How can I ensure that a file is only ftp-ed once?

Hi Frens,
Im at the level of testing my codes and I noticed my code deliberately ftps a file even though it has been sent. Some servers do not accept duplicate files to be sent at their servers therefore causing FTP ok at first attempt and FTP not successful at 2nd attempt with error message file already ftped.
Can someone help to advice how can I overcome this issue?
CURSOR Diebank_RRTC_Lot (pInvoiceNo varchar2,pShipTo varchar2) IS
SELECT   'D' record_id, 'DIEBANK' dept, invoiceno,
         DECODE (INSTR (MAX (d.device), '/'),
                 '0', MAX (d.device),
                 SUBSTR (MAX (d.device),
                         INSTR (MAX (d.device), '/') + 1,
                         LENGTH (MAX (d.device))
                ) part_name,
         ' ' pd_part_name, d.customerlotnumber intersil_lot_no,
         MAX (d.originalcustomerlotnumber) waferlotnumber,
         NVL (MAX (d.waferquantity), 0) wafer_quantity, MAX (mawb) mawb,
         MAX (hawb) hawb, MAX (shipfrom) from_org_code, shipto to_org_code,
         SUBSTR (MAX (invoicedate), 3, 6) ship_out_date,
         SUBSTR (MAX (invoicedate), 10, 6) ship_out_time,
         MAX (labeldatecode) datecode, MAX (d.lotobject) lotobject
FROM     fwcatns_diesinventory d, fwwiptransaction w, fwmp.proman_invoice_info@mmesp pr
   WHERE d.lotobject = w.lotobject
     AND d.asyinvoiceno = pr.invoiceno
     AND activity = 'Terminated'
     AND pr.invoiceno = pinvoiceno
     AND pr.shipto = pshipto
     AND LTRIM (d.customercode) IN ('HAT', 'HUS', 'ISL', 'ELS', 'ELX')
     AND d.state IN ('RDUMMY', 'RRTC', 'RDSCRAP')
     AND (pr.invoicedate > from_sysdate
     AND pr.invoicedate <= to_sysdate)
GROUP BY invoiceno, shipto, customerlotnumber;
CURSOR Diebank_RRTC_Lo_Filename Is
SELECT shipfrom, shipto, invoiceno
  FROM fwcatns_diesinventory d, fwmp.proman_invoice_info@mmesp p
WHERE d.asyinvoiceno = p.invoiceno
   AND d.state IN ('RDUMMY', 'RRTC', 'RDSCRAP')
   AND LTRIM (d.customercode) IN ('HAT', 'HUS', 'ISL', 'ELS', 'ELX')
   AND (invoicedate > from_sysdate
   AND invoicedate <= to_sysdate);
    from_sysdate := to_char(sysdate-2,'YYYYMMDD')||' 235959';
    to_sysdate := to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYYMMDD')||' 235959';
    vpath := CS_UTILS.GET_UTL_PATH ;
FOR Rec IN Diebank_RRTC_Lo_Filename  LOOP
        v_sysdate    := to_char(sysdate-1,'YYYYMMDD');
        Filename:= Rec.shipfrom||'_'||Rec.shipto||'_'||substr(v_sysdate,1,8)||'_'||Rec.invoiceno||'.txt';
        edi_hat_data := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename,'W');
        var1 := to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS');
        dbms_output.put_line('Start      '||var1);
        Hdr_Sql := 'H'||to_char(sysdate-1,'YYMMDD');
        nRecord := '0';
FOR Lotcur IN Diebank_RRTC_Lot (Rec.InvoiceNo,Rec.ShipTo) LOOP
       SELECT MAX(lottype),SUM(componentqty) INTO vLotCode,vDieQty FROM fwlot WHERE sysid = Lotcur.Lotobject;
        IF    instr(vLotCode,'RR') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'CR') > 0 OR
              instr(vLotCode,'RT') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'RE') > 0 OR
              instr(vLotCode,'CE') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'RW') > 0 THEN
              vLotCode := 'REWORK';
        ELSIF (instr(vLotCode,'E') > 0 AND instr(vLotCode,'IE') = 0 AND instr(vLotCode,'PPE') = 0) OR instr(vLotCode,'Q') > 0 THEN
              vLotCode := 'ENGINEERING';
        ELSIF  instr(vLotCode,'P') > 0 OR instr(vLotCode,'IE') > 0 THEn
              vLotCode := 'PRODUCTION';
              vLotCode := 'PRODUCTION';
        END IF;
        Unix_Sql := rpad(LotCur.Record_Id,1,' ')||rpad(Rec.InvoiceNo,20,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.MAWB,35,' ')||rpad(NVL(Lotcur.HAWB,' '),35,' ')||
                  rpad(to_char(to_date(Lotcur.Ship_Out_Date,'YYMMDD'),'MMDDYY'),6,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.Ship_Out_Time,6,' ')||
                  rpad(Lotcur.From_Org_Code,3,' ')||
                  rpad(Lotcur.To_Org_Code,3,' ')||
                  rpad(Lotcur.Intersil_Lot_No,20,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.Dept,8,' ')||rpad(Lotcur.WaferLotNumber,20,' ')||
                  rpad(Lotcur.Part_Name,25,' ')||
                  rpad(NVL(Lotcur.PD_Part_Name,' '),25,' ')||lpad(vDieQty,10,'0')||lpad(Lotcur.Wafer_Quantity,2,'0')||
                  rpad(NVL(' ',' '),10,' ')||rpad(NVL(Lotcur.Datecode,' '),4,' ')||rpad(vLotCode,20,' ')||
                  rpad(' ',30,' ');
        nRecord := nRecord + 1;
        Hdr_Sql := 'T'||lpad(nRecord,5,'0');
        v_msg := 'Close Unix File';
      filename2 := 'toftp.hattw.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
      edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
      Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -ddir=/CAS/ASN -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersil\\/carsemftp -pass=40t+bqR -ip=';
      IF Rec.ShipTo = 'UNM' Then
      filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
      edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
      Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -ddir=/home/islasn -dfile='||filename||' -user=islasn -pass=isl@usm -ip=';
      ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'MMT' Then
      filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
      edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
      Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=INTERSIL -pass=S4rOgoB3';
      --this ftp not working
      ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'ANS' Then
      filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
      edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
      --Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersilasn -pass=anst052108 -ip=';
      Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersilasn -pass=anst052108 -ip=';
      ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'CAS' Then
      filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
      edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
      Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -dfile='||filename||' -user=intersilasn -pass=isil62nu -ip=ftp:\\';
      ELSIF Rec.ShipTo = 'SCM' Then
      filename2 := 'toftp.hattws.'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
      edi_ftp_data  := utl_file.fopen(vpath,filename2,'W');
      Unix_Sql := '-sfile='||filename||' -ddir=/Intransit_up_folder -dfile='||filename||' -user=carsem135 -pass=Carsem -ip=';
      END IF;
END LOOP;Edited by: user11342432 on Oct 29, 2009 10:16 PM

The code looks ugly.. a lot of testing of data using PL/SQL if conditions.. why do you not use SQL for that? Why not simply join the data sets, instead of coding nested loop joins.
And why do you step outside of Oracle into the operating system?
Our system do a lot of FTPs of Oracle data - but only uses PL/SQL. Never once having to use UTL_FILE to create external files (which requires external space, external permissions, external file management, etc).
The "+file+" is create as CLOB (e.g. files=( filename varchar2(100), ..other attributes, file_content clob ) ).
This is then ftp'ed using a PL/SQL package that accepts a CLOB as file input and then ftp's it to a destination server.
Another point regarding your code - modularise. Design and build software like you would a Lego creation - using reusable blocks of code. A procedure or function should do one thing only and do it well. Not attempt to do everything and anything and clean the kitchen sink afterwards...

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    well this tells you why you are having issues.. since you have a filevault and unless you are logged on as that user TM has no way to backup the vault.
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    ghostbust555 wrote:
    In case you geniuses haven't realized I said I tried everything I can think of not that I tried everything. So help or shut up I realize that I didn't try everything but if you can't figure it out either DO NOT POST.
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    Old feed:
    New feed:

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