How can i publish a developed application to eBusiness Suite?

I have had much luck with jdeveloper and the OAFramework. Now that i have a web page with some interesting content on it, I need to deploy it to my eBusiness Suite applcation. Can anyone point me on how to do this? What steps are involved? Manual copy of files? recompilation?
My eBusiness is running on a Unix machine, does that involve some extra steps?
Andras Eliassen

Patch 4045639 JDeveloper 9i With OA Extension for FWK.H
Patch 4141787 JDeveloper 9i With OA Extension for CU1
Patch 4573517 JDeveloper 9i With OA Extension for CU2
Patch 4725670 JDeveloper 9i With OA Extension for CU3
Patch 5455514 JDeveloper 9i With OA Extension for CU4
Thanks, Avaneesh

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    The screen size is whatever you captured or specified during
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