How can I recover my library on a new PC

Hi I recently had to replace my laptop following a crash! I have since not been able to recover my whole library of music, whihc includes some purchased, and some downloaded from C.D.'s.  Can anyone advise if it is possbile to recover it all please? Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.

If you do not have access to the iTunes Library on your Old computer... or its Backup...
See these 2 Links...
Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device
Syncing to a New Computer...
If you do have access...
From your OLD computer...
Copy your ENTIRE iTunes FOLDER to an External Drive... and then from the External Drive to your New Computer..
Full Details Here  >

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    If the computer isn't functioning because of a operating system issue, but the computer itself still works, then it's possible to boot from a operating system on a cd or USB stick and transfer the files.
    If the boot drive physically works (and it hasn't been encrypted), the files can be removed if the computer doesn't work as well. (more on that later as it costs more money)
    For the first option your going to need to create a bootable USB or CD. I'm going to go with the easiest, a 2-4 GB USB thumb drive (nothing else on it of course)
    Visit this page and download the Easy USB Installer for Windows.
    Now from the first menu there you select Ubuntu 10.10 and check the box to download the ISO of Ubuntu Linux. Wait for it to finish.
    Now #2 browse to the ISO you just downloaded.
    Now #3 you select the EXACT drive letter of the USB (look under My Computer/Computer)
    Leave "show all drives" and "persistence" alone. Check "format drive" (be sure the drive letter is correct!)
    Click "Create"
    Once you got that done, stick the USB in the back of the computer (if a tower) and hook up a external USB hard drive. (nothing else on it.)
    Now you need to find the BIO's boot key for your problem computer, DELL it's F2 to enter the BIO's (list at link)
    Navigate around in there and set the USB as the first boot option (or cd if you got a boot cd). Save the option.
    Reboot the computer and it should boot off the USB. "Try Ubuntu/run from USB/CD"  Don't install.
    Once your in Ubuntu, you can easily go to the Places Menu and Select Computer, see all the drives and access your ENTIRE iTunes folder. Transfer this entire folder to the external USB drive.
    Also you can grab your pictures and anyrthing else while your in there.
    Now the second option is potentially destructive, if the computer doesn't work at all mechanically. Disconnect any power from the computer. Then you can remove the internal hard drive, use a powered IDE/SATA to USB adapter and plug it right into your new computer just like a external drive. However I would do a malware scan first.
    Lastly if you got your iTunes Folder onto the new computer (replacing the new iTunes folder with the old). You need to open the XML file in a Text program that has "Find and Replace" ability. So you can correctly fix the partial pathnames from the old computer to the new computer.
    This little step preserves all your playlists.
    Once you got your content over, you should File > Backup Library to disk and feed it DVD-R's or use a external drive.
    As you know, the iPod only sync's content one way, to the iPod.  (exception for iTMS bought stuff on the iPod can be synced back into iTunes with the correct account enabled.)  You might need to check iLounge for current third party software that reverses all content form a iPod back into iTunes.
    Finally if this is all above your head, have a professional do it for you. Apple will not re-issue downloads, backing up is your responsibility.
    Hope that helps.

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    The second Article guides you to copy the whole iTunes Folder which will include linbrary and all media type:
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    If on your old account you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on your account then you can try going to and click 'Manage your Apple ID' on the right-hand side of that page and log into your account. Then click on 'Password and Security' on the left-hand side of that page and on the right-hand side you might see an option to send security question reset info to your rescue email address.
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    Have you tried the Migration Assistant that came with your new MBP?

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    See this migrate iTunes library post and do it properly.

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    Restore it from a backup, or use these instructions to redownload it through the iCloud.

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