How can i check quality of MPEG-2?

I am hoping to make some videos using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and eventually get them onto DVD. However, i am slightly concerned about the final quality of the DVD. I emailed the DVD duplicating company i hope to use, and they said the DVD quality will be exactly the same as the source material. The problem i have is that currently im using the trial software and cannot export to MPEG-2 until i buy the product. What i would like to know is, once i have purchased the full product, how can i view the MPEG-2 file once i have exported and encoded it?
For example, if i export the video right now as a Quicktime file, i can watch the video using Quicktime. How can i check the video if it is exported onto MPEG-2? I need to make sure the video quality is good before i place an order at the DVD duplicating company.
Many, many thanks!

Check your duplicating house for the format they require. Is that DLT or other?
That is a very good point. Most still insist on DLT, though more are beginning to accept DVD masters.
Two strong suggestions:
1.) use the best media you can buy. Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are very good.
2.) burn at THE slowest speed that you can
Good luck,

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    Congratuations on your new iPad!
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    Carol Deatherage
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    '''Pop mail accounts '''can only access the server Inbox.
    Messages are downloaded to your computer and stored in the Thunderbird Profile mail account.
    Usually, the copy on the server is removed unless you select to 'leave messages on server' in Account Settings..
    'Tools' > 'Account Settings' > 'Server Settings' for pop mail account.
    These emails are stored on your computer and can be accessed in both 'online' and 'offline' mode.
    You would need to make sure you periodically create a backup of these emails.
    '''IMAP mail accounts '''see a remote view of any subscribed folder on the server.
    Subscribed folders download headers only and when you select to read an email, it is retrieved from the server and stored in a temporary cache to faciltate quick access to reading.
    These emails are not stored in your Thunderbird profile folders on your computer, so would not be visible if you changed to 'offline' mode. They are stored on the server.
    If you did not synchronise those subscribed folders then a copy was never stored in your Thunderbird profile imap mail account.
    As you have modified the IMAP mail account and it is currently accessing the new hosting server, so cannot display anything on a different server, I would leave it alone because it is working just fine.
    What you could try is to create a new IMAP mail account with server settings to the old host server using the old password.
    File > New > exisitng mail account
    Enter name, email address and password
    click on 'Continue'
    If you do manage to get access, then synchronise the subscribed folders to get a copy downloaded to Thunderbird Profile folders. As those folders are constantly updating to match the server, once you have the emails downloaded, go into 'offline' mode and move them into 'Local Folders'; you will need to make new folders in Local Folders account for those emails.
    However, it is possible that you may not get access as that contract has ended. There is no obligation for the old host company to keep your emails if you do not have an account with them. In which case those emails will be lost.
    After creating new imap mail account, if you get access do as advised to get emails into Local Folders, once emails are in Local folders you can remove/delete the imap mail account. If it does not work, you can delete the imap mail account.
    Information on synchronising subscribed folders:
    Information on backup:

  • How can I check email from 2 Apple IDs on my Mac?

    Since recently, I can´t check my .me mail account any more on my Macbook any more.
    I have 2 Apple IDs, and the main one is another email address (which I need, too). Therefore, I can´t access the .me email any more from my Mac.
    Will I have to buy a Windows machine to check my Apple mail???
    To be precise:
    It DID work just fine for about 6 years, but recently it stopped working.
    And it looks like the only way to change this in the settings, would be to lose all the settings, fotos, emails, calenders, ... from the other Apple ID - which I don´t want.
    --> HOW can I check my .me email from my Macbook - WITHOUT logging off everything else???

    ...ok, that did not do the job either:
    Whenever I did choose "other", as soon as I entered my Email address, it just switched back to my active iCloud account, not letting me continue.
    Checking everything again and again, I just realized that both email addresses in question are already attached to my other Apple ID (the one I referred to as the active acct.), whereas the Apple ID in question does NOT have any Apple email address attached to it.
    --> So it looks like I am actually getting all the Apple emails into one account - which is great.
    --> I kind of see now why I can´t create another account there (considering that it would have to use one of the email addresses twice)
    So I´m cool with Email now, I guess... thanks for your help!
    But what about the notes that are attached to my secondary Apple ID?
    Internet Accounts (in System prfs.) shows that I now have 2 iCloud Interent accounts. My "primary" acct., that has all the iCloud features, and another one without them - and it has "Email", and "Notes" unchecked (Contacts, Calender and the reminders are checked/activated).
    Whenever I try to check the "notes" box in that account (still under System Prefs. / Internet Accounts), I am prompted for an iCloud Email to continue.
    - Entering my (primary) icloud email does not work ("already taken" msg.)
    - Choosing one from the drop down menu (suggestions) does not lead any further. All I get then is: "The program Notes can not be activated... please wait a moment and retry..."
    - Making up a totally new one does not work either.
    (same applies when I try to check the "Mail" box in order to activate Mail for that account)
    Any ideas how I can go from here? Is there another way to create an iCloud Email (which apparently is needed to access my old notes)?
    PS: I´m glad we found a way to communicate, the conversation with you has really helped me find the problem with my iCloud Email! It is frustrating when you feel you´re stuck and keep turning in circles...

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    how can I check my icloud account on my pc

    You can go to with your browser.  Or, if you have Outlook 2007 or higher and Vista SP2 or higher and wish to sync contacts, calendars, tasks (reminders) and your iCloud email account with your computer, you can set up iCloud on your comptuer as explained here:  (If you have Vista, you'll need this version of the iCloud control panel:

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