How can I make a jQuery accordion panel tab collapsed by default?

I have Googled this and saw that someone recommended placing the 'collapsible' option before the 'active' one. For example,
$( ".accordion" ).accordion("option", {
    collapsible: true,
    active: false
I am completely new to Dreamweaver. I inserted a jQuery UI Accordion into my web page because I need a drop-down list. I have a main .css file for my page. Additional jquery css files were added after I inserted the accordion. (For example, I see jquery.ui.core.min.css, jquery.ui.theme.min.css, jquery.ui.caccordion.min.css, jquery-1.8.3.min.js, jquery-ui-1.9.2.accordion.custom.min.js).
I see a section in jquery-ui-1.9.2.accordion.custom.min.js where I think I might be able to change these settings, but I just want to make sure.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Yes, setting collapsible to true (so all sections can collapse at once) and then setting no section as active, it will start completely collapsed, e.g.:
$( ".accordion" ).accordion({collapsible:true,active:false});
Do note this is being applied to a container element with the "class" of 'accordion' and not the ID, per your code. If it's ID then use:
$( "#accordion" ).accordion({collapsible:true,active:false});

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    Here is a modified version of one of Doug's Scripts. My modification was to add Sort Name to the list of tags that could be changed. I tried it on a single track and it worked. I recommend backing up your library first. Select the tracks you want to change (or all tracks) and run the script from the Applescript Editor.  If it works as intended, save it so you can apply it to newly imported tracks.  And, yes, I know this isn't the exact answer to your question, you want to change a preference setting in iTunes (if there is such a setting).
    Original script can be forund at
    Modified script is below. Start up Applescript Editor, paste it into a new window.  Start up iTunes and select the tracks to modify.  Click Run in the Applescript Editor.  Follow the instructions.
    (* Put This In That
    v2.0 april 22 2008
    - runs as universal binary
    - adds "Show" tag
    - consolidated code
    - saved as script bundle
    v1.7 October 3, 2006
    - adds "Album Artist" as option
    v1.6 October 28, 2004
    - works around iTunes 4.7 selection bug
    v1.5 ('04/1)-- adds "grouping" tag
    Get more free AppleScripts and info on writing your own
    at Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    Get a copy of the GNU General Public License by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
    or visit
    property allOptions : {"Song Name", "Artist", "Album", "Album Artist", "Composer", "Genre", "Comments", "Show", "Grouping", "Sort Name"}
    property my_title : "Put This In That"
    global thisTag, thatTag, theNewTags, theOriginalTags, yn
    tell application "iTunes"
              if selection is not {} then -- if tracks are selected...
                        set sel to selection
                        set numTracks to (length of sel)
                        set s to "s"
                        if numTracks is 1 then set s to ""
                        display dialog "The data from one tag REPLACES the data in another tag in all the selected tracks, with option to delete data in first tag." & return & return & (numTracks & " track" & s & " selected.") buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button 2 with title my_title giving up after 30
                        if gave up of result is true then return
                        my choose_this_tag()
                        my choose_that_tag()
                        set yn to (button returned of (display dialog "Delete data in " & thisTag & " afterwards?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2 with title my_title giving up after 45) is "Yes")
                        set oldfi to fixed indexing
                        set fixed indexing to true
                        repeat with t from 1 to numTracks
                                  tell contents of item t of sel
                                            set theOriginalTags to {get name, get artist, get album, get album artist, get composer, get genre, get comment, get show, get grouping, get sort name}
                                            set theNewTags to theOriginalTags
                                            my do_put()
                                            set {name, artist, album, album artist, composer, genre, comment, show, grouping, sort name} to theNewTags
                                  end tell
                        end repeat
                        set fixed indexing to oldfi
      display dialog "No tracks have been selected." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with icon 0 giving up after 30
              end if -- no selection
    end tell
    to choose_this_tag()
              tell application "iTunes"
                        set n to (choose from list allOptions with prompt ("Select a tag to get data from:") with title my_title)
                        if n is false then error number -128
                        set thisTag to (n as text)
              end tell
    end choose_this_tag
    to choose_that_tag()
              set o to {}
              repeat with t in allOptions
                        if (t as text) is not thisTag then copy t to end of o
              end repeat
              tell application "iTunes"
                        set n to choose from list o with prompt ("Use data from the " & thisTag & " tag to REPLACE data in...") with title my_title
                        if n is false then error number -128
                        set thatTag to n as text
              end tell
    end choose_that_tag
    to do_put()
                        repeat with i from 1 to (length of allOptions)
                                  if thisTag is (item i of allOptions) then
                                            set thisTag_sto to (item i of theOriginalTags)
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if
                        end repeat
                        repeat with i from 1 to (length of allOptions)
                                  if thatTag is (item i of allOptions) then
                                            set (item i of theNewTags) to thisTag_sto
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if
                        end repeat
                        if yn then
                                  repeat with i from 1 to (length of allOptions)
                                            if thisTag is (item i of allOptions) then
                                                      set (item i of theNewTags) to ""
                                                      exit repeat
                                            end if
                                  end repeat
                        end if
              end try
    end do_put

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    you can try this.
    go the the setter method in your EntityImpl class for the LOV attribute
    public void setCustomerID(Number value) {
            setAttributeInternal(CustomerID, value);
            //here call the setAddress() method
        }in your page, set the customerID autosubmit to true and make the Address field PPR the customer Id.
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    I'm not aware of a way to make Firefox hide the first tab instead of the last tab; maybe there is an add-on with that feature.
    There is a hidden setting to open the new tab at the end of the bar instead of next to the page you're reading. Then, of course, you won't have this problem. Instead, you'll have the problem that it's hard to figure out which tab had that link in it. In case you want to try it out, here's how.
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    (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste '''tabs''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent''' preference to switch it from true to false (it should turn bold)
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    An example:

    Hi ,
    I had created a small video regarding how to create such a menu using accordions in Muse sometime back. I hope this is what you are looking for
    Please download the video from here :-
    Rohit Nair

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:fx=""
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  public var u:String;
                                  public var p:String;
                                  public function log():void
                                            'Wrong userid or Password','Sorry',Alert.OK | Alert.CANCEL);
                                  public function clear():void
              <mx:Panel id="NewForm" title="Please Log In" height="214" width="285" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalCenter="23" verticalCenter="2">
                        <mx:Label id="User Name" text="User Name"/> 
                        <mx:TextInput id="user" />
                        <mx:Label id="password" text="Password"/>
                        <mx:TextInput id="pass" displayAsPassword="true"/>   
                        <mx:Button id="submit" label="Submit" click="log()"/>
              <mx:Panel width="349" height="383" chromeColor="#1B8905" color="#FFFFFF" focusColor="#0F3CFF"
                                    fontFamily="Georgia" fontSize="21" fontWeight="bold" paddingBottom="10"
                                    paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" title="Stock Market">
                        <!--First Pane Of TabNavigator-->
                        <mx:TabNavigator borderStyle="solid">
                                  <mx:VBox y="71" width="371" height="334" label="Dow Jones"
                                            <mx:Image id="loader1" source=""/>
                                            <mx:RichTextEditor id="myRTE" width="355" height="286" borderVisible="true"
                                                                                       color="#000000" text="Enter Stock Comment"/>
                                  <!-- Second pane of TabNavigator -->
                                  <mx:VBox label="SandP" width="500" height="350">
                                            <mx:Image id="loader2" source=""/>
                                            <mx:RichTextEditor id="myRTE2" width="355" height="286" borderVisible="true"
                                                                                       color="#000000" text="Enter Stock Comment"/>
                                  <!-- Second pane of TabNavigator -->
                                  <mx:VBox label="Nasdaq" width="500" height="350">
                                            <mx:Image id="loader3" source=""/>
                                            <mx:RichTextEditor id="myRTE3" width="355" height="286" borderVisible="true"
                                                                                       color="#000000" text="Enter Stock Comment"/>

    it's probably not the correct way to do it but I am more familiar with Flex4 (which use states) but this works
    however i had to remove your Alert they were throwing an error
    <mx:Application xmlns:fx=""
                                  import mx.controls.Alert;
                                  public var u:String;
                                  public var p:String;
                                  public function log():void
                                            u = user.text.toLowerCase();
                                            p = pass.text.toLowerCase();
                                            if ((u == '' || u != 'webmultimedia') || (p == '' || p != 'abc'))
                                                      //'Wrong userid or Password', 'Sorry', Alert.OK | Alert.CANCEL);
                                                      //'Hi', 'Welcome', mx.controls.Alert.OK);
                                                      stockMarket.visible = true;
                                                      NewForm.visible = false;
                                  public function clear():void
                                            user.text = '';
                                            pass.text = '';
              <mx:Panel id="NewForm"
                                    title="Please Log In"
                        <mx:Label id="UserName"
                                              text="User Name" />
                        <mx:TextInput id="user" />
                        <mx:Label id="password"
                                              text="Password" />
                        <mx:TextInput id="pass"
                                                        displayAsPassword="true" />
                        <mx:Button id="submit"
                                               click="log()" />
              <mx:Panel id="stockMarket"
                                    title="Stock Market">
                        <!--First Pane Of TabNavigator-->
                        <mx:TabNavigator borderStyle="solid">
                                  <mx:VBox y="71"
                                                       label="Dow Jones"
                                            <mx:Image id="loader1"
                                                                  source="" />
                                            <mx:RichTextEditor id="myRTE"
                                                                                       text="Enter Stock Comment" />
                                  <!-- Second pane of TabNavigator -->
                                  <mx:VBox label="SandP"
                                            <mx:Image id="loader2"
                                                                  source="" />
                                            <mx:RichTextEditor id="myRTE2"
                                                                                       text="Enter Stock Comment" />
                                  <!-- Second pane of TabNavigator -->
                                  <mx:VBox label="Nasdaq"
                                            <mx:Image id="loader3"
                                                                  source="" />
                                            <mx:RichTextEditor id="myRTE3"
                                                                                       text="Enter Stock Comment" />

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    I "successfully" created a JQuery Slider using jCarouselLite and <a> tag thumbs, it shows up on my test(local)site but not on remote.
    Unitl I refresh the browser or click on verticle nav links on the left, which doesn't result in a great user experience.
    Here are my links to the page, the style and the js:
    Anything in my code you see would be problomatic and preventing the slider from showing?
    PS: As a side note, I'm also having issues with positioning the actual slider, but one thing at a time...
    Thank you for any incoming responses and advice!

    You have some errors in both your html and css. Clearing those out wouldn't hurt...
    If it's still not working after those are cleaned up, post back and we can take a closer look.

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    Similarly if I move LR to the external monitor, same thing, i.e. adjustments panel does NOT scroll when the LR window in maximised, but it does scroll when I lower the height of the LR window (seems to be round about the 1600 pixel mark)
    It's the same using LR5, and the same on the Windows platform. I suspect it's somehow based on the height of the adjustments panel in relation to the overall height of the LR window, i.e. the adjustments panel does not scroll when there's sufficient overall space in the right-hand panel to allow sight of the one or more of the other tools below. 

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    You can add the URLs separated by spaces to the target file of a (copy of) the Firefox desktop shortcut.
    If you exceed the maximum length the use a cmd file instead to start Firefox.
    * start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" <url1> <url2>

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    Provide me the solution to get the basic firefox as my homepage without any extra complicated features as prevalent now...Reply soon.

    You can middle-click or hold down Ctrl and left-click the Home button on the Navigation toolbar to open the Home page in a new tab.
    You can look at this extension to set which page to open in a new tab:
    * NewTabURL :

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    When I Ctrl-click a link and choose "Open Link in New Tab" it chooses to open the new tab in a different window (one that's already open) rather than opening the new tab in the same window. Even though the other window is minimized, it automatically gets restored and placed on top of the window I was in. This interferes with my context, forcing me to minimize the window again to get back to the one I was in before. I want the new tab to open in the same window, so I can still see the tab I was in. Some links seem to have the "Open Link in New Tab" behavior automatically, so I never know when I'm going to get thrown out of my current window. Very annoying.

    If you have a mouse with a scroll button then try to middle click the link to open the link in a new tab.
    It is also possible that the links use onclick JavaScript instead of a href to specify the action.
    See also:

  • How can I make my home wi-fi the preferred or default network

    I have a number of wi-fi networks available to me at home due to public wi-fi nearby
    Is there a way of getting the iphone to try and access my home one first
    As far as I can tell the software looks for available networks and then tries to access them in alphebetical order so if my home wi-fi begins with a Z it has no chance if there is a network that starts with A or B etc
    I've searched through every option to find an answer but other than using the "ignore this network" button (which isn't logical for me as I have free BT wireless access outside the home and if I ignore that network I can't get it when I'm out and about)
    I'm sure someone will say just change my home network name so it's top of the list and whilst I appreciate that's a simple remedy it's not really an ideal solution
    Thanks in advance

    I don't believe that there is any way to set the order of selection of known available networks. Your solution of changing your network name may be the best available workaround.

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    Go in menu->options->options->select "General" tab and here in "When firefox start" change the option.

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