How can I retrieve chat history in Whatsaap

I just deleted my Chat Histoty in Whatsapp and I want to know how to  retrieve it .

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    Okay so this is what I've done so far: I've freshly reinstalled Mac OS X 10.8.1 on my Mac and I've already copied the Messages Folder located in User/Library/Application Support, to the new one.
    The idea is to access all this history data in the, but so far I haven't been lucky.
    When I'm chatting with people, the recent activity will be shown in the left column of the app but nothing from the past shows up, yet.
    Is there some way to import all the chats into Messages, so that I can see them all in a nice way instead of quick-looking them in the Finder?

    The "sync" between and iPhone (or other iOS device) and a Mac only works from the time both devices have the same details.
    Effectively this is the time that the iPhone has the Apple ID added to it's settings and the pop ups that appear on the Mac about the iPhone's details are accepted.
    The Sync  is then "Display on all devices" only.
    There is no catch up on existing threads on either device on the other.
    If you delete an iMessages or a conversation on one device the other is unaffected.
    10:16 pm      Sunday; June 8, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    (user)/Library/Application Support/FireFox. I should replace the entire folder; back up the current one first so that you can put it back once you've done.
    Note that this is the Library in your Home Folder, not the one at root level of the hard disk.
    (Apple have hidden the user’s Library folder in Lion and above to casual viewers, in an attempt to stop new Mac users messing their machines up. To access it, in the Finder go to the ‘Go’ menu and hold down the Option (Alt) key; the Library folder will appear as a choice. In Mavericks you can make it permanently visible - open your Home Folder the from the Finder's View menu, choose show View Options and check Show User Library.)

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    Hello mcegirl4,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Please refer to the instructions in the following article to assist in downloading those previous purchases from iTunes and the App Store:
    Download past purchases
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    Hi janet@felsted,
    To recover deleted data on an iPhone, users normally just perform an iPhone restore in iTunes or iCloud, restoring the device to how to was at the time of that backup.
    If you don't have a backup to recover from, or you wish to retrieve your deleted call history for legal reasons or to save and refer to later, you can use smartphone recovery software to recover all deleted calls contained on your iPhone's database.

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    What do you mean by "it took away my Safari?" Downloading Firefox or a Firefox update would not delete Safari. Is the problem that Firefox opens when you click a link in an e-mail (or somewhere similar)? If so, open Safari manually, choose Preferences from the Safari menu, click the General icon and change the default browser back to Safari. Is the problem that it been removed from your Dock? If so, find it in the Applications folder and drag it back to the Dock. If it's not in the Applications folder, search for it using the Spotlight menu (the magnifying glass in the right side of the menu bar).

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    If you have backup of your files, you can get your call history back as long as you sync iPhone with iTunes frequently.
    OK, the first thing you are required to do is close the function of "prevent iPhone from syncing automatically." in iTunes, avoiding to sync iPhone again.
    Now, connect your iPhone to pc and open iTunes.
    iTunes> preferences> devices
    All the backup data in iTunes will be displayed.
    Then,click the File menu and select Devices > Restore from Back up
    your iPhone will restart and you can find them back.
    This method only can find back the latest history, to get back the old, you should turn to a third party program for help.

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    You can try Archiving server. Archiving is the storing of IM and conferencing data in an SQL backend database. This data is not instantly readable / searchable. The Lync users are not able to read it directly. The admin can export the data using Lync powershell
    and then convert it into a readable format.
    Kent Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Messages still uses the (and the other ones that had iChat in them for the accounts)
    The two new ones for iMessages ( and only hold the server info on one and the Apple ID and the Aliases you use with it in the other.
    I have not discovered anything in any of the .plists that deal with how the "history' is saved (other than whether Chats are Saved on Closure).
    In previous versions of iChat there have been hints at MacOSXHints that do various things such as this one that changes the order of the Info when Selecting iTunes Playing as th Status Message
    To use it in Messages you have to change the iChatAgent bits to IMAgent.
    I did search their site for 10.8 and Messages but found nothing that related to doing anything with the Saving or History of chats and conversations.
    I don't work for Apple.
    My "knowledge" is centered around iChat and Messages, which I have been posting about since 2004.
    8:32 PM      Monday; September 2, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Here is a post I assembled for another with a similar problem:
    Unfortunately you got caught up in the minor miracle of Rosetta.  Originally licensed by Apple when it migrated from the PowerPC CPU platform that it had used from the mid-1990's until the Intel CPU platform in 2006, Rosetta allowed Mac users to continue to use their library of PPC software transparently in emulation.
    However, Apple's license to continue to use this technology expired with new releases of OS X commencing with Lion (and now Mountain Lion).  While educational efforts have been made over the last 6 years, the fact is that Rosetta was SO successful that many users were caught unaware UNTIL they upgraded to Lion or Mountain Lion.
    1. If your Mac will support it, restore OS X Snow Leopard;
    2.  If your Mac will support it, partition your hard drive or add an external hard drive and install Snow Leopard into it and use the "dual-boot" method to choose between your PPC software or Lion/Mt. Lion;
    3. Upgrade to an Intel compatible versions of your software, or find alternatives that will open your data files;
    3.  Install Snow Leopard (with Rosetta) into Parallels:
                                  [click on image to enlarge]
    Full Snow Leopard installation instructions here:
    NOTE: STEP ONE of the instructions must currently be completed on a Snow Leopard or Lion Mac and the resulting modified Snow Leopard.cdr install file can then be moved over to your Mountain Lion Mac for completion of the remaining steps.
    NOTE 2:  Computer games with complex, 3D or fast motion graphics make not work well or at all in virtualization.

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    if I do select days from mgmt_job_schedule, it returns something like (2,3,4,5,,,,,,...), I want to retrieve the digits and translate them into Monday-Sunday in combination of other columns, but I'm new in varray, I don't know how can I retrieve the values in sqlplus, can you guys help me on that, My query is as follows, I got all the jobs I wanted already, just need to interpret on which day (week day) it is scheduled.
    select JOB_NAME, JOB_OWNER,job_type, mjs.START_TIME, DECODE(mjs.frequency_code,
    1, 'Once', 2, 'Interval', 3, 'Daily', 4, 'Weekly',
    5, 'Day of Month', 6, 'Day of Year', mjs.frequency_code) "FREQUENCY",
    from mgmt_job mj, MGMT_JOB_SCHEDULE mjs
    where mj.SCHEDULE_ID=mjs.SCHEDULE_ID
    and mj.job_type='OSCommand'
    and mjs.Frequency_code in (3,4)
    and mj.is_library =0

    select job_name, job_owner, job_type, mjs.start_time,
               decode (
                    1, 'Once',
                    2, 'Interval',
                    3, 'Daily',
                    4, 'Weekly',
                    5, 'Day of Month',
                    6, 'Day of Year',
                    "FREQUENCY", mjs.days, column_value
      from mgmt_job mj, mgmt_job_schedule mjs, table (nvl(days,sysman.mgmt_job_int_array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)))
    where       mj.schedule_id = mjs.schedule_id
               and mj.job_type = 'OSCommand'
               and mjs.frequency_code in (3, 4)
               and mj.is_library = 0you may need to tweak the values in sysman.mgmt_job_int_array: use less or other values or simply put them null ....

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    See if this helps:

  • How can we retrieve the Payload information from B2B

    We are trying to send the payload information back to the client for a failed BPEL Transaction from B2B's b2b_instancemessage view. We are enqueing messages to IP_OUT_QUEUE using BPEL. We see the payload coming correctly in the B2B Business Message Reports. But we don't see the payload coming in the b2b_instancemessage view for failed B2B transactions. How can we see the payload in b2b_instancemessage view for failed B2B transactions as well? or How can we retrieve the Payload information from B2B?
    Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks. - Sam.
    Edited by: user12049162 on Dec 4, 2009 2:04 PM

    I am not sure about the PDK API to get the group name. But using LDAP API its easy to get the User Group.
    If you find the answer to get the group name using PDK API, Please update in forum. It will really help others.
    --Balaji S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    Hi Kazmania89,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    If you require additional assistance with this, click on the link below for guidance:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    Once you are able to gain access to the old Apple ID, this article may be helpful:
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    I have purchased music, apps, or books with multiple Apple IDs. How can I get all of this content onto my iOS device?

    First, you need to copy all of your purchased content so it is on the same Mac or PC with iTunes. This computer should be the one you sync your device with. For more information on how to move your content, see these articles:
    Mac:  iTunes for Mac: How to copy purchases between computers
    PC:  iTunes for Windows: How to copy purchases between computers
    Next, authorize your computer to play content with each Apple ID in iTunes. Once your computer is authorized for all your content, it can be synced to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. 
    - Judy

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