How am I being identified?

I visit a streaming site,, and it's somehow identifying who I am just from the browser. I had to recreate an account there because of some unwanted attention but as soon as I recreate an account(via google+ login so not registered on the actual site)the site knows who I am and bans me because multiple accounts are not allowed. I use distinctively different information so I'm sure someone noticing me is not the case. I have also tried changing my ip address, my mac address, clearing cookies and cache but the same thing happens.
However, when I create an account on a different browser I have no problem at all but when I log-in in that same account through Firefox it somehow gets 'tagged' again and the account gets deleted instantly.
How am I being identified when there are no cookies before visiting the site?

Each computer has an ID number within it. Also, every web site you visit
can store information about you on your computer. These are called
'''Cookies'''. If you leave a site without logging out, then return later, the
site read your cookie and may not ask you for a password again. They also
store things like the settings you use for that site. Cookies should not
store things like personal information, but the site itself may if you
give it to them (name, address, and so on).

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    Thank You So Much For This Link!
    See Ya Later - I got some Homework To do!!!!!!!!!!
    Anybody that's really wants to learn this stuff from home should check this out. A little hard to follow the format, but definately readable.
    Edited by: jasonwpalmer on Nov 4, 2007 1:42 PM

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    On the security point:
    In the past, Firefox marked all downloads as originating from the internet so that it triggered Windows' attachment security feature. Users could disable that by setting the preference to false.
    Starting in Firefox 26, zone marking of downloads is done only for executables. Users can disable even that zone marking by setting the preference to false in about:config.
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    Thanks for the reply,  And thanks for the screenshot showing me that my name is displayed to you as "spaceadventurer," which is what I had intended / wanted.
    I understand now, from reading through most of the original and replies to the post,Real name instead of Screen name displayed, where I noticed you replied several times, that the Screen Name / real legal name works this way on Adobe’s forums:
    When you are logged in - YOU (and only you) see your real legal name everywhere on the forums / web site, and associated with all of your posts
    When you are not logged in (to Adobe / forums with your Adobe username / password), you always see your name associated with your posts as your Screen Name only
    Everyone else always sees your screen name, everywhere, on all posts, regardless of whether they (everyone else) are logged in or logged out.  (Unless, of course, you set up your profile to have your Screen Name be your real legal name.  Then everyone will always see your real legal name associated with your posts.)
    When logged in, in the “Edit Communities Profile” web page (from the menu that appears when you click your Avatar in the black Adobe menu bar at the top of the screen), in the “Privacy” tab on that page, there is a “widget” called ‘Preview your profile’ in the upper right-hand corner of that tab.  This widget is supposed to show you how you or others, depending on which selection you make from the dropdown in the widget, will see your Profile (and therefore, your name) from their computers.  In fact, no matter which selection you make from the dropdown, the display of your profile that is produced ALWAYS shows your real legal name, which is misleading, because that is not in fact, what others will see. Others, whether “Registered Users,” “Friends,” or “Everyone,” will ALWAYS see your Screen Name only.  (Except for the exception I mentioned in the immediate previous bullet.)
    There is a way to change your Screen Name, should you feel the need to do so.  The steps to do that are detailed in response no. 75 to the "Real name instead of Screen name displayed" forum post.
    Does it sound to you like I have captured the gist of the main learnings that can be gleaned from that post ("Real name instead of Screen name displayed”)?

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