How can I import .aiv to iMovie 11

How nows wich film data iMovie11 accept?

So it was the CD not well recognized, in case you cancel the auto import, the icon at right shown by kazak is here in version 11.
But also, select the CD in itunes and right clic shows a menu and one command is to import the CD.
And last possibility is in Presentation menu to select "shows lateral bar" and then you could drag a CD shown in tunes in a list you created and shown in this left lateral bar to import the CD.

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    Doug Davis

    You can do this with a free app called MPEG Streamclip and a $20 quicktime component from Apple.
    See detailed instructions here.

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    An iMovie Project needs the associated Event (or Events) to be workable. The Project file doesn't contain the actual video clips as such, but references (points to) the clips in the Events Library. So, if the two become separated, problems will arise with the links between them. Whenever moving or copying Events or Projects to another hard drive, this must be done from within iMovie, not from the Finder - otherwise links will be lost. iMovie Help provides comprehensive instructions on this.
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    Sorry I can't help further Ellie.
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

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    You need to convert the DVD .VOB files. This can be done with Apps like Handbrake or I prefer MPEG Steamclip.
    Basically what you do is insert the DVD into the drive. If DVD Player opens, quit the player. Then double click the DVD on the desktop. There you will find a folder called Video_TS. The .VOB files are there. You do not need the Audio_TS files or Folder.  So what ever App you use, point them to that Folder and convert them to highest quality conversion.
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    That is not a feature of iPhoto - suggest to Apple - iPhoto Menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback.
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    Re AppleMan 1958 excellent user tip: How can I import a homemade DVD into iMovie for editing? -
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    You might want to look at this one too.  Very easy to use and it doesn't require the Apple MPEG-2 playback component.

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