How can I ensure a function is called only once in a query?

I have a function (in a package) that returns the start date and end date to be used by my query. The query was taking bind variables but when I updated it to use the function calls it slowed down a lot.
I tried creating an inline view that selects the start and end date and joins with the other table but this does not help. I thought the inline view would only be run once but this is not the case. I have my function print out a value from a sequence and i see that it is called thousands of times.
Why would the procedure call be so much slower?
How can I ensure that the function is only called once in the query?
This is what I currently have:
SELECT col1, col2
FROM aTable,
(SELECT proc.getStartdate startDate,
proc.getEndDate endDate
FROM dual) dt
WHERE aTable.theDate >= dt.startDate
AND aTable.theDate <= dt.endDate

They get the begining and ending dates to be used by the query.
My application uses the Oracle Portal. Each user can select their date range and it is stored as a user preference. The portal API provides funcitons for retrieving the preferences and I have encapsulated it in my procedure so the developers do not need knowledge of the portal. If they just restrict their queries to the dates returned by this function they will get the needed data.
Our work around as been to pass these date variables around as bind variables.

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    CURSOR Diebank_RRTC_Lot (pInvoiceNo varchar2,pShipTo varchar2) IS
    SELECT   'D' record_id, 'DIEBANK' dept, invoiceno,
             DECODE (INSTR (MAX (d.device), '/'),
                     '0', MAX (d.device),
                     SUBSTR (MAX (d.device),
                             INSTR (MAX (d.device), '/') + 1,
                             LENGTH (MAX (d.device))
                    ) part_name,
             ' ' pd_part_name, d.customerlotnumber intersil_lot_no,
             MAX (d.originalcustomerlotnumber) waferlotnumber,
             NVL (MAX (d.waferquantity), 0) wafer_quantity, MAX (mawb) mawb,
             MAX (hawb) hawb, MAX (shipfrom) from_org_code, shipto to_org_code,
             SUBSTR (MAX (invoicedate), 3, 6) ship_out_date,
             SUBSTR (MAX (invoicedate), 10, 6) ship_out_time,
             MAX (labeldatecode) datecode, MAX (d.lotobject) lotobject
    FROM     fwcatns_diesinventory d, fwwiptransaction w, fwmp.proman_invoice_info@mmesp pr
       WHERE d.lotobject = w.lotobject
         AND d.asyinvoiceno = pr.invoiceno
         AND activity = 'Terminated'
         AND pr.invoiceno = pinvoiceno
         AND pr.shipto = pshipto
         AND LTRIM (d.customercode) IN ('HAT', 'HUS', 'ISL', 'ELS', 'ELX')
         AND d.state IN ('RDUMMY', 'RRTC', 'RDSCRAP')
         AND (pr.invoicedate > from_sysdate
         AND pr.invoicedate <= to_sysdate)
    GROUP BY invoiceno, shipto, customerlotnumber;
    CURSOR Diebank_RRTC_Lo_Filename Is
    SELECT shipfrom, shipto, invoiceno
      FROM fwcatns_diesinventory d, fwmp.proman_invoice_info@mmesp p
    WHERE d.asyinvoiceno = p.invoiceno
       AND d.state IN ('RDUMMY', 'RRTC', 'RDSCRAP')
       AND LTRIM (d.customercode) IN ('HAT', 'HUS', 'ISL', 'ELS', 'ELX')
       AND (invoicedate > from_sysdate
       AND invoicedate <= to_sysdate);
        from_sysdate := to_char(sysdate-2,'YYYYMMDD')||' 235959';
        to_sysdate := to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYYMMDD')||' 235959';
        vpath := CS_UTILS.GET_UTL_PATH ;
    FOR Rec IN Diebank_RRTC_Lo_Filename  LOOP
            v_sysdate    := to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYYMMDD');
            Filename:= Rec.shipfrom||'_'||Rec.shipto||'_'||substr(v_sysdate,1,8)||'_'||Rec.invoiceno||'.txt';
            edi_hat_data := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename,'W');
            var1 := to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS');
            dbms_output.put_line('Start      '||var1);
            Hdr_Sql := 'H'||to_char(sysdate-1,'YYMMDD');
            nRecord := '0';
    FOR Lotcur IN Diebank_RRTC_Lot (Rec.InvoiceNo,Rec.ShipTo) LOOP
           SELECT MAX(lottype),SUM(componentqty) INTO vLotCode,vDieQty FROM fwlot WHERE sysid = Lotcur.Lotobject;
            IF    instr(vLotCode,'RR') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'CR') > 0 OR
                  instr(vLotCode,'RT') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'RE') > 0 OR
                  instr(vLotCode,'CE') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'RW') > 0 THEN
                  vLotCode := 'REWORK';
            ELSIF (instr(vLotCode,'E') > 0 AND instr(vLotCode,'IE') = 0 AND instr(vLotCode,'PPE') = 0) OR instr(vLotCode,'Q') > 0 THEN
                  vLotCode := 'ENGINEERING';
            ELSIF  instr(vLotCode,'P') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'IE') > 0 THEn
                  vLotCode := 'PRODUCTION';
                  vLotCode := 'PRODUCTION';
            END IF;
            Unix_Sql := rpad(LotCur.Record_Id,1,' ')||rpad(Rec.InvoiceNo,20,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.MAWB,35,' ')||rpad(NVL(Lotcur.HAWB,' '),35,' ')||
                      rpad(to_char(to_date(Lotcur.Ship_Out_Date,'YYMMDD'),'MMDDYY'),6,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.Ship_Out_Time,6,' ')||
                      rpad(Lotcur.From_Org_Code,3,' ')||
                      rpad(Lotcur.To_Org_Code,3,' ')||
                      rpad(Lotcur.Intersil_Lot_No,20,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.Dept,8,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.WaferLotNumber,20,' ')||
                      rpad(Lotcur.Part_Name,25,' ')||
                      rpad(NVL(Lotcur.PD_Part_Name,' '),25,' ')||lpad(vDieQty,10,'0')||lpad(Lotcur.Wafer_Quantity,2,'0')||
                      rpad(NVL(' ',' '),10,' ')||rpad(NVL(Lotcur.Datecode,' '),4,' ')||rpad(vLotCode,20,' ')||
                      rpad(' ',30,' ');
            nRecord := nRecord + 1;
            Hdr_Sql := 'T'||lpad(nRecord,5,'0');
            v_msg := 'Close Unix File';
          filename2 := 'toftp.hattw.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
          edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
          Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -ddir=/CAS/ASN -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersil\\/carsemftp -pass=40t+bqR -ip=';
          IF Rec.ShipTo = 'UNM' Then
          filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
          edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
          Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -ddir=/home/islasn -dfile='||filename||' -user=islasn -pass=isl@usm -ip=';
          ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'MMT' Then
          filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
          edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
          Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=INTERSIL -pass=S4rOgoB3';
          --this ftp not working
          ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'ANS' Then
          filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
          edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
          --Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersilasn -pass=anst052108 -ip=';
          Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersilasn -pass=anst052108 -ip=';
          ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'CAS' Then
          filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
          edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
          Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersilasn -pass=isil62nu -ip=ftp:\\';
          ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'SCM' Then
          filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
          edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
          Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -ddir=/Intransit_up_folder -dfile='||filename||' -user=carsem135 -pass=Carsem -ip=';
          END IF;
    END LOOP;Edited by: user11342432 on Oct 29, 2009 10:16 PM

    The code looks ugly.. a lot of testing of data using PL/SQL if conditions.. why do you not use SQL for that? Why not simply join the data sets, instead of coding nested loop joins.
    And why do you step outside of Oracle into the operating system?
    Our system do a lot of FTPs of Oracle data - but only uses PL/SQL. Never once having to use UTL_FILE to create external files (which requires external space, external permissions, external file management, etc).
    The "+file+" is create as CLOB (e.g. files=( filename varchar2(100), ..other attributes, file_content clob ) ).
    This is then ftp'ed using a PL/SQL package that accepts a CLOB as file input and then ftp's it to a destination server.
    Another point regarding your code - modularise. Design and build software like you would a Lego creation - using reusable blocks of code. A procedure or function should do one thing only and do it well. Not attempt to do everything and anything and clean the kitchen sink afterwards...

  • How can I press keyboard to play vdo only once!

    Hi, I'm here again for your help :{ I have a question which I tried to google it but can't find the answer. Well,..May be there is an answer but I just can't make it works? I'm in a process of learning AS3 so let's say I'm still new here.
    What I'm doing is making a keyboatd to respond with the vdo files I have. It is a very simple idea as press-n-play. Each keys has their vdos to play and if you press another button while the first one is still pressing, it'll play another vdo of its key. I have make this as boolean with function of keydown and keyup like this:
    var isLeft:Boolean = false;
    var isRight:Boolean = false;
    var video;
    var nc;
    var ns;
                        nc = new NetConnection();
                        ns = new NetStream(nc);
                        ns.client = this;
                        video = new Video(550,400);
    function onDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void
              switch (e.keyCode)
                        case 37 :
                        case 39 :
                                  isRight = true;
    function onUP(e:KeyboardEvent):void
              switch (e.keyCode)
                        case 37 :
                                  isLeft = false;
                        case 39 :
                                  isRight = false;
    function playVid(e:Event):void
              if (isLeft)
                        isLeft = false;
              else if (isRight)
                        //isRight = false;
    I have tried making a keydown function without using any boolean or those true of false things to just play a vdo. It worked but, I still have the same problem that I can't find a solution which is ....
    When you hold down the keyboard button the vdo will keep start at the beginning.
    All I want is to play the vdo even the key is press down. If the vdo ends then play again as loop but if the key is up the vdo will play until it ends.
    And  if there are more than one button are holding down just play the vdo of the lastest pressed button.
    Ps. I have tried removeEventListener but, it made every buttons' function gone.

    Wow! That is the problem like you said.
    I have removed it out and try this:
    function onDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void
              if (e.keyCode==49)
              if (e.keyCode==69)
    function onUP(e:KeyboardEvent):void
    And it works!
    But, then I have an error massage says "
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
              at xxx_fla::MainTimeline/onUP()
              at xxx_fla::MainTimeline/onDown()"
    May I ask you something?
    Will it make me any problem if I load more vdos? Let's say about...20?
    Because if it is hard to solve this error and it won't make anything worse (time delay,etc.) then I'm fine with it.
    Thanks :}

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    In one sequence I have dozens of Pre-Expressions which are almost the same thing, like this...
    Locals.tagID = (Parameters.singlePhaseEnabled ? "L" : "D") & Str(Locals.phase) & "006"
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    Locals.tagID = MyNewFunction("006")

    You cannot write custom commands for expressions.
    That being said, there are a couple of options:
    Create a subsequence with a single step. Use a parameter of the sequence as "function parameter".
    Create a custom step type including a substep module which implements the function. Add an edit substep to enable the user of the steptype to gracefully change the parameter.
    Store the variable parameter in a local/file global variable and modify the value in each step. This will, at least, keep the "function" the same for every step.

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    I am using below steps for populating the final internal table.How can I use reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge function module in the place of declaring all these fields.How canI put title of the report in reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge function module.
      FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Customer Name'.
      FIELDCAT-JUST      = 'L'.
      FIELDCAT-KEY       = 'X'.
      FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Invoice Reference'.
      FIELDCAT-JUST      = 'L'.
      FIELDCAT-KEY       = 'X'.
      FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Sales Office'.
      FIELDCAT-JUST      = 'L'.
    FIELDCAT-KEY       = 'X'.
      FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Sales Person'.
      FIELDCAT-JUST      = 'L'.
    FIELDCAT-KEY       = 'X'.
      FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Item No'.
      FIELDCAT-JUST      = 'L'.
      FIELDCAT-KEY       = 'X'.
      FIELDCAT-SELTEXT_M = 'Item Description'.
      FIELDCAT-JUST      = 'L'.

    It is very easy to use reuse_alv_fieldcatalog_merge.
    You try this it will work.
    DATA : gv_repid        TYPE syrepid VALUE sy-repid .  " Report id
      PERFORM set_field_catalog USING gst_struct CHANGING lst_fieldcat.
    FORM set_field_catalog  USING uv_tab TYPE slis_tabname
                         CHANGING  xt_fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
          i_program_name         = gv_repid
          i_internal_tabname     = uv_tab
          i_inclname             = gv_repid
          ct_fieldcat            = xt_fieldcatalog
          inconsistent_interface = 1
          program_error          = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " set_field_catalog_spec

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    If those function modules are RFC enabled then we can call those function module from user defined functions. Please see below link
    Reward points if helpful.
    Vijay Kumar T,

  • How can I get this function to fire off last?

    In the following code, there are two buttons on the stage- "button1" and "button2". 
    I want to get the buttons to change frames and THEN have the "playerChange" function fire off.
    Currently, the "playerChange" function fires first. Moving the function  either renders the code inoperable or
    returns error messages.
    function buttonChange (e:MouseEvent)
                    ( == "frame1" )
             if ( (playerChange)
                     ( + 1)) 
              if (  (playerChange) 
                    ( + 1))
    button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonChange );
    Note:this is an abridged version of the code. The code I'm actually using uses 20 buttons and about 8 conditionals for each button, so is more convenient than writing a command for each button.

A: How can I get this function to fire off last?

the code is very hard to understand
it's badly formatted
{}'s don't match
you aren't calling a playerChange function
this is my guess at something that might work for you
function buttonChange (e:MouseEvent)
          if( == "frame1" )
                    if ( == button1)
                     + 1);
                              if ( == button2)
                               + 1);
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonChange );
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonChange);

the code is very hard to understand
it's badly formatted
{}'s don't match
you aren't calling a playerChange function
this is my guess at something that might work for you
function buttonChange (e:MouseEvent)
          if( == "frame1" )
                    if ( == button1)
                     + 1);
                              if ( == button2)
                               + 1);
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonChange );
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonChange);

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    hello Gurus,
    We made a RFC call from SAP r3 to sap grc nfe......we did not receive any data in sap grc .......we go to SM58 and there it gives
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    How can i find out where the data has stuck.
    Please help.

    please have a look at the link below..
    this may help u !!!
    [Re: how can i debug a rfc being called from .net connector (NCO) v2.0?;
    Best of Luck !!1

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    The screen-lock passcode provides very good security to prevent what you want.  Use a non-simple passcode that can't be easily guessed.

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    My client is a trading company, here we have suggested a third party sales scenario without shipping notification for trading but client is asking that how can we ensure the costs of trading will not be absorbed by client. and whatever paid to vendor and fully will be collected from customer along with the profit margin.

    ok, here we are not producing the goods to book cost of the product against it.
    you can consider this option:
    In MMR you can have the price uploaded when ever the price changes takes place and it will flow from the sales order.

  • Im syncing my iphone to itunes because i cant unlock the phone due to water damage so that i can take what is on it and put it on a new phone. how can i ensure that everything was taken from the phone and where can i find it in itunes?

    my phone recently suffered water damage so that the screen does not reigster when i slide to unlock. I am sycing the data from the phone onto itunes so i can put it onto a new phone. How can i ensure that i took everything off of the old phone before i restore it and where can i find all of that stuff when i sync with the new phone?

    iTunes will only store a back up of the iPhone and you find this by following the steps below:
    The link below can show you what is stored in an iTunes back up:
    iTunes: About iOS backups

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    If you bought Lion from the App Store, you can't legally or practically transfer it, because it's tied to your Apple ID. Reinstall the original software from the discs that came with the machine.

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