How can I reset my bluetooth keyboard?

I would like to reset my bluetooth keyboard. Is there a button for that? Where do I find it?

Swear to GAWD this will work to pair a wireless keyboard that is not working: HOLD DOWN THE BUTTON AT THE RIGHT FOR 6 ENTIRE SECONDS. This turns off the device. Then tap the button ONCE (don't hold down, just tap). The keyboard will turn on again and begin blinking. Then go to Bluetooth Setup Assistant. Your wireless keyboard will now show up. Follow the process for pairing.
I tried everything else on the discussion boards, too; wasted 3 hours trying to pair with other devices to no avail; could not find a serial number (turns out they don't have one) to register it; tried the steel wool trick even...NOTHING.
Anyway, hope this helps!

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    korgba wrote:
    it pops up a script were it says that the macbook cannot find a bluetooth keyboard, and it isnt a keyboard connected
    For some reason, your Mac doesn't recognise that a keyboard is present, so it looks for a wireless keyboard. The question is, why doesn't your Mac recognise that a keyboard is attached?
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    RecBoot: Easy Way to Put iPhone into Recovery Mode
    If necessary:
    Download QTMLClient.dll & iTunesMobileDevice.dll for RecBoot
    RecBoot tip
    RecBoot may have problems on 64X windows, then try:
    Tenorshare ReiBoot – Enter & Exit iPhone, iPad, iPod Recovery Mode with a Single ClickFor MAC or PC           
    The Firmware Umbrella - TinyUmbrella
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    Another reason why your password might not be recognized is that the keyboard layout (input source) has been switched without your realizing it. At the login screen, you can cycle through the available layouts by pressing the key combinationcommand-space or command-option-space. See this support article.
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    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. In the window that opens, type this:
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    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.
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    OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite
    Reset Password
    Start the computer,then press and hold down command and R keys to start into recovery partition.
    When you see the Apple logo, release the keys.
    Wait until  OS X Utilities window shows up.
    Move the mouse to the menubar at the top and click "Utilities", then select "Terminal"
    from the drop down.
    Terminal window will appear.
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    Leave the Terminal window open.
    Reset Password Utility window will open with Macintosh HD selected.
    Select the user account from the popup menu box under “Select user account”.
    Enter a new password.
    Reenter the new password for the user.
    Enter a hint.
    Click the "Save" button.
    Click  in the menubar and select Restart.
    Log in.
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    Enter a hint.
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    System Preferences > Bluetooth. Turn Bluetooth Off. Under Devices listing, click once on the particular keyboard entry. Click the X to the right to remove it. Select Show Bluetooth in menu bar. Under Advanced, check all three buttons and click OK.
    Put freshly charged batteries in the Bluetooth keyboard you want to pair. If it has an on/off switch, turn it on, and then also renable Turn Bluetooth On in the above bluetooth preference pane, and it will scan for the Bluetooth keyboard, which you can now name as your own.

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    Did you try resetting the PRAM immediately after changing the RAM configuration, Omidsmac?
    Do you know if the keyboard itself is now operating normally? If it is not then you may wish to also try using an external keyboard.

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    Have you had a look at this?
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