How can i rename a disc after i've burnt it?

i've been burning a couple of DVD's in finder and have named the title of the disc when prompted to, before the initialisation of it. but i accidently skipped the option on the discs after that. i am making copies for a friend a would like them to be able to differentiate between the discs. is there anyway to rename the disc again?

Hi irav,
unfortunately no,
just redo one of them and name it accordingly.
or if you use printed label or lightscribe for the disk, just print the correct name on that surface.
Good Luck.

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      DATA lo_api_component  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component.
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                   action_name       = 'ON_OK_POPUP'
                   action_view       = l_api
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    1  Select the files that you want to rename.
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