How can i modify a Character object?

I know how to create it and initialize it, but I don't know the char's field name, so I can't use the . operator to modify it.
Please help me!
Thank you!

The field is private and is not supposed to be modified. If you really need an object holding a char that you can change, you'll have to program such a class yourself, I think.

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    I have in right side meta tag panel a file name , original name and copy name fields.
    The file was already renamed. So i am not interested original file name ,anyway i cant click on it.
    I would like to modify ONE +"!/"%/"+! CHARACTER in filename field which is 50 characters long.
    If I click on it gives me an batch rename window.
    If I click copy name I have to write all from zero BECAUSE I CANT COPY the filename field.
    so here we are in 21st century
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    First, what has the copy name to do with file name? I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of the copy name field. It is for giving a virtual copy a distinctive name.
    Now for file naming... if I understood correctly, you want to edit the name right in the Metadata panel, but the file name field is non-editable. This is a bug. It is exhibited when you have multiple files selected and change the metadata panel view. You can temporarily fix it by selecting a single file in the grid and changing the metadata panel view from All to Default or vice versa (see the attached screenshot). Now that the field became editable, you change on character.
    If you want to do it for hundreds of files using a template, then would be nice if you provide your source and target filename templates.

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    dont know about the stock taking object but may be the grpo object would help
    Message was edited by:
            Manu Ashok

  • How can we modify alv output list

    this is fazil.
    Please tell me any body How can we modify alv output list.
    Thanks & Regards
    [email protected]

    check the program,
    You can find the code in this program 'BCALV_FIELDCAT_TEST'
    *& Report  BCALV_FIELDCAT_TEST                                         *
    This report allows to modify the fieldcatalog of a corresponding
    output table and to view the effects of your changes directly.
    Note that for some changes you need to newly display the whole
    ALV Grid Control, e.g., DDIC-Fields are read only the first time
    Note also that not all scenarios can be tested since the output
    table does not comprise all fields to test available features
    of the fieldcatalog. Copy this program and extend the output
    table accordingly if you want to test such a special feature.
    (The field CARRNAME in 'gt_sflight' was added to test field REF_FIELD
    and TXT_FIELD of the fieldcatalog - see what happens if you
    calculate subtotals by carrier-id).
    report  bcalvt_fieldcatalog           .
    data: ok_code               type sy-ucomm,
          save_ok_code          type sy-ucomm,
    fieldcatalog for output table
          gt_fieldcat           type lvc_t_fcat,
    fieldcatalog for fieldcatalog itself:
          gt_fcatfcat           type lvc_t_fcat,
          gs_fcatlayo           type lvc_s_layo.
    Output table
    data: begin of gt_sflight occurs 0.
    data: carrname type s_carrname.
            include structure sflight.
    data: end of gt_sflight.
    data: g_max type i value 100.
    data: g_all type c value SPACE.
    Controls to display gt_sflight and corresponding fieldcatalog
    data: g_docking type ref to cl_gui_docking_container,
          g_alv     type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
    data: g_custom_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
          g_editable_alv     type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
    LOCAL CLASS Definition
    class lcl_event_receiver definition.
      public section.
        methods handle_data_changed
          for event data_changed of cl_gui_alv_grid
          importing er_data_changed.
    class lcl_event_receiver implementation.
      method handle_data_changed.
    at the time being, no checks are made...
    data: event_receiver type ref to lcl_event_receiver.
      set screen 100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    module status_0100 output.
      set pf-status 'BASIC'.
      set titlebar 'BASICTITLE'.
    create ALV Grid Control in the first run
      if g_docking is initial.
        perform create_and_init_controls.
    endmodule.                             " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    module user_command_0100 input.
      save_ok_code = ok_code.
      clear ok_code.
      case save_ok_code.
        when 'SUBMIT'.
    set the frontend fieldcatalog
    ATTENTION: DDIC-Fields are not updated using this method!
    (see 'RESTART')
          call method g_alv->set_frontend_fieldcatalog
                 it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat.
          call method g_alv->refresh_table_display.
          call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
        when 'RESTART'.
    Destroy the control currently visible and display it again
    using the changed fieldcatalog.
          perform restart_sflight.
        when '&ALL'.
          perform switch_visibility.
    endmodule.                             " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form create_and_init_controls.
      create object g_docking
               dynnr = '100'
               extension = 150
               side = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_bottom.
      create object g_alv
               i_parent = g_docking.
      create object g_custom_container
               container_name = 'CC_0100_FIELDCAT'.
      create object g_editable_alv
               i_parent = g_custom_container.
    register events
      create object event_receiver.
      set handler event_receiver->handle_data_changed for g_editable_alv.
      call method g_editable_alv->register_edit_event
                       i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_modified.
      perform build_fieldcatalogs changing gt_fieldcat gt_fcatfcat.
      perform modify_fieldcatalog changing gt_fcatfcat.
      perform select_data.                 "CHANGING gt_sflight
      call method g_alv->set_table_for_first_display
                   it_outtab       = gt_sflight[]
                   it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[].
    optimize column width of grid displaying fieldcatalog
      gs_fcatlayo-cwidth_opt = 'X'.
    Get fieldcatalog of table sflight - alv might have
    modified it after passing.
      call method g_alv->get_frontend_fieldcatalog
                importing et_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[].
      call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
    Display fieldcatalog of table sflight:
      call method g_editable_alv->set_table_for_first_display
                   is_layout       = gs_fcatlayo
                   it_outtab       = gt_fieldcat[]
                   it_fieldcatalog = gt_fcatfcat[].
    register events
      create object event_receiver.
      set handler event_receiver->handle_data_changed for g_editable_alv.
    endform.                               " CREATE_AND_INIT_CONTROLS
    *&      Form  restart_sflight
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form restart_sflight.
      data: ls_fieldcat type lvc_s_fcat.
    free g_docking and thus g_alv
      call method g_docking->free.
      clear g_docking.
      clear g_alv.
    create new instances
      create object g_docking
               dynnr = '100'
               extension = 150
               side = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_bottom.
      create object g_alv
               i_parent = g_docking.
    This is an internal method to invalidate all fields in the fieldcat
      loop at gt_fieldcat into ls_fieldcat.
        clear ls_fieldcat-tech_comp.
        modify gt_fieldcat from ls_fieldcat.
    Newly display the list with current fieldcatalog.
      call method g_alv->set_table_for_first_display
                   it_outtab       = gt_sflight[]
                   it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat.
    Get fieldcatalog - it might be changed by ALV in the last call
      call method g_alv->get_frontend_fieldcatalog
                   et_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[].
      call method g_editable_alv->refresh_table_display.
      call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
    endform.                               " restart_sflight
    *&      Form  select_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form select_data.
      data: lt_sflight type table of sflight with header line,
            ls_scarr type scarr.
    select data of sflight
      select * from sflight into table lt_sflight up to g_max rows.
    copy data to gt_sflight and update CARRNAME
      loop at lt_sflight.
        move-corresponding lt_sflight to gt_sflight.
        select single * from scarr into ls_scarr
           where carrid = gt_sflight-carrid.
        gt_sflight-carrname = ls_scarr-carrname.
        append gt_sflight.
    endform.                               " select_data
         <--P_GT_FIELDCAT  text
         <--P_GT_FCATFCAT  text
    form build_fieldcatalogs changing p_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat
                                      p_fcatfcat type lvc_t_fcat.
      data: ls_fcat     type lvc_s_fcat.
    Fieldcatalog for table SFLIGHT: p_fieldcat
    generate fieldcatalog automatically
      call function 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'
               i_structure_name       = 'SFLIGHT'
            I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY = 'X'
                ct_fieldcat            = p_fieldcat[]
            PROGRAM_ERROR          = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
    shift all column positions to the right except for MANDT
      loop at p_fieldcat into ls_fcat.
        if ls_fcat-fieldname ne 'MANDT'.
          add 1 to ls_fcat-col_pos.
          if ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CARRID'.
            ls_fcat-txt_field = 'CARRNAME'."link CARRNAME to CARRID
          modify p_fieldcat from ls_fcat.
    create a new line for CARRNAME in p_fieldcat
      clear ls_fcat.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CARRNAME'.
      ls_fcat-ref_table = 'SCARR'.
      ls_fcat-col_pos = 1.
    insert new line before CARRID (do not forget MANDT!).
      insert ls_fcat into p_fieldcat index 1.
    Fieldcatalog for table LVC_T_FCAT:p_fcatfcat
    Generate fieldcatalog of fieldcatalog structure.
    This fieldcatalog is used to display fieldcatalog 'p_fieldcat'
    on the top of the screen.
      call function 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'
               i_structure_name       = 'LVC_S_FCAT'
            I_CLIENT_NEVER_DISPLAY = 'X'
                ct_fieldcat            = p_fcatfcat[]
            PROGRAM_ERROR          = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
    Hide all fields that are not documented (valid for release 4.6A)
      perform hide_fields changing p_fcatfcat.
    endform.                               " BUILD_FIELDCATALOGS
    *&      Module  EXIT_PROGRAM  INPUT
    module exit_program input.
      leave program.
    endmodule.                             " EXIT_PROGRAM  INPUT
         <--P_GT_FCATFCAT  text
    form modify_fieldcatalog changing p_fcatfcat type lvc_t_fcat.
      data ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.
      loop at p_fcatfcat into ls_fcat.
        ls_fcat-coltext = ls_fcat-fieldname.
        ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
        if ls_fcat-fieldname = 'COL_POS' or ls_fcat-fieldname = 'FIELDNAME'.
          ls_fcat-key = 'X'.
        modify p_fcatfcat from ls_fcat.
    endform.                               " MODIFY_FIELDCATALOG
    form hide_fields changing p_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
      data: ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.
    Only show documented fields of fieldcatalog.
    For a documentation choose "Help->Application Help" in the menu.
      loop at p_fieldcat into ls_fcat.
        if not (
             ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'CFIELDNAME'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'COL_POS'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'COLDDICTXT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'COLTEXT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'CURRENCY'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'DD_OUTLEN'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'DECIMALS_O'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'DECMLFIELD'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'DO_SUM'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'DRAGDROPID'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'EDIT_MASK'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'EMPHASIZE'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'EXPONENT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'FIELDNAME'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'HOTSPOT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'ICON'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'INTLEN'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'INTTYPE'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'JUST'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'KEY'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'LOWERCASE'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'LZERO'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'NO_OUT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'NO_SIGN'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'NO_SUM'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'NO_ZERO'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'OUTPUTLEN'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'QFIELDNAME'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'QUANTITY'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'REF_FIELD'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'REF_TABLE'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'REPREP'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'REPTEXT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'ROLLNAME'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'ROUND'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'ROUNDFIELD'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SCRTEXT_L'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SCRTEXT_M'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SCRTEXT_S'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SELDDICTXT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SELTEXT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SP_GROUP'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'SYMBOL'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'TECH'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'TIPDDICTXT'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'TOOLTIP'
        or   ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'TXT_FIELD' ).
          ls_fcat-tech = 'X'.
        modify p_fieldcat from ls_fcat.
    form switch_visibility.
    data:  lt_fcatfcat type lvc_t_fcat,
            ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.
    call method g_editable_alv->get_frontend_fieldcatalog
                 importing ET_FIELDCATALOG = lt_fcatfcat.
    if not g_all is initial.
         perform hide_fields changing lt_fcatfcat.
         g_all = SPACE.
        loop at lt_fcatfcat into ls_fcat.
           if ls_fcat-tech eq 'X'.
               ls_fcat-tech = SPACE.
               ls_fcat-no_out = 'X'.
               modify lt_fcatfcat from ls_fcat.
        g_all = 'X'.
    call method g_editable_alv->set_frontend_fieldcatalog
                exporting it_fieldcatalog = lt_fcatfcat.
    call method g_editable_alv->refresh_table_display.
    Don't forget to rewaard if useful..

  • How can I modify a widget that uses a script?  In particular, I want to change the HTML that the 2014 Muse contact form produces to adjust the email column widths.

    I have looked all over to find the "source" for the code produced by this widget.  Where is it located, and how can I modify the widget?

    If you want to add fields to a list, as you have written your form in JavaScript, you can take consideration of using JavaScript Client Object Model to add/delete fields dynamically.
    How to: Create, Update, and Delete Lists Using JavaScript
    If you want to achieve it with Form7, it is recommended to post the question to its forum to get quick and confirmed answer.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I modify the screen of TCode IW31/IW32/IW33?

    How can I modify the screen of TCode IW31/IW32/IW33?
    I'm trying to add new fields, so that after inputting the order type and hit on enter, a new field will be added under the Service area. Does anyone knows how can I do it?

    Screen badi's for IW31.
    Refer This:
    Screen exit for transaction IW31 for ref. object O150
    Shiva Kumar

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    How can I modify the contacts template in either iCloud, my iPhone, or my iPad to display additional fields that I always use ... example: How can I get Job Title to always be a fillable field with out selecting "add field" everytime?

    Let the HairSalon implement the java.lang.Comparable interface. You'll need to write code for
    public int compareTo(Object o1, Object o2)
    The compare method would cast the Objects to HairSalons and return the difference in price.
    Then use java.util.Arrays.sort(Object []);

  • How can I modify data from a Transparent Table without ABAP code.

    How can I modify data from a Transparent Table (like TCURR),  and important thing is I want do all that with no ABAP code here. It is like that we always do that in a Oracle database use TOAD or PLSQL third party tools, with no script code here.
    I had fond that there is a way can do that:
    1, type 'se11',and Display Database table 'TCURR', click Contents, then click Execute to display all data
    2, type '/h' and let debugging on
    3, select one of this data then click 'Display',enter in debugging system.
    4, then make a breakpoint in the code. But... display a dialog let I type a 'ABAP Cmnds', I want to know what can be type in for that?
    and, My system is ECC6.
    thank you all
    Edited by: xuehui li on Aug 20, 2008 6:30 PM

    Your approach (with Vijay's suggestion) MAY work.  However, depending on how tight security is at the company that you are working at you may or may not be able to acutaly change the value of the SHOW field to EDIT.  This will be especially true if you are working in a Production environment.  Vijay's other comment is true as well.  This is not a recommended approach to change data (especially data with a financial impact like TCURR) in a production environment.  The auditors will not be impressed.
    Explore the option of a maintenace view or look at tcode TBDM to upload a file which includes daily rates from providers like Reuters or try tcode s_bce_68000174 which is a maintenance view on TCURR.
    Greg Kern

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    Hello Expert,
    We need to change the package assigment of sproxy generated DDIC objects. How can we assign sproxy generated objects to a different package?

    Any idea?

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    How can I increase the character limit of my text messages for Droid Maxx 4.4?

    Send as a MMS.

  • How can i access all the objects of one schema from another schema

    Dear All,
    How can i access all the objects(Tables,Views,Triggers,Procedures,Functions,Packages etc..) and do the modifications of one schema from another schema (Without using synonyms concept).
    Thanks in advance,

    First of all, synonyms only help you easy reference the object. It doesn't have any implication of object privilege.
    As long as you have proper privilege on target object. You can access it with or without synonyms.
    Assuming you have proper privilege of objects, you can use following command to assume schema owner.

  • How can i reference a MIME object within a correspondence format through...

    how can i reference a MIME object within a correspondence format through TX oofo or se71?
    Hi, I need to put a MIME object within a correspondence's format that i've already done through Tx oofo. My problem is, that i don't know exactly how can i make the reference of that MIME object in the format? and What structure type do i have to use in order to make appear the MIME object in my correspondence's format? Does anybody can help me with this?   
    Regards    Hector

    I tried to find some examples/samples on how to create CollectionModel for a table component but not successful.
    Can you clarify the following ?
    1. "CollectionModel" is referenced only by af:table attributes "value", "selectedRowKeys" and "selectionListener".
    The rest of af:table attributes such as "rows", "fetchSize" used to reference the iterator binding in the binding container via the EL expression "#{} .
    What should I replace that EL expression with?
    2. I heck out the bean method to create the CollectionModel as following, is it close to what you mean?
    public void initBusinessDataDashboardView() {
    OperationBinding operation = BeanUtils.getOperationBinding("getPanelBusinessData");
    Map params = operation.getParamsMap();
    Key panelKey = getPanelInfoView().getKey();
    params.put("panelKey", panelKey);
    params.put("maximizedView", false);
    panelView = (ViewObject)operation.execute();
    // Heck code to create CollectionModel
    RowSet rowSet = panelView.getRowSet();
    ArrayList rowList = new ArrayList();
    while (rowSet.hasNext()) {
    model = new ChildPropertyTreeModel(rowList, null);
    // To be used to set up af:table value, selectRowKeys, selectionListener via EL expr #{}
    public CollectionModel getModel() {
    return model;
    Am I on the right track?
    Edited by: Pricilla on May 4, 2010 2:20 PM

  • How can i create a custom object 0REQUID

    Hello all,
    I have a question. How can i create a custom object 0REQUID? Is it possible to create it without actvating BI content?
    Thanks in advance..

    If you want to create a new info object which is a copy of 0REQUID. then
    Go to > info object key figure / Chara catalogue> create new key figure / Chara --> enter 0REQUID in front of TEMPLATE and you will get all details of 0REQUID in your new key figure / chara.
    Hope this helps.
    Assgn pts if helpful.
    Edited by: chintamani deshmukh on Apr 14, 2008 11:09 AM

  • In Address Book, how can i modify several contacts (several cards) at the s

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    how to edit several contact at a time ?
    And I would like to put some kind of "tags", or words, in "remark", also by selecting several contact and edit them together...
    Thanks by advance !

    Welcome to the discussions, Alexandre1975 et bonjour.
    Just using Address Book this can't be done, but if you are prepared to try a little Applescript it is easy. This script will set the city for example - but only if there is already an address.
    click here to open this script in your editor<pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">tell application "Address Book"
    set ContactList to the selection
    repeat with ThisOne in ContactList
    set city of first address of ThisOne to "Paris"
    end repeat
    end tell</pre>
    (The recent upgrade to the discussions has disabled the link that allows direct opening of a script, so run Script Editor and copy in the script.)
    Message was edited by: Austin Kinsella1

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