Limit, all the older mail was properly populated into their respective folders.

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    Go to the Mail app.
    Scroll down to the Accounts section.
    Select the account and folders will be accessible.

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    Have you tried reading the manual? iPhone User Manual
    Or the Apple Support Knowledge Base? iOS: Setting up an email account

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    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iPhone forums.

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    Click on the Apple icon.. Top left in Finder...
     > Dock > Turn Hiding Off
    More info available by Clicking on Heip in the Finder Menu Bar and typing in Dock

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    Are you accessing the account with the Mail app?
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    Isn't HotMail still POP3 mail only (i.e. no IMAP support)?  If that is still the case, then your device is working correctly.  The folders you made are a feature of the web tool for hotmail, and are not part of the POP3 supported email protocol.  Only IMAP mail supports on-server mail subfolders, and those can be accessed from the iPhone mail client.  But POP3 is limited to the inbox solely, as that is literally the only folder that sits on the mail server (your others are on Microsofts web server and supported via the web mail tool).

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    MS does not use an industry standard email account protocol (IMAP or POP) for accessing a free Hotmail account with a non-MS email client. You can access a paid or Hotmail Plus account ($20/yr) as a POP account with the iPhone's email client and the same with any other email client on any platform - Mac or Windows PC.

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    Total files equals the total number of pictures/videos in Camera Roll.
         - JPEGs (iPhone Created, iMSG Saved, or Moved (file xfr/emailed) to iPhone & Saved to Camera Roll),
         - PNGs (screenshots)
         - QuickTime Videos (iPhone Created & iMSG Saved to Camera Roll)
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         - Instagram
         - Facebook
         - User created folders, mine came from iTools
         - Access to Albums created on the iPhone
                   * If I organized on the iPhone, why can't I access that organization via the DCIM folder?
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    iCloud & iTunes, are not answers to the question, "How do I access all otherwise PC-considered "DCIM" folders?" when the only access allowed is "My iPhone --> Internal Storage --> DCIM --> '5 Folders housing all Camera Roll images/videos"
    As you can read, this is not a question "What is Camera Roll?", I just defined what it is above.
    Thank you!

    Maybe this will help you with a description of how iOS sorts photos.
    As far as creating folders while in Camera Roll, the camera roll is not really designed to store photos on a long term basis, hense why if something happens to the iPhone, you lose your photos. It is designed for you to import the photos to the computer and do your organization there, and then sync the photos back to the device via iTunes. Then, should something happen to the iPhone, your photos are still safe on the computer. The ability to create folders and arrange photos through the Camera Roll is rather new. I'm not sure how it handles them, but earlier versions just put a "shortcut" so to speak in the folders you created, with the original file remaining in the Camera Roll. I'm not sure how that may have changed, but I am not sure how it handles these folders now. Seems you have discovered some of this by your comment on Instagram.
    I do know that in Windows, and from what I have read it is the same on a Mac, you cannot use Explorer to put photos back into the Camera Roll. While you can read from the Camera Roll, you cannot write to it with the computer. Someone may be able to dispute that, but natively through Windows I can be sure that writing to the Camera Roll is not allowed.
    Regarding your comment about the SD card, it is true, despite the fact the iPhone uses Flash memory, you cannot write to certain areas of the memory, and as I stated earlier, the Camera Roll is one of them. While it will save photos from the camera, and will also allow you to save photos from email, messages or other applications, it does not allow you to copy materials from the computer. This is the way Apple designed it.
    I believe I read in your other post that someone suggested you use the feedback channel, but in case I was wrong, here it is. If you want Apple to see your comments, you need to post there, as they do not participate in the forum. The feedback link is and then click on the appropriate link.

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