Hotmail problem on E65

HI guys, I have a nokia E65. When i'am on the web and try and access my hotmail inbox i'am getting an error this site is currently unavailable. It was working up until a week ago. Also get memory full when on the web a lot. Any way of increasing the memory. Would love some advice on this.

I have the exact same problem!!

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    I bought my E65 around 2 months ago. I was very inspired with it in the begening. However, problems started to come out from this phone.
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    1.WLAN Connection
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    JGC wrote:do you have some /opt/mozilla/*/xulrunner directory around that is not the latest version? Also, make sure xulrunner is up to date.
    xulrunner also was updated when I did my updates yesterday. I take a look to see if if there is more than one xulrunner directory.
    JGC wrote:Having invalid/outdated pluginreg.dat files in your profile or in one of the xulrunner directories could also be he cause of your problem.
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    My bug is 383926. 379223, 380556, & 384026 are other Arch users showing a similar problem to me. Bug 380530 SEEMS to indicate it might be a Mozilla bug related to FF 2.0. Interesting to note, I noticed that FF has indeed updated to 2.0 on my system...I thought it was still 1.5.x.
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    The same thing happened to me and probably to all other users of the httpmail plugin. I looked up on the Automagic Software website (creator of httpmail) and they mentioned that as of September 1st 2009, Microsoft has withdrawn support for HTTPmail protocol.
    If someone else has got it to work, please post here. Thanks.

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    I had an issue like this a few years ago (O2 network) and it turned out to be my profile in O2 that was causing the issue. I'd suggest using your SIM card in another mobile to eliminate that as the problem and use a different SIM in your E65 to check if there is an issue with the E65 itself. If someone elses SIM works in your phone, and your SIM is working in someone elses then it's a good bet that it's something with the operator you use.

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    I had an issue like this a few years ago (O2 network) and it turned out to be my profile in O2 that was causing the issue. I'd suggest using your SIM card in another mobile to eliminate that as the problem and use a different SIM in your E65 to check if there is an issue with the E65 itself. If someone elses SIM works in your phone, and your SIM is working in someone elses then it's a good bet that it's something with the operator you use.

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    I suppose by "Outlook", we are talking about here?
    This forum is for Outlook Client on Windows, if you have come up against any problems with, please refer to the forum:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    This question is better suited for the OLAP discussion forum.

  • Hotmail problem - sending

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    Hi NE21
    I am in the UK and eventually found the problem was due to my BT Home Hub Router.  Not sure where you live, but of you are in the UK, this might work for you.
    I found this fix below on
    It worked for me.  If you can't link to the URL, here is the body of the text
    There's an issue related to the BT homehub that is providing a hostname that is "syntactically incorrect" for several smtp server.
    Here's how you can fix it.
    Using your internet browser, go to the address "
    - Follow instructions to reset your password if asked.
    - Then go to "Settings", then "Advanced Settings" and "home network"
    You will see there all the devices that are connected or that has been connected before. It's gonna be easyer if yout computer is the only one connected.
    Your computer should have a name like "unknown-xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ...
    Click on this name, chose another name without any special characters, like "macbook" for exemple.
    And then click on "apply"
    - restart your computer.
    That should fix the issue.
    Credit goes to vincentfromcork for providing me with the solution.

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    I literally went in and deleted my hotmail account and reentered it and now I can send without getting an error. You might try that.
    I doubt I can past the link in here but if you access your hotmail via the comptuer there are 'how to's'. along with settings you can check
    What Hotmail POP settings should I use with my phone?
    POP3 is a way to receive a copy of email messages in your Windows Live Hotmail inbox on your mobile phone. It doesn't sync email messages in other folders. You don't need to change any Hotmail settings. To add your Hotmail inbox, use these POP3 settings.
    Incoming POP server
    Incoming POP mail port
    Outgoing SMTP server
    Outgoing SMTP port (primary)
    Outgoing SMTP port (secondary)
    587 (with TLS/SSL Encryption depending on your email app)
    Incoming uses SSL
    On (this is required)
    Outgoing uses SSL
    On (this is required)
    Password (the password you use to sign in to Hotmail)
    Delete from server
    When removed from inbox
    Leave a copy on the server
    POP3 syncs a copy of your email messages from the Hotmail server. Changes that you make to Hotmail  messages on your phone, like deleting or marking as read, aren't sent back to the Hotmail server and you won't see these changes if you check your Hotmail inbox in another email program or on the web.

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    this sounds like a hotmail issue to me.
    maybe you should contact hotmail and confirm what devices they support for hotmail.
    also, i think someone posted here another address for hotmail for mobile devices. i dont remember it off the top off my head

  • Mac Mail and Hotmail problem

    Sorry if this has been asked before but I have searched with no luck yet.
    I recently set up Mail to retrieve mail from my hotmail accounts.
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    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    The same thing happened to me and probably to all other users of the httpmail plugin. I looked up on the Automagic Software website (creator of httpmail) and they mentioned that as of September 1st 2009, Microsoft has withdrawn support for HTTPmail protocol.
    If someone else has got it to work, please post here. Thanks.

  • Hotmail problems

    When I go to it tells me cookies are not enabled. I have noticed that I can view the site just fine in OS 10.4.3 using FireFox/OmniWeb and spoofing the server in thinking it's IE 6 for windows. Any other non windows configuration doesn seem to work (for me anyway). However, I am on my laptop with OS 9.2.2 using Mozilla 1.2.1 and Netscape 7 so I can't do any spoofing. One more thing... outlook express is suddenly unable to connect to the hotmail server.
    This problem has been persistant for the past 3 weeks. I have tried clearing the cache for both browsers and clearing all cookies and preferences. I know cookies are enabled because I recieved cookies while loading Apple discussions. But when I go view my email, no cookies are sent at all... even when the browser is set to recieve all without asking.
    What gives? I refuse to use IE...

    Hi Aaron,
    I'm probably newer at this OS9 stuff than anyone else here...but Opera 6.03 is perking along nicely on my nephew's Imac,and he's a diehard Hotmail user,both directly and through the Opera Mail function.
    If you're interested,do a little exploring at the Opera site,under "other OS"-they even have Opera2 for BeOS onsite!Neat,eh? Opera gives you a great deal of control concerning cookies,pop-ups and browsing history...Opera is no longer updated for OS9,but 6.03 is still much further ahead than the defaults on the OS9 disk.
    I hear good things about Mozilla 1.31 as well(though the download is much longer than Opera). I have used both Mozilla and Opera on my other Box,a Linux OS.
    Icab has a good rep on these forums,though i've yet to try it out(still waiting on my G3 from Ebay).I think you need a seperate mail program for Icab-but if you want direct accesss via the Hotmail site itself,Icab is the only browser than is currently supporting OS9...yep,the most recent version works for 9 and X both,how sweet is that?
    I tend to give advice like some folk fire a shotgun-scattered and all over the place,but hopefully the target gets hit...hope some of it was useful.

  • Hotmail Problems HELP

    I have a Blackberry Torch
    When i go to the browser, go to i get a error "sorry, it looks like there was an error. Please try again"
    whats wrong ???? how do i fix that????
    It use to work but it no longer does...
    if i scroll down and click pc site it works and goes to my hotmail inbox.
    ive tried going to setup > email accounts > deleting the account . then setting it up again but that dosnt help.
    ive also tried restarting .. didnt help.
    thank you

    OMG! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been struggling with the same problem but on iphone, for about 10 days. I stumbled across this forum after spending some time googling for answers (including Apple & Windows). You are the only person in the whole www that I could find with a solution. So happy! Thanks again for restoring my hotmail.

  • Hotmail problem

    I have a problem with my hotmail account. I can log in and i can see that i have recieved a new mail. But if i press on the heading of the letter - as I have always done - nothing happens. And also if i press on the buttons such as New, Delete ect. nothing happens. It feels like Safari can't even understand that i have pressed anywhere. But i can move between boxes - that means that i can move to junk box. but i'm not able to do anything there either.
    is it possible that i have changed some settings? or i have got a virus?
    I was able to watch my mails with another computer. So that's why i think it's not hotmail's problem.

    If you have an OS X virus, you will be the first.
    This may be caused by system/user cache corruption. Try emptying the Safari cache and test.
    Do you have another browswer available to test if this is a Safari problem? Firefox is a free download.

  • Hotmail problem iphone ios5

    before i pudapted at ios 5 at ios 4 i could use my hotmail account but when i udpated at 5 i cant i have tryied by exchange and hotmail nothing happens by when i tryied with google acount and a yahoo it was just fine and i have tryied the same with my friends one which we actually have the same problem with me every mail exept hotmail anyone can help me out?

    The issue is with your hotmail account. Just sign in to your hotmail account on the computer and then goto account settings and then security info and delete any phone number's and alternate email address and then setup your account on the phone again. reset your phone. issue will be resolved. After setting up your email account you can reverse the changes made to your hotmail account on the computer. TRY IT. IT WILL WORK IF YOU ARE GETTING INCORRECT USERNAME OR PASSWORD error.
    Noel Carson

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